Category:I Am Very Pleased (Prabhupada)
"I am also pleased" | "I am very much pleased" | "I am always pleased" | "I am more pleased" | "I am so pleased" | "I am very pleased" | "I am so much pleased" | "very much pleasing to me" | "very pleasing to me"|"give me pleasure"
- pages only relating to Prabhupada being pleased are placed in this category
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Pages in category "I Am Very Pleased (Prabhupada)"
The following 281 pages are in this category, out of 281 total.
- I am especially pleased...
- I am very much pleased with all of you
- It will please me very much if you all can work together nicely
- This pleases me very much...
- When I was six years old my father gave me a ratha and I was performing the Ratha yatra in my neighborhood. And now in the western world you are worshiping Lord Jagannatha so gorgeously and it pleases me very, very much
- All of the sentiments expressed in all of your letters are just according to the Vaisnava parampara. This means that you are understanding the Krishna Consciousness philosophy rightly and I am very pleased
- All these activities are pleasing to me that you are chanting, Worshiping the deity and writing, So please continue and increase your enthusiasm and then surely you will become successful in your Krishna Consciousness
- As you have pleased me, you should take it that you have pleased Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is for this I have given you sannyasa, to be prepared to go anywhere on my order and preach sincerely and purely without any other consideration
- Because God is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1) - He's all-pleasure - therefore, without many, there is no pleasure. Just like here I sit down the whole day alone, but I become more active and more pleasing when you come
- By Caitanya Mahaprabhu's grace, with the cooperation of the Western youths, this movement is going on. I have traveled all over the countries, as I reported, and everywhere I saw, I was very much pleased that sankirtana is going on
- For my (Prabhupada) part, there is no question of dissatisfaction, I am very much pleased with your sincere service and humble attitude of Krishna Consciousness devotee
- For your temple programs you should read from Bhagavatam and explain, and then someone should explain in Hindi. Prasadam must also be given. Whatever you can give, but something must be there. On the whole I am very much pleased by your program
- I (Prabhupada) am always very much pleased with your humble attitude, and a Vaisnava devotee of Lord Caitanya always thinks himself as naradhama, the lowest of mankind; although he is narottama, the best of the mankind
- I (Prabhupada) am greatly pleased to hear from you that you have increased the selling books five times more in Chicago centre. That is very good news to me
- I (Prabhupada) am pleased to learn that you are conducting classes very nicely and Krishna is supplying you intelligence to answer some critical questions by the audience. It is very good news
- I (Prabhupada) am pleased to note that you are selling about 25 copies of BTG daily and you are going out on Sankirtana twice daily
- I (Prabhupada) am so much pleased that you are doing the real work of a sannyasi, travelling, preaching and training the devotees to preach
- I (Prabhupada) am so very much pleased to know that everything has been resolved so nicely, and Sydney center has moved to a larger and better location. All these are very good news, and I beg to thank you very much
- I (Prabhupada) am very much pleased that you have invited us to cooperate with you in this matter of humanitarianism. I shall be glad to know in detail what is your program. Our program is to awaken the human society to God Consciousness
- I (Prabhupada) am very pleased by your humble attitude, so if you will kindly continue to execute your devotional practices in such state of mind then you are sure to achieve perfection of KC very quickly as it is stated by Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- I (Prabhupada) was also attracted by my Guru Maharaja when he convinced me that God lives and we can live with Him. I find the same conviction in you and it has given me so great pleasure. Yes, it is the greatest discovery
- I (Prabhupada) was very pleased to see in the newspaper clippings that you were voicing our Krishna Consciousness platform very nicely and that the public was given opportunity to understand something
- I always say, man is good, and woman is also good, but when they combine, then they become bad. Before there was so much difficulty, but now you are doing well and Yamuna dasi is also doing well, and I am very pleased with your work
- I am also pleased to hear something about Kirtanananda's party, and if you have them, kindly send me one photo of these painted busses, how they look, so I may be inspired by seeing them
- I am also pleased to note that they are going to purchase my books, 30-35 sets. That is a great boon for us. If we can introduce our books in these colleges and universities, it will be great prestige for the society and myself also personally
- I am also very pleased to learn that the Deities are now receiving proper service and you are developing a great love for Them. Please continue your sincere service with even greater vigor, and your love will grow increasingly more
- I am also very pleased to learn that you have come out successful in stopping the police from arresting our men and stopping our sankirtana activities
- I am always pleased and looking forward to seeing more beautiful pictures in our books. In India we make life members simply from the high quality and appearance of our books with illustrations. Our society is unrivalled in this respect
- I am always very much pleased with our Library Party's preaching. Their work is most important
- I am especially pleased at how you are distributing our books, particularly to the schools and universities
