Category:Our Deity Worship (Disciples of SP)
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- As a rule, those who are not initiated may not enter into the kitchen affairs, but uninitiated members can work under the guidance of another initiated member when there is great need
- At least three or four brahmanas available to worship the Deity
- When I was six years old my father gave me a ratha and I was performing the Ratha yatra in my neighborhood. And now in the western world you are worshiping Lord Jagannatha so gorgeously and it pleases me very, very much
- Worship of the Deity in the temple is essential
- About worshiping Lord Jagannatha, He should always be worshiped with awe and reverence. Krishna's picture as a Naughty Child should not be treated by us as a naughty child. We should always worship Krishna as the Supreme Lord
- Actually we should give more stress in worshiping the incarnation of sound vibration but whenever there is possibility of installing Deities and strictly following the regulations of worship, we shall do this
- After offering the plate, the balance in the pots should be distributed immediately. The plate can remain on the altar while the rest is being distributed
- After the class and breakfast everyone should go to their respective duties, deity worship, sankirtana, clean-up and so throughout the day this atmosphere of constant engagement will produce the truly happy result of transcendental life
- All the wives of our students should be especially trained up for Deity worship and cooking, and when possible they should go outside on Sankirtana Party with their husbands and others
- All these activities are pleasing to me that you are chanting, Worshiping the deity and writing, So please continue and increase your enthusiasm and then surely you will become successful in your Krishna Consciousness
- Always keep to this high standard of Deity worship, never become neglectful. Everything must be done very timely, and the temple must be immaculately cleansed daily. These things, cleanliness and promptness, are the most important points for Deity worship
- As far as placing the Deity in the bed is concerned, if the Deity is large and heavy, it is not possible to move Him daily. It is better that a small Deity, which is also worshiped, be taken to the bed
- As far as possible we should not offer to the Deity things which are prepared by nondevotees. We can accept from them raw fruits, grains or similar raw things
- As GBC you should see the standard is perfectly maintained, and that deity worship is perfectly done. Then Krishna will give us all protection
- As of this writing, salagrama-sila worship has not yet been introduced in our Krsna consciousness movement, but soon it will be introduced in all our temples as an essential function of deity worship
- As soon as they can read, that's education finished. They will understand, practical demonstration, arati, worship of the Deity, and they play mrdanga, they chant, they join Hare Krsna chanting. They are not meant for any technology
- At present there are about five thousand temples in Vrndavana, & still our society, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, is constructing a huge, magnificent temple for the worship of Krsna-Balarama, along with Radha-Krsna & Guru-Gauranga
- Bruce has not yet taken his initiation. He wants to remain with us independently. I have no objection for such conclusion but unless he is properly initiated, he cannot help you either in the kitchen or with Deity worship
- By always following the principles, chanting, and performing regulated worship of the Deity, one can make steady advancement
- By sticking to Krishna Consciousness, chanting our required rounds loudly, and tending the deities, these items will surely save you (from nasty habits). So always be seriously engaged in serving Krishna & pray to Krishna to help you with your frailties
- By your unalloyed service to the Deities you are becoming more and more attracted to the spiritual world and seeing the material world as a condemned place of no happiness
- Chant Hare Krishna, both husband and wife, regularly, and worship Lord Krishna's Sri Murti, as you are doing, and try to elevate others in Krishna Consciousness, which has nothing to do with academic education
- Concerning the use of sour cream in the temple, it should be stopped immediately. Nothing should be offered to the Deities which is purchased in the stores
- Continue executing your Krsna Conscious activities, chanting 16 rounds, studying our books, going on sankirtana, worshiping the deity, & in this way you will become advanced. As you are senior devotee you must set a nice example for the others to follow
- Continue nicely with your deity worship there and read my books very carefully, and without fail chant 16 rounds on your beads daily
- Decorate the Deity as nicely as possible with nice flowers and dress. You will forget all other false beauty
