Category:Speaking Nonsense
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Pages in category "Speaking Nonsense"
The following 49 pages are in this category, out of 49 total.
- A great Vaisnava poet has written - When a man is haunted by ghosts, he can only speak nonsense. Similarly, anyone who is under the influence of material nature should be considered haunted, and whatever he speaks should be considered nonsense
- A juggler, a magician or one who speaks nonsense as an academic career is not a guru. Rather, a guru is one who presents Bhagavad-gita, Krsna's instructions, as it is
- A person, when he becomes ghostly haunted, he speaks all kinds of nonsense. So maya grasta jivera sei dasa upajaya. Those who have come to this material world under the influence of the external energy of Krsna, maya, they are all madmen
- A serious devotee has no time to speak of nonsense. He is always busy in Krsna consciousness
- A toad in a field speaks by croaking, and similarly everyone who has a tongue wants to speak, even if all he has to say is nonsense. The croaking of the toad, however, simply invites the snake: "Please come here and eat me"
- All of you who have come to Krsna consciousness movement, that is our request, that you, all of you, become guru but don't speak nonsense. That is request. Simply speak what Krsna has said. Then you become brahmana, you'll be guru, and everything
- Although Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu knew that Damodara Pandita was a pure and simple devotee, upon hearing this impudent talk the Lord said, "My dear Damodara, what nonsense are you speaking?"
- Among people in general, 99.9 percent try to talk like experienced advisers, but they are actually devoid of spiritual knowledge and are therefore like inexperienced children speaking nonsensically. Consequently their words cannot be given any importance
- Because a human body is very much advanced, has got the power to kill animals, therefore they are speaking this nonsense that the animal has no soul
- Because he'll (a guru) never speak nonsense. He'll also speak the same thing which he has heard from his guru. That is called anu, anu, following. So this is very easy. We don't manufacture things
- First of all you must know from the authorities what is the truth. Then you speak. Don't speak nonsense. It will not help you or your followers. That is called anukirtaya
- First one must control his speaking power. Every one of us has the power of speech; as soon as we get an opportunity we begin to speak. If we do not speak about Krsna consciousness, we speak about all sorts of nonsense
- I want to give Indian culture to the whole world. I'm not going to cheat people, taking Bhagavad-gita and speaking all nonsense. I want to present Bhagavad-gita as it is. That is my mission
- If an ugly man, if he speaks very nicely, he will attract so many people, and if a beautiful man, if he speaks nonsense, nobody cares for him. So real attraction is different and artificial is different
- If I said that I gave a speech on the sun some millions of years ago to the sun-god, people would say, "Swamiji is speaking some nonsense." But this is not the case with Krsna, for He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If Kirtanananda does not understand this philosophy then better he should stop speaking nonsense
- Indra, the King of heaven, being too proud of his heavenly opulences, became like a madman. Thus bereft of his intelligence, he could not restrain himself from speaking nonsensically about Krsna
- Krsna condemned it, kutas tva kasmalam idam visame samupasthitam: "What nonsense you (Arjuna) are speaking? You must fight." Then still he was unwilling to fight. Therefore the whole Bhagavad-gita was spoken to him
- Krsna is sitting in everyone's heart and He talks with the bona fide person. Just like a big man, he talks with some bona fide person, he doesn't waste his time talking with nonsense. He talks, that's a fact, but he does not talk with nonsense
- Many want to speak something to others, but because they are not trained to speak on the subject matter of Vedic wisdom they are all speaking nonsense, and people are receiving them with no sense
- Mauna means "silence." Silence does not mean that one should not speak at all, but that he should not speak of nonsense. He should be very enthusiastic in speaking about Krsna
- Never mind he is a great philosopher, great scientist, but because he is ghostly haunted by maya, so whatever he's theorizing, whatever he's speaking, that is, more or less, nonsense
- Nowadays mahatma means one who does not know anything about Krsna, speaks all nonsense. He is mahatma. "Because we stamp somebody, mahatma, therefore he is mahatma
- One who is not a devotee must speak nonsensically because he does not have the power to speak about the glories of Krsna. Thus whatever he says is influenced by the illusory energy and is compared to the croaking of a frog
- One who wants to say something can show himself to be a big orator, but rather than go on speaking nonsense, better to remain silent. This method of silence, therefore, is recommended for persons very attached to speaking nonsense
- Sometimes it is found that a yogi who may have attained a little perfection in this vasita mystic power comes out among the people and speaks all sorts of nonsense, controls their minds, exploits them, takes their money and then goes away
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Men with a poor fund of knowledge and a heinous character speak nonsensically. Fearing such rascals, Lord Ramacandra abandoned His wife, Sitadevi, although she was pregnant. Thus Sitadevi went to the asrama of Valmiki Muni
- Suppose if I say that "I narrated, I gave a speech in the sun planet and forty millions of years before," you'll laugh: "Oh, Swamiji's speaking some nonsense, that forty millions of years before he spoke this Bhagavad-gita in the sun planet"
- That is our mission. All of you who have come to Krsna consciousness movement, that is our request, that you, all of you, become guru but don't speak nonsense. That is request. Simply speak what Krsna has said
- The example is given in this connection that when a man is ghostly haunted, he speaks all nonsense. At the present moment they're all ghostly haunted and in this delirious condition the only cure is chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra
- The Krsna conscious persons are representative of Krsna because a Krsna conscious person will not speak anything nonsense, beyond the speaking of Krsna. That is the difference. Other nonsense, rascal, they will speak beyond Krsna
- The philosophy of the Mayavadis is defective because it maintains that everything is maya but the nonsense they speak
- The talking of materialistic men and impersonalist Mayavadi philosophers may be compared to the croaking of frogs. They are always speaking nonsense and thus inviting death to catch them
- There is a normal instruction that a so-called gentleman, nicely dressed in the assembly of human society, may appear to be very nice so long he does not speak. But he's, if he speaks nonsense, without KC, immediately he becomes the lowest of the mankind
- They (the scientists) have got this loophole. They can speak any nonsense. They will adjust, "Oh, it has changed." That's all
- We cannot accept anyone as incarnation of God if He speaks nonsense, not corroborating with the standard scripture
- We, those who are materialistic persons, we are mad after sense gratification. Exactly like a person who is ghostly haunted, he speaks all sorts of nonsense, similarly, in our material condition we speak simply all nonsense
- When a man is ghostly haunted - in Bengal it is called bhute pava - and he speaks nonsense, even his father is before him, he wants to attack his father without any respect. Madman, crazy
- When a person is haunted, he becomes practically insane. When one is in an insane condition, he speaks all kinds of nonsense
- When one is in an insane condition, he speaks all kinds of nonsense. Thus to become engaged in sense gratification, one has to accept a friend who is durmada, or badly affected by the material disease
- When one man is ghostly haunted, he speaks so many nonsense. Similarly, when one is entangled by the illusory energy, maya, he also speaks all nonsense
- Without this sampradaya, evam parampara, kick out on their face. All rogues and thieves. I don't care for them. Immediately kick out. If he is not coming by this parampara system, whatever he says, all nonsense