Category:Necessities of Life
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Pages in category "Necessities of Life"
The following 184 pages are in this category, out of 184 total.
- A brahmana is always independent because he is a teacher, spiritual master and advisor to society. The members of society provide him with all the necessities of life
- A common master looks to the necessities of his servant, so how much more would the all-powerful, all-opulent Supreme Lord look after the necessities of life for a fully surrendered soul
- A fully responsible man should always be conscious of the prime duty of the present human form of life. The activities to meet the immediate necessities of material life are not everything
- A grhastha should not indulge in killing animals or birds for sense gratification. He should provide the necessities of life even to the dogs and the lowest creatures and should not exploit others for sense gratification
- A human being must be conscious of the fact that all foodstuffs, namely grains, vegetables, milk, water, etc. - the prime necessities of life - are supplied for mankind by the Lord
- A ksatriya government should engage people in performing yajna, studying the Vedas and giving charity. Thus the people will receive their necessities for life very easily, and there will be no disturbances in society
- A perfect human being knows that "My necessities of life is supplied by God, so I have no business to improve the economic condition." That cannot be done also. Nobody is going to be very rich, all of them
- According to Christianity, the supreme father, God, provides the living entities with all of life’s necessities. Therefore they pray - Give us this day our daily bread
- According to the Vedic system, when one is born in this material world he has many obligations. He has obligations to the demigods - the demigods of the sun and moon, King Indra, Varuna, etc. - because they are supplying the necessities of life
- All of them (living beings) are provided with all necessities of life for the progressive march towards the end of self-realization, but on the path of sense gratification they are put into difficulty by the agency of maya, the illusory energy
- All the necessities of life that human society requires are supplied by the demigod agents of the Lord. No one can manufacture anything
- Alpa-buddhayah: less intelligent. They are simply busy with these bodily necessities of life. There is no education of the real living force
- Although God is one, He maintains all living entities with their necessities for life
- An intelligent person should try to spread Krsna consciousness through the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, and all the necessities of life will automatically follow
- Animals in bodies lower than that of the human being are conscious only as far as their bodily distress and happiness are concerned; they cannot think of more than their bodily necessities of life-eating, sleeping, mating and defending
- As a result of such satisfaction the whole society gets all the necessities of life amply and without difficulty. This is because, after all, the Supreme Personality of Godhead maintains all other living entities
- As mentioned here (in SB 7.14.11), a dog may be maintained with proper food, but it cannot be allowed to enter one's house, what to speak of the bedroom. Outcastes or untouchable candalas should also be provided with the necessities for life
- As soon as he (the living being) gets another material body, he is put into repeated suffering in material existence. Therefore the Vedic culture or brahminical culture teaches one how to be satisfied with possessing the minimum necessities in life
- As soon as the ground is moist, you can produce anything, whatever you want. Sarva-kama-dugha mahi. From the field, you can get all your necessities of life. The first necessity is the food grain
- Aside from liberation, even if we consider only the preliminary necessities of life - dharma, artha and kama (religion, economic development and sense gratification) - we will see that they are not the same for everyone
- At the present moment there is no guarantee by the government of even the primary necessities of life in the state, namely, the protection of the lives and property of the citizens
- Besides this human welfare activity for communal sharing of the material necessities of life, there is an ancient Vedic programme for simultaneously raising the whole society to the highest perfection of spiritual consciousness
- Bodily comforts means to eat, sleep, to have sense gratification and to defend. So that is being done by the animals also, in their own way. So if we simply devote our time for these animal necessities of our life, then we are no better than animals
- Brahmacari is taught. From the very beginning he is taught to shortcut the necessities of life. Shortcut
- Brahmanas have six occupational duties, of which three are compulsory - namely, studying the Vedas, worshiping the Deity and giving charity. By teaching, by inducing others to worship the Deity and by accepting gifts, they receive the necessities of life
- By diverting attention to so many unwanted things, human energy is spoiled without achievement of spiritual realization, the prime necessity of human life
