Category:One Year
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Pages in category "One Year"
The following 109 pages are in this category, out of 109 total.
- A similar number of boys and calves have been playing with Krsna for one whole year, yet they are different from the ones illusioned by my mystic potency. Who are they? Where did they come from - SB 10.13.42
- A woman is generally inclined to serve her own purposes. Kasyapa Muni proposed to train Diti to fulfill her desires within one year, and since she was eager to kill Indra, she immediately agreed
- After continued austerities by Salva for one year, Lord Siva became pleased with him and asked him to beg for the fulfillment of his desire
- After death according to Vedic regulations, pinda-udaka, pinda, offering Visnu prasada and water at least once in a year it is required by the family members
- After one year, when Durvasa Muni had returned, King Ambarisa sumptuously fed him all varieties of pure food, and then he himself also ate
- Although the thunderbolt revolved around Vrtrasura's neck with great speed, separating his head from his body took one complete year - 360 days, the time in which the sun, moon and other luminaries complete a northern and southern journey
- As I am planning to go to the United States shortly, and as over one year has passed since I was last there, I am requesting your good office to extend the validity of my Registration Card for another year
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, Krsna's expansion is situated in everyone's heart as the Supersoul. Similarly, instead of expanding Himself as the Supersoul, He expanded Himself as a portion of calves and cowherd boys for one continuous year
- As time passes, it is calculated in terms of years. One year contains 360 days, and the soldiers of Candavega herein mentioned (in SB 4.27.13) represent these days
- Before making guru, the system is, for one year the prospective disciple should hear from the person and then decide. And similarly, the guru also see a person who is actually submissive or not. That is Vaisnava injunction, Hari-bhakti-vilasa
- Brahmanahood is not so easy job that one can be turned into a brahmana all of a sudden. We initiate our students into brahmanahood only after seeing their behavior for at least one year
- By Sanatana Gosvami it is directed that the spiritual master and the disciple must meet together at least for one year so that the disciple may also understand that, - Here is a person whom I can accept as my guru
- Damayanti made varieties of unparalleled food just suitable for Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to eat. The Lord ate it continually for one year
- Dhaumya was present even during the exile of the Pandavas & used to advise them in circumstances when they were perplexed. He instructed them how to live incognito for one year, & his instructions were strictly followed by the Pandavas during that time
- Diti worshiped Lord Visnu for almost one year, adhering to a great vow. Because of such strength in spiritual life, the forty-nine Maruts were born
- Durvasa Muni had left the place of Maharaja Ambarisa, and as long as he had not returned - for one complete year - the King had fasted, maintaining himself simply by drinking water
- Even at the old age of 70, I started for America. There, for a full one year I had to experience great difficulties in my single handed mission on this account
- Everyone is welcome to appear in the Bhakti-sastri examination and take the title. But one must be acquainted with Krishna philosophy at least for one year
- Everything was Krsna. The calves, the cowherd boys and their maintainer Himself were all Krsna. In other words, Krsna expanded Himself in varieties of calves and cowherd boys and continued His pastimes uninterrupted for one year
- For one year I was traveling here and there, but in 1966 I established first my class in New York at 26 Second Avenue
- For one year Lord Brahma kept the calves and boys lying down in a cave by his mystic power. Therefore when Brahma saw Lord Krsna still playing with all the cows and calves, he began trying to reason about what was happening. What is this
- For one year there was no discussion of the incident of the Aghasura demon in the village of Vraja. But when the boys attained their sixth year, they informed their parents of the incident with great wonder
- He (Durvasa Muni) traveled all these long distances within one year, during his quarrel with King Ambarisa, the great devotee and Emperor of the world
- He (Durvasa Muni) was such a powerful yogi. And he took only one year to come back again. So still, he was defeated by a devotee. He was very angry
- He (Indra) suffered for one year, and then to purify himself he distributed the reactions for this sinful killing among the earth, water, trees and women
- He could travel in space by his great mystic powers, and it is understood that he traveled a great distance through space, even up to the Vaikuntha planets beyond material space. He traveled all these long distances within one year
