Category:Life for God
Pages in category "Life for God"
The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.
- He may take this dress or not, that doesn't matter. Anyone who has sacrificed his life for service of the Supreme Lord, he's a sannyasi
- Here (in SB 3.29.33) it is clearly stated that he who has dedicated his life, all his activities, his mind and his soul - everything - for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord, is considered to be the greatest person
- Shedding tears from their eyes, they dedicate their whole lives to the Lord's service
- Simply we have to agree, "My Lord, from today, I dedicate my life for Your service," you are immediately brahma-bhutah. Immediately, from that moment. It is so nice. Not that you have to take some time how to become brahma-bhutah
- The success of human life is considered when one fully surrenders his life, his wealth, his intelligence and his words for the benefit of the Lord
- They (Mayavadis) are unable to understand the purport of tridanda-sannyasa, and as such they are not inclined to dedicate their lives to the service of Mukunda
- Tridanda-sannyasa means one who has devoted his life, means his activities, his body and his speeches. That is tridanda-sannyasa. Anyone who has devoted his mind, his body and his speeches for the service of the Lord, he is sannyasi