Category:My Idea (Prabhupada)
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Pages in category "My Idea (Prabhupada)"
The following 131 pages are in this category, out of 131 total.
- Actually it was my original idea that our press should print many smaller books by the millions
- Actually, these ideas what we have explained in our books, they're unknown to the modern world
- As far as your future films are concerned I do not think it is possible for the BBT to continue financing these films. BBT is strictly for construction of temples and printing books. My idea is that you can use the original capital that BBT gave you
- As soon as New Vrindaban is connected with a link road as well as electricity, very soon it will develop into our idea. I shall personally go and stay there and see it is developed
- First of all, I started the book. That is, by Krsna's grace, it is becoming successful. Then diorama. Then I shall give next idea
- Flower garlands should be expanded, and all expenditures for the deities must be expanded without any miserly contemplation. Our temple should be so gorgeously decorated that we shall excel all Bombay temples. This is my idea
- For the time being, I have given up the idea of opening a center in India because by so attempting, I have simply lost money in so many ways
- French language also, very important, we must translate & bring books. "Bring books" means we have got already book. Simply translate it in the particular language & publish it. That's all. Idea is already there. You haven't got to manufacture idea
- Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is like the moon. So we established this temple, Mayapura-candrodaya. So this is the idea, that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is just like moon
- Here (in material world) everything is relative. Just like if I say: "father," "father" has no meaning if there is no son. Duality. If I say: "good," so unless I have got idea of bad, I cannot understand good
- I am a Sannyasi and my mission of life is to propagate the idea of cultivating spiritual vision of life which alone can bring about peace and prosperity of the human society
- I am calling upon you the big leaders to push this idea forward, namely, to attract some educated men to join us
- I am creating householder, ideal householder. And my ideas are being fruitful. Here in London I sent six householders, and they are doing nice; sincerely they are working. Therefore I am very much proud of them
- I am glad that you are working very hard in assisting your good husband. So my idea of combining you as husband and wife is now fulfilled, and you both continue to render your important service to Krishna
- I am training each one of them as leader so that they can spread extensively. That is my idea
- I approved of it, but I advised him to put the words "Back to Godhead", as it is. The idea is that the original name, "Back to Godhead", even it goes to foreign country it should continue to be the same
- I have already explained that our idea of religion means that like the sugar, it must be sweet. It is not that in Europe sugar is not sweet, in India it is sweet. Sugar, wherever it is, it is sweet. Similarly, the spirit soul is the same everywhere
- I have done on reality. I want to establish reality, not imagination. What is the use of giving some imaginative idea
- I have given my ideas and direction in my books, and people appreciate; I think from my side I have done everything
- I have given the idea for a poster which shall be entitled: Select Real Leaders - Don't Spoil Life, and it will depict devotees as leaders
- I have given this idea all along - why you big leaders do not understand it? You should take it to heart as a guiding principle that somehow or other we always please Krishna by doing what is practical and necessary, according to time and place
- I have got many ideas for developing the new Vrindaban scheme and if Krishna gives me opportunity I may be able to show something very wonderful in your country
- I have so many ideas for paintings, and we will be requiring so many expert paintings as you are able to do, so please be very serious to do this work nicely and quickly. It will be great service
- I have taken all the risk in the old age because I am in duty-bound. So I have to execute my duty in spite of all my inconveniences. That is the idea
- I like the idea of being near the west gate as I want to go to the Ganges daily and during the summer I can take bath there
- I like this marriage ceremony because it has given practical proof of my ideas that boys and girls of this country better be married and engaged in preaching work
- I think my idea and plan is coming to be true very soon because I have many intelligent and sympathetic disciples, both from America and England
- I think those who have got children, they should take sannyasa now and preach. That is my idea
- I want the world to see by our example that life can be lived naturally, peacefully if one is self sufficient with land, some cows and chanting Hare Krishna. That is the idea of purchasing land
- I want to give this culture to the world, and my idea is that America is advanced country. If they accept it, then it will be possible to broadcast the idea throughout the whole world. That is my idea
