Category:Our Attentiveness (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Attentiveness (Disciples of SP)"
The following 62 pages are in this category, out of 62 total.
- By cleansing the temple and growing flowers their attention in this way be always in Krsna consciousness. That will save them from the clutches of maya
- By fixing your attention in this way, worrying how He will be pleased with me, you will naturally very soon reach the supreme highest perfection of life which is pure Krishna Consciousness
- By the first hearing you may not understand about Krsna, but if you simply hear with little attention, although you do not understand, still, you will be pious
- Distribution of books means propagation of our mission. If we can distribute KRSNA book in thousands upon thousands, automatically the Krsna Consciousness Movement will be spread up. You have rightly drawn the attention of the GBC on this point
- Don't be disheartened at any circumstance. Depend on Krishna. After all this is the kingdom of maya. She is always peeping to take the opportunity of attacking us, but if we fix up our attention on the Lotus Feet of Krishna, maya cannot even touch us
- I am very encouraged by the report of how nicely our books are being distributed. This is our main business all over the world. If you give full attention to this, there will never be any shortage of funds
- I am very much pleased to see all these pictures and our magazines gives information to the people that we do not stick only to the cities, but we train people in the remote villages also. So everything should be done very attentively and amicably
- I give you special permission as follows: You find out of 24 hours at least one hour conveniently for chanting Hare Krishna with great attention, either by the Deities or any place, without being disturbed by anyone else
- I have heard that you are well qualified to worship the Deity at highest standard and this is very much necessary. One who is worshiping the Deity must be always attentive and mindful of his occupation at all times
- I hope you are taking care of the Deities with greater attention, and teaching your younger God brothers and sisters to follow the Arcana bidhi. As we open many branches, we shall require many devotees like you to take care of the Deities very nicely
- I hope you will read our books attentively and you should ask guidance in understanding Krsna Consciousness from your elder God-brothers
- If you carefully manipulate it, the blade helps by clean shaving; but a little inattention causes a bloody cheek. So this example we should always remember and carefully manipulate the blade of Krsna Consciousness
- If you divert your attention to a lot of business, then spiritual advancement will be hampered. So I do not think it is wise to get that big store and start a big business with many departments. That will distract
- If you hear, if you are anxious to hear, then mind has to be engaged. Without attention, you cannot hear
- If you love Krsna, then why you are diverting your attention? You are worshiping Deity, you are thinking of loving some woman. That means I'm not yet convinced that by loving Krsna I'll be perfect
- In rendering service to Lord Krsna and His representative the Spiritual Master, we should always maintain this fearful attitude which means careful attention. This attitude will advance you progressively in Krishna Consciousness
- Krsna has His house, prakara-sadmasu. Cintamani-prakara-sadmasu. Sadma. Sadma means house. So we should take very, very careful attention that this temple is kept very nicely, managed very nicely
- Ksurasya dhara. Ksura means sharpened razor. If you are careful, you cleanse very nicely. If you are not careful, immediately blood. Immediately. So the spiritual life is like that. As soon as you become little inattentive, immediately maya captures
- Now become always attentive to all the aspects of your temple's activities, especially to the regulative spiritual life and preaching work
- Now we should work solidly to attention of important men, and try to make them understand that this movement is the most authorized scientific agitation to invoke man's dormant Krishna Consciousness
- Of course, as individuals, we have sometimes disagreements, but that should be adjusted keeping our central attention to Krishna
- Oh, don't try to understand in a minute. You read all these books. But attentively, if the child has form, the father must have form. There is no doubt of it. And what is that form? That you have to understand
- One thing, I am drawing the attention of all the GBC that London affairs are not going very nicely. Of course it is improved since Mukunda has taken charge. The GBC should keep watch over London affairs. It is one of the most important centers of ISKCON
- Our attention should always be how we are executing our spiritual life. That is very simple. We observe strictly the regulative principles and chant sixteen rounds minimum. That will save us
- Our literatures must be studied with great attention
- Please always talk about Krishna amongst you two sisters, and enjoy life. This is very good opportunity that you are talking and painting about Krishna, so that your mind, hand, and attention are all absorbed in Krishna samadhi
- Please continue to read the literature very attentively. Try to understand very soberly and you will feel ecstasy undoubtedly. The more we understand the spiritual literatures the more we become engladdened
- Please give your primary attention for improving BTG, the backbone of our movement
- Please keep in the front of your attention my desire that you convert the Africans. I know you have some of them already now train them up, so that even if you are forced to leave, they will be able to carry on Krsna Consciousness on their own