- I am especially pleased that you are eager to attract the upper class of your society by hosting them in your place you have got near the temple
- I am especially pleased that you are infiltrating the schools and colleges with improved programs, how to encourage the student class to participate in Krishna Consciousness. I completely approve of this program
- I am especially pleased that you have stayed some days and got the tapes of Lalita Prashad Thakura for posterity. If you send them to Syamasundara immediately he has all facilities here to transcribe them, and get them printed immediately
- I am feeling a little stronger now. Tomorrow we are going to Mayapur where I want to take complete rest for some time. After my recovery I will return to Los Angeles and at that time I would be very pleased to come to Caracas
- I am giving sannyasa to Rupanuga, Karandhara and Bali Mardan and as you have also asked me, I shall also be pleased to give you sannyasa
- I am in due receipt of your letter dated 76-12-27 along with two copies of the Russian Easy Journey to Other Planets. Thank you very much. This is very, very good. I'm very pleased. It is another epoch making event
- I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 6, 1975 and your invitation to come to your house. I thank you very much for it, and shall be please to come on July 19th. I shall be accompanied with up to six disciples
- I am in receipt of your letter dated December 7, 1973 along with the wonderful photos of Denver Temple. Thank you very much. I am very pleased. Carry on as you are doing. When I return to the U.S. next summer I will certainly consider visiting there
- I am most pleased
- I am pleased also that Bhavananda, Palika Dasi & Prabhavati Dasi are all working so sincerely & steadfastly to promote this Sankirtana Movement, & surely Caitanya Mahaprabhu will bestow His full blessings upon all of you
- I am pleased also to learn that you are teaching university course in KC. Try to make this program very stimulating for all the students at the university by challenging anyone and everyone to try to defeat our Krishna philosophy with their philosophy
- I am pleased that my generous father gave the first impression which was developed later into regulative devotional service by His Divine Grace
- I am pleased that she (Srilaxmi Dasi) has become my disciple, now let her very seriously take up this process and she can know it for certain that there will be no more coming back to this place of miseries
- I am pleased that the press arrangement is proceeding nicely, and you will be pleased to know that my Guru Maharaja drew a picture in which He gave great importance to the symbolic representation of the press next to the mrdanga
- I am pleased that you are ideal householder. And you are doing very nicely combined together husband and wife. Please do it as you are doing and gradually Krishna will give you all facility
- I am pleased that you are in Vrndavana and engaged in the Deity worship. But I think it will be good if you live with me and assist me in so many ways
- I am pleased that you are making serious study of our Krishna philosophy, so I want that you go on like this until you will able to defeat any challenge from atheists and rascals, then your preaching work will have real potency
- I am pleased that you are selling my books, this is superior engagement, so please continue and increase it more and more
- I am pleased that, despite some difficulties, you are progressing steadily in pushing this Krishna Consciousness Movement in the Austin city
- I am pleased to accept the boy you have recommended for initiation. His new name is Giridhari dasa. Please make sure he knows to strictly follow the four regulative principles and chant a minimum of sixteen rounds daily avoiding the ten offenses
- I am pleased to hear from you that you are making many life-members there: that is the proof of our preaching strength
- I am pleased to hear that the song books and tapes of Lalita Prasad Thakura are in New York for being edited and distributed
- I am pleased to hear that you are anxious to meet me, and I will be pleased to meet you when I go there. But first there must be a nice house secured
- I am pleased to know that you are working hard in the service of Krsna and feeling settled in your engagement. Please take this movement very seriously
- I am pleased to know that you have fully distributed your money to my Book Fund and BTG, and as you are experiencing, Krishna will send you more
- I am pleased to learn how you are spending your time in meditation with Lord Krishna and I request that continue to chant Hare Krishna so that Krishna will surely bestow all blessings upon yourself
- I am pleased to learn however that the nice girl who was at the Vyas Puja ceremony is now coming more often. Any person who becomes interested, try to educate him or her rightly. Everything depends on preaching
- I am pleased to learn of the success which you and Tosana Krishna are having in your new center. It is all very encouraging to me
- I am pleased to learn of your spirit of protest, but sometimes we have to tolerate
- I am pleased to learn that the devotees who will be going to India are taking twenty paintings with them to our Mayapur center. I want that all rooms and verandas and especially the Deity hall should have first class paintings
- I am pleased to learn that you are regularly attending all of our classes and you are serving nicely in the New York temple. Continue on in this way and try to understand our philosophy as far as possible
- I am pleased to learn that you are situated nicely in Columbus and now Indira Dasi has agreed to become your wife
- I am pleased to learn that your center and the Vancouver center are cooperating together to propagate this movement
- I am pleased to note that the Boston temple is going on nicely and you are working very steadily at your painting work
