Category:Our Interests (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Interests (Disciples of SP)"
The following 94 pages are in this category, out of 94 total.
- According to our philosophy, we are not impressed even in pious activity. We are not interested in impious activities. We are not interested even in pious activities. This is our position
- After some time of appreciating our program and trying to understand our philosophy, when someone is very interested and recommended by the Temple Commander, for becoming initiated, I accept him
- All these boys and girls who are under my direction, they have no other interest, simply Krsna
- Any advanced student, if he wants to know about science practically, he can go to some country or . . . either to preach or to learn. So our coming and going throughout the whole world . . . we are interested to enlighten people about the science of God
- As soon as you become interested (in Krsna), oh, Krsna becomes very active: "Oh, he's trying to do something. I shall help him"
- Because you have got one interest, therefore you one. Just like we. We are so many individuals. But our interest is Krsna. Therefore we are one
- Because you have got such deep personal interest with that engagement of work, you want to see that it is done nicely without any hindrance of selfish motivation, never mind all kinds of conditions of the material nature
- Each and every living entity is an individual soul and as such disagreement is quite possible in our dealings with one another but we have to consider the central point of interest
- Even ordinary students who are trying to make progress in spiritual life, they are not interested, amisa-madya-seva (meat-eating and intoxication). They are not interested. This is practical
- Every human being, for his own interest, should accept a Spiritual Master and abide by His order. This is the Vedic system, and whatever we are trying to do, it is in pursuance of the old order
- Every member of the Krsna consciousness movement is interested in going door to door to try to convince people about the teachings of Bhagavad-gita As It Is, the teachings of Lord Caitanya. That is the purpose of the Hare Krsna movement
- I am glad to learn that your good wife is now days taking interest in Krishna Consciousness. Please offer her my blessings. I think a good and sincere husband's influence is working in her
- I am so glad to learn that you are reading my Bhagavad-gita As It Is with great interest, and I hope if you kindly read my books carefully that all your spiritual desires will be fulfilled
- I am very pleased to hear about the progress of Hyderabad centre preaching and construction. With your active interest I am very confident that everything is going on very smoothly
- I appreciate very much your interest in propagating the teaching of the Bhagavad-gita, and it is because of the assistance of men like you that we are constructing a temple in Hyderabad
- I appreciate your sincere interest in this Krishna Conscious philosophy and this Sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya. I have also heard how you typed Sri Sri Brahma Samhita and I am very pleased with your sincere service
- I beg to inform you that many of my American disciples have become seriously interested in the philosophy of Krishna Conscious. They want to come to Vrindaban to study the Krishna philosophy as authorized and explained by the Gosvamis
- I can understand that you are very interested in Sankirtana Party, so you may be in charge of this activity in the New York temple
- I shall be glad to hear from you how much you are interested in this movement. On hearing from you favorably, I shall arrange to send a batch of trained disciples of this country to exhibit in all important cities of India how they are working
- I very much appreciate your attitude in saying "It is not sannyasa so much that I am interested in, its Krishna Consciousness and working to please my Spiritual Master."
