Category:Krsna's Mildness
Pages in category "Krsna's Mildness"
The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total.
- Krsna is so mild & merciful, as described in the above verses, yet He is the Lord of all kinds of threes. He is the Supreme Lord of the 3 worlds, the 3 qualities of material nature & the 3 purusas - Karanodakasayi, Garbhodakasayi and Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- Krsna's age, His transcendental bodily features, His beauty, and His mildness are qualities pertaining to His body
- Krsna, on arriving at this age (thirteen years), manifested such beautiful bodily features that His restless eyes became the playthings of Cupid, and His mild smile resembled the newly grown lotus flower
- Some specific provocations for parental love of Krsna are listed as His blackish bodily hue, which is very attractive and pleasing to see, His all-auspicious bodily features, His mildness
- Suta Gosvami said: The Lord (Krsna), thus hearing the prayers of Kuntidevi, composed in choice words for His glorification, mildly smiled. That smile was as enchanting as His mystic power
- The gopis continued, "We see Your mildly smiling face, and our desire to enjoy You (Krsna) increases"
- The special beauty of Krsna's body was His mild smiling, His restless eyes and His world enchanting songs
- The special beauty of Krsna's body was His mild smiling, His restless eyes and His world enchanting songs. These are the special features of this age (thirteen years)