- Deities should not be removed. We should treat the Dieties as the Personality of Godhead, and to invite Him to come to your home you must worship regularly. You cannot remove. If there is scarcity of pujaris, then Deities should not be installed
- Deity worship can be learned at not less than ten years by children. Before that they can assist. They can learn how to bow down, how to dance and chant, how to make garlands, clean arati utensils, etc
- Deity worship is arcanam. Chanting is vandanam. Dasyam, to work for Krsna, go and see people, preach Krsna consciousness, distribute books
- Deity worship is compulsory, and you can increase if you have got time to do so. But Mangala aratrik is essential (morning arati), and Sandharatrik (evening aratri) is essential, and offering of Prasadam to Deity is essential
- Deity worship is for old and experienced students; it is not good for new students to be given sacred thread. This Deity worship is exclusively for advanced students
- Deity worship is just as important as book distribution
- Deity worship is the practical demonstration and hearing from the Spiritual Master is the nourishment of the idea
- Deity worship means the habit becomes clean. If you stop Deity worship, then they will remain unclean
- Deity worship or lecturing in the colleges is just as important as book distribution. So, these things must be done very nicely and at the same time, book distribution should be done
- Deity worship will help you in the path of bhagavat-marga, and the bhagavat-marga will help you in the pancaratrika-vidhi. So combine together; make progress
- Don't think that if one is engaged in the Deity worship and if one is engaged in the gardening work there is distinction
- First thing is sravanam. If we simply keep these Deities here, we may see. But if we don't hear about Him, then it will be hackneyed. Then it will be hackneyed. Just like in India it has become. Because they have given up the process of sravanam kirtanam
- Flower garlands should be expanded, and all expenditures for the deities must be expanded without any miserly contemplation. Our temple should be so gorgeously decorated that we shall excel all Bombay temples. This is my idea
- Follow the regulative principles very diligently, maintain the highest level of standard in routine work such as rising early, cleansing, chanting, temple worship, street sankirtan, etc., always keep the devotees satisfied, like that
- Follow the rules and regulations, worship the Deity, and chant Hare Krsna mantra, as you have given, then you will remain as strong as Krsna
- Food which has been offered should never be put back into the refrigerator with the unoffered foods or brought back into the kitchen
- For Deity worship at least 10 brahmanas are required
- For serving Gaura-Nitai there is no offense, but if Radha-Krsna is there and there is some discrepancy, then there is great offense and this should be avoided
- For the time being organize the health, education and care of the children and continue the Deity worship as it is going nicely now. Deities are satisfied with bhakti not marble. Therefore try to increase the bhakti
- For you, child-worship is more important than deity-worship. If you cannot spend time with him, then stop the duties of pujari
- Frankly speaking the Deities are not as opulent as when They were being taken care of by you. So if you want to come back here and take care of Them I have no objection
- Gaura Nitai can be established anywhere, and it is simple to worship Them simply chant before Their Lordships. He doesn't mind that you have not decorated very nicely, but if you chant and dance He is very pleased
- Gaura-Nitai is worshiped simply by kirtana
- Generally it is not good for the women with babies to worship the Deity, because a baby means uncleanliness
- Go on in this way, reading, chanting, worshiping the deity, and offering the fruits of your labor to Krishna, and attend Mangala Arati at the temple and classes as much as possible
- Here the Mexicans are taking part in sankirtana and Deity worship very nicely. They have become very good devotees
- Householders can have small altars, and Guru-Gauranga and Jagannatha may be worshiped, but you should not spend a lot of time in this way to try to make the worship "first-class" as you say
- How the Deity will be kept from being mishandled or kept in a dirty place or even thrown away at the whim of the child? You cannot always check her. Therefore to such a small child the Deity of Lord Jagannatha should not be given
- I am also very pleased to learn that the Deities are now receiving proper service and you are developing a great love for Them. Please continue your sincere service with even greater vigor, and your love will grow increasingly more
- I am glad that the Hamburg Deity worship is going on nicely. Wherever there is Deities there must be first class care, arati, bhoga, cleanliness, dressing, regular classes. If this is not possible, then better to travel
- I am glad that you are developing the mukut business. Now the devotees must learn so that in the future professionals will not be required