- By satisfying the yajna-purusa, Lord Caitanya, one can derive all the results derived by great sacrifices in the past. King Prthu and others derived all the necessities of life from the earthly planet by performing great sacrifices
- Cent percent men, they are mandah, bad men. They won't hear about their real necessities of life
- Complete arrangements for the production of all the necessities of life are made by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. People should therefore learn how to satisfy the yajna-purusa, Lord Visnu
- Consequently (by taking to the Krsna Consciousness Movement and chanting the Supreme Personality of Godhead's name and fame) food grains, fruits and flowers will be properly produced, and all the necessities of life will be easily obtained
- Don't be entrapped with these temporary, bodily 'necessities of life' - sense gratification. You must inquire about the Absolute Truth. the next verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam explains, vadanti tat tattva-vidas tattvam yaj jnanam advayam - SB 1.2.11
- Due to his (living being) being the part and parcel of the Lord, he not only is maintained with all necessaries of life by the Lord, but also is protected by the Lord and His representatives, the saintly kings
- Due to want of so many necessities of life, naturally the duration of life is reduced, the memory is short, intelligence is meager, mutual dealings are full of hypocrisy and so on
- During the reign of Maharaja Rsabhadeva, people were so well equipped that they did not want to ask for anything. They were immensely supplied with all necessities for life
- Eating, sleeping, fearing, and mating - sense gratification. So to arrange for these necessities of life of the body, the knowledge that we require, that is called mundane knowledge
- Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman: one person, the Supreme Lord, is supplying the necessities of life for all other living entities
- Every day he (Srutadeva) would get the necessities of life in just the quantity required, and not more. That was his destiny
- Everyone is trying to improve his material condition; therefore the motorcar is going here and there, here and there. Why they are trying? Let them remain satisfied in any condition. The modern economic law is that create new necessities of life
- Expert jataka-vipras were present during the birth of Maharaja Pariksit, and his grandfather, Maharaja Yudhisthira, awarded the vipras sufficiently with gold, land, villages, grains and other valuable necessaries of life, which also include cows
- For material enjoyment there is no need to approach the demigods. The demigods are but servants of the Lord. As such, they are duty-bound to supply necessities of life in the form of water, light, air, etc
- From the earth you can get all the necessities of life. Actually you are getting food grains, minerals, trees, fruits, flowers, everything from the earth
- Give facility to the people. Here (in New Mayapura) is very nice arrangement. Now make plan how to utilize. You have got enough land. You can utilize for supplying the necessities of life
- God is described as the original source of everything, even our body, senses, mind, activities, prowess, bodily strength, mental strength and determination for securing the necessities of life. Indeed, the Lord's energies can be perceived in everything
- God is one, and we are many, but He is worshiped because He provides for everyone. It is God who provides food and all the other necessities of life
- He (Lord Kamadeva) supplies all the necessities of life, which are His energy and thus nondifferent from Him, and He is the cause of everyone's bodily and mental prowess, which is also nondifferent from Him
- Heat, light, water and air, which are also necessities of life - none of them can be manufactured by human society
- Here (SB 6.14.10) the most significant statement is that the earth completely produced all the necessities of life during the time of King Citraketu
- Hundred years ago they could do without motorcar, and now they cannot live without a car. In this way, unnecessarily, they’re increasing bodily or material necessities of life. This is recklessness
- If a swan is provided with all the necessities of life, why I shall not be? I am so much developed human being. Why I am so much busy in economic development? This is called illusion
- If all people are religious, then economic condition will be better. Dharma-artha. And why economic condition better wanted? Kama. Kama means then the necessities of your life will be fulfilled nicely
- If Krsna does not supply you foodstuff, you cannot have any foodstuff. If Krsna does not supply you petrol, you cannot drive your car. So eko bahunam yo vidadhati. Whatever necessities of life we have got - that is supplied by eka, that one living entity
- If one engages only in caring for the necessities of the body, not caring for the eternal necessities of life, then he is part of a civilization whose advancement puts the living entities in the darkest region of ignorance
