Category:Revealing God
Pages in category "Revealing God"
The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.
- Padma Purana says that only when one becomes spiritually saturated by the transcendental service to the Lord, then, are the transcendental name, form, quality and pastimes of the Lord revealed to you
- Persons to whom the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not revealed cannot see how He is working, and therefore they think that even if there is God, He has nothing to do or has no particular name
- The Lord is revealed not by one's speculative power or by one's verbal jugglery over the Absolute Truth. Rather, He reveals Himself to a devotee when He is fully satisfied by the devotee's service attitude
- The same Absolute Truth, as He is revealed to students of different realizations, is called Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- Those who are addicted to sinful life, they cannot understand God. So therefore we have to stop sinful activities. If you keep them in sinful activities, and if you expect that God will be revealed to them, it is not possible
- When a person places himself at the disposal or order of the Supreme Lord, that is called sevonmukha; at that time the spiritual energy gradually reveals the Lord to him
- When one is free from the contamination of material nature and is situated in pure Krsna consciousness, or in the vasudeva state, Vasudeva, the Supreme Person, is revealed. This state is also called kaivalya, which means "pure consciousness