Category:I Have Heard (Prabhupada)
"I have heard"
Pages in category "I Have Heard (Prabhupada)"
The following 104 pages are in this category, out of 104 total.
- Are you doing French translation work of our books? What about the program of French publication of Back To Godhead? I wrote you from San Francisco, but I have not heard any reply from you
- Avaisnava sees another person is suffering; he doesn't care: "Let him suffer." We have come to that state. I heard from one of my disciples that here, in New York, if somebody is killed on the road, nobody will care. Is it a fact?
- I (Prabhupada) am greatly pleased to hear from you that you have increased the selling books five times more in Chicago centre. That is very good news to me
- I (Prabhupada) have heard from Gargamuni that you are ordering 20,000 issues of BTG and this is very good news. Selling BTG means that our movement is increasing and our philosophy is being appreciated
- I (Prabhupada) have heard from others that you are doing very nicely, and that you are making life members also. That is very good news to me
- I (Prabhupada) have heard that you have mentioned to Brahmananda that your temple will contribute $3,000 dollars for my book fund. This is very good news for me, and try to send it as soon as possible
- I (Prabhupada) heard from Sivananda that you had left him without his knowledge. That is not very good. When he wrote me twice "my wife has left me and there is no trace" then I advised him that instead of marrying again, better to prepare for sannyasa
- I am especially happy to hear your statement, I have taken to the process of chanting Hare Krishna - feeling the results immediately. This is very good
- I am glad to hear that in your temple no one misses mangala arati & everyone is becoming steady & peaceful in their service. It sounds as if you are taking care of your men very nicely. This is first class management
- I am glad to hear that you are now concentrating on improving the regulative life of the temple rather than so much advertising with brochures. This is very nice; this is what I want. A good example is better than precept
- I am glad to hear that you are opening another workshop in Kauai for the manufacturing of the Gaura-Nitai Deities and this is a very great service to our society and devotees
- I am glad to hear you are enlivened at becoming editor of Back to Godhead magazine. This magazine must be edited very carefully
- I am happy to hear you are steadily studying Sanskrit and reading Srimad-Bhagavatam - that is very good
- I am hearing from the newspapers that in India there is some upheaval on the ground of political activities. I have also heard that you are observing "fast" and it has given me some concern
- I am in due receipt of the BBT Trustees report and have heard your proposal for funding the Mayapur project. Yes your proposal sounds very nice and you may do it. It is very good that this project be a world-wide effort
- I am pleased to hear from you that you are making many life-members there: that is the proof of our preaching strength
- I am so glad to hear your program is steadily expanding in St. Louis and how you are regularly making university engagements and are being so well received
- I am very encouraged to hear that people are coming. So please manage temple affairs nicely. Nanda Kumar is expert pujari and his wife is already going there. The Deity worship must be done very very carefully
- I am very glad to hear how the work is going on steadily. It is all very encouraging. Continue it and Krishna will surely bless you all
- I am very glad to hear that a new devotee has given $6,500 to your temple. A similar report has come from Hansadutta. It is a good sign that people are coming & of their own accord giving everything, that is the proof of your powerful preaching work
- I am very glad to hear that you are keeping yourself busy preaching. Don't become a dead man. Always preach
- I am very glad to hear that you are settling into some steady service. Krishna is sending us so many children and they must be nicely guided and educated so that they can grow up to become first-class Vaisnavas
- I am very glad to hear that you are very serious about Krsna Consciousness and are chanting 16 rounds, following the regulative principles and trying to distribute my books in New Zealand
- I am very glad to hear you are following my instructions by chanting 16 rounds daily
- I am very much anxious to go there to Florida, because I have heard so much about this city, and because many retired men go there to settle. I am always anxious to open a center there to attract these retired men
- I am very much perturbed to hear you are suffering from maleria in Delhi. So don't be worried, you'll very soon recover, but I think it is a hindrance for you going to Europe. I therefore request you not to proceed to Europe immediately
- I am very much pleased to hear that our mail-order department for books and BTG's is increasing steadily
- I am very pleased that Jayadvaita Brahmacari will be going to Boston soon for typing BTG and our books. He is the first class typist in our society so far I have heard, so he can create so many assistants
- I am very pleased to hear about the book distribution
- I am very, very pleased to hear that you have accomplished your task for getting the CCP license, it is a very great service
- I am writing what I have heard, not that I am speculating. Mostly, the philosophers, they write as they speculate. They write their own opinion. But our process is not that. We don't speculate
- I did not see your drama in New Vrndavana about the advent of Lord Krsna. But I have heard from others that it was done very nicely, so I am very much pleased
- I had heard that you have since gone to Buenos Aires, so please let me know what is your program
- I have also heard that you are making plans for a very large order of my books from the BBT to be sold on a door to door basis on the style of the encyclopedia sales. If you can do this it will revolutionize our book distribution
- I have always been so careful to give you only those things which I have heard from my Guru Maharaja
