Category:No One Should
"no one should"
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Pages in category "No One Should"
The following 107 pages are in this category, out of 107 total.
- According to the rules & regulations, no one should accept obeisances in the temple of the Lord before the Deity. Nor is it proper for a devotee to offer obeisances & touch the feet of the spiritual master before the Deity. This is considered an offense
- After cooking, no one should be offered any foodstuff unless it is first offered to the Deity. 28) One should not sit with his back towards the Deity
- After eating, one should not worship the Deity until one has digested his food, nor should one touch the Deity or engage in any Deity worship after eating safflower oil or hing. These are also offenses
- All great sages and saintly persons, they should not think themselves free, but should remain extremely cautious about beautiful women. No one should think himself liberated in the presence of a beautiful woman
- Anyone can serve the Supreme Lord by performing his prescribed duties under the direction of a spiritual master, or representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. No one should think that his prescribed duties are inferior
- Arjuna was born in a saintly royal family. To him also the Lord says, "Take to My devotional service and come quickly back to Godhead, back home." No one should remain in this temporary world, full as it is with miseries. BG 1972 purports
- As enjoined in the sastras, arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matih: "No one should treat the Deity in the temple as stone or metal, nor should one think that the spiritual master is an ordinary human being"
- As long as Yamaraja, who causes everyone's death, is present here (in SB 1.16.8), no one shall meet with death. The great sages have invited the controller of death, Yamaraja, who is the representative of the Lord
- As stated in the Upanisads, tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma grdhah kasya svid dhanam (ISO 1). Everyone should be satisfied with the things allotted him by the Supreme Personality of Godhead; no one should encroach upon another's rights or property
- Brahma said, "In the Bhagavad-gita also it is stated that You are the source of the Brahman effulgence. No one should conclude that Your body is like an ordinary material body. Your body is aksara, indestructible"
- By the will of the Lord, the whole earth can at once be changed. He can do and undo a thing by His sweet will. Therefore no one should consider himself to be self-sufficient or independent of the Lord
- Even if a woman does commit some sinful activity, no one should place his hand upon her. And what to speak of you, dear King, who are so merciful. You are a protector, and you are affectionate to the poor
- Even if one is by qualification a sudra, he must try to improve his position and become a brahmana. No one should try to check a person, no matter what his present position is, from coming to the platform of a brahmana or a Vaisnava
- Even the asuras observed the etiquette that no one should address a married woman with lust
- Everyone should offer respect to a Vaisnava without considering his source of birth. Vaisnave jati-buddhih. No one should consider a Vaisnava in terms of birth
- Everyone should seek the shelter of the Supreme Soul, the source of all living entities. No one should waste his time in the so-called happiness of materialistic household life
- He (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) wrote that he was so sinful that no one should even utter his name, lest that person fall down! Of course, when a great devotee speaks this way, we should not believe that he is actually in the lower status of life
- He is the friend of everyone - the common men, the elevated men and the devotees of the Lord - so no one should disrespect or create enmity towards Lord Siva
- I (Caitanya) then understood that I was going to Vrndavana like a magician with his show, and this is certainly not good. No one should go to Vrndavana with so many men
- In Kali-yuga the injunction is that no one should accept sannyasa. Of course, those who actually follow the rules and regulations must take sannyasa. Generally, however, people are unable to accept sannyasa life
- In our Krsna consciousness movement, our first provision is that no one should be allowed to eat any kind of flesh. It does not matter whether it is cows' flesh or goats' flesh, but we especially stress the prohibition against cows' flesh
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna states that no one should give up the sacrificial portion of spiritual life. And the scriptures recommend that the best sacrifice in this Age of Kali is to chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- In the modern democratic government, no one should be elected after the age of fifty. Otherwise the storm of the ocean of nescience cannot be stopped to allow the ships and boats to sail back to Godhead
- In the parampara system, when the questions are bona fide the answers are bona fide. No one should attempt to create or manufacture answers. One must refer to the sastras and give answers according to Vedic understanding
- In the revealed scriptures there is definite information of the incarnation of God. No one should be accepted as God or an incarnation of God unless he is confirmed by the revealed scriptures
- It is also enjoined in the Vaisnaviya Purana that Visnu, or Narayana, is the exalted Supreme Personality of Godhead, and no one should be compared to Him as equal, even Lord Siva or Lord Brahma, not to speak of other demigods
- It is explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam that no one should claim anything as his property. Whatever property one claims to be his actually belongs to Krsna
- It is not that one who has become a devotee of the Lord or who engages in devotional service should give up his prescribed duties. No one should be lazy under the plea of devotional service
- It is stated in Brahma-samhita (5.5) that the Supreme Spirit has many variegated and inconceivable energies. Nor should one think that there is any possibility of ignorance existing in the Absolute Truth
- It is the duty of the government to see that the citizens act according to these material divisions for their spiritual advancement. No one should remain unemployed or unoccupied in any way
- Nityananda Prabhu, being the expansion of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, is the most munificent incarnation. No one should consider Him an ordinary human being or an entity like the prajapatis, who were ordered by Brahma to increase generations
- No one should be accepted as an avatara unless he is referred to by scriptures. It is not a fact that the Lord appears only on Indian soil. He can advent Himself anywhere and everywhere, and whenever He desires to appear. BG 1972 purports
- No one should be allowed to sit on the vyasasana who is not spotless in character and who is not freed from the above-mentioned vices