- If I am illiterate, I have no interest in reading books, I have no interest in chanting or I cannot do it constantly, then take something and mop over the temple and cleanse the temple. That is also service
- If you are at all interested, you can return. Your service was there. Why did you leave, and now you are whimsically asking for service. You never asked me before leaving. How can I guide you? If you act whimsically, nobody can make you happy
- If you are interested to publish my works that will be very much suitable to me and profitable for both of us
- If you are not interested in association, discussion, then you are finished
- If you are seriously interested in maintaining a Vaisnava temple, why not go & try to help my disciples in Boston, whether they are going to sell & relocate or remain, if you are financially able to assist that will be taken by Krsna as a great service
- If you find this work of transcribing from recorded tapes interesting, you will have ample opportunity to work on this. There are many tapes like this in New York, Boston, and maybe in other places also
- In our books there is no biography of anyone. We are interested in the philosophy. It is called vijnana, science
- In our Krsna society we are not very much anxious for economic development or sense gratification. We are simply interested how to develop our Krsna consciousness
- It is imperfect unless your interest is expanded up to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is the Vedic injunction in the Rg Veda
- It is the duty of the father and mother to train children in such a way that they will be interested in guru and Krsna. Why? By the mercy of guru and Krsna, he'll get bhakti-lata-bija. And that is real life
- It is very good that you are taking serious interest in reading our books
- KC is the life of eternity and I am glad you are interested in it. So I am sending you beads chanted by me and your name is Nandakisora Brahmacari. Please follow the rules and regulations and ask Brahmananda about these rules and regulations
- Krsna does not require your service. He is self-sufficient. He has got many servants anywhere and everywhere. So Krsna does not require our service. It is our interest. If we render service to Krsna, then we become happy. That is the profit
- Krsna is within your heart. If you kindly continue to hear about Him, as you are doing, then Krsna will be very much pleased, "Oh, this person is now interested in me." Because nobody's interested in Krsna. So Krsna is also silent to them
- Oneness does not mean that you lose your individuality. Oneness means you keep your individuality, but you take the same interest. It is not possible that you lose your individuality. That is not possible. You are individual eternally
- Oneness does not mean void, no. Oneness means when our interest becomes one. Real oneness means to be interested in Krsna. That is oneness. Other oneness will not stand
- Our Krishna Consciousness Movement is not a Bharatiya artistic one. It is a program to solve all the problems of all the world. We are getting good response, so your cooperation will be welcome, but we are not interested in Bharatiya
- Our only interest is that you are taking interest in Krsna consciousness, working; otherwise we don't want to exploit you
- Our only motive is how to interest people in Krsna consciousness. That's all. There is no economic problem. We can produce our own food and clothes, gradually, and save time for spiritual life
- Our real interest is in the western countries. The trouble in India is we cannot preach. There are language difficulties and the people think they already know everything
- Our service to Krsna is voluntary and we are interested only that He shall be pleased, not myself
- Our students, either Brahmacari or Householder, are being trained up for constant engagement in Krsna Consciousness service without any personal interest. This is perfect order of Sannyas
- So I am very glad that you are taking more and more interest in this movement, and I pray to Krishna that you be fixed up in that position, eternally
- Sometimes we take part in a marriage ceremony for our disciples, but this does not mean that we are interested in karma-kanda activities. Sometimes, not knowing the Vaisnava philosophy, an outsider criticizes such activity
- That (why these American boys are mad after God now) is a fact. These boys, you American boys, you were not interested. But why you are so interested and you are preaching Krsna consciousness all over the world? You are not foolish
- The Americans are taking interest in the matter of Bhakti cult of Sankirtana movement. I am holding classes of Sankirtana and discourses on the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam and I very glad to inform you that they are chanting the holy name of God
- The boy Bruce is improving and becoming more interested. He has now sacrificed his hairs for Krsna - that is a good sign
- The mind goes away - bring it back again. Just like your child goes away, you bring him at home. Similarly, the mind is restless. So by practicing, when we feel interest
- The president recommends that, "This boy or girl is now living with us for so many months. He's interested. He may be initiated." Then we initiate. But initiate with some condition. Anartha-nivrttih syat
- There is a batch of selfless worker (in the Sankirtana movement) mostly Brahmacari & Sanyasi at my disposal with whom I can give it a starting but arrangement has to be made for training students & selfless young men to further interest of the work
- These devotees, they are not interested at all. The cinema is here, a few steps away, but you will never see a student or a disciple of Krsna consciousness will go to that nonsense place
- This is a spiritual movement, and at the present moment people are more interested with material improvement, but our real interest is... Not only our, every human being's interest should be for spiritual upliftment
- Those who stay with us must be well behaved. From our side we will attend to their needs and make them comfortable, and from their side they must be clean and attend the aratis. Somehow or other they must be induced to take interest in spiritual life
- To have some little disagreements amongst yourselves is not very unnatural because we are all individual beings. But as we are all working on behalf of Krishna we should always forget our personal interests and see to the prime cause
- Touring and book distribution, side by side, this is the main business. The general public will not be very much interested to see the deity; it is our personal business
- We are interested - those who are followers of real Vedanta - to see the result. Phalena pariciyate. Phalena means "by the result." So what is the result? The result is by executing one's particular type of religious system, he must develop KC or GC
- We are interested in advertising in the important daily Indian newspapers
- We are interested in spiritual subject matter. Therefore the process is adau gurv-asrayam. One has to accept a bona fide spiritual master. That is our process. Without accepting a bona fide spiritual master, we cannot make any progress. It is impossible
- We are interested in the words of Krsna. If Krsna is like us, He has got the same material body, then why we should be interested to read Bhagavad-gita, He is also a man like us?
