Category:Illicit Sex Life
"Sex life, licit or illicit" |"life with illicit sex"| "illicit or legal sex life" |"illicit sex life" |"not this sex life" |"sex life, but we discourage illicit connection" |"sex life, that is illicit sex" |"unnecessary sex life" |"you cannot have any sex life"|"Sex life, even it is not illicit" |"Sex life, illicit or legal" |"illicit sex. We are not stopping sex life" |"life of drugs, illicit sex" |"sex life in marriage, is licit, not illicit"
Pages in category "Illicit Sex Life"
The following 98 pages are in this category, out of 98 total.
- A disciple promises to refraim from the four pillars of sinful life: no illicit sex-life, no intoxication, no gambling, and no meat-eating. In addition, one must chant at least 16 rounds of japa daily and in this way progress in Krsna Consciousness
- A Krsna conscious boy, even if he is not very well educated by the university standard, can immediately give up all illicit sex life, gambling, meat-eating and intoxication
- Adharma, Irreligion, was also a son of Brahma, and he married his sister Mrsa. This is the beginning of sex life between brother and sister. This unnatural combination of sex life can be possible in human society only where there is Adharma, or Irreligion
- Although they (so-called sannyasis) dress themselves as sannyasis, they still cannot free themselves from the four principles of sinful life, namely illicit sex life, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling
- Any civilized human society, there is the system of marriage. And beyond marriage, if there is sex life, that is called illicit sex life. That is never indulged in any society. So what to speak of transcendental life
- Any person who is in Krsna consciousness, his quality of goodness, namely, he does not indulge in illicit sex life, he does not smoke even or take tea or coffee even, he does not eat any forbidden foodstuff
- Artificially, they (materialists) may sit down for so-called meditation, but immediately after their yogic performance they will engage themselves again in such activities as illicit sex life, gambling, meat-eating and many other nonsensical things
- As my initiated disciple you must strictly observe the four restrictions; namely no taking of intoxicants; no eating of meat, fish, or eggs; no illicit sex life; and no gambling. Follow the prescribed regulations for devotional service
- At least these things should be accepted as they are in the Bible, "Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not covet." Illicit sex life, intoxication, and killing of animals. These are in the Bible. Why they are not accepted?
- First of all try to become sinless: no illicit sex life, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling. Observe these four regulative principles and chant Hare Krsna mantra as far as possible, at least sixteen rounds
- Four don'ts and one do: No illicit sex-life, no intoxication, no gambling, no meat-eating . . . and always chanting Hare Krishna, minimum 16 rounds daily. If you take very seriously these principles then Krishna will bless you without any doubt
- Four items we prohibit our students; they do not indulge: illicit sex life - meat, fish, egg-eating; intoxication up to cigarette smoking, drinking tea, coffee; and gambling. These are the four pillars of sinful life
- From this day of initiation these four pillars of sinful life - illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling - they should be broken. Not that, "Let me do it. I have got the mantra, machine, instrument for counteracting." No
- I am depending on you leaders for the future of our Society, yet there is all this interest in illicit sex life. This is causing me heartache worrying how things will go on. What can I do?
- I don't accept any cheap student or cheap disciple. My first condition is that there is no illicit sex life, there is no intoxication, there is no gambling, and there is no meat-eating
- I know that all big leaders are falling victim to sex-life. So let her live in New York and you live in Paris with your wife, what can be done?
- If one does not follow these principles strictly (one should not indulge in illicit sex life, intoxication, meat eating or gambling), there may be a severe disturbance in the discharge of devotional service
- If one is addicted to illicit sex life, if one is addicted to meat-eating and if one is addicted in intoxicants, then he is immediately fallen from the standard of human society
- If one is the spiritual leader or political leader or brahmana, he must give up four principles of sinful life: illicit sex life, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating, fish-eating
- If one wants to become an initiated member of our Krsna consciousness society, we first of all ask him to undergo tapasya. In the Western countries especially it is a great tapasya to give up illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling
- If the state head or king allows the citizens to become sinful by indulging in illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling, then the king is responsible
- If the women outnumber the men, some men can accept more than one wife. In that way there will be no prostitution in society. If men can marry more than one wife, illicit sex life will be stopped
- If we follow the regulative principles and program as above (no meat-eating, no intoxicants, no illicit sex life, no gambling) that pleasure (of chanting Hare Krsna) will go on increasing more and more
- If we indulge in these things - illicit sex life, meat-eating and intoxication and gambling - then they become the four pillars of sinful life. And if we take them away, then they become . . . the prohibited portion becomes the pillars of perfect life
- If you want to become very good man, then you have to follow these regulative principles: no illicit sex life, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling. These are the four pillars of sinful life
- If you will follow all of the above rules (no illicit sex life, no intoxication, no meat-eating or fish or eggs, and no gambling) very carefully, then surely you will make very nice advancement in Krishna Consciousness and your life will be sublime
- Illicit sex life is always forbidden, and any man or woman who indulges in it is punished
- Illicit sex life, intoxication, and killing of animals. These are in the Bible. Why they are not accepted? This is not our impositions. This is already there
