Category:Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 05 Chapter 26 Purports - A Description of the Hellish Planets
Pages in category "Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 05 Chapter 26 Purports - A Description of the Hellish Planets"
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- A guest who comes to one's home should be received very politely. If he is unwanted, the householder should not stare at him with blinking eyes, for one who does so will be put into the hell known as Paryavartana
- A human being must follow some religious principles. If he does not follow any religious principles, he is no better than an animal
- A human being who does not use his developed consciousness but instead acts like an animal surely undergoes punishment in many different hells
- A sudra does not know how to use money to render transcendental loving service to the Lord
- A vaisya also earns money honestly through agriculture, cow protection and some trade. If a sudra gets money, however, he will spend it lavishly, without discrimination, or simply accumulate it for no purpose
- According to Sridhara Svami, the ruru is also known as the bhara-srnga. Srila Jiva Gosvami confirms this in his Sandarbha. Thus although rurus are not seen in this world, their existence is confirmed in the sastras
- According to the Vedic culture, brahmanas do not possess anything, whereas ksatriyas possess riches, but only for performing sacrifices and other noble activities as prescribed in the Vedic injunctions
- According to the Vedic etiquette, even an enemy who comes to a householder's home should be received in such a gentle way that he forgets that he has come to the home of an enemy. A guest who comes to one's home should be received very politely
- All food is given to us by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman: the Lord supplies everyone with the necessities of life. We should acknowledge His mercy by performing yajna (sacrifice). This is the duty of everyone
- All men should be divided into four classes - brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras - and they should act according to their ordained regulations. They cannot deviate from their prescribed rules and regulations
- All sinful persons go to these hellish planets and how they are punished there by the assistants of Yamaraja
- Although a tiger is not sinful if he attacks another animal and eats its flesh, if a man with developed consciousness does so, he must be punished
- Although animals are certainly in the bodily concept of life, they do not commit any sins to maintain their bodies, mates or offspring
- An atheist, or nastika, is one who does not believe in the Vedas
- Animals do not go to hell
- As Kali-yuga advances, people are becoming godless and taking up so-called secularism. They do not know the punishment awaiting them in Asi-patravana
- At the bottom of the universe lies the Garbhodaka Ocean. The hellish planets lie between Patalaloka and the Garbhodaka Ocean
- Because human beings are becoming more and more sinful there will be a scarcity of rain, and naturally no food grains will be produced
- Because in this age there are no qualified brahmanas, ksatriyas or vaisyas, almost everyone is a sudra (kalau sudra-sambhavah). The sudra mentality is causing great harm to modern civilization
- Because of his previous connection with bhakti-yoga, a man is born into a prestigious family of brahmanas or aristocrats. Having taken such a birth, one should utilize it to perfect bhakti-yoga
- Because the human being has developed consciousness he cannot do anything against the principles of varnasrama-dharma without being condemned
- Below our planetary system are seven lower planetary systems, the lowest of which is called Patalaloka. Beneath Patalaloka are other planets, known as Narakaloka, or the hellish planets
- Both of them (those in mode of goodness and those in ignorance) are subjected to the repetition of birth and death. In Bhagavad-gita it is stated that even one who is very pious returns to earth after his enjoyment in the higher planetary systems is over
- Brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas must behave according to the principles of their order. If they fall down to the level of sudras, who are accustomed to drink liquor they will be punished
- Different individuals with different bodily features enjoy or suffer various reactions according to their past deeds
- Due to bad association one often forgets that his prestigious position has been given to him by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and he misuses it by performing various kinds of so-called yajnas like kali-puja or durga-puja
- Even if one is by qualification a sudra, he must try to improve his position and become a brahmana. No one should try to check a person, no matter what his present position is, from coming to the platform of a brahmana or a Vaisnava
- Even if one takes up a different system of religion, according to this verse he must follow the religious principles he has accepted. Whether one is a Hindu, or a Mohammedan or a Christian, he should follow his own religious principles
- Everyone should use his money to spread the great transcendental movement of Krsna consciousness. If one does not spend money for this purpose but accumulates more than necessary, he will certainly become proud of the money he illegally possesses
- Generally a man should not have sexual relations with any woman other than his wife. According to Vedic principles, the wife of another man is considered one's mother, and sexual relations are strictly forbidden with one's mother, sister and daughter
- Going from one planet to another does not solve the problems of life. The problems of life will only be solved when we no longer have to accept a material body. This can be possible if one simply becomes Krsna conscious
