Category:Serious About
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Pages in category "Serious About"
The following 102 pages are in this category, out of 102 total.
- A person serious about making progress in devotional service must always think of the SPG, must always chant His glories, and must always hear about His activities. - These are the preliminary principles of following the scriptural rules and regulations
- Actually there is no bondage or misery for the living entity, nor does he ever lose his pure knowledge. In his pure consciousness, when he thinks seriously about his position, he can understand that he is eternally subordinate to the mercy of the Supreme
- Although to a layman this appears to be a fabrication, Krsna reveals Himself from within to one who is serious about God realization
- Anyone serious about studying the Sanskrit language should first learn grammar. It is said that simply to finish studying Sanskrit grammar takes at least twelve years
- Arjuna was authorized to understand the purpose of the Bhagavad-gita. We should not miss this important point if we are serious about preaching the gospel of the transcendental literature
- As a student, Maharaja Pariksit was serious about learning the science of God, and Sukadeva Gosvami was a bona fide spiritual master in the transcendental science
- As King Prthu has illustrated, one who is serious about receiving transcendental Vedic knowledge must accept a guru, or spiritual master, in one of these four disciplic successions
- Daruka was so serious about his service that he checked all of these manifestations of ecstatic love and considered them hindrances to his engagement. He did not care very much for these manifestations, although they automatically developed
- Devotees actually serious about advancing in spiritual life should give up the company of nondevotees and always keep company with devotees. To be too attached to material existence is ignorance because material existence is temporary and miserable
- Everyone can see God. To see God is not very difficult job. There are so many points described in the Bhagavad-gita. For the devotees, those who are serious about seeing God, they can see God. God is present everywhere
- Everyone serious about understanding the transcendental science and seeing the transcendental form of the Lord must first of all attempt to see the lotus feet of the Lord by studying the First and Second Cantos of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- I am serious about this building & if you desire you can give me some land on lease terms. Of course there is ample land in Vrindaban to start this institution, but my aim is to start it in the land of Sri Sri Radha Damodara Temple
- I do not see how we can insist that all members must follow the four regulative principles, but this is certainly our recommendation to anyone who is serious about pursuing Krishna Consciousness
- I suggest that you become serious about spiritual life and try to overlook the minor offenses of others
- I was very happy to learn that you are very serious about writing an essay entitled "Krsna Consciousness is the Absolute Necessity for Mankind in this Age". If you can write this essay successfully, then it will be very great service to our Movement
- If anyone is serious about attaining eternal happiness . . . just like this patient in the hospital is following the physician's instruction - he has to follow it, voluntarily. This is called austerity
- If one is actually serious about understanding the goal of life, spiritual knowledge, then Krsna is situated in everyone's heart. He understands how this person is sincerely seeking. Then He'll give direction that "You do this"
- If one is at all serious about attaining liberation from these miseries (of birth, old age, disease and death), he must take to devotional service. This is confirmed by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita
- If one is serious about being happy spiritually, he must take shelter of Lord Visnu, as the Lord personally demands: "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear" - BG 18.66
- If one is serious about escaping maya's influence and returning home, back to Godhead, one must associate with a sadhu (devotee). That is the verdict of all scriptures
- If one is serious about going back home, back to Godhead, he must consider the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead the summum bonum and chief aim of life
- If one is serious about liberation from material bondage, one has to understand the distinctions between action, inaction and unauthorized actions. BG 1972 purports
- If one is serious about understanding God, he should not think, "I am Christian," "I am Hindu," or "I am Muslim." If one is serious about understanding love of God, he should consider which process is practical
- If one is serious about understanding the Supreme, one must receive enlightenment from Him, as instructed in Bhagavad-gita. One cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead by one's mental, physical or intellectual powers
- If one is serious about understanding the value of life, the goal of life, he should approach a guru. Tasmad gurum prapadyeta (SB 11.3.21). Prapadyeta. Prapadyeta means to surrender. Not that guru should be approached for challenging. No
- If one is serious about understanding what God is, then he will accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord. Once he knows what God is, he'll understand, - Here is God-Krsna
- If one is serious to understand the Vedic knowledge, then Krsna gives the required intelligence. Why does He present the Vedic knowledge for understanding? Because a living entity individually needs to understand Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- If one is serious, Krsna is satisfied: "Now he's serious about finding out, about knowing Me." Then Krsna gives him direction that "Here is guru, My representative. You take shelter of him and you will get Me"