- In a country where everyone is trained from childhood to indulge in sinful activities who will accept these restrictions, no meat fish and eggs, no intoxicants, no gambling, no illicit sex life
- In Bhagavad-gita, First Chapter, illicit sex life is very much condemned, and it is said that one who produces children by illicit sex life is sent to hell
- In every civilized human society there is a ceremony called marriage. And that is also Vedic system, that one should not have any illicit sex life, but one should be combined according to religious rite and live peacefully and execute Krsna consciousness
- In our movement we ask everybody, especially our serious student, to refrain from four kinds of sinful activities: illicit sex life, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating. These are the pillars of sinful life
- In our movement we ask everybody, especially our serious students, to refrain from four kinds of sinful activities: illicit sex life, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating. These are the pillars of sinful life
- In the Western countries especially it is a great tapasya to give up illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling. Although we require only these austerities, it is very difficult to observe them
- Initiation means that he must be free from all kinds of sinful activities. These pillars of sinful activities, are four in number: illicit sex life, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling
- Intelligent men should encourage the performance of sankirtana-yajna by their personal behavior. This means that they should follow the process of austerity by restricting themselves from illicit sex life, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication
- It is confirmed here (in SB 3.30.28) in the Bhagavatam that such offenders (who produces children by illicit sex life) are put into hellish conditions of life in Tamisra, Andha-tamisra and Raurava
- It is not that a gambler or a meat-eater or a man addicted to illicit sex life, he cannot love Krsna. It is not that. But that is very rare case
- It is said in the sastra, striyah suna panam dyutam yatradharmas catur-vidhah, "Four kinds of sinful activities: illicit sex life, striyah; suna, the animal slaughter; panam, intoxication; dyutam, gambling." These are the four pillars of sinful life
- It is very difficult for the Western people to give up all these four principles of life (illicit sex life, gambling, meat-eating, intoxication), because these are ordinary dealings. Here people are accustomed to all these habits from the very beginning
- Many thousands of boys and girls in the Western countries are seriously taking to this movement sacrificing many things. Especially they do not indulge in illicit sex life, gambling, meat eating, and intoxication
- Men and women whose lives were built upon indulgence in illicit sex life are put into many kinds of miserable conditions in the hells known as Tamisra, Andha-tamisra and Raurava
- No good man will say like that (You must have intoxication, take illicit sex life). That is the difference between good man and bad man
- Now you must all carefully follow these four regulative principles (1) No meat eating, (2) No illicit sex life, (3) No intoxication, (4) No gambling. Always be sure to chant minimum sixteen rounds daily. Study my books carefully, go for sankirtana
- Now you must very strictly follow the orders of your spiritual master by chanting 16 rounds of japa daily & accepting the 4 restrictions; no illicit sex life, no intoxication, no gambling, & no meat-eating. In this way you will surely make progress in KC
- On account of these sinful activities . . . according to Vedic civlization, there are four kinds of sinful activities. One sinful activity is illegitimate, illicit sex life. According to Vedic civilization, without marriage no sex life is allowed
- One cannot take to Krsna consciousness unless he is completely washed of all sinful activity. So we forbid four things, because they are pillars of sinful activities: illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling
- One should not have any illicit sex life, but one should be combined according to religious rite and live peacefully and execute Krsna consciousness. This much austerity
- People do not consider how they are risking their lives in an attempt to have illicit sex life, kill animals to satisfy their tongue, enjoy intoxication and gamble
- Please chant sixteen rounds of japa mala daily and try to observe the regulative principles of no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling and no illicit sex life. These four are the pillars of sinful life, especially in this age of Kali Yuga
- Please follow the four principles of initiated disciples which are as follows: No eating of animal foods such as meat, fish and eggs; no gambling; no illicit sex life; and no intoxication of any kind
- Sex intercourse should be not against the religious principle. Therefore illicit sex life is forbidden in our Society. Sex should be utilized only for begetting nice children, not for any other purpose
- Simply follow the regular program of chanting 16 rounds of Hare Krishna Maha-mantra daily and abstain from illicit sex-life, meat-eating, gambling, and intoxication. In this way you will surely make rapid progress in Krishna Consciousness
- So this point is very important, that if one is addicted to illicit sex life, if one is addicted to meat-eating and if one is addicted in intoxicants, then he is immediately fallen from the standard of human society
- Sons and daughters should not be allowed freedom to intermingle with the opposite sex unless they are married. This Vedic social organization is very good in that it stops the promulgation of illicit sex life, or varna-sankara
- Spiritual life does not mean you have to grow four hands and four legs. No. Simply you have to give up these tendencies of vyavayamisa-madya-seva (illicit sex life and intoxication). Therefore sastra gives you training how to
- Srimad-Bhagavatam says, and we can actually see, that in Kali-yuga about eighty percent of the people are sinful. Illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating, and gambling are the four pillars of sinful life