- I am glad to know that you are anxious to begin tending the Deities in grand style and fashion. Before I instruct you further in this matter, please send me a detailed list of what worshiping methods you are now performing
- I am glad to see that you are advancing in Krishna consciousness by this worship of the Deity. This is the practical application to what we find stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- I am pleased that you are in Vrndavana and engaged in the Deity worship. But I think it will be good if you live with me and assist me in so many ways
- I am pleased to note that you & your nice sister, Indira Dasi, are making and tending to Lord Jagannatha deities. You should place these deities on sale in Gargamuni's store for selling. In this way, you will make some money for doing your painting work
- I am very glad that you are doing such a nice service by worshiping Radharani and Krishna so nicely and giving Them so many nice clothes and ornaments and taking such nice care, so now I am very much relieved to know everything is going well
- I am very glad to learn that Govardhana dasa has become a leader in the deity worship, due to his inspired service. That is the real thing - one who has inspiration of life, he can do anything. Rupa Goswami explains this as "utsaha'', enthusiasm
- I am very much anxious to know how things are going on, who is taking care of the Deities, whether regular performances are being executed etc. I hesitated to install the Deities when I was in Germany on this account
- I am very much pleased that the Deities are worshiped so nicely and as this continues, the children there will become more and more purified
- I assure you that if you follow the regulative principles of chanting 16 rounds, observing strictly the prohibitive injunctions, keep association with pure devotees, plus taking care of the Deities in the Temple, surely all your problems will be solved
- I can see that you are very nicely taking care of the Deities, and this is much appreciated by me
- I have advised Gurudasa not to pay any tailor but to make clothes by our own devotees for the deities
- I have already written to Jivananda and Harsarani, and they are inclined to go to New Vrindaban but I have advised them to go to Hawaii after spending a short period in San Francisco training up the devotees there in Deity worship and Sankirtana Party
- I have already written you about this in my last letter, that we require many Deities for our temples as well as for our many devotees who want to worship Radha Krishna at home. So we want to introduce this Deity worship in this country
- I have always instructed that the standard of arcana worship must be kept very high, because this will insure that every other temple activity will also flourish. So I am relieved to know that now the Deities are in your care. Thank you for this
- I have got some reports that the deities in Bombay are being much neglected. This is most abominable affair. Radha and Krishna should not ever be neglected or left unprotected
- I have heard that you are well qualified to worship the Deity at highest standard and this is very much necessary. One who is worshiping the Deity must be always attentive and mindful of his occupation at all times
- I have invited Krsna and He may not be insulted by disrespectful behavior. I have introduced this system of Deity worship amongst the non-believers, the atheists, the mlecchas, the yavanas
- I have received one very nice letter from your good wife, Citralekha, and I hear that she has now joined you there, so I may thank her here for serving me so nicely in India. She has learned a lot about deity worship
- I have seen films of the Deity worship in Nairobi and it is very gorgeous. Proper Deity worship means to be clean, punctually and nice offerings of foodstuffs
- I hope you are taking care of the Deities with greater attention, and teaching your younger God brothers and sisters to follow the Arcana bidhi. As we open many branches, we shall require many devotees like you to take care of the Deities very nicely
- I pray to Krsna that I am inviting You to come, so please, because You are seated in their hearts, please give them the intelligence how to serve you so that You may not be inconvenienced
- I see that Krsna has given you good intelligence, and you have improved very much. And fortunately, therefore, very good leader Sriman Madhudvisa Maharaja will come, so each of you learn how to worship Deity, chant Hare Krsna mantra in this way - ecstatic
- I shall see later on whether or not that Krishna Balarama can be installed there. You cannot paint the Deity with paint to make bluish. Don't manufacture ideas. What is standard you must follow
- I think that because you are unable to tend the Deities in the temple, that you and your sister, Ekayani, may serve the small Radha-Krishna Deities which you will be receiving soon. Try to follow all the rules and regulations of Deity worship
- I think you are the most clever manager, better than your husband, because you are organizing temple routine very nicely for serving the deities and this will have very good results for everyone