- I am pleased to note that you & your nice sister, Indira Dasi, are making and tending to Lord Jagannatha deities. You should place these deities on sale in Gargamuni's store for selling. In this way, you will make some money for doing your painting work
- I am pleased to note that you are asking very intelligent questions. That is natural position for the neophyte devotee who is sincerely seeking to understand what is the Absolute Truth
- I am pleased to note that you are painting nicely, so go on improving your abilities because we will require so many paintings for our temples
- I am pleased to note that your store, the Spiritual Sky, is doing successfully. Krishna has given you nice talent for doing business, and I am glad to see that you are using it well
- I am pleased to note your attitude regarding business. Our policy is nirbandhe krishna sambandha: We shall accept all kinds of civil activities, including business, trade, industry, only in connection with Krishna
- I am pleased to understand that something will be concretely done in Vrndavana at last, that is my dream, to build a simple temple just like Govindaji's that is not so difficult
- I am so glad to learn that you are thinking of sleep as a waste of time. This is not an ordinary thing. So I have become very much pleased to hear this statement from you. Be blessed by Krishna
- I am so glad to see that one of my sincere disciples has sacrificed everything for spreading Krishna Consciousness, and I am so pleased upon you that you are showing the example of an ideal householder
- I am so much pleased that you are carrying on our Krsna Consciousness program with such nice enthusiasm and devotion in St. Louis. I think St. Louis is an important city in your country, so you must do the large work of making the whole place KC
- I am so much pleased that you are studying seriously our Krishna Consciousness philosophy. Please continue with your sincere efforts for Krishna
- I am so much pleased to hear that you are not afraid to stand alone, and to maintain the temple there nicely; krishna is always there with you, and He will see to your success
- I am so much pleased to hear that you are travelling with a few men to each and every college campus to preach. That is wonderful news. Now try to build up and develop that programme to perfection
- I am so much pleased to hear the wonderful news of your Samkirtan meetings in N.J. It is very good. This sort of enterprise is the most valuable spiritual attempt
- I am so much pleased to learn that you are taking Sankirtana as your life and soul. There is no doubt about Krsna's being pleased very much upon those who are engaged in such Sankirtana Movement, that is admitted by Lord Krsna
- I am so pleased that Devananda is doing marvelous work in propagating our Krishna Consciousness movement by lecturing in the Boston University, and he is being paid $25 per lecture
- I am so pleased that you are arranging for the Rathayatra Festival very nicely, and similarly in London, Buffalo, and what to speak of San Francisco, they are arranging. In San Francisco it is going to be unique thing in this world
- I am so pleased that you are chanting the Hare Krsna mantra 16 rounds regularly and following the principles. Stick to these rules and regulations and Krsna will bless you with Krsna consciousness
- I am so pleased that you have published. Even I have not seen them, I am pleased and obliged to you. Continue this work. Whenever there is any publication in any language, it enlivens me 100 times
- I am so pleased that you have taken my two young disciples, Vaikunthanatha and Saradia, from Trinidad for preaching work. It is so kind of you that you are appreciating their work in this connection
- I am so pleased that you will be holding a grand scale Rathayatra Ceremony, and in London also they are planning a very glorious function with at least 5,000 guests participating
- I am so pleased to hear of the activities of Jadurany and her artist assistants. We require this service, as we require so many pictures. Pictures, books, etc., all we shall sell on world tour with our Samkirtan party
- I am so pleased to hear that you are chanting a minimum of 25 rounds daily. It is a good example as the president to be followed by others
- I am so pleased to know that your efforts at placing our books in the local libraries is successful and it is especially heartening to learn that they already have got our books on their shelves
- I am so pleased to learn about your slow but sure progress in the matter of your most glorious London yatra. I am sure Krishna will help you fully and do it seriously
- I am so pleased to learn about your staunch faith in Krishna and your Spiritual Master. May Krishna bless you more and more in the matter of advancement of Krishna Consciousness
- I am so pleased to learn that you are feeling well, and you have decided to stay therein Berlin and open a temple. It is so much pleasing to me
- I am so pleased to learn that you are studying arithmetic so quickly. Five plus five is equal to ten. Two plus two is equal to four. So Krishna plus everything is Vrndavana. Do not forget Krishna, and you shall always be in Vrndavana
- I am so pleased to learn that you have been already receiving some training up from Rupanuga and you are assisting the temple activities along with the others
- I am so pleased to learn that you have taken Krishna Consciousness as the most valuable gift. One who can understand this, is not an ordinary living entity, but is the most fortunate
- I am so pleased to learn that your Berkeley center is improving day by day under the good care of yourself and your good wife, Himavati. Please go on improving the condition of this important center until you have made it as good as Los Angeles center
- I am so pleased to note that Sadanandini is now staying in Detroit, living at the temple, and arrangements are being made for her wedding to Candanacarya. It is very good news. She is a very nice girl, so take care of her