- I want to make a book trust of all my books. The idea is that the book trust will manage all publicity and distribution
- I want to publish one catalog of our ISKCON movement, giving pictures of all important centers and especially of New Vrindaban. This idea I gave you long ago when I was in New Vrindaban
- I will give you many business ideas by which you can accumulate nice profits. For business four things are required. Namely place, labor, capital and organization
- If Dr. Wolf has become envious then we must simply avoid him. What is his complaint? The idea of the nursery school is very good idea
- If I get opportunity to prepare some nice slides from Srimad-Bhagavatam and make tape records on the prayers offered to the Deity in the slide, as well as explain the whole slide in English, all tape recorded, this will be very nice idea
- If in our vicinity some such industry (coal or oil industry) is started, the whole idea of Vrindaban will fade away. Vrindaban conception is a transcendental village, without any botheration of the modern industrial atmosphere
- If it is possible to go to spiritual master directly, that should be taken chance. But if he's not, it is not possible, then his picture or his idea should be offered respect. Yes. But if he's directly available, one should avail of that
- If the selected people of the world, combined together, they push this movement in India, then the whole program of the modern leaders will collapse. That's a fact. And that was my idea
- If we could get even small land just to keep our office, for the purpose I thought the land was nice. Visit, and if you all think even for that purpose it is no good then give up the idea; what can be done?
- If we have got our own press, we can earn some money by outside work when there is on pressure of our own work. So this is very important subject matter and keep me informed about the advancement of the idea
- If you see Tusta there you may see also the copy of my letter to get the right idea. These things must be cleared up or there may be danger of split within our ranks
- In 1967 I gave this idea to Syamasundara when I was in San Francisco. So it was promptly executed. Similarly last year in London also he promptly executed
- In any case, it appears that Jnana das is restless. It is not a good idea for him to bring Lilavati's daughter to Kilifi as he has described the living conditions as very poor and now she is at least nicely situated in Gurukula
- In India the labor is cheaper extensively than in America. My idea is that if we are able to have a nice branch in India we can do the printing works nicely under your supervision
- In my idea, there should be one central body of trustees for directing all the different centers as well as New Vrindaban, but there must be a local governing body for each center, that is my idea
- It appears there is good chance we may get permission for our men to enter Jagannatha Puri temple if we can present the right documents. My idea is that you present the enclosed statement proving our men are bona fide Hindus
- My father was kind to me, and I imbibed from him the ideas later on solidified by my spiritual master, the eternal father
- My idea in forming the GBC is that I may be spared from the management and use my time for translating books
- My idea in the beginning was that instead of learning yourself the Japanese language, if you could convert one Japanese man that would be better for him to head up the preaching after learning from you and then you would be free to organize everything
- My idea is I want to draw the attention of the authorities
- My idea is that all our centers should be self-supported. We do not like that idea that for your support you have to go 100 miles to get your bread. That is a very dangerous drawback. You produce your food locally and then support yourself
- My idea is that I want to purchase all the lands there for developing into a spiritual city but it may be utopian at the present moment
- My idea is that if simply by narrating the Crucifixion incident of Lord Jesus Christ, the Roman Catholic Religion can spread to such a wide area of the world, how much there is great potency of spreading our Krishna Consciousness
- My idea is that if we can connect this Kristo and Christ, that love of Godhead, there is some meaning. Because we, our Krsna consciousness movement means we are teaching people how to love God
- My idea is that New Vrindaban should be peaceful. There should be no unnecessary disturbances
- My idea is that the leaders must agree to stick at one place, even they may have to remain their life-long, that is the ideal leader, one who is conscious of his duty
- My idea is that Vedic knowledge is complete because it is above all doubts and all mistakes. And Bhagavad-gita is the essence of all Vedic knowledge
- My idea is that we should not form a separate organization in London. The same International Society for Krishna Consciousness as we have branches in different places in USA, a similar branch may be opened in London or in Germany
- My idea is that we should print at least 100,000 of this magazine every month; if not immediately, then in the very near future. And it will be quite possible to do it easily because we have got our own press