- I think you will have no difficulty, as long as our routine work is attended to nicely and the highest standards are maintained. Routine work means rising early, cleansing, chanting minimum 16 rounds, having kirtan, reading scriptures, deity worship
- I understand that some of our householder devotees are ordering for Deities. The point is that they worship strictly. Don't make a play. If you follow strictly the Deity worship method, then you establish; otherwise, don't establish. It will be offense
- I'm very glad that you are organizing the temple worship at Chembur. It will be a great opportunity to show your capacity how to worship the deity in the temple
- If a devotee very strictly follows the methods of Deity worship, he will naturally and quickly become a pure Vaisnava
- If it is necessary then you can make a nice bed for Lord Jagannatha and Lord Balarama, and keep them nicely until I return. It is your responsibility to see to keeping all the things which I left there very nicely, so please see to it
- If it is not possible to worship the Deity according to the rules and regulation, there is no need of establishing temple. But if there are devotees who can actually keep the temple worship method in right order, then by chanting, everything is complete
- If she wants to offer prasadam to the Deities, she can simply chant Hare Krishna Mantra. There is no need of chanting Gayatri Mantra
- If there is lack of qualified brahmanas, men without sacred thread may be employed to cleanse the floor and other things which do not require their touching or gazing upon the deity at close quarter
- If we keep Forms of the Lord without worshiping the Deity under regulative principles, it will gradually turn into idol worship, which is an offense
- If we see the Deities in very pleasing mood, that will certify our service unto the Lord. So everywhere we shall see the Deities in such pleasing mood. As soon as we see the Deities in a different mood we must immediately understand our discrepancies
- If we steadfastly perform daily program of rising early, cleansing, chanting 16 rounds, holding kirtana wherever we are at least twice daily, reading, worshiping the deity, going on Sankirtana - then our all success is guaranteed in whatever we do
- If we study all these books, to finish them it will take at least twenty-five years. So you are all young men. I request you to engage your time in reading books, in chanting, in Deity worshiping, in going to preach, selling books. Don't be lazy
- If you are willing to stick there in Mexico City, along with your good wife, and do the needful for worshiping Lord Jagannatha and take all responsibility, then I have no objection if you install
- If you love Krsna, then why you are diverting your attention? You are worshiping Deity, you are thinking of loving some woman. That means I'm not yet convinced that by loving Krsna I'll be perfect
- In India, when we speak on the BG or SB, we regularly perform worship with flowers, or with other paraphernalia, as is required for worshiping. In the Sikh religion also, although they have no form of the Deity, they worship the book Granthasahib
- In many places throughout the world we are constructing communities to give shelter to devotees and worship the Deity in the temple
- In Melbourne, Australia who dreamt that there would be such a nice temple, Radha-Krsna, and that local men would be worshiping. And still anyone who is sincerely serving, he will get inspiration how to do it nicely. Krsna is there in his heart
- In our Krishna Consciousness Movement, Deity worship helps to keep us externally purified and Sankirtana helps to keep us internally purified
- In our Krsna consciousness movement, our students are first advised to worship Guru-Gauranga, and then, when they are somewhat advanced, the Radha-Krsna Deity is installed, and they are engaged in the worship of the Lord
- In the lower stage, everyone should take part very diligently in the worship of the Deity
- In this life we should always fix our mind on the lotus feet of Krsna, who is present in His arca-vigraha, the incarnation of the Deity in the temple. We should also always engage in His worship
- In your Western countries Lord Caitanya should be entirely covered, He should not appear bare-chested
- Irregularity in worshiping Guru and Gauranga can be tolerated, as they are always kind and forgiving, but irregularity in worshiping Lord Jagannatha and Sri Sri Radha Krishna is not good
- It is a very good idea that you have to be more attached to the Deities above marriage. But, it is not good to live at home because there is where meat is eaten. That will be offensive, so how can you worship the Deity under such circumstances
- It is good that you have gone to Amsterdam temple to help with the deity program there. It must be done very nicely
- It is not at all good that the Deities do not have warm clothing for the cold weather. They are still spending so much for construction, spending spending, but the Deities are not clothed properly. What is this?