- I am an ordained minister for preaching these missionary activities. So I came here in September, 1965. Then, for one year, I was traveling in many parts of your country
- I do not know why you are so much worried about your son's accepting brahmanahood. Anyway, rest assured that your son will not be initiated in brahmanahood at least for one year henceforward, unless he is so prepared with your sanction
- I first came in New York. Then I went to Pittsburgh, and for one year I was traveling, and I established this society in July 1, 1966
- I have been asked by Srila Prabhupad to enquire who has had this document prepared without Srila Prabhupad's authority being given? It is understood from Bali Maradan that it has taken over one year to prepare this document
- I have no objection to marriage, but to bless it by a fire sacrifice, that I am thinking that if they don't stay together, then it is not good. But if they can remain together for one year, then there can be fire sacrifice
- I started this movement in 1967 in New York, in a small scale. I went there in 1965, and for one year I had no shelter, neither any means to maintain myself. I had some books only, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and some way or other, I pulled on
- I was maintaining myself by selling these books for one year. There was no friend, and I was living in apartment with great difficulty. Still, the whole, I mean to say, stock, and my typewriter, my tape recorder - everything was stolen
- I went in America in 1965. After struggling for one year, in 1966 I incorporated this Krsna consciousness, International Society for Krsna Consciousness
- If you at all accept somebody as spiritual master, you must test him. You must test him for at least one year if you have got doubts. And when you are convinced that, "Here is a person whom I can follow blindly," then you accept
- In next game of chess, the bet was that if the Pandavas lost the game they would go to the forest for twelve years. Thereafter they were to remain incognito for one year, & if detected they would have to live in the forest again for another twelve years
- In the beginning we were very much disappointed for at least one year because no one came forth to help this movement, but by the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, some young boys joined this movement in 1966
- In the month of Karttika, after observing that vow for one year, after observing a fast for three nights and after bathing in the Yamuna, Maharaja Ambarisa worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, in Madhuvana
- In the sastras it is found that a very great yogi, Durvasa Muni, committed a vaisnava-aparadha and thus for one full year had to travel all over the universe, even to Vaikunthaloka, to defend himself from the offense
- In this way Raghunatha dasa passed one year exactly like a first-class business manager, but the next year he again decided to leave home
- It (the incident of Krsna's saving Himself and His associates from death and of giving deliverance to Aghasura) was disclosed in Vrajabhumi after one year, as if it had taken place on that very day - SB 10.12.37
- It doesn't matter I leave this body. Even in death I'll live. One year before or one year after... Now as far as possible, I have trained you. Try to follow the principles. And go ahead. Don't be set back by maya's tricks. Go ahead, forward, at any cost
- It is not that every man has to be made a brahmana after a year. Especially if one cannot even get up early and go to mangala arati he cannot become a brahmana. So consider it carefully before you recommend further men to me
- It is said in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa that one year should be taken to study one another, the guru and the disciple. The guru also will see whether the person is fit to become a disciple, and the disciple also will see
- It is the duty of the spiritual master to disclose all confidential subject matter to the inquisitive and sincere disciple. Thus Sukadeva Gosvami began to explain why the killing of Aghasura was not discussed until one year had passed
- It is understood that in one year Durvasa Muni traveled everywhere and went into the spiritual sky to meet the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana
- It was five or six days earlier (before one year) that Baladeva had inquired from Krsna about the extraordinary affection of the cows and cowherd men
- Kasyapa Muni continued: If you (Diti) perform this ceremony called pumsavana, adhering to the vow with faith for at least one year, you will give birth to a son destined to kill Indra
- Kasyapa Muni proposed to train Diti to fulfill her desires within one year, and since she was eager to kill Indra, she immediately agreed
- Kasyapa Muni said: My dear gentle wife (Diti), if you follow my instructions regarding this vow for at least one year, you will surely get a son who will be able to kill Indra
- Kasyapa Muni said: My dear gentle wife, if you follow my instructions regarding this vow for at least one year, you will surely get a son who will be able to kill Indra