- I have heard a serious complaint against you that you are in intimate relation with Aradhana's wife Santanu. I am not only surprised but I cannot believe that a nice boy like you should be thus accused
- I have heard also from Brahmananda that he plans to spend 3 days per week at Boston, but I have also heard that during his absence 3 devotees have left the temple. So things should be managed so nicely that our devotees may not leave us
- I have heard from Jayatirtha you want to make big plan for centralization of management, taxes, monies, corporate status, bookkeeping, credit, like that. I do not at all approve of such plan. Do not centralize anything
- I have heard from others that it was done very nicely, so I am very much pleased. These kinds of dramas about Krsna, Krsna's pastimes, and also Lord Caitanya's pastimes, are very much desirable for presenting to the public widely
- I have heard from Tamala Krishna that this press arrangement is made very nicely and you are doing excellently. Now my manuscripts for books are ready for at least 12 books
- I have heard from the authorities of the Rama Krishna Mission that their charitable dispensaries of hospitals are mostly run by paid men, as formally no intelligent medical practitioner was joining them to run it on
- I have heard from Upendra and he seems enthusiastic about opening the Fiji center. Our Krsna Consciousness Movement is flourishing all over the world by the grace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and I am receiving favorable reports and full invitations
- I have heard many nice reports from various parties complimenting the expert service you are performing in New York with your carpentry and handyman skills. So I am very pleased to hear that Krishna has blessed you with a very nice talent
- I have heard my mother-in-law was married - she was seven years old and my father-in-law was eleven years old. So this marriage was performed, but it is not that the husband and wife live together unless they are mature, grown-up
- I have heard of the report of your stealing from the temples, and Mukunda has requested that you do not go back there. Therefore I recommend as the best thing that you make a fresh start and stay here in India where there is such a great need
- I have heard of your compilation of my “Analysis” is well done. It is a good summary for study of Bhagavad-gita. I am having my personal GBC secretary scrutinize it more closely with the idea of presenting it to the BBT Trustees for publication
- I have heard one rumor from Gargamuni that Kanupriya and Hayagriva are smoking ganja. In that case, Hayagriva should be asked to leave for U.S.A. immediately to sit down in New Vrndavana and do what he likes
- I have heard that Brahmananda is preaching about me that I am Krsna, that I am Supersoul, that I have withdrawn my mercy from the disciples, that I have left the Society and so on. I do not know how far they are correct
- I have heard that in Europe there are many clubs. They go for gambling, and they lose everything, whatever, and they commit suicide. And the club proprietor throws him in the street. There is no law
- I have heard that in Germany the press machines are very good and cheap. So if you jointly can think of starting a press there, that will be a great success
- I have heard that in some of the airports they are making announcements telling the people not to purchase our literature. This is impeding our religion and is therefore blasphemy
- I have heard that the Government allots free gift land for religious temples. If such land is available, then we can immediately take up the project of constructing a very gorgeous style Indian temple
- I have heard that the Nobel Prize Institution is in Sweden. Why don't you present them our books? Find out what to do if we can win Nobel Prize
- I have heard that there as been some beating with sticks on the children. Of course I do not know, but that should not be
- I have heard that there is some worship of yourself by the other devotees. Of course it is proper to offer obeisances to a Vaisnava, but not in the presence of the spiritual master. After the departure of the spiritual master, it will come to that stage
- I have heard that there is very good potential for spreading Krishna Consciousness movement in Toronto especially among the large younger population. So I think this will be a good field for you to work enthusiastically
- I have heard that you are a very good man with cows. Your service would be very valuable here in India. I think that you could travel to the centers here where we keep cows and try to establish a very high cow-protection standard
- I have heard that you are now the president of Amsterdam temple so I am informing you that, upon the recommendation of Aksojananda, I am happy to accept the two boys as my duly initiated disciples
- I have heard that you are very keen to make the Melbourne Rathayatra very wonderful and you have requested extra instructions. One thing is there are many band parties - if you can get band parties to join that would be nice
- I have heard that you are well qualified to worship the Deity at highest standard and this is very much necessary. One who is worshiping the Deity must be always attentive and mindful of his occupation at all times
- I have heard that you want to make apologies to the police and others. This policy is not at all good. We cannot apologize. We have not done anything wrong. Our policy should be to protest against this persecution
- I have heard that your good wife, Patty is growing Srimate Tulasi devi there at your house with good success. That is another very auspicious sign. The Tulasi, she will not go to live with anyone nondevotee
- I have heard with delight of your preaching attempts in Corsica. That is one of our businesses, to expose these rascals who are cheating and who have no spiritual asset
- I have heard with great pleasure how in only one month's time you have distributed 50,000 Bhagavad gita As It Is in the Japanese language. I think there has never been a case in history when so many religious books were distributed in such a short time