- I am so pleased to note that you are always ready to serve my cause and you are proper prepared to follow my instructions in the service of Lord Krishna
- I am so pleased to see the picture. And you have improved very much in your painting capacity also by serving Krishna so faithfully by the talent which Krishna has endowed you with
- I am so pleased to see you and your good wife in every picture in different poses of preaching work. That is real Krsna consciousness service to preach the message of the Holy Name to all persons
- I am sorry I couldn't join you. Thank you for your invitation. I am expecting to go back to Vrndavana in the second week of March. I will be very pleased to see you there
- I am very anxious to see you again. I am very much pleased with you & your wife's service to Krishna Consciousness
- I am very glad that your wife Mona is gradually understanding Krishna Consciousness. Women are generally less intelligent. Give her time & scope & she will turn out a very good assistant for your life. Convey my blessings for her
- I am very glad to hear that your Sankirtana party is having such great success all over Gujarat province and I am very much pleased upon you. This is actually Lord Caitanya's movement, this Sankirtana party for preaching and chanting
- I am very happy to hear of the so many new boys and girls taking a sincere interest in this philosophy, and I am also very eager to meet with them when I come there to San Francisco
- I am very happy to hear that you are having nice programs in Vrindaban of kirtana and lecturing in various places. That will make us well-known in those parts and respected by everyone
- I am very happy to hear that you have got a son for dedicating for Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana movement. Yes, his name of Gauranga das is very nice and I have no objection for calling him like that
- I am very much anxious to know how far the residential quarter is constructed. Our deadline of completing the whole temple and residential building is the end of July. Whether it is possible? I want to know it definitely, before I go to Europe
- I am very much pleased by your renewed and serious efforts to help me in my service to my Guru Maharaja. Please continue in this attitude and Krishna will save you, you need have no doubt
- I am very much pleased that a learned scholar like you is prepared to cooperate with our preaching activities. If you kindly come in Calcutta along with your papers, I shall be very glad to meet you and talk with you on the subject matter
- I am very much pleased that such a highly qualified person as you desire to join our movement. We require many such persons as you to make our movement successful
- I am very much pleased that the Deities are worshiped so nicely and as this continues, the children there will become more and more purified
- I am very much pleased that you are interested in my scheme at Jyotisar, I think that I shall require your help when this plan is in action. If you have time you can come to Vrindaban to discuss some important matters
- I am very much pleased that you are making such nice advancement in Krishna Consciousness and that you are always thinking in so many ways how to best serve the Lord
- I am very much pleased that you have consented to give me the 50% of your profits on that night. But I will have no objection if you consider giving me 100%
- I am very much pleased that you have got me also one bus for my travelling there. That was my ambition. Now you are all fulfilling all of the ambitions
- I am very much pleased to get your inquiries about my activities, and within a week I shall prepare everything nicely and send to you
- I am very much pleased to hear that all the preparation for Rathayatra Festival are very nice. Regarding the Jagannatha deities, They can be placed on the altar, that is sufficient
- I am very much pleased to hear that Mexico City center is developing very nicely under your expert supervision, and I also note that you say that Latin America is very much ready for Krishna Consciousness movement
- I am very much pleased to hear that our mail-order department for books and BTG's is increasing steadily
- I am very much pleased to hear that you are distributing so much of our literature and books and I think if you go on like this that very soon you will become the number one book distributers in the whole world
- I am very much pleased to hear that your German BTG distribution has gone up to 50,000 last issue, and I very much approve of your ideas for improving it more and more
- I am very much pleased to inform you that there is very good demand in India for the small edition of my Bhagavad-gita published by you
- I am very much pleased to know that you are chanting at least the prescribed number of rounds daily and studying our literatures so carefully. Especially for girls this is absolutely necessary, and that will uplift you position in Krishna Consciousness
- I am very much pleased to know that you are trying to organize a home for retired gentlemen for fully devoting the rest of their lives for service to Lord Krsna. My Krsna Consciousness movement is especially meant for this purpose
- I am very much pleased to learn that $50 of this check was collected by the two new students as guru daksina, that is the proper execution of the initiation function so everything is complete to the Vedic standard
- I am very much pleased to learn that you are trying to find out some place where I can give two or three times a week lecture-classes to university students in the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness or Bhagawat Dharma
- I am very much pleased to note that you are making steady growth in all aspects of devotional service, especially in the department of selling so many books monthly
- I am very much pleased to note the list of engagements you have submitted, and I can see you have been working very hard to secure so many opportunities for spreading K.C.
