Category:I Consider (Prabhupada)
"i consider"|"I shall consider"|"i will consider"|"i have considered"|"I am considering"|"I always consider"|"I had considered"|"I can consider"
Pages in category "I Consider (Prabhupada)"
The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total.
- I (Prabhupada) consider you all as representative of my Gurumaharaj to help me in this helpless condition
- I am in receipt of your letter dated December 7, 1973 along with the wonderful photos of Denver Temple. Thank you very much. I am very pleased. Carry on as you are doing. When I return to the U.S. next summer I will certainly consider visiting there
- I came to preach Krsna consciousness, and Krsna has sent so many representatives to help me. I consider like that. Without your help I could not do
- I consider London as our prime center for spreading Krsna Consciousness Movement, so it is very important center and I therefore wanted that you take charge of the affairs and see that things are always improving
- I consider that these western countries are the most important field for our work. So now do this work in a gradually progressive manner, and do not be concerned too much even there may be some temporary setbacks
- I consider your good self as one of the associates of Srimati Radharani Lord Krishna's most beloved consort. So your prayer to Lord Krishna for success of my mission in the Western countries will surely be heard
- I consider your work the most important in the society because you are shaping the future generation of our Krishna Consciousness preachers, and this is not any small thing
- I have just received invitation today from Harivilas prabhu inviting me to come to one Hare Krsna Festival in Paris around that time also, so I am considering very seriously
- I thank you very much for your inviting me to New Vrindaban, but, considering the local climate as presented by you I think I shall postpone it until the end of April
- If they require more men later on, we shall consider. To send a man is a very expensive job. The principle is that they should recruit men locally
- In spite of these yajnas, the members of our Society performed sankirtana loudly with mrdangas, and I considered the sankirtana more important than the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies
- It is useless to expect a large number of followers. We want only one good follower. If I can get one man to become Krsna conscious, I will consider my mission fulfilled
- It is very encouraging to learn that you are so enthusiastic to sell BTG. I consider sale of BTG so valuable because in the beginning I worked for BTG day and night alone in India. I still remember the hardship for pushing on this BTG
- Thank you very much for your kind invitation, and when I return to the U.S., I will seriously consider the proposal
- These men are not so important than our institution, so we shall not give them unnecessary publicity by criticizing. We shall consider it later after reading more carefully
- To keep myself under your care will certainly be a great boon. The only thing I am considering about staying in the mainland because the devotees in different centers here can see me if required more quickly then they can do so in Hawaii
- You are very sincere boy trying your best to serve Krishna and by His Grace you are quite fit for this business, and considering all these points, I have entrusted Back To Godhead in your hand. Because this paper is the beginning of my spiritual life
- You have been my student for some time, and I consider that you are one of the big men who are assisting me in this vast work, so I am naturally concerned for your well-being