- If the whole society performs its respective duties and remains in Krsna consciousness, there is no doubt that all of its members will live very peacefully and happily. Without wanting the necessities of life, the whole world will be turned into Vaikuntha
- If there is proper rainfall, then you get sufficient food grains; not only food grains, other things also. Sarva-dugha mahi, sarva-kama-dugha mahi (SB 1.10.4). From the earth you can get all the necessities of life
- If we simply waste our time for increasing unnecessary necessities of life and do not try to understand the value of life, then we remain animal
- If yajnas are regularly performed, there will be proper rain from the sky, and when there is regular rainfall, the land will be fertile and suitable for producing all the necessities of life. Yajna, therefore, is essential
- If you become so much dependent on the bodily necessities of life, then you cannot become fully and wholly for the benefit of the mass of people. Our Gandhi, he imitated this. For the mass of people... But that was to a certain extent successful
- If you want actually peaceful life, then produce your own necessities of life and chant Hare Krsna and live peacefully. This is the only solution. There is no other solution
- In charge of the various necessities of life, the demigods, being satisfied by the performance of yajna (sacrifice), supply all necessities to man. But he who enjoys these gifts, without offering them to the demigods in return, is certainly a thief
- In charge of the various necessities of life, the demigods, being satisfied by the performance of yajna, supply all necessities to man. But he who enjoys these gifts, without offering them to the demigods in return, is certainly a thief. BG 3.12 - 1972
- In charge of the various necessities of life, the demigods, being satisfied by the performance of yajna, will supply all necessities to you. But he who enjoys such gifts without offering them to the demigods in return is certainly a thief
- In Satya-yuga people knew how to fulfill the necessities of life simply by worshiping Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The same purpose can be served in this age of Kali by chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, as recommended in the Bhagavatam
- In the lower than human being condition, we have to work very hard simply for four necessities of life: eating, sleeping, mating and defending. Sense gratification
- In the material world the sun is considered to be the source of all productivity and material energy, and only due to the sun can we have the necessities of life
- In the Satya-yuga, cent percent people were aware of their spiritual necessity of life. Next yuga, seventy-five percent. Next yuga, fifty percent, and this yuga, Kali-yuga, seventy-five percent are rascals, and twenty-five percent, they are little wise
- In this age (Kali-yuga), people are indulging in such necessities of life without following the rules and regulations, and this deterioration of social and moral rules is certainly lamentable because of the harmful effects of such beastly behavior
- In this verse He (Lord Krsna) is described as the original source of everything, even our body, senses, mind, activities, prowess, bodily strength, mental strength and determination for securing the necessities of life
- It is confirmed in the Upanisads that Krsna, or the Supreme Lord, is the chief among all living entities and that He maintains them and supplies them with all necessities of life
- It is true, as people say, that if one is hungry, needy, how he can execute? Therefore it is the duty of the government to see that everyone is happy for the material necessities of life and is engaged in Krsna consciousness
- Kali-yuga means decrease of nourishment, necessities of life decreasing
- Kaman, our necessities of life, from material point of view, it is fulfilled by rainfall from the sky. If there is no rainfall, you cannot produce anything
- Krsna has His transcendental form, sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), He is not disturbed by the bodily necessities of life, which are called daihika; for example, He is never hungry, thirsty or fatigued - na hanyate deha-gato 'pi daihikaih
- Lord Caitanya is the ideal teacher of life's prime necessities. He is the most munificent bestower of love of Krsna. He is the complete reservoir of all mercies and good fortune
- Lord Caitanya is the ideal teacher of life's prime necessities. He is the most munificent bestower of love of Krsna. He is the complete reservoir of all mercies and good fortune - CC Preface
- Lord Krsna and Balarama appeared on this earth to lessen the burden of military strength created by the ambitious ksatriya kings. This is the way of materialistic life: not being satisfied by the absolute necessities of life
- Maharaja Yudhisthira awarded the vipras sufficiently with gold, land, villages, grains and other valuable necessaries of life, which also include cows
- Manufacture of the "necessities of life" in factories and workshops, excessively prominent in the age of Kali, or in the age of the machine, is the summit stage of the quality of darkness
- Men with the lowest qualities cannot do any work that requires higher intelligence. However, although such a division of men must exist according to their quality and work, it is suggested here (SB 7.14.11) that everyone must have the necessities of life