- I am very much pleased to note your sincere attitude towards our Krishna Consciousness Movement, and this sincerity will lead you to the highest spiritual consciousness if you continue in this way
- I am very much pleased to note your sincere attitude towards our Krishna Consciousness Movement, and this sincerity will lead you to the highest spiritual consciousness if you continue in this way. That is the special Grace of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
- I am very much pleased to read about Gargamuni's successful store in S.F. Yes, he is using his good selling ability to serve Krishna, and Krishna is pleased with him so He is giving him all aid to become successful
- I am very much pleased to see all these pictures and our magazines gives information to the people that we do not stick only to the cities, but we train people in the remote villages also. So everything should be done very attentively and amicably
- I am very much pleased to see the atmosphere here. Education means Krsna consciousness. That is education
- I am very much pleased to see your good handwriting. I shall therefore request you to utilize your talent in the service of Krishna
- I am very much pleased upon all of the nice boys and girls who have helped me in this way. I could never have thought it was possible to distribute so many of our literatures
- I am very much pleased upon him for his doing such prominent work in spreading this Krishna consciousness movement to that part
- I am very much pleased upon you for your kindly guiding and training the new devotees in so many ways
- I am very much pleased with your preaching enthusiasm, when you say, "If people won't come to us, here, we will go to them." And this is the process of preaching, and this is required
- I am very pleased also to note how you are appreciating the grace of the Spiritual Master and Krsna for guiding one in the progressive path of spiritual realization
- I am very pleased also to note your appreciation for our Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and I want that all of my students will understand this book very nicely. This will be a great asset to our preaching activities
- I am very pleased that although you are the youngest of my disciples, amongst the boys, your sentiments are very highly developed. Please continue to feel Krishna in the same way, and chant regularly, without fail, you will improve more and more
- I am very pleased that Jayadvaita Brahmacari will be going to Boston soon for typing BTG and our books. He is the first class typist in our society so far I have heard, so he can create so many assistants
- I am very pleased that you are finding your life becoming more and more beautiful. Krishna Conscious life is our natural life
- I am very pleased that you are keeping to a very strict schedule & are reading my literature daily. If you continue in this manner you will grow up to be a first class preacher of Krsna consciousness. And this is the highest service that you can perform
- I am very pleased that you are serious to embark on such boating project, even though it will be a huge effort and expenditure to become successful. But never mind that, nothing is too much big if Krishna desires it
- I am very pleased that you are serving your husband nicely and helping him so that he may advance his Krishna Consciousness. When the husband advances, automatically the wife shares in his success so there is all around benefit
- I am very pleased that you have taken up this mission of spreading the Krsna consciousness movement all over the world
- I am very pleased that your all efforts to spread Krishna Consciousness Movement are meeting with success. Krishna has given you this gift, how to present KC to the public in a very tasteful manner, so now just utilize that facility
- I am very pleased to hear about the book distribution
- I am very pleased to hear about the progress of Hyderabad centre preaching and construction. With your active interest I am very confident that everything is going on very smoothly
- I am very pleased to hear how nicely the activities are going on there in our San Diego center under your expert guidance
- I am very pleased to hear that Haihaya is doing nicely as manager. He is a good boy. Now train him to be first class manager
- I am very pleased to hear that the African boys are becoming serious devotees. That is the proof of your preaching work, that it becomes touchstone and turns iron to gold
- I am very pleased to hear that you are distributing many of my books, especially Krsna Book. You are a very sincere girl
- I am very pleased to know that you are feeling happy in your execution of devotional service. Service of Krishna's devotees is the highest stage of spiritual perfection, so your desire to render service to the other devotees is very nice
- I am very pleased to know that you are feeling the greatness of the Krishna Consciousness movement
- I am very pleased to know you are making progress in Krishna Consciousness and following the rules and regulations
- I am very pleased to learn how things are going on very well in Washington center and that you are nicely celebrating the various Advent days of our great Acaryas. But I am especially glad to know of your very successful work amongst the students
- I am very pleased to learn that you are planning for a nice Rathayatra Festival in Boston. Please do it nicely, and take many nice photographs for publication in BTG
- I am very pleased to note that there are some nice boys and girls who are joining you at kirtana. Try to show them the importance of our movement, and the best way of doing this is by Sankirtana
- I am very pleased to see that you are distributing 40-60 books daily. Please go on doing this; it is very good
- I am very pleased upon you that you have opened Geneva, Switzerland, center for pushing on the revolutionary Movement of Lord Caitanya
- I am very pleased with the book distribution that you are doing there, and I was especially glad to know that 160 Srimad-Bhagavatams were distributed in Melbourne alone last Friday. There is good potency, please try further
- I am very pleased with your activities, how you are leading householder life, Krishna conscious. This ideal I want to show your countrymen is only possible on the KC platform. You remain steady on this platform, and this will be your benefit