- If one is very serious about liberation, he must stick to the process of transcendental loving service, engaging twenty-four hours a day in the highest stage of ecstasy, and he must certainly be aloof from all activities of sense gratification
- If the American people are serious about curbing the degraded criminal life of their nation, they must take to the Krsna consciousness movement and try to create the kind of human society advised in Bhagavad-gita 4.13
- If we are serious about serving Krsna, then there cannot be two opinions. One opinion, how to serve Krsna
- If we are serious of being transferred to the place where Krsna is, then we have to train up the mind so nicely that at the time of death I can remember Krsna
- If you actually serious to know about spiritual subject matter, then you must have to, abhigacchet, this word is used when the sense is "must." Not that without, I can go, I can have spiritual knowledge without having accepted a spiritual master
- If you are actually serious about advancement of spiritual life, then you cannot encourage illicit connection, no. I request all my young students that "You get yourself married"
- If you are actually serious about entering into the kingdom of God, Vaikuntha, then you should be very much careful about these four principles of restriction
- If you are actually serious about going back to home, back to Godhead, then please seek after the mercy of Nityananda
- If you are actually serious about understanding that supernatural transcendental subject matter, you must approach a bona fide spiritual master
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord points out that a person who is serious about advancement in spiritual consciousness should always consider the four pangs of birth, death, disease and old age
- In the temples and monasteries, gatherings of unnecessary, rejected, lazy fellows should be strictly disallowed. The temples and monasteries should be used exclusively by devotees who are serious about spiritual advancement in Krsna consciousness
- It is impossible to realize oneself simply by absorbing oneself in speculation and material activities. One must be very serious about self-realization and the practice of austerity
- It is suggested by Lord Siva that one should first try to see the lotus feet of the Lord. This also means that if one is serious about reading Srimad-Bhagavatam, he must begin by seriously studying the First and Second Cantos
- It is very dangerous for such a person to have intimate relationships with mundane people or to become intimately related with women. This formality is to be observed by anyone who is serious about going back home, back to Godhead
- It is very easy and practical for this age (chanting Krsna's holy name), especially for those who are serious about success in yoga. No other process of yoga can be successful in this age
- Krsna can become the director and spiritual master of anyone who is serious about getting the mercy of Krsna. The Lord sends the spiritual master to train a devotee, and when the devotee is advanced, the Lord acts as the spiritual master within his heart
- Krsna reveals Himself from within to one who is serious about God realization. Both Krsna and the spiritual master help the sincere soul
- One cannot imagine something about God or His form. Such imagination is not accepted by those who are serious about enlightenment. Here (in CC Adi 3.111) Brahma says that one can know Krsna through the path of properly understanding the Vedic texts
- One cannot take to Krsna consciousness without being freed from all sinful activities. Naturally one who is very serious about Krsna consciousness is freed from all sinful activity. Consequently a devotee is never inclined to commit sins
- One who is inquisitive or serious about inquiring about Brahman, he requires guru. Guru is not a fashion. Guru is necessity. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). Tad-vijnanam. Tad-vijnanam means spiritual education
- One who is serious about eliminating material existence must chant and hear of the transcendental activities of the Personality of Godhead. Otherwise one must be compared to the nonhumans
- One who is serious about going back home, back to Godhead, should not contemplate the attractive features of women and the opulence of rich men. Such contemplation will check one's advancement in spiritual life
- One who is serious about going to the other side of this ocean, two things are very dangerous. It is most heinous activities than drinking poison. To mix very intimately with materialistic person & to have association with woman with sense purpose
- One who is serious about hearing, he can become a future nice preacher
- One who is serious about making his life perfect surely adopts the sannyasa order of life in spite of all difficulties. The difficulties usually arise from having to sever family relationships, to give up the connection of wife and children. BG 1972 pur
- One who is serious about spiritual life is given by Krsna the intelligence to come in contact with a bona fide spiritual master, and then by the grace of the spiritual master one becomes advanced in Krsna consciousness
- One who is serious about understanding the highest perfectional stage of devotional service can become successful in everything simply by his endeavor
- Self-realization means becoming indifferent to the needs of the gross and subtle bodies and becoming serious about the activities of the self
- So if we are serious about our life, the method is very easy. The prescription is man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65). Where is the difficulty? We are now serious. Chant Hare Krsna and hear Hare Krsna. Then mind is fixed up
