Category:Our Notes (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Notes (Disciples of SP)"
The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total.
- I (Prabhupada) am so glad to receive your letter dated July 12, 1968 with the notes of your successful performances of city Kirtana movement and it is a very good plan
- I am in due receipt of your short note which was hand-delivered to me by Dr. Wolf. I won't have the opportunity to visit Atlanta on this tour, however, I shall be in New York from July 9th - July 20th. You can see me in New York if it is possible for you
- I am in receipt of your note and gift of one ring. Just now I am wearing it. Because you have sincerely offered, I must accept on behalf of my Guru Maharaja although I am not worthy
- I beg to acknowledge receipt of your note with the enclosed donation of $15 for my book fund. Thank you very much for this
- I beg to acknowledge receipt of your pictures and note and it has so much engladdened me that I must admit that there is a little fraction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's merciful glance upon you
- I beg to thank you very much for your note along with the paperback cover of the Bhagavad-gita as it is. And I have very much appreciated the whole thing. The design and the painting and everything
- I have received a note from Advaita Brahmacari reading as follows, "Everything is going very well in New York. I am so fortunate to have such sincere God-brothers like Rayarama, Brahmananda, and Rupanuga to help guide me in Your absence"
- I have received your note along with the folio of drawings for the proposed “Bhagavad-gita Coloring Book”. I can see from this work that you are a talented artist. However, I do not think we can publish this book
- I note that you are ready to accommodate Srila Prabhupad in his come there. In the meantime what about this road that is being constructed?
- I note that your expenses have remained almost constant for so many months, except for the money paid to book fund, which is increasing more and more, so that is the best system
- I thank you very much for the Istagosthi notes, and also your nice letter of Feb. 14, 1968. I have read them over, and the question which was asked about why people did not see Krishna as blue, question no. 5; you can't see Krishna with material eyes
- In the next issue of "Back to Godhead" you should put one note of thanks to Mr. Alexander Kulik of Laguna Beach California. This boy has kindly paid BBT Dollars 25,000.00 for publication of books
- Instruction is read one or two books thoroughly, but don't show yourself a scholar and simply note down, "I have read this." That's all. This is foolishness
- It is alright to go ahead with the printing of this second chapter. I have approved all the questionable points noted by Pradyumna, so it is alright
- We actually do not want anyone to live there who is not a devotee. Note this policy and do the needful
- We don't want men giving some quotation from a book just like these so-called scholars do. He has not gone through the book, but take some suitable passage and note, and then he advertises himself that he has studied so many book
- We work where there is a good field. Do it nicely. You have noted that is the secret of success. Please continue this policy of straight forward dealings
- Whatever thoughts are coming, you note it. Keep it. We shall utilize it with reference, with reference to the sastra