Category:Not Exactly
"not exactly"
Pages in category "Not Exactly"
The following 67 pages are in this category, out of 67 total.
- According to the axiomatic truth, things equal to one another are equal to each other. We are not exactly directly from Vyasadev, but our Gurudev is a representative of Vyasadev
- Actually, "religion" is not exact equivalent of the word dharma. Dharma, as I have explained several times, you know . . . dharma dhr-dhatu. Dharma means you exist by some natural symptom. That is called dharma
- Akhanditam means not exactly "fragmented" but "constitutionally always infinitesimal." No one can separate the molecular parts of the sunshine from the sun, but at the same time the molecular part of the sunshine is not as expansive as the sun itself
- Although Brahma is in charge of this material world, he is not exactly like the common living entity. Since he is liberated from the majority of the follies of the common living entities, he was in knowledge of the appearance of the S. P. of Godhead
- Animal killer means not exactly those who are butchers, or ordinary man who kills animal and eat. But even a person who does not take care of his self-realization, he is also animal-killer
- Apprehension of some mishap to Krsna or to His beloved queens, as exhibited by Baladeva and Yudhisthira, has been explained. This apprehension is not exactly due to their ignorance of the inconceivable potencies of Krsna but to their intense love for Him
- As stated in Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Madhya 8.274): The maha-bhagavata, the advanced devotee, certainly sees everything mobile and immobile, but he does not exactly see their forms. Rather, everywhere he immediately sees manifest the form of the SG
- Father is the cause of the sons, but the sons may be different. Not exactly all the sons are on the equal pattern. Similarly, we are originally all part and parcel or sons of God. Therefore God's qualities are there in us, very minute quantities
- For the last few weeks we have been learning that we are not this body; we are consciousness. Not exactly consciousness, for consciousness is actually the symptom of our real identity: we are pure soul, now merged within this material body
- He (Daksa) was born of a great brahmana father, Lord Brahma, but his treatment of Lord Siva was not exactly brahminical; therefore he admitted that he was not a perfect brahmana
- He (Pariksit) detached himself from the family and sat down on the banks of the Ganges near Delhi. It was not exactly the Ganges; it was actually the Yamuna. There, because he was a great emperor, many learned sages came
- He was to be arrested by the Yamaduta for purification. That was his external affair. But by chance, by the grace of the Lord, at the time of his death he chanted "Narayana," not exactly meaning the Supreme Lord Narayana, but his son's name was Narayana
- Humility is also one of the qualifications of a transcendentally situated person, and out of sheer humility the sannyasi goes from door to door, not exactly for the purpose of begging, but to see the householders and awaken them to KC. BG 1972 purports
- I was at that time new man - not exactly new man, but not recognized disciple. I did not go. So he (My Guru Maharaja) saw that I am sitting, I did not go to parikrama. He very much appreciated. I preferred to hear him than go to parikrama
- If you simply give aural reception to the vibration, that will make him advanced, not exactly that anyone has to understand it. Yes. Just like a man is sleeping, and somebody is calling him
- In Diti's appeal to her husband for sex, it was not exactly that she was afflicted by sex desires, but she desired sons. Since she had no sons, she felt poorer than her co-wives. Therefore Kasyapa was supposed to satisfy his bona fide wife
- It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita that one has to become full of joyfulness; this is not exactly joyfulness, but a sense of freedom from all anxieties
- It should be understood that His senses are not exactly like ours. Although He is the source of all our sensual activities, He has His transcendental senses which are uncontaminated. BG 1972 purports
- Kapila said that the system of Sankhya philosophy was not exactly being introduced by Him; it was already current, but in course of time it was mysteriously lost & therefore He appeared to reintroduce it. That is the purpose of the incarnation of Godhead
- Krsna becomes obliged to the loving spirit of the devotee and not exactly to the service rendered
- Krsna may be spiritual, but there are other spiritual bodies. We have spiritual bodies like Krsna's, but they are born. They are not exactly born; it is like the sparks of the fire
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu has introduced this chanting of Hare Krsna. He has not exactly introduced it; it is in the scriptures. But He has especially propagated this formula
- Lord Siva holds almost all the powers of Lord Visnu, and he is also above the qualities of the living entity, but he is not exactly like Visnu, just as yogurt, although transformed milk, is not exactly like milk
- Lord Siva is generally painted white, but here (in SB 4.24.24-25) we find that the color of his skin is not exactly white but like molten gold, or a glowing yellowish color. Because Lord Siva is always very, very merciful, his name is Asutosa
- Lord Siva's symptoms of austerity are not exactly those of a Vaisnava. Lord Siva is certainly the number one Vaisnava, but he exhibits a feature for a particular class of men who cannot follow the Vaisnava principles
- Offense at the feet of Vaisnava, is exactly like mad elephant. If a mad elephant enters your garden, then he spoils everything
- One occupation which is not exactly fitting you, you do not know how to do it, so avyapare suvyaparam yo kartu... If one wants to act in a business in which he is unable to do, then he is killed just like this fool monkey
