Category:My Discussions (Prabhupada)
Pages in category "My Discussions (Prabhupada)"
The following 59 pages are in this category, out of 59 total.
- As I have already discussed in my Srimad-Bhagavatam, for economic problem one requires a little land and a few cows. Then the whole economic problem is solved
- As we have discussed in the Seventh Chapter (of Bhagavad-gita), the entire material cosmic manifestation is only a combination of His (God's) two different energies, the superior spiritual energy and the inferior material energy. BG 1972 purports
- As we have discussed many times, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krsna has many plenary expansions, and each and every one of them, although equally powerful, executes different functions
- I am awaiting your visit. We shall discuss further regarding the land you have described when you come
- I am glad that you are thinking how the Beni Madhava Temple may be properly utilized by our Krishna Consciousness Movement, and I am hopeful of discussion with yourself and the Mahant on this subject
- I am very interested in the Sri Beni Madhava Temple. I have also written the Mahant Sri Omkar Giri inviting him to Mayapur for further discussion on this. For yourself, I again invite you, and we will be prepared to pay for your expenditures
- I am very much pleased that you are interested in my scheme at Jyotisar, I think that I shall require your help when this plan is in action. If you have time you can come to Vrindaban to discuss some important matters
- I do not wish to discuss about activities of my Godbrothers but it is a fact they have no life for preaching work. All are satisfied with a place for residence in the name of a temple
- I have discussed all these points in my Srimad-Bhagavatam, that human economic problem can be solved simply by having some land and some cows
- I think you should not think of relinquish your job without meeting me and discussing the matter deeply. Don't do anything out of sentiment
- I was discussing this point in my lecture last night here in Bombay, that human life means tapasya, and tapasya must begin with brahmacaryena, life at Gurukula
- I was visiting the Krsna consciousness farm in British Columbia, and on the road we were passing large herds of beef cows. We were discussing that the farmer thinks of these cows not as spirit souls but as commodities
- I would humbly like to request an interview with you to discuss the possibilities of my providing further service
- I would only request you to retire from politics at least for a month only and let us have discussion on the Bhagavad-gita. I am sure, thereby, that you shall get a new light from the result of such discussions
- If matter is destructible or separable, antimatter must be indestructible and inseparable. We shall try to discuss these propositions from the angle of authentic scriptural vision
- If the GBC men are so flickering then what to speak of the others. Unless this problem is solved whatever we may resolve it will not be very useful. We shall discuss this at our meeting
- If we get chance to meet again, I want to discuss frankly how we may co-operatively push on this Krishna Consciousness movement, especially in India. Let us see what Krishna desires
- If you become divine and acquire the divine qualities, abhayam sattva-samsuddhih jnana-yoga-vyavasthitih (BG 16.1-3). . . That is we have discussed already. So if you become divine. . . There is no impediment to become divine
- If you kindly let me know whether we can talk about Bhagavad-gita as it is, in the church attached to the United Nations. Such meeting and discussions would be of great interest to many persons, and would be extremely beneficial to everyone involved
- If you look after Spiritual Sky business, I have no objection. Hamsaduta is here and I have discussed with him. I have given the decision over to the GBC men. Whatever they decide, I shall accept
- In London we have instituted a program where important men come to meet with me in the evening for discussion of Krsna Consciousness. I have talked with a very famous sculptor, a teacher of a boys college and today George Harrison is supposed to visit
- In the conditional state, we are influenced by material nature. We have already discussed how we are conditioned by the three modes of material nature - ignorance, passion and goodness
- It is a very great science of understanding God. So we have decided to discuss this great science for a few days here (in New Vrndavana). You take advantage of it. Try to understand this great science, how we can be related with God and be happy
- It is so much pleasing to me that you are so carefully reading Srimad-Bhagavatam. We have discussed many things in that book - social, political, religious, cultural
- Not the unfortunate. "It is the fortunate person who comes in contact with a bona fide spiritual master." This question we were just discussing before coming to the class, how to select a bona fide spiritual master
- Now let us discuss, question and answer, "How political situation can be improved by Krsna consciousness?" Can anyone answer?
