Category:Our Purpose (Disciples of SP)
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Pages in category "Our Purpose (Disciples of SP)"
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- Achyutananda is getting good opportunities to move amongst enlightened circle in Calcutta, so if some of our advanced students go to India for this purpose, that will be a great achievement
- At least a section of man must be first-class so that others can see that what is the ideal character of man. So this Gurukula means from the childhood age we are training them so that in future it will be easier. That is the purpose of Gurukula
- Back to Godhead is already in difficulty for financial matter. It is giving me some anxiety. Back to Godhead may not be stopped publication--it will be a great setback for our missionary purpose
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that brahma-janme nahi mora asa: "I don't care for to take birth as Brahma." Kita-janma hau jatha tuwa das (Saranagati): "Better let me become an insect where Your devotee is there." So our purpose is different
- But spiritual purpose, if you work more than twenty-four hours... Unfortunately, you haven't got more than twenty-four hours at your disposal. Still, you won't feel fatigued. I tell you. This is my practical experience
- I am so glad to hear that Krishna has provided you with a new temple very suitable for our purposes. So why not purchase immediately
- I am very much anxious to have a center in Calcutta, so both those places are very suitable for our purpose. Now you have to decide which one we shall take and work for it immediately
- I can perform spiritual weddings for my initiated disciples. I have gotten so many young devotees married, and they are executing Krishna Consciousness nicely. That is the real purpose of married life
- I do not know how this house shall be suitable for all of our purposes. It may be very suitable for residence and prasadam distribution, but unless there is nice arrangement for a temple, how will it be possible to rent it
- I do not think that place is very nice or suitable for our purpose, as it is outside the city I think, so far I know, and we want a place inside the city. Still if you let me know what kind of help you want from them, then I can advise you what to do
- I have already informed you what is our purpose in the matter of the Nelore establishment. The ladies must be clearly informed that we are not at all interested to be dictated by them
- I have created GBC specifically for this purpose
- I have established ISKCON centers for the purpose of catching up the Lotus Feet of Krishna by intimate connection with the spiritual master; these are my authorized centers for that purpose
- I have formed this GBC for that purpose, to keep the devotional standards at the highest level and at the same time to manage a world-wide organization
- I have given specific instructions in this connection to your husband, and if Sanskrit class is to be held, it should be mainly for this purpose. We should simply expend our time for development of Krishna Consciousness
- I have just received one letter from Mohanananda in Dallas and he wants to purchase a very large property very much suitable for our purpose
- I have organized the GBC for the purpose of spreading Krsna consciousness all over the world
- I have seen that there is one church just near the Bank of America on La Cienega Boulevard. I do not know to which sect this church belongs, but that church is very suitable for your described purpose
- I have very great hope for these travelling parties, our Gurukula school, and all our other projects, that by engaging ourselves in these ways, so long we do not forget the purpose of such activity then we shall very much revise the nasty situation
- I never discourage marriage, providing it is for Krsna's service and not for simply sex life. It is always meant for a higher purpose. In God's creation there is male and female even in the spiritual world and there is purpose for such creation
- If by God's grace we get more then you can make sale, we are not going to work for selling purpose. Then money will be there. How to get money, how to get money? And as soon as you get money, more than necessity, then sense gratification
- If I go to India for some days, I am sure I shall be able to collect a considerable amount of money for this purpose, but I wish that people from this part of the world should be sympathetic with my movement
- If I have to be involved in every dispute, then what is the need for the GBC? GBC is there for this purpose
- If Mrs. Nair is not definite of selling to us, then what is the purpose of transferring the required money to India
- If our purpose is for our personal convenience, for that purpose we shall not pray. But for the convenience of Krishna and the Spiritual Master we should always pray
- If we are cooking, it is for Krsna, not that we are cooking for our purpose. Ultimately, although we shall eat the prasadam, but when we cook, we don't think that we are cooking for ourself. We are cooking for Krsna
- If we could get even small land just to keep our office, for the purpose I thought the land was nice. Visit, and if you all think even for that purpose it is no good then give up the idea; what can be done?
- If we play, train our devotees to present some dramatical performances or movie, I think it will be very successful, because they will play from transcendental sentiment, not for trade purpose
- If you are preparing some book (SWAMIJI) like that, make it so nicely that it may be accepted by general public. And for this purpose, it is better to add with the pictures my speeches, which are of public interest
- If you mean by this line about the World Samkirtan Party, then I may inform you that for this purpose you will have to wait for some time more
- In our Krsna consciousness movement we have therefore limited our study of the Vedic literatures to the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya-caritamrta and Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. These four works are sufficient for preaching purposes
- In the library other books may be kept for comparative study by the scholars. I have no objection, but our main purpose will be to accelerate the grandeur of Chaitanya philosophy. On this basis I have full cooperation
- ISKCON is a non-lucrative organization, whose purpose is to promote the well-being of human society by drawing its attention to God. We are a non-sectarian society, and our members include people from Christian, Jewish and Moslem as well as Hindu faiths
- It is not in our aims anywhere to build bombs for any purpose
- It is not the purpose, that we are trying to convert American into Indian, or Indian into American, or Christian into Hindu. That is not our mission. We are just preaching the science of Krsna, or science of God, Krsna consciousness
- It is recommended here, tat-purusa-nisevaya: we have to serve him (a guru in the disciplic succession) faithfully and always honestly. Then our purpose will be served
- It is your great fortune to be chanting Hare Krishna Mantra. This is the special purpose of human life
- Krishna Consciousness is such a nice thing that the more you work for the cause, the more you become enthusiastic to execute the purpose
- Krsna knows everything of your purpose, and He gives you opportunity to work as you have decided. If you decide to enjoy this material world, Krsna will give you intelligence how to become very nice businessman, nice politician, very nice cunning man...