- My dear King, in the place where pure devotees live, following the rules and regulations and thus purely conscious and engaged with great eagerness in hearing and chanting the glories of the SPG, in that place if one will forget the necessities of life
- My real necessity of life, spiritual life. That is great relief. Brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati (BG 18.54). The relief means there is no hankering, no more lamentation. These are the brahma-bhutah
- No one can manufacture anything. Take for example heat, light, water, air, etc., which are also necessities of life - none of them can be manufactured by the human society. BG 1972 purports
- Nothing will be finished. God's resources are unlimited. But they will be finished. Making research, research, they will be finished. God's resources will not be finished, but they will be finished. Unnecessarily they have created necessities of life
- O King Pariksit, in the province of Surasena there was a king named Citraketu, who ruled the entire earth. During his reign, the earth produced all the necessities for life
- Of course, we need to be maintained in eating, sleeping, mating and defending (ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithuna), but since the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, has provided these necessities of life for the birds and bees, why not for mankind
- One can collect all sorts of necessities of life from the person of the Lord, and the Vedas affirm that everything that is produced is caused by the Lord. The Lord is the supreme cause of all causes
- One must know the necessities of the body and also the necessities of the soul. The real necessity in life is to supply the comforts of the soul, and the soul cannot be comforted by material adjustments
- One must know what is the necessity of the body and what is the necessity of the soul. The real necessity of life is to supply the comforts of the soul. And the soul can be comforted not by material adjustment
- One should ask that the grace of the Lord always be present on earth so that we may be favored with His causeless mercy and be happy, having all necessities of life
- One should culture knowledge in the following way: One should not be attached to more than the necessities of life required for spiritual advancement. One should not be more attached to wife, children and home than the revealed scriptures ordain
- One should know that all the necessities of life that the human society requires are supplied by the demigod agents of the Lord. No one can manufacture anything. BG 1972 purports
- One should not view death with horror, nor have recourse to defining the body as soul, nor give way to exaggeration in enjoying the bodily necessities of life
- One should try to understand what he is. That is also the beginning of Vedanta-sutra. Athato brahma jijnasa: one should be inquisitive to understand about himself, Brahman, or the Supreme Brahman. That is the real necessity of this human form of life
- One who does not care for transcendental necessities of life and simply engages like an animal in eating, sleeping, fearing and mating has spoiled his life
- Our life prolongs by eating grains. So annad bhavanti bhutani parjanyad anna-sambhavah. And grains are produced by proper rainfall. Rainfall is the main source of producing everything of our necessities of life
- People should perform the yajna of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Then the earth will produce all the necessities for life, and people will be happy economically, politically, socially, religiously and culturally. Everything will be in proper order
- Please come and live with us. We shall supply all, everything, necessities of life. - But you shall have to live with us as we live. That's all. That is the only condition
- Please enlighten us by which we can offer You all enjoyable grains & commodities so that both we & all living entities in this world can maintain ourselves without disturbance & can easily accumulate the necessities of life both for You & for ourselves
- Pollution of environment is a problem which people in a America are viewing with great concern. This problem is also due to Godlessness. People instead of producing food they are producing in huge quantities some artificial necessities of life
- Preach on the basis of the division of the society into four orders, as without this the society is useless and people cannot be happy or even have the necessities of life
- Real civilization is that minimize work. Minimize work, save time, and go back to your spiritual life. That is civilization. And this is not civilization, to get the necessities of life, sense gratification, and work like hog and dog. That is condemned
- Regulated human life according to the Vedic principles, which are based on the system of knowledge called Sankhya philosophy, is the real way of enjoyment of the necessities of life
- Sastra says, "No, no. You live with the minimum necessities. Don't increase your necessities unnecessarily." This is Vedic civilization. And the modern civilization is even increase your necessities - a machine for shaving your cheek. You see?