- So if you actually are serious about stopping this rascaldom and wish to go back to home, back to Godhead, then you have to take this Krsna consciousness. Because by becoming Krsna conscious, you become fully qualified
- So-called yoga societies in this country are actually offering only nonsense or forms of sense gratification, but such material activities will not sufficiently attract one who is serious about real spiritual life
- The fact that you have left our movement just on account of some minor disagreements shows that you are not actually serious about going back to home, back to Godhead
- The four sons of Brahma, the Kumaras, declined to become family men even on the request of their great father, Brahma. Those who are serious about gaining release from material bondage should not be entangled in the false relationship of family bondage
- The leaders of the society, if they are serious about advancement of human civilization, they must take to Krsna consciousness, or God consciousness; otherwise, they'll be baffled
- The neophyte devotee serious about advancing in devotional service must carefully follow the principles of regulative devotional service; otherwise there is every possibility of his falling down
- The only test is how you have developed your attachment for Krsna. If you are serious about it, it can be done within a second. If you are not serious about it, it cannot be done in many lives. So that depends on your serious nature
- The present age is characterized by a bitter struggle for a life of short duration. People are not serious about self-realization even by simple, practical means, and what to speak of this difficult yoga system. BG 1972 purports
- The purport is that the Lord does not award devotional service to ordinary persons who are not serious about it
- The same is applicable in all other fields; no one is serious about the problems of life
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is present in everyone's heart, and as soon as He understands that a living entity is serious about entering devotional service, He sends His representative. In this way Narada was sent to Dhruva Maharaja
- There is no need to worship demigods of whatsoever category if one is serious about going back to Godhead
- These are the material diseases of the conditioned soul. He completely forgets his real engagement - to become Krsna conscious - and is always serious about planning to maintain his family, although he changes families one after another
- They (highly qualified brahmanas) concentrate only on the forms of Visnu because they are serious about liberation from the material conditions
- Those who are serious about liberation are certainly nonenvious, and they respect all. Yet they reject the horrible and ghastly forms of the demigods and worship only the all-blissful forms of Lord Visnu and His plenary portions
- Those who are serious about pushing forward this Krsna consciousness movement should remember and strictly follow the regulative principles so that their minds will not be disturbed
- Those who are serious about the knowledge of the transcendental world, which is far beyond the material cosmic creation, must approach a bona fide spiritual master to learn the science both directly and indirectly
- Those who are serious about the Vaisnava method of devotional activities do not take part in such worship of demigods
- Those who desire to purify their existence must always engage in meditation upon Your lotus feet, as described above. Those who are serious about executing their occupational duties and who want freedom from fear must take to this process of bhakti-yoga
- Unfortunately, the conditioned living entities, although suffering continually the threefold miseries of conditioned life, are not very serious about going back to Godhead
- Unserious about the horrible condition in the womb, such persons continue in materialism, grossly misusing the chance of the human form of life
- We are discussing the point, "Who requires a guru?" If you are actually serious about understanding the spiritual subject matter, brahma-jijnasa . . . Not this market value
- We are serious about how to make our sense gratification very nicely. That is our seriousness. Human advancement, advancement of civilization means how nicely you can gratify your senses. This is going on
- We have more than 40 big volumes of authorized books, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad gita, etc. Intelligent people are accepting this movement all over the world, so if you are serious about joining this mission, then why not study these books
- We require hundreds of bona fide students in Krishna Consciousness. The world is in need of this function. People are going to hell for want of proper guidance. No other religious institution are so much serious about God consciousness as we are
- We say that you follow any religious path. That doesn't matter. We want to see whether you are lover of God. That is our propaganda. And if one is serious about loving God, it doesn't matter in which way he'll develop that dormant love
- When a person is serious about accepting diksa, he must be prepared to practice austerity, celibacy & control of the mind and body. If one is so prepared & is desirous of receiving spiritual enlightenment (divyam jnanam), he is fit for being initiated
- When one is frustrated in lording it over material nature and is very serious about getting out of this material entanglement, the Lord, from within, gives him the knowledge that he has to surrender unto Him; then there is liberation
- When one is serious about advancement of spiritual consciousness, he must live under the control of the guru to learn how to become brahmacari. This is the main purpose
- Within this material world he (Brahma) cannot avoid the distresses of birth, old age, disease and death. If one is at all serious about attaining liberation from these miseries, he must take to devotional service