- I am very pleased with your monthly Bhagavata-Darsana. That is a solid program. Please continue it steadily
- I am very pleased with your monthly Bhagavata-Darsana. That is a solid program. Please continue it steadily. One thing is, you must be careful with the subscription books so that they are not counterfeit or used by cheaters
- I am very pleased with your preaching, please continue with all enthusiasm and determination and win the hearts of all your fellow countrymen by offering this authorized process of Krishna Consciousness
- I am very pleased with your sincere service attitude in pushing on our preaching work in these parts of the world and yes, Krsna will give you strength because He is sitting in your heart
- I am very very pleased with your preaching in Poland and you should continue this program with full enthusiasm
- I am very, very pleased to hear that you have accomplished your task for getting the CCP license, it is a very great service
- I appreciate your sincere interest in this Krishna Conscious philosophy and this Sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya. I have also heard how you typed Sri Sri Brahma Samhita and I am very pleased with your sincere service
- I did not see your drama in New Vrndavana about the advent of Lord Krsna. But I have heard from others that it was done very nicely, so I am very much pleased
- I do not wish to prolong the body of this note further, but if you think that a meeting with you will be beneficial for the human society at large, I shall be very much pleased if You Holiness will grant me an interview
- I find in you some good qualities. You think yourself as very humble but you appreciate the services of your God-brothers and I am very much pleased on your such behavior
- I have got this nice typewriter by the Grace of the Lord and I am very much satisfied with it working
- I have heard from others that it was done very nicely, so I am very much pleased. These kinds of dramas about Krsna, Krsna's pastimes, and also Lord Caitanya's pastimes, are very much desirable for presenting to the public widely
- I have heard many nice reports from various parties complimenting the expert service you are performing in New York with your carpentry and handyman skills. So I am very pleased to hear that Krishna has blessed you with a very nice talent
- I have nominated you as one of the members of the Governing Body because I know you are a very good soul and I shall be very pleased if the mistake which has already crept in our society can be rectified by your combined effort
- I have noted the contents carefully. I am pleased to note that you are diligently going out on Sankirtana everyday, and you are managing the temple affairs nicely
- I have received all our new publications & I am very much pleased with them. I can see from "Purusa-sukta Confirmed" that our printing has very much improved, especially the color cover, and if it continues to improve in this way it will be a great credit
- I have seen this special Rathayatra issue of "Back to Godhead" written by you, and I am so much pleased that so intelligently you have assorted the matter to completely understand our philosophy in a nutshell
- "I know you will be pleased to know that the N.Y. center is really doing well; in fact, I believe they are really stronger now than ever before." I am very glad to learn this and I am very much encouraged to know it. It is all Krishna's mercy
- I note that you have returned from another successful preaching mission in distant parts of Africa. I am always so much pleased to hear such good news how the traveling preachers are spreading this KC movement to every nook and corner of the world
- I shall be much pleased if you kindly introduce to me some good presses who can take up the work. To print my books in U.S.A. is five to ten times more expensive than in India. I therefore want to get the books printed in a first class press in India
- I thank you very much for your invitation to the wedding of your son. I shall be very pleased to attend if I will be in Bombay during that time
- I thank you very much for your kind appreciation of "Govinda" my new record album. I am very much happy to hear your kind appreciation, and it is very much encouraging to me
- I thank you very much for your kind invitation to visit Mauritius. I am pleased to inform you that I am arriving at Port Louis from Bombay on the afternoon of September 30th instant. I look forward to meeting with Your Excellency
- I thank you very much for your sentiments, and I was pleased to visit your house. I liked New Vrindaban very much how everything is going on. Now just develop it to bigger scale
- I thank you very much for your very nice presentation of the issue of birth. You have assimilated the process of birth very nicely through the books. This has pleased me very much and I wish that all my students can become as adept...
- I understand that you are now in London for helping to make our new place there a nice temple. So I will be very pleased if you make this English house into first class temple for Lord Krishna. London is very important center, so you do the work nicely
- I very much approve of your enclosed brochure, and I am pleased by your festival plan for the colleges all over the state. Actually, this roving Sankirtana and college program is the most appropriate plan for spreading Krishna Consciousness and preaching
- I was especially pleased by the information that "The Hindi books are selling like hotcakes in Vrndavana." This is very good news
- I was simply surprised not to hear from you in so long and therefore I am so much pleased to hear from you. May Krishna bless you for pushing on so sincerely our Krishna Consciousness Movement
- I was so glad to read as you write to say, "I opened the temple on Thursday and am in the process of fixing it up." It is so much pleasing to me and what can I give you?! I can simply pray to Krishna for your long life and prosperous service to Krishna
- I was so much pleased to see that already the tapes were edited and laid out and this is encouraging me to translate more and more
- I was so pleased to know that since Gurudasa had left London you had taken charge of our temple there, but later on you again left, so what can I do?
