Category:Loving Service to God
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Pages in category "Loving Service to God"
The following 71 pages are in this category, out of 71 total.
- A devotee is always fully surrendered to the loving service of the Lord, and the Lord is visible to the devotee according to the devotee's desires. He may be present in the form of Lord Rama, Lord Krsna, Lord Nrsimhadeva and so on
- A person in brahma-yoga, or Krsna consciousness, is so absorbed in the loving service of the Lord that he loses his taste for material sense pleasure altogether. BG 1972 purports
- A person who understands his subordinate position can attain the highest stage of loving service to the Lord
- A progressive march of transcendental devotion for the Lord culminates in the attainment of loving service of the Lord, which is called prema in different transcendental variegatedness called rasas (tastes)
- Actually his (who has become Krsna conscious) mind is cleansed by his transcendental connection with the lotus feet of the Lord. At such a time one is enlightened by the loving service of the Lord
- All his desires are fulfilled simply by engaging constantly in the Lord's loving service. Lord Siva shows us that any devotee can be successful simply by chanting the prayers which he has recited
- All these stages (elimination of obstacles, becoming attracted, steadiness, perfect taste, transcendental emotions, & being situated in loving service to God) develop by the association of pure devotees, and that is the purport of this stanza - SB 1.5.25
- Although He (God) has no interest in such things, in order to receive our loving service, He agrees to act as He does. We cannot actually offer suitable paraphernalia for the Lord's worship because we are completely ignorant
- As explained in Caitanya-caritamrta, loving service to the PG is of two different kinds: aisvarya-purna, full of opulence, and aisvarya-sithila, without opulence. Real love of Godhead begins with aisvarya-sithila, simply on the basis of pure love
- As for elevation to higher planets, a devotee considers this to be simply hallucinatory. A devotee's attention is concentrated only upon the eternal loving service of the Lord, and therefore the power of death has no influence over him
- As soon as this forgetfulness is removed, the vyavasaya-buddhi, as mentioned here (in SB) & in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.41) follows at once. This ascertained knowledge of the living being leads to loving service to the Lord which the living being requires
- As soon as you engage yourself in the service of Vasudeva with love and faith - that is being taught in Krsna consciousness, with love and faith - then Vasudeva is already there. He knows what you are
- Because of his development of transcendental attachment for the Supreme Lord, a surrendered soul feels the presence of his beloved everywhere, and all his senses are engaged in the loving service of the Lord
- Brhaspati is a great logician. It appears from this statement that Prthu, although a great devotee constantly engaged in the loving service of the Lord, could defeat all kinds of impersonalists and Mayavadis by his profound knowledge of Vedic scriptures
- By associating with devotees of Lord Krsna, one develops a sense of Krsna consciousness and thus becomes inclined toward the loving service of the Lord. This is the process of approaching the Supreme Lord by gradual appreciation in devotional service
- By regularly hearing the Bhagavatam and by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead is established as an irrevocable fact - SB 1.2.18
- Everyone's prescribed duty is glorious if it is performed in devotional service of the Lord, without desire for profit. Such loving service must be performed without reason, without impediment, and spontaneously
- Executing your prescribed duties in the loving service of the Lord He will reveal himself to you in proportion to your sincere efforts to satisfy Him only
- I am very, very glad that you have got this feeling to not waste even a single moment in the service of the body and mind but to utilize very carefully every moment of life in the loving service of the Lord
- If one engages all material things in relation with the loving service of the Lord, one is situated in yukta-vairagya, proper renunciation
- If the American boys and girls engaged in the Krsna consciousness movement want to advance in Krsna consciousness to achieve the supreme benefit of loving service to the Lord, they should refrain from indulging in this facility for sex life
- If we are intelligent enough, we shall engage in the loving service of the Lord. Then our lives will be successful, and we shall not have to suffer like the hunter life after life
- In such a devotional state (being concentrated only upon the eternal loving service of the Lord), a perfect yogi can attain the status of immortal knowledge and bliss
- In the conditioned state, such services (to God) are rendered by the living being under force of the material nature, whereas in the liberated state the living being is helped by the spiritual nature in the voluntary loving service of the Lord
- In the liberated state the living being is helped by the spiritual nature in the voluntary loving service of the Lord. There is no incongruity or inebriety in His actions
- In the material world, such activities (the path of knowledge, mystic yoga and renunciation) end in material enjoyment or merging into the effulgence of the Supreme. They have nothing to do with the eternal loving service of the Lord
- In the santa stage, one is on the border of loving service to the Lord
- In the Vedic literature there is the same objective: establishing one's relationship and ultimately reviving our lost loving service unto Him. That is the sum and substance of the Vedas
- It is also recommended that one should live on the banks of Radha-kunda and should be absorbed in the loving service of the Lord
- Liberation means getting out of the slumber of forgetfulness and becoming situated in the real loving service of the Lord, as exemplified in the case of Brahma
- Loving service to the Supreme Lord in different relationships makes even the enjoyment of impersonal Brahman as insignificant as a drop of water in comparison to the ocean
- Loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact
- Of all kinds of liberation, liberation in loving service to the Lord is described (in the Priti-sandarbha) as the most exalted, and meeting the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face is shown to be the highest perfection of life
- Ordinary devotees bound up by the formalities of Vedic rites cannot enter deep into confidential loving service to the Lord, and thus their realization remains imperfect. Sometimes they even fall victim to the calamity of impersonalism
- Self-realization ultimately means to understand the Personality of Godhead and the living entities; to know the individual self and the reciprocal exchanges of loving service between the Supreme and the living entity is real self-realization
- Srimad-Bhagavatam says that even after so much endeavor, if the impersonalist enters into the spiritual world and acquires an impersonal form, he returns again into the material world because of neglecting to serve the Supreme Lord in love and devotion
- The bhakti-yoga process directly applies the senses to the loving service of the Lord. This prohibits the performer from engaging in material activities
- The demonic principle is to become bound up by their desires, but if you are on the spiritual platform, then all your desires means loving service to the Lord. That is wanted
- The devotee in this material world who executes loving service in pursuance of the activities of those eternal associates (like Nanda and Yasoda) with Krsna also attains the same post when he is perfected
- The devotees are always very much inclined to render service unto the lotus feet of the Lord, and the Lord is also very much inclined to accept loving service from His devotees
- The devotees of the Lord who always engage in His loving service are never to be disappointed in the progressive march of devotional service
- The English word "worship" cannot be used in the same sense as bhaja. Worship means to adore, or to show respect and honor to the worthy one. But service with love and faith is especially meant for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The first is devotional service rendered in accordance with the regulative principles, and the second refers to spontaneous loving service of the Lord without extraneous endeavor
- The jnanis and the devotees are actually in agreement up to the point of liberation from material contamination. But the jnanis remain pacified on the platform of simple understanding, the devotees develop further spiritual advancement in loving service
- The Lord has expanded Himself as living beings in order to accept loving service from them, and this alone can satisfy both the Lord and the living beings
- The Lord is also described here as sad-dharma-vidam varistham. This indicates that of all transcendental occupations the best occupation is eternal loving service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The loving services in parental love, fraternity and servitude are included in conjugal love of God. In conclusion, therefore, every confidential devotee is a pure devotee of the Lord
- The pure devotees both here (in material world) and in the transcendental abode associate with Him in person and are able to render personal service to the Lord and thus derive transcendental bliss in His loving service. BG 1972 purports
- The pure devotees of the Lord are engaged in a transcendental existence, namely in the loving service of the Lord, both in the material world and in the spiritual world
- The results of devotional service are certainly not material benefits or liberation from material bondage. The goal of devotional service is to be eternally situated in the loving service of the Lord and to enjoy spiritual bliss from that service
- There (in the Priti-sandarbha) are descriptions of the mellows divided in five transcendental features of direct loving service, and indirect loving service, considered in seven divisions
- There are five stages of loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead - santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya and madhurya
- There are pure devotees who take part in the direct pleasure (ananda) potency of the Lord by factual reciprocation of loving service
- There is no difference between atheists and the faithful in the Vaikuntha planets because all who settle there are freed from the material qualities, and thus suras and asuras become equally obedient loving servitors of the Lord
- They (the demigods) simply serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead sincerely, with love and faith, performing everything with that loving service, and the Lord gives such devotees direct protection
- Transcendental pleasure derived from loving service to the Lord is actual independence
- We are preaching the highest principles of loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and as such, there is no scope for compromising with any of the kinds of philosophies of the impersonalist school
- We consider ourselves the Lord's property, surrendered at His lotus feet, His unalloyed, eternal slaves. Rejecting all mental speculation and mundane desire, with a serene mind we experience incessant spiritual bliss in rendering Him loving service
- What he (A pure devotee) very sincerely desires at heart is to continue in the loving service of the Lord, even at the risk of taking birth again
- When a devotee is fixed in the loving service of the lotus feet of the Lord, he will never come back to this material existence after quitting his body, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita by the Lord (BG 4.9) - tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so 'rjuna
- When one actually takes to the loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he gives up all duties in the material world, as well as all duties prescribed by the Vedic literatures. In this way one is fixed in the service of the Lord - SB 4.29.46
- Without the mercy of the pure devotee, one cannot get freedom by any means. Certainly a pure devotee's association is necessary in order to obtain the loving service of the Lord