Category:Keeping Money
Pages in category "Keeping Money"
The following 32 pages are in this category, out of 32 total.
- Divided his (Sri Rupa Gosvami's) money, giving fifty percent to the brahmanas and Vaisnavas and twenty-five percent to his kutumba (family members), and keeping twenty-five percent for personal emergencies
- Don't keep money. Spend it. The karmis, they spend for sense gratification. You spend for Krsna
- Engaging that money for increasing further money, increasing further money . . . then one day he may be millionaire. So that millionaire, to become, that is also not undisturbed happiness. - How to keep the money? How to invest it?
- Even a brahmana gets one lakh of rupees, next morning he is still a beggar because he does not keep anything for tomorrow. Everything depending on Krsna, and he spends money like that
- Everyone I advance money to, they repay. Brahmananda Swami took Rs. 16,000/-, and he has returned, so why not you also? Anyway, if there is some potential there then keep it and go on
- Everyone is engaged in earning money, and the money is kept in the bank, which then offers money to the public. In this cycle of activities, everyone is engaged in getting more and more money
- How one can, unless one is spiritually advanced, how he can sacrifice his hard-earned money for Krsna? Everyone thinks, "Oh, I have earned this money working so hard. Why shall I spend it for Krsna? Let me keep it"
- How to spend the money for Krsna, that is our policy. We do not want to keep money. We cannot keep, that is not possible. Somebody will take it. Ultimately the government will take. Better spend it for Krsna
- If I earn money, then how to invest it to make it double? Then how to keep it? Which bank I shall keep it so that my money will be safe? How I shall distribute it? So abhadra. Abhadra means the whole procedure is simply abominable
- If you have got money keep it with you. Don't spoil it unnecessarily. Concentrate on bhajan along with your father and mother. That is my advice
- If you print books, some day somebody will read. But if we keep money, it creates disturbance. I am therefore always insisting, "Print books, Print books"
- If you think you shall keep the money you collect there for future use for temple, that's alright, but my Guru Maharaja used to say, "Trust no future, however pleasant"
- It is a good plan to leave the money in my account until you need it. What is the use of keeping money unless there is a need
- No one would know the extent of the riches King Prthu would confidentially keep. The idea is that not only the king but everyone should keep his hard-earned money confidentially and secretly so that in due course of time the money can be spent
- Now print books. Don't use this money for any other purpose than publishing. Some percentage may be kept by you for getting your own house, either purchasing or constructing our own temple. If the present house is available, then purchase
- On the whole our account should be kept very nicely because we are dealing with the public's money
- One can give up the desire to accumulate wealth simply by considering how difficult it is to protect the money in one's possession. If one keeps a large amount of cash with him, he is always anxious about keeping it properly
- One should learn from the bumblebee not to keep more money than one needs. Similarly, one should learn from the python to stay in one place for many, many days without food and then eat only if something comes in its own way
- Regarding investing money there in Iran, I have no objection if it is kept in Atreya Rsi's name. He is one of our men. Please send the complete details in this connection and I shall decide
- Regarding your nice Sankirtana collections, this should be kept in a separate account so that it may help in some great emergency. You should become a little spendthrift. I know that you do this, but still I am reminding you
- Sannyasi simply means to do as I am doing, and sometimes I have to manage, sometimes cook, sometimes go to the bank, keep the money, write books, chant, preach in the class, keep accounts - sannyasi should be expert in every department
- Suppose you have got millions of dollars. Don't keep it. So long it is within your jurisdiction, spend it for Krsna. Yes. That is the proper utilization. Because actually the money is not yours, because you cannot carry this money with your death
- The brahmana accepts all kinds of contributions (pratigraha) from his followers - namely, the ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras. But he does not keep all the money. He keeps only as much as required and gives the balance to others in charity - dana
- The idea is that not only the king but everyone should keep his hard-earned money confidentially and secretly so that in due course of time the money can be spent for good, practical purposes
- The president cannot take any loans without authorization. This is a declaration. These things must not be allowed. Whatever he has taken must be returned and he must pay back the money that he has kept
- Those who are householder, family men, they may have some deposit for emergency. Otherwise, those who are renounced order, those who are brahmacari, for them to keep money separately for his maintenance or for accumulating bank balance is not allowed
- To earn money is also troublesome. To keep money also troublesome. And when it is lost, that is also troublesome. This is the position. But there is no such thing, loss, but the anxiety is there