- I was so pleased to read your letter that I have taken some xerox copies and sent them to some centers putting before them an example
- I was very much anxious to get the new address of our new center in Los Angeles and now I am pleased that our desire is fulfilled by the Grace of Lord Krishna
- I was very much anxious to introduce this worship of Tulasi plant amongst our Society members, but it has not become successful til now, therefore, when I hear that you have got this opportunity, my pleasure does not have any bounds
- I was very much pleased to read the essays by our Bali-mardana dasa. So similarly, you also write. Writing means if you have digested the idea, you can produce in your own words
- I was very pleased to hear your statement about the tape, and about Brahmacari life. Yes, the anchor, as in the sketch-story "The Grand Procession'' is sex life, and we are 50% liberated if we can make it nil
- I was very pleased to note that you are willing to go to China as we have just printed a Chinese Bhagavad-gita. I am most eager to see this distributed throughout Southeast Asia to as many Chinese speaking people as possible
- I was very pleased to see how you are getting top-ranking men to read my books. That is real preaching. If all the government officers at least purchase some of our books, it will be a great credit so do it very nicely
- I will expect your tickets when we arrive in Paris and I will be very pleased to attend the gorgeous Melbourne Ratha-yatra festival
- I'm especially pleased to hear that your distribution of our books and magazines has increased. Go on in this way, increasing more and more
- I'm so pleased upon you that on my order you have gone to distant places and faithfully served the cause. I thank you for this attempt
- I'm very pleased that you are taking my order to distribute books so seriously. All blessings of Krishna are on these girls who are working so hard to distribute my books
- I'm very pleased that you're opening a nice center in the important city of Pittsburgh. Please develop the Pittsburgh and New Vrindaban plan conjointly
- If this standard of devotional practices is maintained at the highest level, everything else you do will become automatically successful. And that will please me very much
- If you decide to remain as brahmacari, then I may call you back for my personal assistance when I return to the States. I was very much pleased with your service. May Krishna bless you more and more
- In our Back To Godhead I am very pleased to see that many of our disciples are becoming eager to record their thoughtful ideas about Krsna Consciousness
- In the meantime I have ordered the third printing of KRSNA Volume I, so I am confident of our distribution program's success if you all work on diligently. I am so pleased with your humble and sincere efforts in all these matters
- It is all very much encouraging to me. You have got a good temple and good number of devotees, so now you just utilize them in Krsna's service, and I will be very much pleased
- It is pleasing and encouraging to me to hear how all your programs, book distributing, temple worship etc., are going on so nicely in our Cleveland Center. That you have distributed 10,000 pieces of literature in the last month is very impressive
- It is pleasing to me that the Gujarati ladies and gentlemen who are in San Francisco, they should take keen interest in this movement because superficially or from the historical point of view, Krishna was a Gujarati
- It is so gratifying that you have already saved $600 for the improvement of the temple. So I am very much pleased. Go on working like this and Krishna will give you ample money - there is no scarcity
- It is so much pleasing to me that you are so carefully reading Srimad-Bhagavatam. We have discussed many things in that book - social, political, religious, cultural
- It is so pleasing that more and more boys are joining the Krishna Consciousness movement and I wish that the whole group known as the hippies may take advantage of this movement, and make their life very successful
- It is so pleasing to me that you are giving service to Krishna by your intelligence, by your body, by your mind. Everything is very nice and this will make you more and more progressive in understanding Krishna Consciousness
- It is very much pleasing to know that Vancouver center is improving daily. Cidananda is a very good organizing leader, Ananda is a good soul, and you are also a sincere devotee
- It is very much pleasing to me that you are so much sacrificing everything for Krishna. Krishna will surely bless you
- It is very much pleasing to me to hear that you are making such steady advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- It is very pleasing to me that you have distributed so many of my books and preached to the students. This is our mission of life, to somehow turn the minds of the conditioned souls to Krsna consciousness
- Krishna is dictating you from within for nice management and I am very glad to have detailed statement of accounts
- Krishna is giving us all facility to serve Him, and I am so pleased with the nice cooperation that my students are giving me in spreading this most important philosophy around the entire world
- KRSNA, the Reservoir of Pleasure and Other Essays is so much attractive I think this book will be sold like hotcakes. I am very much satisfied with this printing work
- Make the well 100 feet deep and big and fix a pump so that you can always take water from. This news about the well has pleased me very much. Also, because the tamal tree is blooming so nicely you may let it stand; do not cut it down, but let it grow
- My general request is that you all distribute as many books as possible and at the same time be very careful in dealings with others so that they may not become irritated with us. Your book sale statistics are astounding. I am so much pleased
- My purpose of coming here to enthuse the younger generation and it is very pleasing to me that Krishna is sending me younger generation and sincere souls like you
- Of course I do not reply your each and every letter, I always think of you because you are all my heart and soul. I am so pleased to have your association
- On the whole I am so much pleased that you have opened a branch in Washington, which is the center of all elites