- My idea is that you may immediately make plans to start our printing department in Boston now
- My idea is to attract people of the whole world to Mayapur. So we are just trying to acquire three hundred fifty acres of land from the government. It is going on under consideration. Some men are against and some are in favor
- My idea is to attract people of the whole world to Mayapura. So we are just trying to acquire three hundred fifty acres of land from the government
- My idea is to preach Krsna consciousness. Because for want of this knowledge, our mission of human life is failing all over the world. Therefore, I am trying to introduce this KC all over the world, without any distinction of caste, creed, color
- My idea is to purchase land for agriculture so inmates may not depend on outsiders but grow food there and things may go on nicely
- My idea is to train up many devotees and as soon as they are ready send them for starting new branches
- My idea is, Sankirtana with some dramatic demonstration, by the members, will be attractive to the people in general
- My idea of developing New Vrindaban is to create an atmosphere of spiritual life where people in bona fide order of social division, namely, Brahmacaris, Grhasthas, Vanaprastha, Sannyasis will live there independently
- My idea of opening a restaurant requires sufficient money to decorate it. Things should not be done haphazardly
- My idea of preaching in the foreign countries means that they are rather fed up with material advancement of knowledge. They are seeking the message guidance of the Vedanta Sutra or for the matter of the Bhagavad-gita in an authorized way
- My only idea was to point out to the public that unless you have purified leaders there is no possibility of advancement even in the material condition
- My only idea was to point out to the public that unless you have purified leaders there is no possibility of advancement even in the material condition. I had no idea to spend money and energy of our society in a way which is not our real spiritual life
- One side the picture and the other side the Society's name and the word MEMBER The idea is anyone who will become a member will have this aluminium nice medal glittering like Silver
- One thing I shall request you, that our missionary activities, we are not exactly businessmen. You see? Our only idea is these books are published for missionary activities
- Our idea is to construct a hotel for American and European tourists to come and learn about factual spiritual life. While they are coming, there will be foreign exchange and the Indian Government is very much in favor of this
- People must go there to (Mayapur) to see the American home and the American devotees. That is my idea. I shall be glad to know your opinion about this
- Personally, I also still maintain the idea of a world Sankirtana Party, but such things at the present moment are a dream only. But one day maybe it may come out successful
- Regarding dishonest means being used I have never advised or taught anyone like that. That is not my idea
- Regarding Kirtana Party: My idea is that at least one dozen persons should form a Kirtana Party. Two persons play mrdangas, eight persons play karatalas, one person playing tamboura, and one person playing melodious harmonium
- Regarding opening of the press, my idea is that unless we are fully independent, in all departmental works of the press, we should not attempt it
- Regarding the World Sankirtana Party, that is my long-cherished idea, and I wish to see it fulfilled as soon as possible. But do not count on others
- So our point is, we are not going to bring back the old type of Hindu society. It is impossible. Our idea is that best ideas from the original idea
- So to pass the examination means one must have knowledge. There are higher intelligent class of disciples, otherwise it is not compulsory. So how to organize it, how to do it, you GBC can decide. I have given the idea, now how to do it is up to the GBC
- The communists have an idea for feeding human society, but our idea is expanding. We want to see even a snake not fasting
- The idea is like that of a Bible society in India which distributes millions of dollars in the shape of biblical literature without any consideration of return. Similarly, we have to sacrifice each $750 on this principle
- The idea is that all the devotees must attend arati, prasada, and other temple services. If they miss they will be deviated
- The idea is that anyone, after studying the books, who wants to gain the title of Bhakti-sastri, can take the exam. This is academic. Just like a brahmana with sastric knowledge and a brahmana without. It is optional - one who wants may take
- The idea is that everyone who is properly initiated and following the rules and regulations can worship the deity
- The idea is that in this old age I do not know when death will overcome me, and I wish to die in the last days of my life at Vrindaban
- The idea is that local devotees must manage the local temple. In case of emergency, the other temples may help, but that should not be continued, for all the time
- The idea is that no one should enter into the management without any sanction. If they pay lump sums then they can be on the committee, but our majority must be there