- Striyah suna panam dyutam yatra papas catur-vidhah (SB 1.17.38): "Where illicit sex life, brothel, prostitute's house, you (Kali) can remain there." Striyah suna, slaughterhouse. Or unnecessarily where animals are killed, you can remain there
- The basic principle is the illicit sex life. Now, it can go up to murdering and so many things. So if we avoid the basic principles, the further subsidiary sinful activities automatically stopped
- The devotee undergoes processes of austerity such as observing Ekadasi and similar other fasting days and refraining from illicit sex life, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating. Thus he becomes purified from the reactions of his past impious life
- The four principles which we ask our students to follow, namely, restraining illicit sex life, etc., must be the basic principles of spiritual life
- The leaders of the peace movement must be all men of character, and to raise such men of character there must be the four regulative principles; namely, no illicit sex-life, no meat-eating, no gambling, and no intoxication
- The principles of renunciation are four: (1) to avoid illicit sex life, (2) to avoid meat-eating, (3) to avoid intoxication and (4) to avoid gambling. These four principles are called tapasya, or austerity
- The prohibitions are mentioned in the authorized scriptures: One should not indulge in illicit sex life, intoxication, meat eating or gambling. These things are forbidden to one who is attempting devotional service
- The sinful list we have given, the four principles, illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating & gambling. These are the four pillars of sinful life. We request our students first of all break these four pillars. So the roof of sinful life will collapse
- The so-called sadhus or so-called vairagis, having illicit sex life very secretly, they are just like monkeys. So Rupa Gosvami has said markata-vairagya
- There are four kinds of sinful activities. Basic principle of sinful life is avaidha, illicit sex life. Avaidha stri-sanga. Striyah suna, unnecessary animal killing; pana, drinking, intoxicant; and gambling. We have to give up these four principles
- These (illicit sex life, meat-eating and intoxication and gambling) are the four pillars of sinful life. If you allow people to indulge in sinful life, how you can expect good citizen? That is not possible. Their character must reform
- These are four pillars of sinful activity: illicit sex life, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. Yatra papas catur-vidha. These are exactly to the injunction of the Vedas. How you can approach the pavitram paramam bhavan without being pavitra?
- These four things are prohibited: illicit sex life, animal-killing, intoxication, and gambling. This is the preliminary understanding. Especially those who are higher caste - brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya - they are strictly forbidden
- They do not indulge: illicit sex life - meat, fish, egg-eating; intoxication up to cigarette smoking, drinking tea, coffee; and gambling. These are the four pillars of sinful life. So unless one gives up these four things, he cannot understand what is God
- This (no illicit sex life, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication) is the beginning of religious life. Those who are so-called religious and indulge in these four principles of prohibited activities are pseudoreligionists
- This is authority, that nasta-sadacaro dasyah samsarga-dusitah. As soon as there will be contamination of illicit sex life, he will be bereft of all good character, this basic principle. And the whole world is now encouraged in that way
- We are introducing this tapasya in nutshell. We are asking our students four principles, four regulative principles. No illicit sex life. Beyond marriage life, there is no sex. No intoxication, up to smoking and drinking tea. No meat-eating. No gambling
- We have got both Brahmacharies and Householders as disciples, and all of them are following the above mentioned principles (no illicit sex life, etc.). The students and disciples are initiated according to authorized Pancharatriki regulations
- We have to give up anacara, forbidden things, sinful things. Striyah suna panam dyutam yatra papas catur-vidhah (SB 1.17.38). There are four kinds of sinful activities. Basic principle of sinful life is avaidha, illicit sex life
- We have to voluntarily give up these habits (illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling). That is called austerity, penance
- We prescribe to our students no illicit sex-life, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling, but they are not ends in themselves; the real end is how to serve Krishna and sacrifice everything for Him
- We reject four prohibited items - namely illicit sex life, intoxication, gambling and flesh-eating - and accept the daily chanting of at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and daily meditation three times a day by chanting the Gayatri mantra
- We say there is no illicit sex life, no intoxication, no meat eating, no gambling, so if Maharishi says there is no restrictions, naturally large number of people will follow him. That means they want to be cheated, and Krishna sends them a cheater
- Whatever is done is done. No more. Now there should be pure life: no illicit sex life, no intoxication, no gambling and no meat-eating. Finished now
- When one indulges in illicit sex life, as defined by the sastras, either by thinking, planning, talking about or actually having sexual intercourse, or by satisfying the genitals by artificial means, he is caught in the clutches of maya
- Whenever a somebody comes to me for becoming my disciple, my first principle is that you must give up illicit sex life. You must give up meat eating, fish eating, egg eating, all this nonsense
- Willing should be avoided and acting stopped, or else there is offense of breaking this basic prohibition of illicit sex-life
- You are already fallen. So you take to this process of chanting Hare Krsna mantra without any offense. And in order to save yourself from the offenses, a little austerity that you cannot have illicit sex life
- You are habituated to unrestricted sex life, and if I say that "Don't have illicit sex life," it will be troublesome for you
- You can live peacefully by married life and have sex life for children, good children. - That is allowed. But why should you have illicit sex life? What is this? Irresponsible life