- King Indra advised Rohita to travel to different pilgrimage sites and holy places, for such activities are pious indeed. Following this instruction, Rohita went to the forest for one year
- King Pariksit was a bit astonished to understand that the killing of the Aghasura demon was not discussed for one year, until after the boys attained the pauganda age
- Kirtanananda does not believe in parampara or in the necessity of scriptural authority. He seems to feel that this is a sort of tyranny. That means, after taking sannyasa and understanding the philosophy for more than a year, he has changed the whole view
- Krsna has many potencies: parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate (Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.8 (CC Madhya 13.65, purport)). The description of Aghasura was disclosed after one year. Some act of Krsna's potency must have been involved
- Maharaja Pariksit was very inquisitive to learn about this (that the killing of the Aghasura demon was not discussed for one year), for he was sure that such an incident was due to the working of Krsna's different energies
- Maya saw me very successful within one year, so that I got so many sincere young flowers like yourself and others, so it was a great defeat to the activities of maya
- None of them are associating with me more than one year, and just see their character. It is so practical. You cannot induce them even to smoke
- Not that these boys and girls are being initiated all of a sudden. They are trained up for six months, one year, then they are offered hari-nama
- Now our this Bhagavad-gita As It Is, is the topmost selling book in London. All the booksellers, BG. So Macmillan Company is our publisher, and within one year they have published three editions, fifty thousand each. So real thing will have real value
- One of our years is equal to only twenty-four hours, or one day and night, on many of the upper planets
- One year ago, I already accepted the invitation of Philadelphia temple for their Rathayatra and they are holding it on the same date as you. So, I may not be able to come there for the festival, but I can come there for a few days
- One year later, Brahma returned & because he returned on exactly the same day, Baladeva was again kept at home for His birthday. Therefore, although this verse (SB 10.13.40) mentions that Brahma saw Krsna & all the cowherd boys, Baladeva is not mentioned
- One year of the demigods is equal to 360 years of the human beings. The duration of the Satya-yuga is therefore 4,800 x 360, or 1,728,000 years
- One year, Srikanta Sena came alone to Jagannatha Puri in great eagerness to see the Lord
- Our traveling each time, lakhs of rupees, I am traveling. But one man cannot see once in life London or New York from India. I see four times in a year. So I have no problem - because Krsna is there
- Sanatana Gosvami was ordered by Sri Caitanya to live at Jagannatha Puri for one year. When he returned to Vrndavana after that time, he again met Rupa Gosvami, and both brothers remained in Vrndavana to execute the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Srila Rupa Gosvami had been delayed in Bengal for a year because he was dividing his money among his relatives to situate them in their proper positions
- Stay with Me at Jagannatha Puri for one year, and after that I shall send you to Vrndavana
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: My dear Maharaja Pariksit, son of the Kuru dynasty, when Lord Parasurama was given this order by his father, he immediately agreed, saying, "Let it be so." For one complete year he traveled to holy places
- Sukadeva Gosvami was very much encouraged when Maharaja Pariksit asked him why the cowherd boys did not discuss the death of Aghasura until after one year had passed
- The chaste wife must perform such devotional service continuously for one year. After one year passes, she should fast on the full-moon day in the month of Karttika (October-November)
- The president, secretary and treasurer (of Calcutta) elected by the members of the center cannot be changed at least for one year; better to continue it for three years. All combined together should be responsible for keeping correct accounts
- The process is before accepting a guru, one must hear him at least for one year
- The rules and regulation are that nobody should accept blindly any guru, and nobody should blindly accept any disciple. They must behave, one another, at least for one year
- The sinful man taken to the Yamaraja, he is put into suffering, the same principle as a prisoner. He has to suffer for a term, six months or one year, or sometimes more than that, just to atone for his sinful activities. So nobody can check
- The sinful man taken to the Yamaraja, he is put into suffering, the same principle as a prisoner. He has to suffer for a time, six months or one year or sometimes more than that, just to atone for his sinful activities