- It is not that one who is worshiping the Deity, decorating the Deity, offering arotik, he's in better position than the person who is cleansing the temple. Both of them equal
- It is not that we have to open different centers all over the world. Whoever cares for the KC movement can install Deities at home &, under superior guidance, worship the Deity regularly, chanting the maha-mantra & discussing the BG and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- It is understood that everyone has some nasty habits but by sticking to Krsna consciousness, chanting our required rounds loudly, and tending the Deities, these items will surely save you
- Make sure that the Deity worship is been done nicely and that sankirtana goes on daily. Also the devotees must all follow the rules strictly as well as chant 16 rounds daily and read my books
- Mataji Haimavati can train your wife or someone how to worship the deities nicely, and you both stay there for the time being
- More you please the Deities there with your service, the more they shall reciprocate by bestowing upon you love for Sri Sri Radha Krsna
- My anxiety is that in my absence you may neglect Deity worship. Then the whole thing will be spoiled. That is my anxiety
- No, everyone should do it (deity worship). Yes, everyone should learn. Everyone should learn. Sometimes somebody is doing something, somebody is doing something. Yes, like that. Everyone should be expert in every respect, twenty-six qualifications
- Not only we shall worship Deity but we make advancement. What is that advancement? To become gradually a preacher. That is madhyama-adhikari, second stage, preacher
- Now at the present moment, I am concentrating my energy in this Los Angeles Center as ideal for all other centers in respect of Deity worship, Aratrik, Kirtana and other necessary paraphernalia
- One after another, Deity worship should be practiced by everyone. That cleanses the contaminated body very nicely
- One Bengali gentleman from London has sent me a letter praising your decoration of the Deities. The exact words he has used are that one cannot turn his face once turning towards the Deities. I have also seen the slides and my opinion is also the same
- One has to be qualified to preach. It is a gradual process that one becomes sense controlled and a personal example. Preaching is not an easy thing. In the beginning one should worship the Deity and follow the basic practices
- One should accept the sword of knowledge from Krsna and be strong with the mercy of Balarama. We are therefore worshiping Krsna-Balarama in Vrndavana
- Only on Sunday can you keep the Deity curtains open throughout the afternoon
- Our process is to work on Bhagavata and Pancaratriki systems simultaneously. Deity worship is pancaratriki system and preaching is Bhagavata system
- Paintings should be like the Deities, formal and worshipful. This type of painting is sentimental and not authorized. Paintings should be as our artists in New York are doing. Do not introduce any new styles
- Please be happy with the newly installed Deities there in New Vrindavan and take very greatest of care for them. Dress them nicely, clothe them nicely with garlands and offer very nice foodstuffs
- Please continue to increase the deity worship and teach others to become a very good pujari like you. When I see my disciples doing deity worship nicely that engladdens me
- Please go on with your program, preaching and distributing my books, encouraging others to remain pure by following our simple program of chanting, reading, Deity worship, etc. Krsna will certainly help you
- Please see that the schedule of offerings is done regularly without any break. To worship the Deity or to worship Panca-tattva means that there can be no upsetting of the schedule of offerings
- Preacher means when you become fully Krsna conscious by worshiping the Deity regularly, as we have got prescription to rise early in the morning, offer mangala-arati, then kirtana, then class, in this way practicing, practicing
- Proper Deity worship, with all attention to cleanliness, is of the utmost importance. If you can please the Deity by your sincere service, then your temple will flourish
- Pujari should operate entirely under the supervision of temple president and GBC, not independently. The greatest danger to our movement will come when we manufacture and create our own process for worshiping the deities
- Regarding deity worship, the standard of deity worship must be kept very high in all our ISKCON centers
- Regarding his Deities. They should be returned. What is the use of keeping Sarasvati? We do not require to worship any other Deity besides Radha Krishna
- Regarding Murli Manohar Murti, I understand that the Patels are ready to present silver Murti, but we cannot worship Murli Manohar alone, without being accompanied by His most favorite consort Radharani
- Regarding my head for the statue, that will appear in the museum, all of them, they are perfectly done. Locana has done very, very well. Yes, it is good if you prepare a mold so that these life-sized murtis can be available
- Regarding smearing on the Body of Lord Jagannatha: You should always know that the Body of Lord Jagannatha is spiritual. We are given the chance of serving the Spiritual Body
- Regarding Srimurti Subhadra, the old Deity should not be repaired, but a new Deity should be carved and installed. The old Deity may be wrapped up in some cloth, tied up and weighted with stones, then put in the river. This is the procedure to be followed
- Regarding the Lord Jagannatha deities, if They cannot be worshiped, They should be thrown in the sea
- Regarding the picture of Lord Caitanya which is outside of your temple, this is not good. We should not place our worshipable Deities as statues in the open atmosphere
- Regarding the worship of our Gaura Nitai by women pujaris, we worship Lord Caitanya in His householder life when He was with His wife, and not as a sannyasi. So, it is alright for women to do this service
- Regarding your question about controversial talks going on, this kind of talk isn't befitting my advanced students. This is childish. In Krishna's service, there is no inferior & superior. Deity worship is just as important as book distribution
- Regarding your questions about Gaura Nitai Deity worship: Yes, it is all right Gaura Nitai may wear turbans as well as crowns
- Regarding your schedule of temple activities, it is approved by me. So please continue this program of classes, Sankirtana, Deity worship, offering and distribution of Prasadam, and working in Krsna's service
- Rising early, cleansing, chanting 16 rounds, holding kirtan wherever we are at least twice daily, reading, worshiping the deity, going on Sankirtan, --if this routine work is always done nicely and never neglected, then our all success is guaranteed
- Should not the Supreme Personality of Godhead, if He is recommending to us as brahmanas to bathe so many times, should he not also take bath?
