Category:Krsna's Color
Pages in category "Krsna's Color"
The following 57 pages are in this category, out of 57 total.
- A person is called mild when he cannot even bear the touch of the most soft thing. It is described that every part of Krsna's body was so soft that even at the touch of newly grown leaves, the color of the touched part of His skin would change
- Another meaning may be krsna-varnam ete. One way you can take, krsna-varnam means caste, or category. So if He comes to the category of visnu-tattva, or Krsna, but His color, complexion, is not Krsna, not black
- Artistic painting with sandalwood pulp and colored sandalwood were also to be found on the body of Krsna
- At this age, Krsna once dressed Himself up exactly like Radharani, just to create fun among His friends. He put on golden earrings; and because He was blackish, He smeared the pulp of kunkum all over His body in order to become as fair as She
- Being very nicely attired, Krsna and Balarama looked like elephants dressed with colored clothing on the full-moon day or the dark-moon day
- Brahma said, "Your (Krsna's) bodily features are of the color of clouds filled with water. You are glittering with a silver electric aura emanating from Your yellow garments"
- Garga Muni informed Nanda Maharaja, "This child (Krsna) has taken different bodily complexions in different yugas (millennia). First of all He assumed the color white, then the color red, & then the color yellow, and now He has assumed the color black"
- Gargamuni said to Nanda Maharaja that, Your son, He formerly accepted whitish color, sukla; reddish color, rakta; sukla-raktas tatha pitam, and yellowish color and now He has accepted blackish color
- He immediately came before Krsna. Kaliya saw that Krsna was indeed worth seeing because His body was so beautiful and delicate; its color resembled that of a cloud, and His feet resembled lotus flowers
- His (Krsna's) bodily color resembles a fresh black cloud although His bodily features are more beautiful than millions of cupids. These are the special features of the Lord
- His (Krsna's) transcendental form is the most attractive in all the worlds-His eyes are like the lotus petals and the color of His body like clouds. He is so attractive that His beauty excels that of thousands of cupids. BG 1972 purports
- His (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) only business is to describe Krsna. But His complexion is not krsna; akrsna. Akrsna. Akrsna means white. Because Krsna had many colors. One of the colors was pita, golden, golden avatara
- In another Dvapara-yuga, He appeared (as Lord Ramacandra) in the color of suka, a parrot. All such incarnations have now assembled in Krsna - SB 10.8.13
- In the age of Kali the Lord incarnates as a devotee, yellowish in color, and is always chanting Hare Krsna
- In the Age of Kali, Lord Krsna assumes a golden color and, accompanied by His personal devotees, introduces hari-nama-sankirtana, the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra. By this process He delivers love for Krsna to the general populace
- In the Brahma-samhita also, the color of Krsna's body is compared to that of a bluish cloud. The color of the Lord is not poetical imagination
- In the Dvapara-yuga, Lord Krsna in black color appeared, and in the Kali-yuga Lord Caitanya in yellow color appeared
- In the Satya-yuga the color of the principal incarnation is white. In the Treta-yuga the color is red, in the Dvapara-yuga the color is blackish (Krsna), and in the Kali-yuga the color of the principal incarnation is yellow
- King Nanda said, "Previously He (Krsna) had a white color, then a red color, then a yellow color. He also said that this boy was once the son of Vasudeva, and everyone who knows of His previous birth calls Him Vasudeva"
- King Nanda said, "When he (Garga Muni) came to perform the name-giving ceremony, he said that this boy descends in different periods of time in different colors and that this time He has appeared in Vrndavana in a blackish color, known as krsna"
- Krsna is coming the rotation of four ages: Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga, Kali-yuga is going on. So in different ages He comes in different colors. So this pita, yellowish color, is for Lord Caitanya
- Krsna once dressed Himself up exactly like Radharani, just to create fun among His friends. He put on golden earrings, and because He was blackish, He smeared the pulp of kunkuma all over His body in order to become as fair as She
- Krsna's color is described there (in sastra). Krsna's peacock feather is described there. Krsna's flute is there. Krsna's ever-eternal consort . . . pranaya-keli. In loving mood always, Krsna. He's always in enjoying spirit. So we get idea of Krsna
- My Lord, Your (Krsna's) form is transcendental to the three material modes, yet for the maintenance of the three worlds, You assume the white color of Visnu in goodness - SB 10.3.20
- Mystic yogis say, "This four-handed form of the Lord, manifested in a bluish color, is the reservoir of all pleasure and the center of our living force"
- Partially explaining the position of Lord Krsna and partially covering the facts, Garga Muni indicated, Your (Nanda Maharaja's) son is a great personality, and He can change the color of His body in different ages