- Sastra says, that, These four necessities of life you'll get, any form of life. Any insignificant form or very important form, it doesn't matter. You'll get all . . . this is arranged." You have no anxiety for that. Krsna has given you
- Sastra says. . . visayah khalu sarvatah syat (SB 11.9.29): "In any form of life you'll get full facilities for the bodily necessities of life." Just see the birds & bees. They have no anxiety for maintaining the body or fulfilling the necessities of life
- Simply you act on behalf of Krsna and think of Krsna, and don't bother about the necessities of life. It will be automatically supplied. Don't be disturbed from that point of view
- So by Krsna consciousness movement we want to see that everyone is getting nicely the necessities of life. That is economic. Is it not?
- So your first necessities of life, eating, and make little cottage, sleeping... And if you want sex, get yourself married, live peacefully
- Sridhara Svami, Ramanujacarya, Visvanatha Cakravarti, Baladeva Vidyabhusana. So many great scholars, they have commented upon Bhagavad-gita. So try to understand Bhagavad-gita as it is. That is the real necessity of life
- Successful life is that, that we should make our bodily necessities of life as far as required, not more than that. I want to eat something. God has given sufficient food. You grow. You live anywhere. You grow foodstuff
- Such a man of understanding acts with mind and intelligence perfectly controlled, gives up all sense of proprietorship over his possessions & acts only for the bare necessities of life. Thus working, he is not affected by sinful reactions. BG 4.21 - 1972
- Sudama said, "The Vedic hymns, ritualistic ceremonies, religious activities & all other necessities for the perfection of human life, including economic development, sense gratification and liberation, are all derived from one source: Your personality"
- The answer is there in the Bhagavad-gita, that anyone who is simply engaged in Krsna consciousness, for his necessities of life Krsna will look after. Krsna is looking after for everyone's maintenance. Eko yo bahunam vidadhati kaman
- The Bhagavatam's principles are so broad that it recommends that the necessities of life be supplied to everyone, man or animal, regardless of good or bad qualities
- The book, Srimad-Bhagavatam; the ideal worship, the damsels of Vrndavana; Krsna is the worshipable object; and the necessary of life, necessity of life, is to attain love of Godhead. This is the whole mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, sum and substance
- The brahmanas were given all the necessities of life by the ksatriyas and vaisyas because they had no time to spend making a living. The ksatriyas would collect taxes from the vaisyas and sudras, but the brahmanas were exempt from paying income tax
- The brahmanas were well qualified, and since none of them were rich, their family members were always in want for the necessities of life
- The cats and dogs are supplied with necessities of life. So why we should bother Krsna, asking Him, "Give us our daily bread"? He is supplying already. Our business is how to love Him. That is religion
- The communists of the present day are in favor of supplying the necessities of life to everyone, but they consider only the human beings and not the lower animals
- The devotee is advised to accept the necessities of life without attachment. He'll take boiled water, but if boiled water is not available, does it mean he will not drink water? If it is not available, he will drink ordinary water
- The dharma means to become religious. Why religious? Yes, we require the necessities of life in a regulative principle
- The human necessities of life are fully supplied by the Lord in sufficient quantity to feed and care for the human race of the world as well as the living beings on each and every planet within the universe
- The human necessities of life are fully supplied by the Lord in the shape of food grains, milk, fruit, wood, stone, sugar, silk, jewels, cotton, salt, water, vegetables, etc., in sufficient quantity to feed and care for the human race of the world
- The Lord claims that every living entity-in whatever form-is His son, and as such He provides everyone with a generous supply of the necessities of life. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord states in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.22), yoga-ksemam vahamy aham: I arrange all life’s necessities for My devotees
- The modern civilization is simply meant for creating unnecessary necessities of life. That's all. So we are becoming deviated from God. The more we are advancing in so-called material civilization, we are more becoming far away from God
- The modern civilization is suffering from this defect, that they are not inquisitive about the Brahman. They are simply... Just like cats and dogs, they are interested with this body and the bodily necessities of life. They do not know beyond that
- The necessities of human society are food grains, fruits, milk, minerals, clothing, wood, etc. One requires all these items to fulfill the material needs of the body. Certainly one does not require flesh and fish or iron tools and machinery