- Simply we remain stuck up in Deity worship, we do not feel for others -- na canyesu na tad-bhakta -- you do not know who is devotee, how to worship him, then we remain kanistha-adhikari
- So far as the bowing down in Deity worship, before opening the door you should bow down. Then turn on the light and bow down again. There is no restriction on bowing down
- So far colors that may be offered to the Deities, all colors may be utilized just suitable to your scheme. But black should not be used for the Deities dresses or for Temple decorations
- So far I am concerned, I have no objection if there is carved form of guru on the Guru-Gauranga altar, but one thing, is unless that sculptor is very excellent, it should not be attempted
- So far your question regarding Deity worship, during arati everything should be offered first to the Guru
- So many people are coming to the New Delhi Temple because of the nice Deity worship. This is very good. Keep the standard of Deity worship very nicely
- So stick very strictly to these principles & chant regularly daily sixteen rounds & you will always remain in the topmost position. Have nice Deity program, always have lots of Kirtan, serve ample Prasadam very sumptuously & speak something from my books
- Sri Sri Radha-Madan Mohan have kindly descended in Their arca vigraha form now you must receive Them with that consciousness. And by serving Them you will all develop pure love of Krsna
- Suppose I have established this temple. Now under my direction, my disciples are worshiping vigraha. Vigraha means the form of the Lord, rupa. But if there is no following of the regulative principles, then after my death it will be galagraha, a burden
- Suppose we are worshiping Deity. That is the duty of brahmana; but somebody is called that "You cleanse this floor." So he should not think that "I am cleansing the floor; therefore I am lower than the person directly worshiping the Deity." No
- Temple worship is necessary for the beginners so that by following the regulative principles such devotees become more and more purified
- That is Krsna anxiety. That is Krsna anxiety. If you become anxious how to worship Deity, how to dress Krsna nicely, how to do, if you remain, that will develop your anxiety for Krsna. Therefore Deity worship essential
- The conch shell is place on the altar and used for blowing. It is pleasing to the Deity and a bona fide item of worship. Never mind all the rumors you have heard
- The decoration should be so attractive that people when seeing Jagannatha will forget all attractiveness of Maya. Then it will be successful, and actually, this is the process of decorating Jagannatha
- The deities in a moving vehicles is all right, providing they are cared for properly, so do the needful. Everything has to be done expertly that is my point
- The Deity should have nice flowers everyday etc., etc. You should try to bring Them up to the highest standard, such as we have in Los Angeles or New Vrndavana
- The Deity worship program is meant for us to keep us safe. If we neglect Deity worship, we shall also fall
- The Deity worship should be done just in the way it was carried out in my presence. You should see that such a high standard is maintained and that there are no irregularities. Irregularity means breaking the schedule
- The Deity worship, the kirtana, the street sankirtana, distribution of literature, books. You should carry on this program with great enthusiasm. That is my request
- The enclosed photo of the Mississippi farm Deities is very nice, super excellent. The Deity must be very nicely worshiped, dressed, and fed, etc. In so doing you will always be peaceful and enlivened
- The followers of the Krsna consciousness movement may therefore collect small rocks or pebbles from Govardhana Hill and worship them at home, because this worship is as good as Deity worship
- The guru should be treated as good as God. This is stated in all the sastras. The difference is that God is master-God and guru is servant-God. So the installation ceremony for such a murti should be similar to that done for other Deities
- The idea is that everyone who is properly initiated and following the rules and regulations can worship the deity
- The idea of traveling Sankirtana is to distribute books not to do Deity worship
- The Krsna consciousness movement is giving the population of the entire world a chance to take advantage of Krsna consciousness through the ISKCON centers, where one may perform Deity worship and chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- The materialistic person, they cannot understand why we are worshiping Deity. They are puzzled. They think, "Why these fools are taking one brass doll and worshiping as God?" They laugh. You see? They cannot understand
- The more we keep the deities nicely dressed and decorated, the more your heart will be decorated. This is the science. If you neglect the decoration of the deity, then your heart will be gradually blackened
- The more you can decorate the Deities soberly, not fanatically, the more you become decorated with all honors
- The more you make the Deity of Jagannatha attractively dressed, the more you shall become spiritually attractive