- People always ask why Krsna is blue. The color of the Lord has not been imagined by an artist. It is described in authoritative scripture
- She (one gopi) praised His (Krsna's) blackish complexion, the reddish color of chewing pan enhancing His beauty hundreds of times, the curling hair on His head, the kunkuma red spots on His body and the tilaka on His forehead
- Similarly, Maharaj Nanda addressed his wife, "My dear Yasoda, just look at your offspring, Krsna! See His blackish bodily luster, His eyes tinged with red color, His broad chest and His nice golden necklace
- Sometimes the gopis would think about His (Krsna's) soft nails, His moving eyebrows and His teeth, which were catechu-colored from chewing pan
- Sri Krsna is the intimate friend of Arjuna. He has appeared on this earth in His transcendental body, which resembles the bluish color of the tamala tree. His body attracts everyone in the three planetary systems (upper, middle and lower)
- Sri Krsna's form, Sri Krsna's flute, Krsna's color - everything is reality
- The color of the Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is described here (in SB 3.28.13) as nilotpala-dala, meaning that it is like that of a lotus flower with petals tinted blue and white
- The demigods prayed - Although You (Krsna) appear in a color which is compared to that of a blackish cloud, You are the transcendental Absolute, and therefore Your beauty is many, many times more attractive than the delicate body of Cupid
- The demigods said: Although You (Krsna) appear in a color which is compared to the blackish cloud, because You are the Transcendental Absolute, Your beauty is many, many times more attractive than the delicate body of Cupid
- The first manifestation of the vaibhava feature of Krsna is Sri Balaramaji. Sri Balarama and Krsna have different bodily colors, but otherwise Sri Balarama is equal to Krsna in all respects
- The golden Lord Krsna is Lord Caitanya, who is worshiped by intelligent men in this age. That is confirmed in SB by Garga Muni, who said that although the child Krsna was blackish, He also appears in three other colors - red, white and yellow
- The ideal yogi concentrates his attention on Krsna, who is called Syamasundara, who is as beautifully colored as a cloud, whose lotus-like face is as effulgent as the sun, whose dress is brilliant with jewels and whose body is flower garlanded. BG 1972 p
- The Lord appears in four colors: sukla-raktas tatha pitam idanim krsnatam gatah
- The Lord's beautiful bodily color is blackish, and His broad chest is the resting place of the goddess of fortune, who glorifies the entire spiritual world, the summit of all heavenly planets
- The Lord's form is so beautiful that the Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38) states: His (Krsna's) bodily color resembles the color of a fresh black cloud, although His bodily features are more beautiful than millions of Cupids
- The presentation of Krsna in the Brahma-samhita is vijnana - scientific, experienced knowledge given by Lord Brahma and accepted by Lord Caitanya. There is no doubt about it. Sri Krsna's form, Sri Krsna's flute, Krsna's color - everything is reality
- The religious practice for the Age of Kali is to broadcast the glories of the holy name. Only for this purpose has the Lord, in a yellow color, descended as Lord Caitanya
- The tamala tree is always described as being the same color as Krsna
- The two transcendental brothers, Krsna and Balarama, were naturally beautiful and had beautiful complexions, and They were nicely dressed in colorful garments
- There (in Goloka) the Lord plays His flute, His eyes are like lotus petals, and the color of His body is like that of a beautiful cloud. On His head is a peacock feather. He is so attractive that He excels thousands of Cupids
- There are four yugas, or millennia - Satya, Treta, Dvapara, and Kali - and in each millennium the Supreme Lord incarnates, and each incarnation has a different color according to the yuga
- There are many other authoritative statements about Lord Caitanya's becoming Krsna Himself. When Krsna appeared, when Gargamuni was ascertaining His name, he said that "This child, He has other colors," suklo raktas tatha pita. Pita means yellow
- There is no difference between the bodily forms of Sri Krsna and Balarama except that Their bodily colors are different. Similarly, Sri Narayana in Vaikuntha has four hands, whereas Krsna has only two
- There is no doubt about it. Krsna’s form, Krsna’s flute, Krsna’s color - everything is reality. Here it is said that this vijnanam is always defeating all kinds of speculative knowledge
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned to recognize valuable jewels by studying their luster and colors. Then They learned the art of placing jewels in a gold and silver setting so that they look very beautiful
- This boy (Krsna) has three other colors - white, red and yellow - as He appears in different ages. Now He has appeared in a transcendental blackish color
- This child formerly had three colors according to the prescribed color for different millenniums. Formerly He was white, red and yellow, and now He has assumed a blackish color
- This is confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (the color of the principal incarnation of the Supreme Lord according to the yuga) by the astrologer Gargamuni, who calculated Krsna's horoscope in the house of Nanda Maharaja