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Pages in category "Mucukunda"
The following 40 pages are in this category, out of 40 total.
- Actually, the fact was that the Lord wanted to kill them through the agency of His (Krsna) own men, devotees like Mucukunda and Bhima. Kalayavana and the King of Magadha were killed by Mucukunda and Bhima respectively, who acted as agents of the Lord
- Addressing Mucukunda, the demigod requested him to ask any benediction he might be pleased with, except the benediction of liberation
- He (Mucukunda) decided to remain in that Gandhamadana Mountain region to execute austerities and penances for the rest of his life
- He (Mucukunda) replied as follows, "My dear Karttikeya, best of the demigods, I want to sleep now, and I want from you the following benediction"
- He could then lead the king to the mountain where Mucukunda was lying asleep. Mucukunda had received a benediction from Lord Siva to the effect that when he awoke from his sleep, whomever he might see would at once be burnt to ashes
- Karttikeya addressed King Mucukunda, "But you left that kingdom, neglected your opulence and possessions, and never cared for fulfillment of your personal ambitions"
- Karttikeya addressed King Mucukunda, "My dear King, you have sacrificed everything for the sake of the demigods. You had a very nice kingdom, undisturbed by any kind of enemy"
- Karttikeya addressed King Mucukunda, "Time and tide wait for no man. Now even if you return to your home, you will find no one living there"
- King Mucukunda had not slept for many, many years. He was engaged in the duty of fighting, and therefore he was very tired. So when the demigod offered a benediction, Mucukunda simply thought of sleeping
- King Mucukunda thought it wise, however, to identify himself to the Lord first; otherwise he had no right to ask the Lord's identity
- Mandhata begot three sons in the womb of Bindumati, the daughter of Sasabindu. These sons were Purukutsa, Ambarisa, and Mucukunda, a great mystic yogi. These three brothers had fifty sisters, who all accepted the great sage Saubhari as their husband
- Mucukunda continued, "After death the body of even a king is eaten by an animal & therefore turned into stool or is cremated in a crematorium, turned into ashes or is put into an earthly grave, where different kinds of worms, insects are produced of it"
- Mucukunda continued, "Because we are strongly bound by material desires, we continue to remain in craziness"
- Mucukunda continued, "Before taking the enjoyment of material life one has to work so hard that there is scarcely an opportunity for peacefully enjoying"
- Mucukunda continued, "Due to the action of cruel time, the royal body which was always decorated with golden ornaments during life & which moved on a chariot drawn by beautiful horses or on the back of an elephant nicely decorated with golden ornaments"
- Mucukunda continued, "Even in royal life one is full of anxieties, not only because of political administration but also in regard to being elevated to the heavenly planets"
- Mucukunda continued, "For example, I may be a powerful king, and yet when I come home after conquering the world I become subjected to many material conditions"
- Mucukunda continued, "For many, many births I have been suffering from the threefold miseries of this material existence, and I am now tired of it. I have been impelled only by my senses, and I was never satisfied"
- Mucukunda continued, "For sense gratification I have to fall down at the feet of women. The material way of life is so complicated"
- Mucukunda continued, "I think that, like me, all living creatures are careless about spiritual realization and are always full of anxieties, thinking, What is to be done? What is next?"
- Mucukunda continued, "I wanted to be the master of the whole world, and as I became puffed up with ideas of sense gratification, my bodily concept of life became stronger and stronger"
- Mucukunda continued, "In my vanity I believed I had become the king of human society. In this misconception of bodily life I traveled all over the world, accompanied by my military strength - soldiers, charioteers, elephants and horses"
- Mucukunda continued, "My attachment for home, wife and children, for money and supremacy over the world, became more and more acute; in fact, it was limitless. So I remained always attached to thoughts of my material living conditions"
- Mucukunda continued, "On account of my being situated in the royal order, I was more puffed up than ordinary persons. An ordinary man thinks he is the proprietor of his body or his family, but I began to think in that way on a larger scale"
- Mucukunda continued, "The royal body was advertised as the king of human society - that royal body decomposes under the influence of inevitable time & becomes fit for being eaten by worms & insects or being turned into ashes or the stool of an animal"
- Mucukunda continued, "They (living entities) are foolishly attached to so-called society, friendship and love, which merely produce different kinds of miseries"
- Mucukunda continued, "This beautiful body may be recognized as a royal body while in the living condition"
- Mucukunda continued, "To attain all material facilities one has to undergo severe austerities and penances and be elevated to the heavenly planets"
- Mucukunda continued, "When I come back victorious, all subordinate kings may come and offer their respects, but as soon as I enter the inner section of my palace, I myself become an instrument in the hands of the queens"
- Mucukunda knew well that every higher planetary system has a predominating deity. He was not ignorant like modern men who think that this planet earth is full of living entities and all others are vacant
- Mucukunda replied as follows, "Grant me the power to burn to ashes, by my mere glance, anyone who disturbs my sleeping and awakens me untimely. Please give me this benediction"
- O supreme protector, O supreme soul! O supreme controller! Kindly give me Your protection. I am so much embarrassed - This statement by Mucukunda is an instance of humility resulting from a severely miserable condition of material existence
- On coming out of the cave, Mucukunda saw that the human species had surprisingly been reduced in stature to pygmy size. Similarly, the trees had also been far reduced in size, and Mucukunda could immediately understand that the current age was Kali-yuga
- Sukadeva answered Pariksit, "He (Mucukunda) was so powerful that even demigods like Indra used to ask him to help in fighting the demons, and as such he often fought against the demons to protect the demigods"
- Sukadeva answered Pariksit, "He himself was also a great soul and was known popularly as Mucukunda. King Mucukunda was a strict follower of the Vedic principles of brahminical culture, and he was truthful to his promise"
- The commander in chief of the demigods, known as Karttikeya, was satisfied with the fighting of King Mucukunda, but once he asked that the King, having taken too much trouble in fighting the demons, retire from fighting and take rest
- The demigod agreed and also gave him the benediction that he would be able to take complete rest. Then King Mucukunda entered the cave of the mountain
- The potencies of the Lord are also known to Anga the father of Vena, Maharaja Dhruva, Iksvaku, Aila, Mucukunda, Maharaja Janaka, Gadhi, Raghu, Ambarisa, Sagara, Gaya, Nahusa, Mandhata, Alarka, Satadhanve, Anu, Rantideva, Bhisma