- Now I have given you everything, but I do not see that even the basic principles of advancement in spiritual life are always there, and sometimes there is tendency to neglect what is our real purpose of life, namely, to become mad after Krsna
- Now you should recruit men for our purpose from Europe as many as possible, in France, Germany, England, etc. All of you do everything conjointly, and at the same time try to organize the World Sankirtana Party
- Our fight is for this purpose, no more death. This is real fight. Your, what is your fight? You may save yourself for two years or three years or ten years, but you have to die. You have no such program not to die. But here is a program, no more death
- Our main purpose for keeping a large temple, however, is for inviting the public. I came to the U.S.A. just to try to give a chance to as many people as possible to take to Krishna Consciousness, because it is the only hope for humanity
- Our only hope is books and literature. So we have to start press, and for that purpose, and publish varieties of books and literature for getting some financial help as well as propagating our mission
- Our plan is not to sponsor the Hindus or any other individual group. Our real purpose is to spread Krishna Consciousness
- Our purpose is not to construct big, big buildings. That is required for propaganda work, for giving shelter to people. But our main business is how to turn the face of the bewildered conditioned souls towards Krsna
- Our purpose is to introduce these Krsna pastimes all over the world so that they may take lesson that they are seeking after happiness - the happiness is with Krsna, not in the material world. Then you'll be successful
- Our purpose is to teach our own philosophy. Do not lose sight of that purpose or become distracted by other things. I have also made one book about other philosophies of your western philosophers, but I did not make compromise
- Our purpose, mission, is that people may become God conscious. And the process is in this age by chanting the holy name of God
- Our real purpose is to spread Krishna Consciousness. This means that there is one God; Krishna, one scripture; Bhagavad-gita As It Is, one mantra; Hare Krishna, and one work; service of Lord Krishna. We want to preach this cult all over the world
- Sell books and preach and live peacefully on the farm. People used to engage the bull for this purpose. So there was no problem which way to utilize them
- Since one Center has to be our leading Center in London, you may make it the Bhaktivedanta Manor for the legal purpose of registration
- So far foodstuffs, you should collect profusely. If you collect more distribute more, and if you collect less, distribute less, but only distribute what you have collected. If there is no food, do not contribute our own funds for this purpose
- So far painting of the deity, it will not be necessary to bring Muralidhara from New York just for that purpose. We should not be so hasty to make such drastic programs
- So far we are concerned, we are not killing anybody for eating purposes. We are eating krsna-prasada, foodstuff which is offered to Krsna, and then we eat. The remnants of foodstuff we eat
- Spiritual cultivation is not exactly meant for the sannyasi’s or vanaprastha's it is meant for everyone. Everybody, just like our spiritual method we are also, we are women, children, men but the purpose is different
- That is our real work, to educate people in spiritual life by giving them the practical example, so I wanted that the GBC would be a chosen body of men for that purpose, to see how the students are learning and reporting to me as my secretaries
- That is the real purpose of married life; to live together peacefully, execute Krishna Consciousness, bring up children in Krishna Consciousness, so they will not again have to enter into this world of birth and death
- That is unity. Combine together, working differently but for the same purpose, for pleasing Krsna, then you will become happy
- The corner land of the parikrama road may be applied for acquisition. We shall use it for agricultural purposes. Sometime back they approached us for acquiring that land. Now you can seriously do this
- The description of the storefront with 4 rooms and floor, kitchen, and bathroom etc, appears to be very suitable for our purposes. And the rent is not much and I am so glad that you can manage it
- The first thing is that nobody should enter my room for any other purpose except cleansing. Nobody can stay there or sleep there or anything
- The International Society for Krishna Consciousness has been organized for this purpose. In every center of this Society - not only in the morning, evening or noon, but practically twenty-four hours a day - there is continuous devotional service going on
- The main purposes of this institution are as follows amongst others: 1) To systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large and to educate all peoples in the techniques of spiritual life
- The more you can reduce your sleep and eating, you keep good health, especially for spiritual purposes. But not artificially. But when you advance, naturally you'll not feel, just like Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
- The only thing we require for this purpose is to remain in our spiritual strength by chanting regularly & following the rules & regulations. I am sure you are already strict on this point, & it is my duty to remind it for your steady strength
- The philosophy should be illustrated, but everything must be done with clear intelligence according to the Parampara revealation of the Absolute Truth and Krsna will give you good understanding for the purpose
- The process is that you should memorize the purports of my books and then speak them in your own words. Do not adulterate or change anything. Then you will be the perfect preacher