- The necessities of life are of three types: those produced from the sky (from rainfall), from the earth (from the mines, the seas or the fields), and from the atmosphere (that which is obtained suddenly and unexpectedly)
- The ocean is supposed to be the husband of the river and therefore is supposed to support her. Unless a woman is supported by her husband with the necessities of life, she also becomes as dry as a dry river
- The preliminary necessities of life - eating, sleeping, sex life and protection from fear . . . these are the preliminary necessities. So the age is so fallen that people have no eating substance even
- The pure devotee does not have to worry about the necessities of life; he need not be anxious because when he removes the darkness from his heart, everything is provided automatically by the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The real necessity of human life is to understand God. Not only to understand God superficially, but to understand our eternal relationship with Him, and then prayojana, the ultimate goal of life, is to go back to home, back to Godhead
- The real necessity of life is to supply the comforts of the soul. And the soul can be comforted not by material adjustment. Because soul is a different identity, the soul must be given spiritual food. That spiritual food is this Krsna consciousness
- The soul is the most important part of the body; without the presence of the soul, the body has no value. Still people are placing great stress on the bodily necessities of life, not caring for the vital soul
- The soul is the most important part of this body; without the presence of the soul, the body has no value. Still people are placing great stress on the bodily necessities of life, not caring for the vital soul. BG 1972 purports
- The state citizens were completely satisfied with all necessities of life and therefore not inclined to accept unnecessary productive enterprises for sense gratification
- The sudras, who cannot work as either brahmanas, ksatriyas or vaisyas, should give service to the higher classes of society and be provided by them with a supply of the necessities of life
- The Supreme Lord is quite competent to provide, to supply the necessities of life to millions and millions of living entities. There is no question of scarcity of supply
- The Vedic literature informs us that Krsna can supply all the necessities for one's life. There is no scarcity and no economic problem. We simply have to try to serve Krsna, and then everything will be complete
- The vipras are those who are expert in karma-kanda, or fruitive activities, guiding the society towards fulfilling the material necessities of life, whereas the brahmanas are expert in spiritual knowledge of transcendence
- The word visaya refers to the four bodily necessities of life - eating, sleeping, mating and defending
- Then what about the material necessities of life? Prahlada Maharaja replies - You are after sense gratification, but sense gratification is automatically achieved by contact with this body
- There are some necessities of life on a par with those of the lower animals, and they are eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. These bodily demands are for both the human beings and the animals
- There can be very peaceful condition of the whole world. Simply mismanaged by the rascal leaders. Otherwise, people can live very peacefully, eat sumptuously, save time, and there is no necessity of stopping the bare necessities of life
- These are preliminary necessities of life. One must have a good place to live. One must have sufficient nice foodstuff to eat. Eating, sleeping, mating - this is physical necessities
- They (demigods) also know that it is the Lord only who can maintain all living entities with all the necessities of life
- They (people) were immensely supplied with all necessities for life due to King Rsabhadeva's good government. Consequently everyone felt full satisfaction and did not want anything. This is the perfection of government
- This is not a proper civilization. Simply concentrating on these four different bodily necessities of life - eating, sleeping, mating and defending - no
- This is very good intelligence: just to try to become the sincere servant of Krsna. All your necessities of life will be sufficiently supplied. There is no question of asking
- This system of visiting places of pilgrimage and providing the local brahmana priests with all necessities of life has greatly deteriorated in this Age of Kali
- Those who are very much addicted to the bodily necessities of life, for them this hatha-yoga system. Hatha-yoga system means astanga-yoga. Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, dhyana, dharana, pratyahara, samadhi
- Thus they are always engaged in providing the necessities of life to their families in a limited conception of family life, just like uneducated cats and dogs. They are unable to take to spiritual knowledge; instead, they are bewildered
- To increase too much of these necessities of life, that is anartha. That is not required. So we have now increased the so many unwanted things, and we have been entangled
- We are creating unnecessary necessities of life and becoming entangled. This is material life. But if one becomes Krsna conscious, interested in Krsna, then he becomes detestful: "What is the use?"