- The most important thing is that we must be ideal Krsna Conscious persons, and then we can attract others. This means chanting, reading my books, going on sankirtana, following the regulative principles and worshiping the deity
- The new thrones are actually super-excellent. I wanted that thrones be constructed like this, so you have introduced it. Personally I have already instructed and you are following
- The one who is working as a gardener, he is as good as the one who is dressing the Deity, because it is Absolute plane
- The person who is working in the garden, Krsna's garden, he should be as careful as the man who is worshiping the Deity in the temple
- The photos of my murti are very nice. The murti of the Spiritual Master should be treated as good as the Deity
- The small Deity which Yamuna is receiving may be taken to Delhi in order to make the dharmasala a permanent center. Wherever we go, our Deities must be installed. So they may not go to Africa and waste time
- The spiritual master's duty is to engage the disciples in Deity worship, sri-vigraha
- There is no harm if the devotees chant in the temple during the time when the Deities are resting
- There is no need of adding further Deities. Once installed it cannot be changed. Do not make it childish, too much addition of Deities will encumber us. At first, either Panca Tattva or Gaura-Nitai Deities may be installed
- There is no objection either to applying the jewels to Their bodies with beeswax or to swinging them in the public functions in the temple on Sunday, so long there is very nice jhulan or swing being profusely decorated
- There is no question of bathing Caitanya deity. Of course He is bathed many times daily by Hare Krishna Mantra, but for bathing of such deities requires Salagrama Sila, and I have not introduced yet, but I shall do so later
- This (chanting, reading my books, going on sankirtana, following the regulative principles and worshiping the deity) is the simple process and if we follow it we will become ideal. Otherwise, they will become victims of women and wealth
- This Deity worship - this is training. The same thing will continue when you go to Vaikuntha or Vrndavana. The same way we shall personally serve
- This deity worship is very serious program, and it must be kept to the utmost highest standard and never allowed to be neglected. So if you are willing and able to initiate such program in Baltimore center, I have no objection
- This early rising, holding classes, going out regularly for sankirtana, worshiping the deity are the very substance of devotional life
- To celebrate the Rasa Lila Ceremony decorate the Deities very nicely with flowers; as many as possible, ornaments, garlands, nice light demonstration, and much distribution of Prasadam
- To install Deities in a moving vehicle is not very good. There is always danger of falling and breaking
- To supervise this essential Krishna Conscious activity requires a very fastidious person, one who can remember everything and be very conscientious to prepare everything nicely, be timely
- To worship Nrsimhadeva requires a separate temple structure, not that Lord Nrsimhadeva can be worshiped in the same temple as Radha-Krsna
- We are actually teaching in our classes how to go about this - installing Deities at home and, worshiping the Deity regularly, chanting the maha-mantra and discussing the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- We are getting the Deity Worship maintained by Europeans and Americans who are not born in brahmana families there will be great litigation on this issue and it may be judgement is against us
- We are in the lower stage. Therefore Deity worship required. Even if there is no temple, you can keep small Deity in a small box and open it. After taking bath . . . (indistinct) . . . you can offer Him little patram puspam phalam toyam - BG 9.26
- We do not want to create a group of prakrta sahajiya, or devotees who do not know the science of Krishna and do not know the science of devotion, but simply worship the Deity with no depth of knowledge
- We have also established worship of the Deity in our temple so that all day long one will automatically think of Krishna, He is so kind
- We improve on Deity worship by regulated puja, purified chanting and bold and enthusiastic preaching work. Those are the real ornaments with which to decorate the Lord
- We may spend anything and everything for the deity, as long as there is no scarcity, and by that lavish spending to glorify Radha and Krsna, they will become very much pleased upon you and bless you more and more
- We must be very careful about deity worship, if it is neglectful then it is very offensive and that will not help us, we should not do it simply for show
- We must be very very careful as to not commit offenses in worshiping the Deities, so therefore there must be sufficient facilities and Brahmins to worship the Deity
- We require a guidebook for Deity worship, arcana-paddhati, based on Hari-bhakti-Vilasa. All brahmanas will be responsible to learn this book
- We want to establish a small gurukula as mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, accommodating willing Vaisnavas who will follow the Vaisnava behavior strictly; arranging worship of the Deity by the sincere devotees who will not take any remuneration
