Category:Reason and Argument
Pages in category "Reason and Argument"
The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total.
- Feeling of sex life in young boys and girls is quite natural, but one has to check such sex life by reason, argument, and knowledge
- Following in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, whenever there are obstacles the Hare Krsna movement should kill the opposition with reason and argument and thus stop their demoniac behavior
- For logicians who want to accept only that which is proven through logic and argument, it is a fact that without logic and reason there can be no question of accepting the Absolute Truth
- Force is required for the animalistic class of men, whereas those who are advanced are convinced by reasons, arguments and scriptural authority
- He (the first class devotee) attains firm faith in the scriptures by understanding with all reasons and arguments. When we speak of arguments and reason, it means arguments and reason on the basis of revealed scripture
- Hear about such incidents without putting forth dry arguments, for these incidents are beyond our material reasoning. One must believe in them with faith
- If a man's brain can produce a space satellite one can easily imagine how brains higher than man can produce similarly wonderful things which are far superior. The reasonable person will easily accept this argument but stubborn atheists would never agree
- If a man's mind can produce rockets and spaceships, it is conceivable that a mind higher than man's can produce superior things. A reasonable person will accept this argument but stubborn obstinate people will not
- If someone blasphemes a Vaisnava, one should stop him with arguments and higher reason. If one is not expert enough to do this he should give up his life on the spot, and if he cannot do this, he must go away
- If there is no authority, why do you quote so many rascals? Then come to reason, argument, that's all. If you quote authority, I have got my authority
- If we became violent in every case, it would be difficult for us to manage our affairs. We should therefore follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who disobeyed the order of Chand Kazi but subdued him with reason and argument
- It is a fact that all other institutions, never mind whether it is Ramakrishna Mission or philosophical speculators, nobody can stand our arguments and reason if we can support them by quoting Scriptures
- It is not necessary to commit violence to stop the opposition from hindering a movement, for one can kill their demoniac behavior with reason and argument
- Mayavadi philosophers have no sufficient reason for being impersonalists. They blindly follow a principle that cannot be supported by reason or argument. This was the situation with Prakasananda Sarasvati, the chief Mayavadi sannyasi of Benares
- My dear King, having thus perfectly judged the principles of devotional service with reasoning and arguments, the order carriers of Lord Visnu released the brahmana Ajamila from the bondage of the Yamadutas and saved him from imminent death
- One must taste the nectar of devotion by reason, argument and knowledge, and then he must pass it on to others. One should not think that Krsna consciousness is mere sentimentality. The dancing and singing are all scientific
- One should not try to understand the supreme cause by argument or reasoning
- Scientists cannot perfectly explain where the chemicals of the world (like hydrogen and oxygen) are manufactured, but one can explain this perfectly by accepting the inconceivable energy of the Supreme Lord. There is no reason for denying this argument
- Since Lord Krsna is the original Personality of Godhead, reason and argument establish that His position is always supreme
- The Bhagavad-gita begins with the problems of life by discriminating the soul from the elements of matter and proves by all reason and argument that the soul is indestructible in all circumstances
- The Kazi concluded, "The reasoning and arguments in the scriptures of the meat-eaters are not very sound." Upon hearing this statement, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu smiled and inquired from him as follows
- The materialist wants to understand everything by the aroha-pantha - by argument and reason - but transcendental matters cannot be understood in this way. Rather, one must follow the avaroha-pantha, the process of descending knowledge
- The mental speculators can present their theories very nicely by reason and arguments, but such reasons and arguments are not infallible, for they are defeated by better mental speculators
- There are many mistakes and illusions in your scriptures. Their compilers, not knowing the essence of knowledge, gave orders that were against reason and argument
- These so-called sannyasis are very much appreciated by sinful men because they are all godless atheists and very expert in putting forward arguments and reasons to support their case
- To be convinced firmly with all reasons and argument, firmly conviction, this is called faith. Faith is not flickering. One must be firmly convinced. So then you immediately become joyful
- To give protection to animals, a stick is needed because animals cannot reason and argue. Their reasoning and argument is argumentum ad baculum; unless there is a rod, they do not obey
- We should not be angry with these poor souls. Try to convince them by argument and reason but do not become angry with them
- Without faith, you cannot reach the kingdom of God. Your experimental knowledge, your so-called defective reasons and arguments and philosophy, that will not be applicable in the transcendental field. You have to believe