- Sex life is there in Krsna, not exactly like this, but there is a, I mean to say, unification of embracing, kissing, everything is there, but there is no pregnancy, there is no abortion. That is the perfection
- Spiritual cultivation is not exactly meant for the sannyasi’s or vanaprastha's it is meant for everyone. Everybody, just like our spiritual method we are also, we are women, children, men but the purpose is different
- The answer is that Lord Krsna went to see Lord Maha-Visnu not exactly to take away the sons of the brahmana but only for Arjuna's sake
- The conclusion is that Rudra is not exactly Lord Visnu but rather a transformation of Visnu. Therefore, he does not come within the category of the visnu-tattvas
- The disciple can receive such teachings not exactly intellectually, but by submissive inquiries and a service attitude. The idea is that both the spiritual master and the disciple must be bona fide
- The embrace of the son is not exactly the embrace of husband and wife from the sexual point of view, but the embrace is satisfaction from the affectionate point of view
- The external potency is not exactly manifested by Him, for He expands Himself as the purusas, and it is in these forms that He maintains the features of the material manifestation
- The killing of Sankhacuda by the Lord is a more recent incident, after the rasa-lila, and not exactly a simultaneous affair
- The king had to see that the reserved energy of humanity was properly utilized. Human energy is meant not exactly for fulfilling animal propensities, but for self-realization
- The Krsna consciousness movement is very, very important for the human society. It is not exactly a religious movement as it is understood in the Western countries
- The Lord has appeared yesterday, 4th March. Not exactly 4th March. It is called, according to Vedic calendar, Gaura-purnima, the full-moon day of the month of Phalguna
- The Lord's killing or annihilating of the demons is not exactly like the killing of this material world. Although He appears to act within the modes of material nature, He is nirguna, above the modes of nature
- The material contamination is not exactly false; because it is relative truth, it is temporary. There is a difference between something that is temporary and something that is false
- The other day I explained that dharma and religion is not the exactly synonymous. Dharma means which you cannot leave. Dharma, the example I gave the other day, just like sugar cannot give up the quality of sweetness
- The pure devotee lives constantly in the abode of the Supreme Lord, even in the present body, which apparently belongs to this world. The pure devotee is not exactly on the bodily plane, since he is absorbed in the transcendental thought of the Supreme
- The reflection of the sun from a mirror is nothing but light within darkness. Thus although it is not exactly sunlight, without the sunlight the reflection would be impossible
- The word dvijatmajah is significant here because Asvatthama, although the son of Dronacarya, was not exactly a qualified brahmana. The most intelligent man is called a brahmana, and it is not a hereditary title
- Their (the gopis) offering was not exactly to their boys but to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had expanded Himself into such boys. This was a chance for all the mothers of Vrndavana to feed the Supreme Personality of Godhead with their own milk
- These millions and trillions of goddesses of fortune who reside in the Vaikuntha planets are not exactly consorts of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but are the wives of the devotees of the Lord
- This is yoga system: bhakti-yoga. Yoga means to connect, to add, yoga. So at the present moment we are almost disconnected. Not exactly disconnected; forgotten our relationship with Krsna, or God
- Those who are purely in Krsna consciousness and do not know anything other than Krsna are called mahatma; yet there are other persons who are not exactly in the position of mahatma but who worship Krsna also, in different ways. BG 1972 purports
- We have to simply repeat like parrot. Not exactly parrot. Parrot does not understand the meaning; he simply vibrates. But you should understand the meaning also; otherwise how you can explain?
- We recommend not exactly nonvegetarian diet. We are vegetarian diet, we restrict from nonvegetarian diet, but we recommend krsna-prasadam
- We sometimes forget and sometimes remember. That is by God's grace. Not exactly directly, but through His agent, the material agent. So there are so many things to be understood about God
- What is the significance of the food that is eaten at ISKCON kirtanas? - The significance of our food - not exactly vegetarian or nonvegetarian. Don't mistake. We simply take what is offered to Krsna. That's all. So Krsna can be offered anything? No
- When a person chants constantly, he exhibits transcendental ecstasies and sometimes laughs, sometimes cries, sings and dances - not exactly in an artistic way, but just like a madman
- When Brahma saw the form of the Lord - not exactly outside, but from within. And He educated him from within. Tene brahma hrda. Hrda means through the heart He transmitted the knowledge, bhagavat-tattva
- You are now guided by the consciousness of self-interest, of sense gratification. Self-interest. Not exactly self-interest because we do not know what is our self-interest
- You have got the creative power, God has got the creative power. But God's creative power cannot be compared with your creative power. You have got the creative power, but not exactly like God. This is the conclusion. You cannot become God
- You will get different body, not exactly this body. It is bubble. One bubble lost, that is lost forever. But we are so foolish, we are thinking, "This is permanent settlement." This is called ignorance. There is no question of permanent settlement