- The real principle is to spread the Krsna consciousness movement, and if one has to change into regular Western dress for this purpose, there should be no objection
- The real purpose of these stamps is to make Radha-Krishna picture seen by so many people. Other pictures for other stamps can also be used. The cover picture for KRSNA book is nice for one. Some may even say "KRSNA book" as advertisement
- There is no particular place where we have to start our temple. Anywhere we can start temple. We are starting temple daily, either in the beach or underneath a tree or anywhere. But for special purpose this temple is already there. So people are welcome
- There must always be activity. Not that we have a nice house for comfortable living. We simply want to bring people back home, Back to Godhead. That is the purpose of our temples, of our books, and our festivals, and preachings
- This boy is a new boy, and he might have so many ideas within his brain and if you can train him for your purpose he will be a great service
- This center is open for this purpose, that people may take advantage how to develop Krsna consciousness. Just like you go to school and you learn how to read and write, and then you pass M.A. examination
- This Mayapur is meant for this purpose, to spread Krsna consciousness movement all over the world as it was desired by Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- This should be strictly followed: 50% for printing and 50% for building. No money should be invested for any business purposes
- This whole campus should be for devotees. We don't want tenant. And it should be developed for that purpose, for developing Krsna consciousness. Either here or outside India or anywhere, this principle should be followed
- Those who collect contributions on behalf of ISKCON should be very careful not to use even a farthing of the collection for any purpose other than the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- To save us from death... That is the first business of humankind. We are teaching this Krsna consciousness movement for this purpose only
- Train her up for such useful purpose and it will be a great help to both you and the society. She is very intelligent girl and I am always remembering her article. Ask her to write me also
- Twelve thousand dollars means about more than one lakh of rupees. So we are spending that, but not for any other purpose than for Krsna's service
- We are going to give education how to become spiritually advanced. That is our purpose
- We are not going to rent anyone, anyway, any room. We shall utilize it for our purpose only, receiving guest, organizing this book sale. That is my idea
- We are preaching all over the world, and there is little response. We are selling our books very nicely. So our main purpose is to spread Krsna consciousness. That is our mission
- We associate with one-another so that we can assist each other in hearing and chanting about Krishna. That is the purpose of our Society
- We belong to pure devotional service group, following the footprints of great mahajanas. Our purpose should be that we are in one side and all others they are on the other side
- We do not want liberation. We want to serve the purpose of the Gosvamis, in association with pure devotees. To stop birth and death is not our purpose
- We have come here in this pandal, or in this Kumbha-mela, not for any other purpose than to glorify the Supreme Lord so that people may understand the importance of this movement
- We have given houses with the purpose to execute devotional service exactly like the Brahmacaris and sannyasis. Otherwise, why purchase houses near the temple?
- We have given these houses with the purpose that they should execute devotional service exactly like the Brahmacaris and sannyasis. Otherwise, why purchase houses near the temple?
- We have introduced a Life Membership program there in India, for the purpose of giving the intelligent men in the society an opportunity to help push on this great movement of pure Vedic culture
- We have to make our brain very clean. And for that purpose you require to drink not very much - at least one pound or half-pound milk daily. That is essential. But no meat-eating. This is intelligence
- We must avoid the risk of a separatist movement, unity is our purpose; just like in London where the Indians are starting their own Hindu Radha-Krsna Temple
- We should not utilize this Hare Krsna movement for any material purpose. Then it will fall down. Either the man will fall down or the status will fall down. As it has become in India
- We should save time (in New Mayapura), as much for this purpose, for chanting, discussing grantha. Not for any personal so-called comforts
- We want to open a centre of magnificent proportions in Vrindaban City, as was discussed with Your Honor by my secretary, Sriman Ksirodakasayi das. I therefore request you to give us the one-acre piece of land near the Dak Bungalow for this purpose
- When Krsna has made so many varieties there is some purpose. That one should understand. That is intelligence. You can organize these farms very nicely. Then this devil's workshop will stop
- Wherever there are individuals there is bound to be difference of opinion. Therefore for this purpose I have formulated the GBC
- Without being empowered by Krishna, nobody can preach Krishna Consciousness. It is not academic qualification or financial strength which helps in these matters, but it is sincerity of purpose which helps us always
- You go on with your work. Krishna will help you. You are sincere in your purpose
- You have got a new house very suitable for our purpose; it is very nice. So try to purchase some land as soon as possible
- You must try to utilize the whole thing for the purpose of Krsna because everything belongs to Krsna. That is your duty
- Your Sankirtana Movement there is growing in popularity, and therefore you must immediately have a nice place. I think that for this purpose the five-story building is quite suitable