- Regarding Hrshikesh das, he may come here to Mayapur and I will discuss with him what his engagement shall be. He speaks fluent Bengali, so he may teach the local boys here at our school
- Regarding the grhasthas living in the temple, I have already discussed with you in detail, so do the needful. The principle is that we make propaganda for devotees to come. Don't ask any of them to go away
- That (women's liberation) I don't want to discuss. As you have asked, I may explain that how foolish women are being cheated by the intelligent man. You see?
- The duties of the vaisyas, who are engaged in visa, are stated as cow protection, agriculture and business. We have already discussed that the human being can safely depend on the cow and agricultural land for his livelihood
- The whole Vedic Culture is discussed in our books
- These questions should be on the subject matter which we have discussed. Don't bring outside question. Then there..., it will be no end. This is not the process. When we invite question - on the subject matter which we have spoken
- We are discussing every day. Next life is there. We are every moment getting a different body. This is the scientific study. I do not know why they cannot understand. This is biology
- We are discussing some subject matter from Reader's Digest about the next two hundred years, how things will happen. The scientist proposing that they'll control the laws of nature, and they will produce food from garbage - so many fantastic ideas
- We are discussing the instruction of Prahlada Maharaja because he happens to be one of the stalwart acaryas. And the names of such acaryas, authorized acaryas, are also mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- We discuss this Bhagavad-gita only for understanding that we are not blindly following a principle. It is a science. It is based on philosophy and science. But we have made the process easy, that's all, by following great stalwart personalities
- We don't want to discuss all this nonsense philosophy, just to warn them that "You don't be misled by this rascalism." That is my point
- We don't want to discuss, but more or less, at the present moment in whichever category of religion one may belong to, nobody is following strictly the religious principles. That's a fact. That is called kaitava
- We have been discussing the aim of life. That is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that kamasya nendriya-pritih. Kama... Labho jiveta yavata. The purpose of life is not sense gratification
- We have discussed about brahmastra. It is almost similar to the modern nuclear weapon or bomb, but it is made with chemicals, but this brahmastra is made of mantra. That is the subtle way. Modern science has not reached to that point of subtle existence
- We have distribution prasadam, not dog's food. Such rascals as here. You do not know. I do not wish to discuss anymore on this point. You have murdered the whole thing in two days
- We have previously discussed that the transcendentalist is required to be self-sufficient and should not beg from the rich blind persons to fulfill the bare necessities of life
- We have to receive knowledge from disciplic succession, tattva. Then we will understand the truth. Tattvamnayam. This subject matter we have discussed already, amnayam, evam parampara, that we should not manufacture knowledge
- We hope we shall get very good response from the student community here, because one of the representatives of the student newspaper came to see me and there was nice discussion, and I hope a good report will come out
- We were discussing Prahlada Maharaja's . . . how he is experienced of this material way of life. It is all useless. So by following this mahajana devotees we can make our life perfect
- What we have discussed is printed in Caitanya Caritamrta. How can we rectify? We can't rectify what is written in Caitanya Caritamrta. We have no bad feeling or disrespect for Vallabhacarya
- When householder devotees perform some Vedic ritualistic duties, they do so to satisfy Krsna. As we have previously discussed, any activity aiming at satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead is considered devotional service
- When I shall ask you to question the subject matter which I have discussed, you should put questions on this matter. If you bring so many other subject matter, there will be no end. Try to understand what we have spoken in this meeting
- You give him the scheme and ask him, and if he wants to discuss it, please come and see me
- You may come and see me after September 3rd in Vrndavana where we can discuss all these affairs. There is also a nice guest house there
- You must be drunkard, you must be woman-hunter, and you must be intoxicated, a meat-eater. That is the whole world, going on. Not only in this planet, in upper planets. I have discussed this point in Bhagavata
- You wanted to come here to take further inspiration from the L.A. temple activities. So you may ask Muljibhai to come with you also, and we can discuss together our future plans for India. I will be very glad to see you both at that time
- Your proposal to cooperate with this movement is very magnanimous, and I thank you for your suggestion. But before doing anything tangible, I wish to discuss with you in detail