Category:Our Challenge (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Challenge (Disciples of SP)"
The following 38 pages are in this category, out of 38 total.
- All the universities and educational institutions are in darkness and still they are very much proud of advancement of knowledge. This we shall challenge everywhere and come out victorious
- Any one of my students can challenge any student of so-called yogis, and that is practical evidence
- Anyone, he may be a ordinary man, he may be so-called swami or maybe so-called yogi or so-called leader, but our test is whether he's Krsna conscious. One test. If he's not, then he's a rascal. That is our challenge
- I am pleased that you are making serious study of our Krishna philosophy, so I want that you go on like this until you will able to defeat any challenge from atheists and rascals, then your preaching work will have real potency
- I am very much encouraged to learn that you are bold enough to challenge any nondevotee as you did with that impersonalist yoga student. That should be the temperament of all our preachers
- If we meet one who is challenging us we should either defeat him or make him our friend
- In my Easy Journey to Other Planet, I have written that "This moon-going attempt is childish and waste of time." And still we are challenging that "Mars-going, so-called, it will also fail." Write it: It will fail. Not that process
- Only persons who are joining this movement, they are intelligent, and others are not intelligent? that is our challenge. Now you can defend on behalf of those who do not accept this proposal. This is my challenge. It is very intelligent question
- Our philosophy cannot be challenged or defeated by any mundane philosophy ,and on this basis alone we stand substantial and certain of victory over all others
- Our principle aim is to challenge their (rascal scientists') nonsense proposition so that the layman and common people may be saved from this rascaldom
- Simply we have to present ourselves in true perspective. We can challenge any rascals of the world but the difficulty is that it is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss
- Since scientists are now enamored of theories about the chemical composition of the body, we have challenged many scientists to make even a small egg
- Sometimes we have to challenge big scientists and philosophers, but by the grace of Krsna we emerge successful
- Such gun shots could have taken place long ago since we are challenging everybody. So we must be prepared to fight
- Take this (Krsna Consciousness) philosophy nicely, understand it, and preach. You will be victorious everywhere. Because we can challenge anyone. If you know the trick, Krsna consciousness, you can challenge
- That is our concern: how the world is misdirected. That we are challenging, this Krsna consciousness. It is not that "East," "West," "you," "I." Everyone is a victim. Bhagavata says, prayena kalau asmin yuge janah: "In this age everyone is condemned"
- That is the fact. It is a revolutionary movement. We are challenging everyone that "You are all set of asses and cows and animals, because you have no knowledge beyond this body"
- The challenge is to the maya, or in other words it is a fight with the maya, and I may inform you that the maya has given me a great stroke very recently
- The rascal Darwin's theory. So many, based on this foolish theory, wrong conception of life. So we have to challenge, protest. defeat. This will be our work
- There is no doubt about it that our philosophy is the supermost perfect presentation. We can challenge any other philosophy and establish that this Krishna Consciousness is the panacea for all material problems
- These rascal so-called commentators, they want to avoid Krsna. Therefore this Krsna consciousness movement is a challenge to these rascals. It is a challenge that "You want to make Krsna without Krsna. This is nonsense
- We are not afraid to challenge every mundane philosopher and defeat them, because they are simply operating on the mental platform which is constantly changing, so they cannot have any real authority
- We are preachers on behalf of Lord Krsna, that is our occupational duty, we haven't got to search any further some new challenge or change our engagement. No, that has been already settled up. Best thing will be to develop more & more what we have begun
- We are trying to give them solid personification of the Absolute Truth. Here also, India, they are spoiled by these Mayavadi. Now it is in your able hands. You are resourceful, intelligent. Spread this Vaisnava philosophy and challenge this Mayavada
- We can challenge any nonsense philosophy. Socrates, Plato, Kant, Darwin--all of them--so many mental speculators and word jugglers who have misled so many people
- We can challenge any scientist, any philosopher. So if you become serious, if you cooperate with us, this institution can set a great example, not only in India, but to the whole world
- We challenge the scientists, and I have produced this scientist to challenge them. But I was never a scientist. That book is actually revolutionary amongst the scientists. Scientific Basis, you have read that?
- We have got one standard knowledge. I may be fool, rascal, but we repeat Krsna. So our method is very easy. We are challenging everyone
- You bring any so-called followers of yoga society student and try to compare with any one of our student, you'll find he is far, far advanced. We challenge
- You have understood our philosophy rightly, that we boldly challenge anyone--philosopher, scientist, educationist--to understand our philosophy
- You say that you can edit any amount we can supply, so I take that as a challenge and I shall try to see if you can keep up with me