Category:Our Concentration (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Concentration (Disciples of SP)"
The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total.
- Because you cannot concentrate your mind in chanting, you have no attachment for chanting, that (minimum sixteen rounds of chanting) is a, a regulative principle. You must. You must finish this
- Because you have forgotten Krsna, therefore Krsna has given you so many books, Vedic literature. Therefore I was stressing, don't waste your time in reading nonsense literature. Just concentrate your mind in this Vedic literature
- Boston is educational center, especially there are so many universities so if you concentrate your energy and can organize the student community to understand our philosophy it will be a great service
- By fully concentrating on distributing books for Krsna, one is fully absorbed in Krsna. This is samadhi
- I (Prabhupada) am very glad to hear that there is an increase in classes and that the mantra class is beng held daily twice. In this way if we always concentrate on reading our literature then there will be no difficulty to preach
- I am arranging to collect and send money from here for the Vrindaban project and I also want you to concentrate on collecting there. We want to finish this project as soon as possible so that we will have our Center firmly fixed up in Vrindaban
- I am glad to hear that you are now concentrating on improving the regulative life of the temple rather than so much advertising with brochures. This is very nice; this is what I want. A good example is better than precept
- I am glad to see that Abhirama is doing well. He is a very intelligent boy. Now he is concentrating on book distribution so there will be no difficulty. This should be our first business. Temple opening is secondary
- I am sending Bali Mardan to Australia to act as GBC for Australia and New Zealand until the Mayapur festival next year. Now you may concentrate on Hawaii and Japan
- I want that the GBC men should leave the management of the individual centers to the local presidents and concentrate themselves upon preaching work
- If you concentrate your energy in a city like Bombay for propagating Krishna Consciousness amongst the younger generation, as I am doing here in the Western World, it will be great service to Krishna and to your country
- If you sit down and write some article on Krsna, that means you have to concentrate on Krsna's activities or Krsna's devotees' activities, and that very process will purify your heart
- In order to fix the devotees in concentration on the service of the Lord, marriage is sometimes allowed. We have experienced that such married couples actually render very important service to the mission
- In our Krsna consciousness movement, all our activities are concentrated upon distributing Krsna literature. This is very important. One may approach any person and induce him to read Krsna literature so that in the future he also may become a devotee
- Nobody is better meditator than these boys. They are simply concentrating on Krsna. Their whole business is Krsna
- Now concentrate your efforts by bringing our regular program up to the highest standards
- Now I want that we shall concentrate on making our devotees Krishna conscious and ourselves becoming Krishna conscious, and not be so much concerned with expanding ourselves widely but without any spiritual content
- The Boston center is also very important because there are many students & Boston is educational center so if you concentrate your energy & can organize the student community to understand our philosophy it will be a great service
- The difficulty is that we cannot come to the pure stage of chanting Hare Krsna mantra. Due to our past habits our mind is disturbed. We cannot concentrate. Therefore we have fixed up the minimum
- These feelings of loneliness are simply temporary manifestations due to past conditioning, and we should try to concentrate our attention to our eternal friendship with Krishna. That will relieve us of all such botherations
- Try to concentrate on these farm projects. Let the villagers come and hear, and distribute prasadam. In this way draw their sympathy and gradually they'll become our associates. Then they can come to live with us and work with us
- We are accepting these boys as brahmana because they have learned. Of course, due to their past habits sometimes they commit some mistakes, but they have concentrated their mind in Krsna
- We are giving all facility to the general populace to take to Krsna consciousness, and in order to fix the devotees in concentration on the service of the Lord, marriage is sometimes allowed
- We should concentrate on developing the existing centers nicely rather than randomly opening new ones. If a temple has to close down it is a great discredit. So we should work in such a way that all our centers may prosper
- We should concentrate on training these children up in Krishna Consciousness, not so much by formal, academic education--a little reading, writing, mathematics, that's all
- We should concentrate our energy in constructive work. The constructive work is preaching. So this Rathayatra festival is one of the items of our preaching work, and therefore it was introduced in both San Francisco and London
- You especially are to take the credit. From the very beginning you wanted that place, and you got the land, got money from me, and now you have built the place by your concentration of energy. That is wanted
- You have tried to explain the reasons for your recent traveling excursions, but there is no need to explain; the reason is that you are restless. I wanted you to concentrate your mind on painting and utilizing your talents for Krishna's service
- You may assist your husband very nicely by concentrating all your time and efforts in raising your child in full Krsna consciousness
- Your comment is well taken that you have little or no knowledge of the politics. So you remain uninvolved and just continue to simply follow the authorities and concentrate on improving the Deity worship
- Your idea for printing books with Dai Nippon and concentrating on distributing is very good idea, so I very much approve of your techniques for selling our literatures