- He (Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura) says that persons following the paths of karma-kanda and jnana-kanda (fruitive activities and speculative thinking) are missing the opportunities for human birth and gliding down into the cycle of birth and death
- He (the person in the second classs of men) cheats everyone to acquire money for his family and his self, and he becomes envious of others without reason. Such a person is thrown into the hell known as Raurava
- He (Yamaraja) brings them (the conditioned souls) to the hellish planets and properly chastises them to bring them back to Krsna consciousness. By the influence of maya, however, the conditioned souls remain infatuated with the mode of ignorance
- How such a person (that indulges in killing animals) is punished is described herein. The word dambha-yajnesu in this verse (SB 5.26.25) is significant
- Human life is specifically meant for going back home, back to Godhead. That facility should be given to everyone, whether one be a sudra, a vaisya, a woman or a ksatriya. This is the purpose of the Krsna consciousness movement
- If a man born in a higher class does so (forcing one's wife to drink one's own semen), after death he is put into the hell known as Lalabhaksa. There he is immersed in the river known as Sukra-nadi and forced to drink semen
- If one concocts his own religious path within his mind, or if one follows no religious principles at all, he is punished in the hell known as Asi-patravana
- If one does not show respect to such highly elevated persons but indulges in false pride, he receives punishment in Ksarakardama
- If one indulges in illicit sexual relations with another man's wife, that activity is considered identical with having sex with one's mother. This act is most sinful
- If one is born a sudra, he must continually return to the ocean of Puyoda to eat horrible things. Thus even a born sudra is expected to become a brahmana; that is the meaning of human life. Everyone should improve himself
- If one is satisfied to remain a sudra, he must suffer as described in this verse (SB 5.26.23): tad evatibibhatsitam asnanti
- If one simply considers his body to be his self, as do the animals, he is not very sinful. If one needlessly commits sins to maintain his body, he is put into the hell known as Raurava. This is the opinion of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura
- If one violates the Vedic instructions while performing yajna and simply makes a show of sacrifice for the purpose of killing animals, he is punishable after death
- If we do not perform yajna and distribute prasada to others, our lives are condemned. Only after performing yajna and distributing the prasada to all dependents - children, brahmanas and old men - should one eat
- Illicit sex life is always forbidden, and any man or woman who indulges in it is punished
- In Calcutta there are many slaughterhouses where animal flesh is sold that has supposedly been offered in sacrifice before the goddess Kali. The sastras enjoin that one can sacrifice a small goat before the goddess Kali once a month
- In spite of repeated punishment by Yamaraja, they (the conditioned souls) do not come to their senses, but continue to live within the material condition, committing sinful activities again and again
- In such association (of mahatmas) there is a full chance for hearing, describing and chanting about the name, form, qualities and paraphernalia of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all of which are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In the Western countries especially, aristocrats keep dogs and horses to hunt animals in the forest
- It is said that in this age of Kali everyone will be extremely disturbed by three kinds of tribulations: scarcity of rain, famine, and heavy taxation by the government
- It is said, mahat-sevam dvaram ahur vimukteh: (SB 5.5.2) if one wants to progress on the path of liberation, he should associate with mahatmas, or liberated devotees
- Men of the higher classes (the brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas) should cultivate knowledge of Brahman, and they should also give the sudras a chance to come to that platform. If instead they indulge in hunting, they are punished
- Money is also called laksmi, and Laksmi is always engaged in the service of Narayana
- On the path of bondage, one eternally undergoes the repetition of birth and death. One who desires liberation from such bondage should join the ISKCON and thus take advantage of the opportunity to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam from devotees
- On the plea of relieving the suffering caused by the ensuing famine, the government will impose heavy taxes, especially on the wealthy mercantile community
- One must always simply think of Krsna by chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama. Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. One should become Krsna's devotee worship Him and offer obeisances to Him
- One must come to the platform of a Vaisnava. Then he automatically becomes a brahmana. This can be done only if the Krsna consciousness movement is spread, for we are trying to elevate everyone to the platform of Vaisnava
- One must give up the occupational duties of a sudra, ksatriya or vaisya and adopt the occupational duties of a Vaisnava, which include the activities of a brahmana
- One of these (prescribed rules and regulations) states that they (men) should never trouble any animal, even those that disturb human beings
- One should be neither pious nor impious. One should be a devotee and surrender to the lotus feet of Krsna. This surrendering process is also very easy. Even a child can perform it
- One should engage all the activities of his life in the service of Lord Krsna
- One should hear of the universal position of the virat form of the Lord as described in Srimad-Bhagavatam. That will help one save himself from material conditional life & elevate him to the path of liberation so that he can go back home, back to Godhead