- We are interested to hear about Maharaja Pariksit's punishing the Kali provided it helps us to advance in Krsna consciousness. Otherwise we have no interest. This should be the principle of devotees
- We are more interested in distributing our books. Incense sales are clearly business only, but when we sell our books that means we push forward our movement. Of course they can both be done together
- We are more interested that the mass of men shall support us - what good a handful of high-class supporters will do?
- We are not concerned with a scholar who knows theoretically Caitanya Vaisnava Movement but we are interested with persons who are actually devotees who actually chant Hare Krsna Mahamantra and follows the regulative principles
- We are not going to take birth again in this material world, either in the moon planet or sun planet, or this planet, or that, within this universe. Nowhere we're going to come. We are not interested
- We are not interested in the matter of general principles of morality, social culture, ethics. They are required, but because this material world means it is a infected world, so here in this material world, so-called morality is infected
- We are not interested in these things like hatha-yoga and swimming. We do not encourage such useless activities. We would never take to such activities for earning money. We get money enough. We don't require to adopt any unauthorized means
- We are not interested now about calculation the perfect knowledge. This perfect knowledge comes from God, or Krsna, and it is distributed by parampara system, by disciplic succession
- We are not so much after big, big buildings, we are interested to preach only. But if such building will enhance our preaching work and not distract us from the main business, then it is nice
- We are prepared to pay cash 4 lacs less what we have already paid. Otherwise they must return our money and pay all damages, interest, etc, and we shall leave the temple as it is and shall go away: what can be done
- We are talking with Dr. Such-and-such, not with the dress. We are not interested with the dress, but we are interested with you, person. Similarly, these bodies are different dresses, according to the price he has paid
- We are trying to set a perfect example according to the Bhagavad-gita as it is, how to execute simple living and high thinking. We are not interested in any material comforts of life which are limited and temporary
- We have some devotees in Russia, very young men. They are very much interested in Krsna consciousness, and they are chanting, although silently, so that government may not hear; there will be danger
- We have to see what is favorable to Krsna, not sense gratification, not favorable to me. Or to my country, or to my society. No self-interest. Only Krsna's interest. That is bhakti
- We select girl, say, about 16, 17 years old, and boys not more than 24 years old. I get them married. You see? And because their attention is diverted to Krsna consciousness, they have very little interest simply for sex life
- We should be very much angry. When? When there is anything against God and God's devotee. But generally, for my personal interest, I should not be angry. "All right, if you like to call me by ill names, I don't mind. You go on with your business"
- Why the GBC men are not interested in these talks?
- Write one letter to Purusottam das in Vrindaban saying that you are not interested in his work nor do you require his help
- You are all Australian. Why you are all Australian? Or you are all individual. How you become all Australian, merge into the Australian conception? Because as Australian, you have one interest
- You are all individual. It is not something material. We are all spirit soul, so we are all individual. But if our interest becomes one, then we merge into one. This is oneness
- You are in charge of the Seattle branch. You should try to develop and manage this temple as your life interest. Don't be flickering, thinking of going here and there
- You are now in one. As soon as your interest little becomes different, who become separated. There is quite possibility. Because you are all individual, there is quite possibility of disagreeing with another individual person
- You foreigners, you have taken some interest. I am very much pleased. So constantly come here and hear about Krsna. This is the pastimeous place of Krsna, Vrndavana. So make your anarthas vanquished
- You have mentioned that you may be interested in marriage, and if you think that you should marry, there is no question of living as an artificial brahmacari
- You have suggested that some men are best engaged in doing business. I agree. All grhasthas who are interested in doing business should do so in full swing
- You must work conjointly. That is my desire, and if you fight amongst yourselves for some individual interests, that is not surrender
- You see the Americans and European boys. They are no more interested with material activities. You bribe them that "Again come to material activities." They will refuse, because param drstva nivartate. They are actually liberated
- Your good family has very great interest in Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and especially your grandfather Mahatma Sisir Kumar Ghose was a great friend of Bhaktivinode Thakur