- No one should be captivated by his birthplace and family; one should take shelter of the association of devotees and cultivate Krsna consciousness
- No one should be carried away by the false ego of the bodily concept of life. One should not falsely think himself independant of the laws of material nature or free to act. He is already under strict material laws. BG 1972 purports
- No one should be depressed by thinking that he will never be out of the clutches of matter, for there is every possibility of being rescued, exactly as it is possible for a log, which is floating down a river, to come to rest on the bank
- No one should be eager to understand the conjugal love of Krsna without undergoing disciplinary training under the six Gosvamis of Vrndavana
- No one should be given a chance to even see it (the food which will be offered to the Deity). However, when it is brought before the Deity, it must be uncovered
- No one should be neglected as inferior; because Paramatma is seated in everyone's body, everyone should be respected as a temple of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- No one should be proud of his prestige, power and fame without being guided by the favor of the Supreme Lord
- No one should bother himself with fruitive activities or dry speculation about transcendental knowledge. Everyone should at once engage himself in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- No one should claim to be the proprietor of anything; one should accept only things which are set aside for him by the Lord as his quota for his maintenance. BG 1972 Introduction
- No one should consider a Vaisnava to belong to a particular caste or creed, and no one should consider caranamrta or Ganges water to be like ordinary water. Nor should anyone consider the Hare Krsna maha-mantra to be a material vibration
- No one should consider the Deity in the temple to be made of stone or wood, nor should one consider the spiritual master an ordinary human being
- No one should consider Vasudeva Datta a mundane philanthropist or welfare worker. Nor was he interested in merging into the Brahman effulgence or in gaining material honor or reputation. He was far, far above
- No one should desire to become the direct servant of the Lord. That is not a very good idea
- No one should do anything, eat anything, sacrifice anything or give anything in charity against the will of the Lord
- No one should ever be killed in a sacrifice meant for the satisfaction of Lord Visnu
- No one should have any kind of doubt in this matter, nor should one be inclined to seek the help of any other demigods, because all of them are dependent on Him only
- No one should hear Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam from a person who does not believe in the existence of the Lord. Such a person is already doomed, and any association with such a doomed person makes the associater also doomed
- No one should hear or take lessons from a person who is not a Vaisnava. Even if he speaks about Krsna, such a lesson should not be accepted, for it is like milk touched by the lips of a serpent
- No one should neglect the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead or the order of the spiritual master who is the representative of God. BG 1972 purports
- No one should neglect to control the mind. If one does, the mind becomes so powerful that one immediately forgets his real position
- No one should perform sankirtana on the streets of the city. Today I am excusing the offense and returning home
- No one should present himself as a brahmana simply on the basis of being born in a brahminical family. One must be qualified by the brahminical qualities mentioned in the sastras
- No one should take advantage of this verse (BG 9.30) and commit nonsense and think that he is still a devotee. If he does not improve in his character by devotional service, then it is to be understood that he is not a high devotee. BG 1972 purports
- No one should think himself perfect and forget the sastric instruction that one should be very careful about associating even with his daughter, mother or sister, not to speak of other women
- No one should think of himself as a liberated person immune to the influence of maya
- No one should think that nature is working automatically, without superintendence
- No one should think that this Krsna consciousness movement is a new movement. As confirmed by Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, it is a very, very old movement, for it has been passing down from one Manu to another
- No one should think the Deity in the temple to be made of wood or stone, and no one should think that a person coming from a lower-caste family who has taken to Krsna consciousness is still of the same low caste. These attitudes are forbidden
- No one should trust a demon, despite any amount of affection. Aside from this, a king, a politician or a woman cannot be trusted, since they can do anything abominable for their personal interest
- No one should try to give a new interpretation by dint of mundane knowledge. The first step in pursuance of the system of knowledge received by Brahma, is to approach a bona fide guru who is the representative of the Lord following the parampara system
- No one should try to go into the matters of the Tenth Canto without having thoroughly understood the purport of the other nine cantos
- No one should try to live on flesh in ordinary times simply for the sake of the palate. If anyone does so, the king or the executive head should punish him for gross enjoyment
- No one should try to reach any conclusion about the Vedas without receiving instructions from members of Vyasadeva's disciplic succession, who believe in the Personality of Godhead and His diverse energies as they are explained in Sri Isopanisad
- No one should try to squeeze out his own meaning by imperfect mundane knowledge
- No one should violate the Vedic injunctions. Rather, one should strictly execute the orders given in the Vedas
- No one should worship different demigods who work as different hands of the Lord for creation, maintenance or destruction of the material world
- No one should write songs of Krishna unless he is self-realized soul
- No one should write songs of Krishna unless he is self-realized soul, that will spoil the value of the whole thing. But try to use your writing and singing talent for Krishna's preaching work, by writing articles, singing the kirtana, like that
- No one, should think the arca in the temple to be an idol. Such an arca-murti is God Himself, and to the proportion to which one is free from sins, he is able to know the significance of the arca-murti. The guidance of pure devotees is therefore required
- Nonetheless He (God) keeps Himself distinct from such creation as the purnam (or complete), and so no one should wrongly think that His personal feature is not existent due to His impersonal unlimited expansions
- One should act without attachment for the result; he should be disassociated from the modes of work
- One should not wrongly think that the body belongs to him. To maintain a false possession, why should one indulge in killing? Why should one kill innocent animals to maintain the body?