- Proper Deity worship, with all attention to cleanliness, is of the utmost importance. If you can please the Deity by your sincere service, then your temple will flourish
- Real business is preaching work, and if there is full attention on this matter only, all other businesses will be automatically successful
- Regarding reading Mahabharata, why divert your attention in this way? Bhagavatam is also Mahabharata. There are so many books I have presented already, so whatever you have got, just become expert in that
- Regarding the rumor about New Vrindaban closing, do not try to divert your attention to all these rumors. Rumor is rumor. When New Vrindaban by the wish of Krishna is started, let us go on with the business. I can understand why the rumor was broadcast
- Siddhantic conclusions are being mentioned in all my books, and the boys and girls in our Krsna Society should now give more attention for studying the books very attentively
- Sometimes we find that our Western students fail to chant even these sixteen rounds, and instead they bring many austere books and a worshiping method that diverts their attention in so many ways
- Sravanam Kirtanam. This is the process. It is beneficial for the recitor as well as the hearer. Also, book distribution is a very important program and you should give much attention to developing it
- Study our literatures attentively and try to understand the philosophy nicely with the help of your God-brothers. Always work cooperatively to spread Krsna consciousness movement and chant Hare Krsna and your life will be sublime
- Surrendered devotee sees that everything is part of Krishna's plan, that whatever is meant to be, I am doing that, so let me do it with my full attention to every detail, let me become absorbed in such service, never mind what it is
- The important members of ISKCON should give careful attention to our Dallas school, where children are being taught Sanskrit and English to become perfect brahmanas
- There are many things to criticize in the matter of any faith, and if we divert our attention to such activities we shall simply create more opposite elements and waste our time
- These debts must be paid, that is important business. Along with our preaching and propaganda work, we must also give attention to financial matters, otherwise the whole thing will collapse and it will be a farce
- These feelings of loneliness are simply temporary manifestations due to past conditioning, and we should try to concentrate our attention to our eternal friendship with Krishna. That will relieve us of all such botherations
- This recording business is not our line, so you should not divert your attention for the time being for such things
- We can accept everything for Krishna's service, but not taking the risk of diverting attention to any other thing which will hinder our Krishna Consciousness. That should be our motto, or principle
- We Gaudiya Vaishnavas, under the guidance of Lord Chaitanya, want steady attention for Krishna, not flickering. Therefore, in our line of thoughts and action there is no scope for worshiping any other demigods
- We Gaudiya Vaisnavas, under the guidance of Lord Caitanya, want steady attention for Krishna, not flickering. Therefore, in our line of thoughts and action there is no scope for worshiping any other demigods
- We have to adjust things in such a way that my major portion of my attention or energy may be applied for advancing spiritual consciousness or Krsna consciousness. That should be the motto of our life
- We select girl, say, about 16, 17 years old, and boys not more than 24 years old. I get them married. You see? And because their attention is diverted to Krsna consciousness, they have very little interest simply for sex life
- When Hare Krishna Mantra is vibrating on your tongue and you are hearing attentively, then your consciousness becomes clear or Krishna Consciousness and there is no question of maya or hazy consciousness
- When Hare Krishna Mantra is vibrating on your tongue and you are hearing attentively, then your consciousness becomes clear or Krishna Consciousness, and there is no question of maya or hazy consciousness
- When Hare Krishna mantra is vibrating on your tongue, and you are hearing attentively, then your consciousness becomes clear
- When the sun is in the sky, then where is the question of darkness? Similarly, when Hare Krishna mantra is vibrating on your tongue, and you are hearing attentively, then your consciousness becomes clear or Krishna Consciousness
- When you hear about Krsna, that is also Krsna. Actually, when you are reading Krsna book, Krsna is fighting with demons, that is also His pastime. So Krsna is present. So you should be very attentive and worship this hearing
- Worship of Radha-Krishna Deities is the ultimate pinnacle of Deity worship, and it must be done with the utmost caution and attention to every detail of giving opulent service
- You go with increasing the Bhagavat pictures according to the descriptions, and you need not divert your attention for the pictures demanded by our different centers. You can redirect such inquiries here, and as there are three artists now living with us
- You must attention give to temple. When you have got the eyes to see Krsna everywhere, you may not require temple worship. But why do you try to imitate that? You have no eyes to see that
- You should just go on chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra and the Pancatattva mantra and don't divert your attention. You cannot understand the meaning of the Indian songs and simply parrot like chanting of these songs has no value