Category:My Satisfaction (Prabhupada)
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Pages in category "My Satisfaction (Prabhupada)"
The following 52 pages are in this category, out of 52 total.
- I (Prabhupada) have become convinced that our Krishna Consciousness Movement is finally having some effect on the world, and I am very satisfied with the work of my sincere disciples for assisting Lord Caitanya in this way
- I am confident that you are a good manager. So you do the needful, so by your management I will get good satisfaction. You are a good manager and a devotee also. That is a good qualification
- I am especially interested in the land which I asked from you within the vicinity of Caitanya Math. This is in pursuance of the desire of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura and Srila Prabhupada. It is not for my personal use or satisfaction of personal whims
- I am glad that you are fully absorbed in your work and very concerned that it be executed just to my satisfaction in parampara standard. This is your perfection. I am hopeful we will continue our cooperation as I have many many more books to write
- I am so much satisfied with your successful performance of Rathayatra festival and I am awaiting to see similar festivals in all our other centers, including one in the prospective London center
- I am so satisfied with your service for the cause of Krishna Consciousness, and I shall simply pray to Krishna for your good health, sound mind, and steady progress in the matter of K.C.
- I am very glad that you have taken my request to heart and that you are now preaching in so many nice ways. This is very satisfying to me
- I am very much satisfied that you are all feeling the serious nature of this Sannyasi mission
- I am very much satisfied with all of my disciples who have worked so hard on these paintings for Srimad-Bhagavatam. In fact, I think there is no other art existing which can in any way match them
- I beg to thank you very much for your kindly remembering me on Vyasa Puja birth day, and I have duly received your gift of $50.00, and I have appreciated your warm sentiments with great satisfaction
- I have come to western countries to teach love of God. It is not that I am satisfied only in myself that I love God, that's all right
- I have especially designed my books in such a way that they will be appreciated by scholarly persons like yourself and therefore it gives me great satisfaction to know that you have appreciated our humble effort.Thank you very much for your kind words
- I have got this nice typewriter by the Grace of the Lord and I am very much satisfied with it working
- I have seen the pictures of your recent Festival, and it is very, very nice. I have enjoyed the pictures so nicely that I am looking always to them; although I have seen three, four times, still I am not satisfied
- I think this style is very nice following the tradition of my other Bhagavatam publications. So please continue this process, chapter after chapter, and it will give me complete satisfaction. Thank you very much
- I thought I was to do this humble service to His Divine Grace (Bhaktisiddhanta), and by His blessings, I am getting good cooperation from the local boys and girls. That is my satisfaction. Otherwise, none of my Godbrothers is helping me substantially
- I want that our literatures be profusely distributed, so if you can assist me in this way by your Spiritual Sky business, I am greatly satisfied
- I was very much satisfied with how my movement is being received there. After my lecture in the University the Europeans clapped and they were very enthusiastically purchasing my books
- If the acarya, guru, is satisfied, then we must know certainly that Krsna is satisfied. So this is the principle, and the acaryas give us direction. It is not very difficult. Simply we have to become very serious and sincere. Then everything is all right
- If we actually find a spiritual master, bona fide spiritual master, and if we can make him satisfied by my service, then my path for realization of God is guaranteed
- If you would have co-operated with me you could do so for the satisfaction of spiritual master as abovementioned and that was a chance to serve a real representative of the Lord
- In my childhood I was very naughty boy, and I used to catch my father in so many ways demanding unreasonable things, and my father used to satisfy me
- In the introductory portion signed by you and Gargamuni you have said that I am personally instructing John Lennon and George Harrison in the yoga of ecstasy. This is not very satisfactory
- India’s spiritual culture of knowledge is in great demand in the Western countries and we are trying to deliver the ideas, I am very glad that it is progressing satisfactorily
- It comes as a shock to me that you have stepped down from your duties as president of our Hong Kong center. Your move is not satisfactory to me, but what can I do
- It is my satisfaction that everything is going nicely in Los Angeles. I want to see that those programs that we have begun will go on expanding and improving more and more
- It is my satisfaction that is important; my wish is that you all GBC members cooperate and advance the mission of this society. That will satisfy me
- It is very satisfying that you have introduced Sankirtana Party procession in the public streets and parks on the occasion of Lord Caitanya's Birthday. It is a good addition to my missionary activities and I thank you very much
- My feeling, I am very satisfied that Krsna is accepted by presenting as He is. I must be very satisfied, because before me, who did not present Krsna as He is, there was not a single Krsna conscious person in the Western world. Now I have got thousands
- My point of view is this: whatever money you require I am already sending and will continue without hesitation to send, but I must be satisfied the money is properly spent
- My position is that I want to see that at least one disciple has become pure devotee. Of course, I have got many sincere and pure devotees. That is my good luck. But I would have been satisfied if I could find out one only
- Our business is to satisfy the acaryas and Krsna. If they are pleased then we know our work is successful
- Our deity installation ceremony is to be held on the 20th and the function was to begin three days before, namely, the 17th of April. So, instead of the 17th, you can make it the 16th. That will satisfy everyone
- Our morality is to satisfy Krsna or His representative, guru. Yasya prasada. If he's satisfied, then it is moral. If he's not satisfied, then it is immoral
- So as far as possible I (Prabhupada) have tried to train you and you are doing nice. I'm satisfied. So keep the standard and go on. March forward and Krsna will bless you
- So far I am concerned, because our relationship is father and son, so nobody will be more satisfied than me by seeing your successful preaching work
- So far my going there, it is not very important thing - I may go or not go, my beloved spiritual sons are there, and they are acting very nicely. That is my great satisfaction
- We are planning to print an enlarged edition of this book, with purports to each & every verse. The book was abridged due to the request of the Macmillan Company, but I am not satisfied with this, so we'll print the complete work in an unabridged edition
- We are satisfied with following in the footsteps of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and other acaryas
- We are taking so much labor in writing books. If somebody reads, certainly that is satisfaction
- We have four places which I have visited - Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Jakarta. The preaching was very satisfactory. Sriman Amogha dasa is trying to learn the local language and print some books in the Dai Nippon branch here
- When I was alone in Vrndavana, I never attempted to construct mathas or temples; rather, I was fully satisfied with the small amount of money I could gather by selling Back to Godhead, and thus I would provide for myself and also print the literature