- One should strictly follow this sastric injunction and worship the Deity, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, without offenses. The spiritual master is the direct representative of the Lord, and no one should consider him an ordinary human being
- Only Ramananda Raya was endowed with the prerogative to touch a woman; no one should imitate him. Unfortunately, there are rascals who imitate the activities of Ramananda Raya. We need not discuss them further
- Ordinary persons must strictly observe the rules and regulations by staying aloof from the association of women. No one should imitate Narada Muni or Haridasa Thakura
- Our behavior should be such that no one should become angry and thereby commit a wrong to individuals, families or society
- Sahadeva said, "These four principles of progressive life can be executed by the mercy of Krsna only. He should therefore be offered the first worship in this great sacrifice, and no one should disagree"
- Sanatana Gosvami felt very low because he had accepted a position of service in the Muslim government. The conclusion is that no one should claim to be a brahmana simply by birthright while engaging in someone else’s service
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu remarked that no one should hear the Mayavadi commentaries or purports to any Vedic literature
- Srimati Radharani continued, "In my opinion, no one should hear about Krsna, because as soon as a drop of the nectar of His transcendental activities is poured into the ear, one immediately rises above the duality of attraction and rejection"
- Srimati Radharani is as fully spiritual as Krsna. No one should consider Her to be material. She is definitely not like the conditioned souls, who have material bodies, gross and subtle, covered by material senses
- The Bhagavat also says that no one should become the parent unless he can deliver the child from the clutches of death. So it is your duty to make this baby KC so that he may not have to take birth again
- The desire for enjoyment is present both in Krsna and in His parts and parcels, the living entities. In the spiritual world, such desires are also spiritual. No one should mistakenly consider such desires to be material
- The fact is that both Krsna and Lord Caitanya are the original Personality of Godhead. No one should try to eliminate Lord Caitanya from Sri Krsna. In His form of Sri Krsna, He is the supreme enjoyer, & in His form of Caitanya, He is the supreme enjoyed
- The first principle is that every devotee must try to rise early in the morning. That is first business. This practice should be done first. No one should sleep more than six hours
- The idea is that no one should enter into the management without any sanction. If they pay lump sums then they can be on the committee, but our majority must be there
- The Kazi said, "To as many descendants as take birth in my dynasty in the future, I give this grave admonition: No one should check the sankirtana movement"
- The living being is the source of subsistence for other, stronger living beings. No one should be very anxious for his subsistence in any circumstances because there are living beings everywhere, and no living being starves for want of food at any place
- The Lord especially instructs, therefore, that no one should be envious of these five (the cows, brahmanas, women, children and old men), especially the cows and brahmanas
- The Lord who associates with the living being is the Paramatma, or supreme living being. No one, therefore, should view the tiny living beings and supreme living being to be on an equal level
- The rascal sahajiyas may manufacture false statements, but no one should believe them because they are motivated by enmity against the Vaisnavas
- The whole incident (of the Yadu's getting cursed) was a warning to all concerned that no one should behave lightly with brahmanas and Vaisnavas
- The word viviktam is very significant. No one should think of the prayers recited by Lord Siva as being sectarian; rather, they are very confidential
- There is a stricture that no one should try to learn the Vedas who is not a qualified brahmana. This stricture has been wrongly interpreted in so many ways
- This is the basic philosophy of Isopanisad: everything is the property of the Supreme Being. No one should encroach upon the property of the Supreme Lord
- Thrice He (Lord Caitanya) vowed that this was a fact (that Caitanya's body is only meant to please Vasudeva Datta, and he can sell Him anywhere) and that no one should disbelieve these statements