Category:Our Mangala-arati (Disciples of SP)
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Pages in category "Our Mangala-arati (Disciples of SP)"
The following 48 pages are in this category, out of 48 total.
- All the presidents of our centers should see that all the members are strictly observing the brahminical standards, such as rising early, cleansing at least twice daily, reading profusely, attending arati, like that
- All the temple members, without exception must rise by 4 AM and attend mangala arati. Everyone living in the temple must agree to the standard by proper understanding of the philosophy of tapasya
- As president, you must make sure that all the students are regularly chanting 16 rounds, taking bath, attending mangal aratrik, reading our books, and following the regulative principles. If everyone keeps strictly these principles then success is assured
- As you are my appointed leader, you must also see that the others are following very strictly the regulative principles like chanting 16 rounds, reading my books regularly, rising early for mangala aratrika
- Be sure and help them become first class devotees by following all of the rules and regulations, very carefully, especially, they must rise early for mangala arati, chant at least 16 rounds and attend class
- By simply following this process without deviation, chanting 16 rounds, following the four regulative principles, attending classes and mangala arati, rising early, these things will gradually bring you to the platform of pure love of Krsna
- Enthusiastic mood is maintained when everyone is always without fail chanting 16 rounds daily, rising early for mangal arati, reading books, preaching
- Every morning I go to the temple and see the Deity and offer obeisances, so I expect each and every one of my disciples should also follow what I have given in this connection, arising early, taking bath, attending mangal arati
- Everyone is engaged only in Krsna's service. They are, from the beginning of the day, four o'clock, they are rise from the bed; they offer mangala-aratrika. You are seeing practically. We are demonstrating how one can become Krsna conscious perfectly
- Everyone should be very alert in their behavior. Rising early in the morning, taking bath, be prepared for mangala aratik immediately. Then class
- Everyone should join the mangal arati. Gradually, we should become more regulated and strict for following the rules and regulations. Otherwise we shall fall down
- Follow the 4 regulative principles very carefully and chant 16 nice rounds daily. They must rise early, attend mangala artik and all classes
- Following the basic principles that I have given; chanting 16 rounds daily, following the four regulative principles, rising early, attending mangala arati and classes etc. This is of the utmost importance
- Get married outside the temple, take all risk for supporting wife and home, live outside the temple, like that. But they should live nearby and take part as much as possible in temple activities, such as mangala aratrik, sankirtana, etc
- Gurukula boys are chanting about Krsna, they are rising early in the morning, attending mangala-aratrika. Anyone goes there... Even the education superintendent came to visit our temple. He was astonished that "How these children are happy"
- I am glad to hear that in your temple no one misses mangala arati & everyone is becoming steady & peaceful in their service. It sounds as if you are taking care of your men very nicely. This is first class management
- I am requesting again and again that all of my disciples simply follow all of the rules and regulations very strictly. Rising early, chanting 16 rounds, attending mangala arati and class, etc. are all essential for spiritual development
- I have written Mahamsa Svami one letter asking him if it is possible for you to return to Hyderabad. Wherever you go always be sure to chant at least 16 good rounds and rise early, attend mangala-aroti, study my books and serve Krishna without stop
- I hope that you are being very careful to strictly observe all of our basic rules and regulations such as rising early (before 4:00 AM), attending mangala arati and classes
- If you simply keep to our standard programme, that means chanting daily 16 rounds, rising early, attending mangal arati, like that, if this programme is strictly maintained amongst all the devotees, they will remain pure
- If you think of Krsna... Just like here is temple. If you come and, as other devotees are doing, if you do, if you attend mangala-arati, if you attend bhoga-arati, always see, then offer obeisances, then naturally you will think of Krsna always
- In your travelling from centre to centre, you must be very careful to see that the leaders are observing the principles of chanting 16 rounds, rising early for Mangala Arati, participating in the morning and evening classes
- It is not that every man has to be made a brahmana after a year. Especially if one cannot even get up early and go to mangala arati he cannot become a brahmana. So consider it carefully before you recommend further men to me
- It is not that everyone has to be a brahmana just because he has been initiated 1 or 2 or any number of years. Especially if one cannot even rise early for mangala arati he should never be given brahminical initiation
- It is your responsibility to see that these devotees that you have recommended strictly follow the rules and regulations, chanting 16 rounds, attending the classes and the mangala aroti and refraining from the four prohibitions
- The most important things are that you follow very carefully all of the rules and regulations such as rising early, and having mangala arati and classes, etc. and that you chant at least 16 rounds daily without fail
- The sri-vigraha-seva - all rising early in the morning, arrange for mangala aratrik, then dressing, then offering food, then aratrik, so many hours. The whole day can be used in that way. Then reading books, class, taking care of the temple
- The students must all attend morning and evening arati and classes. If we follow this simple program along with regular sankirtana, distributing the books and preaching, then there will be no fall down
- The test is within our hand. If during mangala-arati we feel laziness, that means I'm not yet spiritually advanced. And if one feels enthused, "Now it is time for mangala-arati, let me stand up, let me do this," then it is spiritual
- Theoretical knowledge will not help us. There must be practical behavior. They are rising early in the morning, attending mangala-arati, then having class, Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, chanting
- These regulative functions of chanting the rounds sixteen daily, rising early in the morning to attend Mangala Arati, holding classes for studying our scripture and gong on Sankirtana, these items must not be neglected
- They should be taught just to do like the elders, that is, rise early, cleanse, attend mangal arati, read our literatures, chant, go for sankirtana, like that, and besides that, a little ABC, mathematics, geography, history, that's all
- Try to remember Krsna always by following the principles as you know them, namely, rising early, taking bath, cleansing, attending aratrika, reading scriptures at least one hour or two hours daily, chanting sixteen rounds on beads of Hare Krsna mantra
- We are teaching sad-acara, rise early in the morning, take your bath, change your cloth, wash your mouth, and then go to the Deity room and have mangala arotika, then study, so many, simply sad-acara. Sat means "that will exist," and acara means behavior
- We are worshiping. Because Krsna says, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji: "Worship Me." Regularly worship, as it is prescribed in the sastra: to rise early in the morning, to have mangala arati, to offer this, to offer that, offer that - fully engaged
- We have to stick to these principles to keep ourselves on the transcendental platform, rising early in the morning, offer mangala arati, then gradually, one after another, attending class, guru-puja, and so on, so on
- You must make sure that all of these devotees are following the regulative principles very nicely. Everyone must rise early, take bath attend mangala arati, chant at least 16 good rounds, attend class, and follow the four regulative principles strictly
- You must set nice example for the others by following very rigidly the regulative principles, such as chanting 16 rounds on the beads, reading the books, getting up to attend mangala aratrika, etc. In this way everyone shall be encouraged
- You should be very much careful to see that our devotees are following the regulative principles and standard practices such as attending morning Arati, classes, Sankirtana, and reading our books