Category:Our Parents (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Parents (Disciples of SP)"
The following 59 pages are in this category, out of 59 total.
- A boy who is in Krsna consciousness, he is giving the best service to his parents, families, countrymen, society. Without being Krsna conscious, what service they are giving to their parents? Mostly they are separated
- All the mothers of my disciples, they will get salvation because she has got nice son like
- As father & mother they should be offered proper respect according to social custom, but you cannot accept their non-Godly instructions. Best thing is, to avoid misunderstanding, to remain silent without any affirmation or negation of their instructions
- Aside from the parents of our students, many businessmen are also dissatisfied because we teach our students to abandon intoxication, meat-eating, illicit sex and gambling
- At the time of death the mother asked the son (one of my students, Karttikeya), "Where is your Krsna? He is here? And she immediately, she died. That means at the time of death she remembered Krsna, and immediately she was delivered
- I am anxious to know what has happened to Aravinda since he left me in India. I think his parents live there in Detroit, his other name is Arthur Friedman, so kindly search them out and ask them where he is
- I am sorry that your dealing with the draft board has been mishandled and therefore you are in difficulty. Anyway if need be you can go back and face trial as advised by your father's lawyer
- I do not know why Gopala Krsna's father is so much upset. I have received one letter from GK in which he writes "I don't think my parents will have any objections now because I have assured them in telegrams & letter that I am not going to abandon them"
- I have met your son. His lovely features are very nice and he appears to be a first class brahmacari. Always be an example to him by being steadfast in Krsna Consciousness and your motherhood will be perfected
- I have received a letter from Gargamuni. It is very much depressing. I thought that your father and mother will receive him as beloved child, but instead they are ill treating, or at least not treating as beloved child. I am very much sorry for this
- I have received your (Mr & Mrs Kimmel) kind offering of guava jam through your daughter, Urvasi devi dasi. I wanted to thank you very much for becoming so much interested in our Krishna Consciousness movement
- I take it for granted that you are one of the selected devotees of Lord Caitanya, and therefore from within your heart He has inspired you to go to such a distant place, leaving your parents and home, just to satisfy Krsna
- If my young disciples, especially those who have taken sannyasa, take charge of traveling all over the world, it may be possible for me to transfer the curse of the parents to these young preachers
- If SubalaVilasa wants to marry that African girl, I have no objection but whether she wants to marry him? Also, take the consent of her parents and elder brothers
- If the father is victorious in the courts then what can we do? Our business is not to kidnap. People must come voluntarily. It is always voluntary
- If the parents of our devotees study the philosophy of Krishna consciousness there is no doubt they will benefit equally as their children are now doing
- If you can request your father to supply us with Maharastrian mrdangas & kanjanis, that will be very nice. I wish to import them from Bombay so if your father or anybody else can arrange to supply us these things, it will be a great service to the society
- If you take away the girl, I have no objection. They come and go, but if the parents take her away, I have no objection
- If your parents don't receive you as their beloved son, I don't wish to keep you in that blazing fire. I thank you very much for the strength of your mind and Krishna will certainly help you
- In my opinion, because you wanted permission of your parents, you should wait at least for such time when your parents will permit you. But if you are strongly desirous, then you can disregard your father's desire and make advancement in KC
- Now that you have come to Krishna Consciousness, your spiritual life, the real life, has begun. First birth is from your parents but real birth, real life, begins when one accepts a bona fide spiritual master and renders service onto him
- Now you are free. I think that the talent which you have got for doing business will help our cause more than what you could have done at the custody of your father
- Our married couples are rendering the greatest service to humanity, their countrymen, and to their parents, of that kindly be assured by me
- Our students' parents, they are also thinking, "What is this nonsense, no meat-eating, no illicit sex? The enjoyment of life, everything is spoiled. They are becoming sannyasi." So they are cursing me
- Take my advice that women, girls, until married, must be under the guidance and protection of the father. That is Vedic civilization. Under the circumstances, I request you both to go back to your father immediately