- The idea is that people can be self sufficient and raise their own foodstuffs and have sufficient milk to save time and chant Hare Krishna. Why should they work so hard in the hellish factories? Let everyone live simply and be Krsna conscious
- The idea is that the land is there and Krisans may be engaged to grow food both for men and for the animals, namely the cows
- The idea is that those who will later on accept service, they cannot be accepted by us for schooling, we cannot help them. They must be the sons of rich and important men who will not be taking education simply to use it for eating and sleeping
- The idea is that we want to get some facilities (from the United Nations) for presenting our formulas to the different nations of the world. The formula is very simple, but sublime at the same time
- The idea is that when we open our educational institute, we will require some dedicated monks, just like Christian Fathers, who have no connection with women. In that case, we can start a theological school
- The idea is that whoever is competent to manage affairs will accept the post of president by mutual consent. Our main business is to be fixed up in Krsna Consciousness by keeping steady in the prescribed duties of devotional service
- The idea is to save more time from this materialistic business and utilize it for Krsna's service. When our anxieties are how to utilize life in that way, that stage is abyarthya kalatvam, utilizing life without spoiling it
- The idea is we must have the necessities of our life as far as possible independently. But we should not be business minded. Our main business is to develop our dormant Krsna Consciousness
- The idea of distribution of prasadam is long standing, and I suggested this from the very beginning of my missionary activities, both in New York and in San Francisco
- The idea of making San Francisco as New Jagannatha Puri is my transcendental dream, and if you fulfill this dream, I shall be so much obliged to you all
- The New Vrindaban idea is that persons who live there will accept the bare necessities of life to maintain the body and soul together and the major part of time should be engaged in development of Krishna Consciousness
- The whole idea is now in BTG complete ventilation of our ideas should be exchanged from devotees to devotees by writing bona fide articles along with the other articles. This paper should now be completely a foreword of our movement
- The whole idea is that we are Iskcon, a community to be independent from outside help. This farm project is especially for the devotees to grow their own food
- The whole idea is that woman require protection. They are very innocent, weaker sex. They should not be given freedom. Just like a child cannot be given freedom. It is dangerous
- The whole idea is to preach the cult of Lord Caitanya who desired to bestow upon every living being the highest benefit by transcendental love of Godhead which alone can bring in peace in the world
- The whole idea of New Vrindaban is that men who are living there should produce their own food, of which milk is the principal thing
- There is a program, Manipur. I want to start in that small state varnasrama idea. That is my dream
- There will be no botheration for you of family life, provided it is carried on in full Krishna Consciousness. Follow this idea and you will be happy
- This Krsna consciousness movement, although it appears a new movement in your country, but it is known to the world. But nobody had previously attempted to put these ideas and movement in practical shape. So that I am doing
- This sloka can be explained, what is the meaning of religion, by doll exhibition. When you do it I shall give you ideas
- We are not going to rent anyone, anyway, any room. We shall utilize it for our purpose only, receiving guest, organizing this book sale. That is my idea
- We can sit down anywhere on the grass here (in New Mayapura), and whatever available we make our food. This is the idea. Life will be sublime. Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam. That is real business
- We have got very good scheme so that people from the world will come to see the Vedic idea of planetary system. This is the ambition. So you kindly help us
- We require professional director. Money may be spent by the movie company. And we give our men an idea
- When I first came to your country I had no idea how much the American people would cooperate with my Krsna Consciousness mission
- Yes, bring more money. I am going to spend this money in huge advertisement propaganda. I have given him the idea
- Yes, the idea to make S.F. our headquarters, that is in my mind, but that church is not yet settled. The man is prolonging it. Actually, if you get the church I shall make that my headquarters, and I shall come there to your temple occasionally
- You are all qualified. I can give you ideas. Now I am doing. So I wanted to see that you are all busy. That I want because now I am becoming invalid. I cannot move very swiftly here and there. But if you move, I take pleasure
- You are already reading our Nectar of Devotion and if you like this idea you can translate this Nectar of Devotion immediately into Bengali and send me some copies of the translation so I can see how you have done