- I have just heard from Gargamuni that you would like to print future issues of French language BTG in a small size about the size of our "Two Essays." So if you think that this will help increase the sales, then do it with my approval
- I have no particular instructions, save and except the instruction which I have also heard from my Spiritual Master. So all instructions in the disciplic succession directly comes from the Supreme Person
- I have not heard from you for some time, so I had become worried what is your position. As GBC man you should become very responsible to see that the highest standards of Krishna Consciousness should be maintained all over the Society
- I have not heard from you in some time, but I am sure that you are steadily advancing in Krsna's transcendental service
- I have not heard from you since a long time. I hope you are doing well. You are a very sincere worker, and Krishna will bless you. I will be glad to hear from you
- I have received one very nice letter from your good wife, Citralekha, and I hear that she has now joined you there, so I may thank her here for serving me so nicely in India. She has learned a lot about deity worship
- I heard that my mother-in-law was married at the age of seven years. I was grhastha, and I was also married . . . My wife was eleven years. So in that minor ages, there is no actually love between husband and wife
- I heard that Professor Einstein, the greatest scientist, was regularly reading Bhagavad-gita, and later on he became practically God-conscious
- I learn that in the temple there are sometimes men with no work. This should not be allowed. Every one must be busy with some work in Krishna Consciousness. Idleness is not Krishna Consciousness
- I never deviated from this plan. Since I heard it from my Guru Maharaja, I've simply planning how to do it successfully
- I said to stop this intoxication, but not your editing. You say it is rumor only, but I have heard it several times from other persons. So let it remain as rumor, don't let it be fact. That will give me great hurt
- I was very much anxious to introduce this worship of Tulasi plant amongst our Society members, but it has not become successful til now, therefore, when I hear that you have got this opportunity, my pleasure does not have any bounds
- If I get opportunity I shall like to see that place, Switzerland, as I have heard that it is the best place in Europe. Anyway, let us see what Krsna desires
- If we get chance, we must open a center in Kanpur. It is a very important city in India. I heard that there was someone who was willing to give us a house. Kanpur is the third most important city in India next to Calcutta and Bombay
- In the Bible, Lord Jesus Christ is described as the son of God. Now, so far I have heard, that it is claimed that he is the only one son of God. Now according to Bhagavad-gita, every living entity is son of God. Now how to adjust
- It is very much pleasing to me to hear that you are making such steady advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- Many people have mentioned the nice prasadam distribution program in our New York Temple. I have heard also that on Sundays there are 500 people attending. So there is tremendous scope for preaching
- My sanction for the deities in the touring van is still there. But I have heard that sometimes the deity falls down, so these things are objectionable. Touring and book distribution, side by side, this is the main business
- Thank you very much for participating in this sankirtana movement. I am glad to hear that you are enthusiastic about chanting. Keep chanting 24 hours if possible. This constant chanting of Krishna's names will assure you of not falling down
- The songs which I have recorded there I have heard today on the record, and they are very nice, especially the Prayers to the Six Goswamis. It has come out very successful on the whole. I hope the German people will like the Bengali tunes
- We have explained this Bhagavad-gita in the parampara system as we have heard from authoritative sources. So it may be a new contribution to your country, because in every edition they have concocted some ideas about Bhagavad-gita
- We have heard of people's being haunted by ghosts. Having no gross material body, a ghost seeks shelter of a gross body to stay in and haunt
- We have heard so many so-called Gods, that "He attained such perfection of mystic power. Now he has become God." That is also another maya. Nobody can become God. God is God; dog is dog. This is the law of identity
- We hear from Los Angeles that they have not received the documents or any information of the consignment being dispatched by any ship. This means they have not yet submitted the shipping documents; in other words, the goods have not been shipped
- We preach exactly as we have heard from our Spiritual Master, but there are changes due to the time, circumstances, and the trainees. The spirit of the disciplic succession may not be changed
- We say everything definitely. How I can say definitely? Because I have heard it from Krsna. The example I have given: The child, he asks his father, "Father, what is this?" Father says, - My dear child, it is called microphone
- When I hear about the Sankirtana Buses that are moving all over the world then I think that we are becoming like a gigantic guerilla warfare movement fighting with maya
- While you were driving your car and I was sitting by you hearing your transcendental vibration, this very sincere attempt has enriched your consciousness and my only instruction is that you may constantly do this habit without fail
- Whoever you tell the chant to, it is effective. You have heard it from me and my disciples, similarly I have heard it from my Guru Maharaja, and so on, and on
- Yes, I have heard of your plan to open a branch in Trinidad. That will be very nice and the selected members are approved by me
- You are very good girl, because I have heard you chanting while working. It is very good and may Krishna give you more and more enlightenment. I always pray that you may be happy by our Lord's Grace
- You were to ship the cases of books and musical instruments on the 11th of January, 1968, but I have heard nothing from you until now. Kindly enlighten me on this matter immediately as I am anxious to know this matter