- The spiritual master must observe how inquisitive the disciple is and how eager he is to understand the transcendental subject matter. The spiritual master should study the disciple’s inquisitiveness for no less than six months or a year
- The system for calculating is as follows: the first day of birth is the first birthday. The next year that day is the second birthday; i.e. the second birthday means that one year has been completed
- The youthful duration of their lives is very pleasing, and both men and women enjoy sexual union with great pleasure for a long time. After years of sensual pleasure - when a balance of one year of life remains - the wife conceives a child
- Then the thread ceremony for the twice-born was inaugurated, as were the rules to be followed for at least one year after acceptance of the Vedas, rules for observing complete abstinence from sex life, and the vocations in terms of Vedic injunctions
- There are four types of brahmacaris. The next is called prajapatya, which refers to a brahmacari who strictly observes celibacy for at least one year after initiation
- There are seasonal changes - in our experience in one year sometimes it is summer, sometimes it is winter, sometimes it is spring - similarly, in course of nature's way there are different yugas, millennium
- There are six seasons, called rtus, and there is the period of four months called caturmasya. Three periods of four months complete one year
- There are so many literatures, books, are published nowadays. After one year, two years, three years - finished. Nobody cares for it. Nobody cares for it
- There is a certain duration of life. Somebody lives for ten years, one year, or six hours, five hours. There are many germs, they live for five hours, six hours, or even less than that. And there are living entities like Brahma, whose life is millions
- There was not much difference of Their (Krsna and Balarama) age, say one year or two years, like that. So Balarama was eldest brother
- Thirty (celestial) days equal one month, and twelve (celestial) months equal one year. In this way, for one million years according to the calculations of the higher planetary system the Pracetas were allowed to enjoy all kinds of material facilities
- This (next) game also the Pandavas lost, so for twelve years they lived in the forest and for one year incognito. It was while they were living incognito that Arjuna won Uttara
- This artificial life is not actual life. We are perceiving. Suppose there have been no rain for one or two years. There is a time when for hundreds of years there will be no rain. You have to wait for that time. That time is coming at the end of Kali-yuga
- This calculation of one year is history but the summer and winter seasons are also eternal. There is a saying, "History repeats itself." Why make a distinction between history and eternity. Things are happening eternally; this is history
- This verse appears to be the hankering between some ordinary boy and girl, but its actual deep meaning was known only to Svarupa Damodara. By chance, one year Rupa Gosvami was also present there
- To worship Lord Krsna, Maharaja Ambarisa, along with his queen, who was equally qualified, observed the vow of Ekadasi and Dvadasi for one year
- Two paksas comprise one month, and twelve months comprise one calendar year, or one full orbit of the sun. A human being is expected to live up to one hundred years
- We have information of Lord Brahma's duration of life from the BG: 1,000 times the duration of the four ages, or 1,000 x 4,320,000 years, constitute Brahma's 12 hours. Similarly, one moment of Brahma's time is equal to one year of our solar calculation
- We initiate our students. The preliminary initiation is offering chanting. Then we observe at least for one year, how he is chanting, how he is doing. Then the second initiation confirms. That is the system
- We shall sit together in Mayapur if there is any complaint against one another. At the Mayapur meeting, whatever we have decided that is good for one year
- What was but a moment for Brahma was one year on earth. Krsna continued to expand Himself in so many forms for one year, but by the arrangement of yogamaya no one could understand this but Balarama
- When Draupadi was gained in the competition, they were incognito. The Pandavas were incognito. They were banished for twelve years, and after twelve years, one year they had to live incognito. Nobody would understand where they are living
- When I first came to the United States I was seemingly alone for one year. But I never felt alone. I always felt the presence of my Guru Maharaja
- Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious
- You have been married for a year and a half but do not have any desire for children. Then why did you marry? That is my question. If you do not want children, then why did you marry? You should not take sannyasa
- You started for London Yatra and now after one year it has taken a shape, similarly in Germany also it has taken a shape, but in Paris it has not taken as yet. Therefore World Samkirtan Party means to establish a center everywhere we go