- We worship Krsna - Radha-Krsna, Laksmi-Narayana, Sita-Rama. This is Vaisnava's worshipable Deity. We do not worship alone God. We Vaisnava, we want to see Krsna and His energy, potency
- When the large Deities are installed, the small Deities should be worshiped as Vijaya Vigraha which means this pair of Deities may go outside the Temple
- Whenever there is a possibility to worship the Deity, we may establish many centers, but generally we should give more stress to the distribution of transcendental literature, for this will be more effective in converting people to Krsna consciousness
- Who has introduced these things, that women cannot have chanting japa in the temple, they cannot perform the arati and so many things? If they become agitated, then let the brahmacaris go to the forest, I have never introduced these things
- Worship of Radha-Krishna Deities is the ultimate pinnacle of Deity worship, and it must be done with the utmost caution and attention to every detail of giving opulent service
- Worship of Sri Sri Radha Krishna is the ultimate in arcana worship, so the standard must be the highest
- Worship the Deity according to the authorized system
- Yes, 15 minutes is sufficient time for the offering to remain on the altar. You do not need to lay down Lord Jagannatha on a bed, by mantra you say my dear Lord please take rest
- Yes, be attached to the Deity and your life will be successful
- Yes, God is always there in His Arca Vigraha form, either as Krishna or Rama or Caitanya, whatever. So He must be offered all respects as if He is there personally present
- Yes, the big Deities are already shipped to Los Angeles. We must have in L.A. immediately the installation of these big Deities. As soon as I arrive, I shall install Them
- Yes, you may name your naughty boy Radha-Damodar because He is always being tied-up with ropes
- You are at liberty to follow your husband, that is not my point, but if you go the deity worship may be neglected and our progress will be hampered. That is my opinion, because you are in charge, but if you think you may go sometimes, I have no objection
- You can tell him that we want many Panca-tattva Deities made out of cement or plaster paris. They can be made the same size as the L.A. Gaura-Nitai Deities
- You can work on the hair sets while the Deities are taking rest
- You have installed the Deity there so nicely with all nice decorations, and I have seen how clean you are keeping it
- You must be very careful how to keep the temple very cleansed, yourself clean, worshiping the Deity. That is recommended. Sri-vigraharadhana-nitya-nana-srngara-tan mandira-marjanadau. This is also tapasya
- You should always inform me before sending the Deities to the Temples. We cannot send them indiscriminately to anyone who has the whim of worshiping the Deities
- You should arrange for them to be sent to New York from where they will be distributed to the appropriate centers. In New Vrndavana we will require seven pairs of Deities for the proposed seven temples
- You should have such program for worshiping the Deity that you may be engaged twenty-four hours, twenty-four hours. Sri-vigraharadhana-nitya, nitya-nana, nitya-nana-srngara, dressing, decorating. Daily, new dress, or twice new dress, or four times
- You should induce other centers to cultivate Tulasi. One circular should be sent to every center that they should import Tulasi Devi from either St. Louis or Hawaii and at every offering of bhoga to the Deities there must be one Tulasi leaf on the plate
- You should make sure that there is nice fresh, clean dress every morning, nice bathing ceremony every morning, nice offerings of prasadam. You should see that the Deity is tended for and cooked for only by the duly second initiated brahmanas
- Your comment is well taken that you have little or no knowledge of the politics. So you remain uninvolved and just continue to simply follow the authorities and concentrate on improving the Deity worship
- Your Deities shall be named Radha Gopinatha
- Your idea of placing conchshell in the eyes is nice and you may do it. You have the perfect example of the Deities in New York, so if you can similarly make some Deities for our other centers it will be very nice accomplishment
- Your plan for bringing Lord Jagannatha to Atlanta is also approved by me, provided there are sufficient Brahmans and other suitable arrangements
- Your program for training everyone in the proper form of Deity worship and other temple activities is very, very good
- Your program for training your Godsisters is very nice, so do it nicely as you have got experience in arcana. There is no matter if there is a little change here and there - the real duty is love and devotion
- Your proposal is very nice to make the atmosphere of the Deities very, very opulent, and the temple must be kept always very nice. That will be the attractive feature and people will come to see for that reason
- Your proposal to come to Vrindaban and serve the deities in our new Krsna Balarama temple is approved by me
- Your suggestion for groups teaching practical subjects like book distribution, deity worship, is also good. These things are wanted