- The child is accepting service from the parents. Her business is only to accept. Torture and accept service. So devotees accept Krsna as son so that Krsna may simply torture them and accept service. That is the policy
- The fact is that when you have decided to get yourself married, I think without the formalities of taking consent from your parents, you can get yourself married legally
- The general policy is to stop our Movement. That has begun, in so many ways; by the parents, by the municipality, by the government, by zoning; somehow or other to check this Movement
- The Krsna consciousness movement is teaching this higher knowledge of retiring from materialistic life to return to Godhead, but unfortunately many parents are not very satisfied with this movement
- There is nothing to be very sorry for. According to Bhagavad-gita your father has not died, he has changed his body
- There will be no objection if you can come here to New Vrindaban. The whole thing has been explained to your son, Patita Uddharana, so you may consult with him and do the needful
- These European and American boys who are with me, there are hundreds and thousands of them sacrificed their life. They are not coming of foolish parents or foolish nation. Unless there is some profit, how they are doing? There must be some profit
- Through your influence your family is gradually taking to this sublime process of KC. This is the proof of how the presence of one devotee will have an uplifting effect upon all of the people he comes in contact, whether family members or acquaintances
- Two girls in Nairobi, they wanted to join our society. So Brahmananda, as other girls are joining, he welcomed, but it created a havoc to the family of the girl. They went here and there. "Oh, the girl has gone out of home. There will be no marriage"
- We are trying to bring as many young men as possible to the Krsna consciousness movement for their ultimate benefit, but the parents of the young men joining this movement, being very sorry, are lamenting and making counterpropaganda
- We have got parents' organization also
- We have no business to keep young girls from their parents. We do not force anyone to go or to stay. It is all voluntary
- We have recently got a newcomer baby, Srimati Sarasvati devi, and pleased to learn that they are taking all care for you. I am also very glad that your mother is also taking part in Krishna Conscious activities
- We have support from very high circle. Scholar, priest, even father, mother, parent. Many old gentlemen come to congratulate me, "Swamiji, it is our great fortune that you have come to this country"
- When you return to India there are so many ways you can convince your parents that to take to Krishna Consciousness does not mean one has to give up his worldly affairs
- Yes, our Society is depending on love and respect; we are bound by love. You have thought exactly like an affectionate mother. Every mother should think like you for the benefit of her son
- Yesterday I left New Vrindaban, and your son, Madhu Mangala, is still there, He appears now to be quite peaceful and happy, so I think we should let him continue like that, and if he keeps up in this way, there is no need of any demonic treatment
- You are very fortunate to have devotee parents and from your very childhood take to Krishna consciousness
- You can assure your parents they will be better off materially after you are initiated. Anyway, now I do not know what to do with you
- You have given this chance to your beloved son to be saved from the repetition of birth and death, and your good example must be followed by all mothers in America
- You have mentioned about your dilemma between Krsna and your parents, and in this connection I may inform you that parents are available in any kind of birth. Either you take your birth as a human being or as an animal, there is a set of parents
- You remember, you were driving your father's car, eighty miles. So I asked you, "Don't go so fast"
- Your (Brahmananda's) father also said like that (You leave Krsna consciousness and I will give you a car and women). Here father will feel shame to advise the son, or the son will feel shame to talk about sex with father or mother
- Your emphasis to fight the deprogrammers by a program of education of parents is very good. You can send favorable letters by parents to other parents
- Your parents are willing to make a weekly contribution to Krishna Consciousness, and your mother can make bead bags and shirts for the devotees. This is very nice engagement for your parents, and you should encourage them to come to kirtana
- Your parents desire that you become educated also, although they do now know that someone who is a devotee is best educated
- Your temple attendance must continue. So if it is possible that you shall live with the boys at the temple, then that is very good idea, and work also with your father