December 02, 1969
My Dear Brahmananda,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 26, 1969 and have noted the contents carefully. Regarding Japan, for the time being let only one man go. If they require more men later on, we shall consider. To send a man is a very expensive job. The principle is that they should recruit men locally. Forty years ago when Bon Maharaja, my Godbrother, came here, he complained of getting some manpower from India. That is not a good policy that for preaching work one has to get men from another country. One has to create manpower from the local environment. That is success of preaching. I am very pleased that Jayadvaita Brahmacari will be going to Boston soon for typing BTG and our books. He is the first class typist in our society so far I have heard, so he can create so many assistants. In the meantime I have also asked Pradyumna and his wife to go there. I understand that you have spoken to him on the telephone. Regarding the Bhakti-sastri certificates, the papers have been marked, but the certificates were not taken due to our minimizing the luggage to Europe. Therefore, if there is urgent need of the certificates immediately, you can look in the trunk left in New York and send here the certificate which we will have printed here. Otherwise, we shall take care of this business when I return to the States, most likely around December 20th.
Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you all in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.S. From 14th to 21st December the installation of Deity 42" high will take place. Invitation will be issued duly.