- We are restricting, that "Don't work hard like hog and dog or animals. Just satisfy your minimal necessities of life, save time and advance in spiritual understanding." This is our mission
- We are serving God, we have no profession, we have no business, we have no income, but Krsna is supplying all the necessities of life. Paying for this house two thousand dollars per month. We have got one hundred such centers
- We have got many necessities of life, not only grains. We require cotton for clothing. We require silk for luxury. We require valuable stones and jewels. All these are produced under certain circumstances of rain
- We have to earn some wealth just in order to push on with our material existence. In exchange for that wealth, we have to secure the necessities of life, and primarily, we have to cook something for our hungry stomach
- We have to follow Krsna alone. Not all these rascals, silly jackals. Then our life is successful. Krsna can give you all guidance. In all respective necessities of life, there is everything complete. We haven't got to follow the silly jackals
- We should know that the Personality of Godhead is the proprietor of everything and that we must be satisfied with our allotted portions of the necessities of life. The purpose of all Vedic literature is to awaken this God consciousness
- We should make our life so simple and easy that we can get our necessities of life without any hard labor and save time to advance in Krsna consciousness. That is perfect civilization
- Whatever the necessities of life, it will be supplied by nature simply by proper pouring of water, vrsti. Actually, now the whole world is suffering for drought. There is scarcity of rain
- When He (God) is satisfied, all necessities of life are automatically supplied
- When one is freed from the false ego by the cultivation of real knowledge, he sees himself, and that is the ultimate necessity of human life. The soul is thus isolated from the entanglement of the twenty-four categories of material nature
- When there is a good ruler, that source produces the necessities of life abundantly. However, when there is not such a good ruler, there will be scarcity. This is the significance of the word kamadhuk
- When there is sufficient rainfall, the earth becomes fit to produce everything (sarva-kama-dugha mahi). If one can utilize the land properly, one can get all the necessities of life from the land, including food grains, fruits, flowers and vegetables
- When they (the brahmanas) were old invalids, they used to approach with their wives the assembly of the kings, and simply by praising the glorious deeds performed by the kings they would be provided with all necessities of life
- While Lord Caitanya was in the womb of Sacimata, Jagannatha Misra received all these necessities of life (money, cloth, grain, etc) without asking for them. Because of the presence of the Lord in his family, everyone offered him due respect as a brahmana
- Why should I give me away to the animal life? Visayah khalu sarvatah syat. Visaya means the four necessities of material life. That is called visaya
- Why you create unnecessary necessities of life and become complicated and forget Krsna? What is this civilization? Rascal civilization. Instead of giving protection to the cows, you are cutting the throat. Is that civilization?
- Yogic life can be very nicely successful if you adjust your material necessities of life. If you become extravagant so far your material necessities of life is concerned, then you cannot make successful in yogic life
- You can get your necessities of life very easily. By tilling the field, you get grains. And if there is cow, you get milk. That's all. That is sufficient
- You should always live with your husband and help him with his personal comforts, and he will look after your all necessities of life. There is no question of separation. By mutual agreement and advancement of Krishna Consciousness you can stop sex life