- One should not be a brahmana in name only and engage in all kinds of sinful activities, especially drinking liquor
- One should not become falsely proud. One must be respectful toward a person more elevated than he by birth, education, behavior, caste or spiritual order
- One should understand the nature of karma, vikarma and akarma, and one must act accordingly. This is the law of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One who cooks only for himself or his family is condemned, along with everyone he feeds. After death he is put into the hell known as Krmibhojana
- Sometimes people disbelieve these descriptions of hell, but whether one believes or not, everything must be carried out by the laws of nature, which no one can avoid
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains that the different hellish planets within this universe are held slightly above the Garbhodaka Ocean and remain situated there
- The animalistic person who lives simply in the bodily concept of life is not excused. He is put into the hell known as Maharaurava and attacked by ruru animals known as kravyadas
- The complete purpose of this material world will be fulfilled when we resume our spiritual identities and go back home, back to Godhead. The very simple method for doing this is prescribed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The conditioned souls, who have come to this material world for sense gratification, are allowed to enjoy their senses under certain regulative principles. If they violate these regulations, they are judged and punished by Yamaraja
- The Krsna consciousness movement forbids illicit sex. From the description of these verses, we can understand what an extremely sinful act illicit sex is
- The Krsna consciousness movement is pushing forward the publication of Srimad-Bhagavatam, as explained especially for the understanding of the modern civilized man, to awaken him to his original consciousness
- The members of such a government are described as dasyu, thieves. Their main activity will be to plunder the wealth of the people
- The money actually belongs to Krsna, who says in Bhagavad-gita, bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram: "I am the true enjoyer of sacrifices and penances, and I am the owner of all the planets." Nothing belongs to anyone but Krsna
- The person in the second class not only thinks his material body to be his self, but also commits all kinds of sinful activities to maintain his body
- The practice of forcing one's wife to drink one's own semen is a black art practiced by extremely lusty persons. Those who practice this very abominable activity say that if a wife is forced to drink her husband's semen, she remains very faithful to him
- The same principle holds for a woman also; if she enjoys sex with a man other than her husband, the act is tantamount to having sexual relations with her father or son
- The sexual urge is so strong that sometimes a man indulges in sexual relations with a cow, or a woman indulges in sexual relations with a dog. Such men and women are put into the hell known as Vajrakantaka-salmali
- The sole purpose of life is to perform yajna
- There are two classes of men absorbed in the material concept of life. Out of ignorance, a man in the first class thinks his body to be his self, and therefore he is certainly like an animal
- There is actually only one religious principle: dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam (SB 6.3.19). The only religious principle is to follow the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There is always the chance that he may be put into the Puyoda Naraka, the hell named Puyoda, where one is forced to eat stool, urine, pus, mucus, saliva and other abominable things. It is significant that this verse (SB 5.26.23) is spoken about sudras
- This corresponds to the beginning of Lord Krsna's instructions in Bhagavad-gita. Tatha dehantara-praptih: (BG 2.13) within this material world, one is simply meant to change from one body to another in different planetary systems
- This is the perfection of life and the real solution to life's problems (to go back to Godhead). We should not be eager to go to the higher, heavenly planetary systems, nor should we act in such a way that we have to go to the hellish planets
- Unfortunately, especially in this age of Kali, everyone is an atheist, people do not even believe in God, what to speak of following His words. The words nija-veda-patha can also mean "one's own set of religious principles
- Urdhvam gacchanti sattva-stha: (BG 14.18) those in the mode of goodness are elevated to the heavenly planets. Adho gacchanti tamasah: similarly, those too engrossed in ignorance enter the hellish planetary systems
- When a human being acts enviously and cheats others to maintain his body, he is put into a hellish condition
- When one possesses more wealth than necessary, he certainly becomes very proud. This is the situation of men in modern civilization
- Wherever there is money, it must be engaged in the service of Lord Narayana
- Whether a highway robber or a government thief, such a man will be punished in his next life by being thrown into the hell known as Sarameyadana, where he will suffer greatly from the bites of ferocious dogs
- Whether in the West or the East, aristocratic men in the Kali-yuga adopt the fashion of going to the forest and unnecessarily killing animals
- Without this consciousness (the original consciousness), one melts into complete darkness. Whether one goes to the upper planetary systems or the hellish planetary systems, he simply wastes his time
- Yamaraja is appointed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to see that the human beings do not violate His rules and regulations
- Yamaraja is not a fictitious or mythological character; he has his own abode, Pitrloka, of which he is king. Agnostics may not believe in hell, but Sukadeva Gosvami affirms the existence of the Naraka planets