- On the whole I am very pleased with your management. The Ekadasi program is very nice. Krishna is giving you good sense and intelligence. Take care of your godbrothers and godsisters very carefully
- Please continue to use your intelligence to find out how to distribute my books more and more. I am especially pleased to learn that you are introducing my books as textbooks in the colleges
- Please continue to work cooperatively in this way and I will be very much grateful to you for your sincere efforts
- Practically the leadership of this Krishna Consciousness Society is now in the hands of you my older disciples and I am very pleased that you are taking such huge responsibility very seriously
- Preaching is our life. But in order to preach one must become firmly fixed in the spiritual practices otherwise his words will not act. It is the duty of every initiated disciple to try and please the spiritual master
- Since I have come here to Letchmore Heath, I am improved in my health more than in India. The place is very calm and quiet. It is sufficiently spacious also. I walk within the village daily in the morning along with devotees and it is very pleasant
- So far the overseeing of the temples in your Zone, I am very glad that you are travelling there and preaching and thus feeling enlivened
- So I am pleased that you are all working very hard to help us in this great mission
- So I am very pleased that you are determined to start a nice centre in Edinburgh, and this will please me very much to hear regular reports how you are doing
- So together you work cooperatively to make our Gainesville center a grand success and I will be very pleased
- Take care of all of these good souls that Krsna is sending you. By your own exemplary behavior, train them all as ideal Vaisnavas. This will greatly please me
- Thank you for your dreaming like that. It is very pleasing to me. Yes, I want to see like that
- Thank you for your wonderful sankirtana results. It is very pleasing to me that you have sold so many books. Now, continue and increase
- That school is very, very important business, and the best man must be found out for taking charge there and developing it nicely, and if he sticks and works hard to build it up, that will please me very much
- The general policy is that for brahminical initiation the candidate is recommended first by the temple president or GBC man, then it is considered. So please continue your book distributing very enthusiastically. This shall please me very much
- The translating of our books such as Bhagavad-gita and Isopanisad is of the utmost importance and I am very thankful that you are seriously taking on this practical work for spreading Krsna Consciousness in your European zone
- These few days we passed together were very pleasing, and our only aim is how to preach Krsna consciousness. The Vaisnava's business is para-duhkha-duhkhi. Para means others, and duhkha means unhappy
- This is the highest type of devotional activity, this preaching work. So I am very glad that you are working in this way, and I think that you will find no impediments to advancing yourself very rapidly in spiritual life
- This preaching work is very pleasing to me. Go on with your translation work, and Krishna will surely bless you. Thank you very much
- To serve his servants may please him more than to serve the king personally. So the Spiritual Master is not alone. He is always with His entourage. We are not impersonalists
- We are doing the service of Krsna, that Vaikuntha service. So in this way, with this attitude, go on preaching. I am very pleased that you are doing your best. That I want
- We are Vaisnava devotees, not politicians. So these things must be stopped, plotting. Your merit stands far above theirs, you have done some tangible work to please me by spreading this Krishna Consciousness message in New Orleans, that is the test
- We have recently got a newcomer baby, Srimati Sarasvati devi, and pleased to learn that they are taking all care for you. I am also very glad that your mother is also taking part in Krishna Conscious activities
- Whatever improvement is made here in the matter of my health it is all due to warm climate. As such I shall be pleased to know about Los Angeles with special reference to its climatic conditions
- When I came to your country, I saw nice boys and girls, finely educated, belonging to respectable family, and they are taking to any kind of work - doesn't matter. So I was very much pleased
- Whenever you feel any difficulty to understand our philosophy you may inquire from Sudama, and if there is still difficulty you are welcome to send your inquiries to me and I shall be very much pleased to satisfy you
- You are the real representatives of Lord Caitanya. Without caring for any stable home, without any thought of personal gain, you are travelling distributing KC everywhere you go. I am very grateful to you both for assisting me so energetically
- You can engage a company, three, four men, for all the year (playing shenai) in Madras. It is very pleasing to hear
- You foreigners, you have taken some interest. I am very much pleased. So constantly come here and hear about Krsna. This is the pastimeous place of Krsna, Vrndavana. So make your anarthas vanquished
- You have assimilated the process of birth very nicely through the books. This has pleased me very much and I wish that all my students can become as adept at presenting the information in the books like this
- You have learned the life of a Sannyasi now it is my desire that you apply for some concrete results in this new field. If you do it, it will be a very great service to the Movement & humanity at large & I will be very pleased with this work
- You may gradually bring that New Vrindaban property to its full potential by stages, and that will please me very much. I always had great hopes for New Vrindaban, and gradually we are developing
- You should become the topmost temple for distributing my books. This is a very good proposal. That is the only way to please me
- You should know that I am very pleased that you have fulfilled my request without any hesitation. This is your success in spiritual life
- You so kindly have sent your car and drive to our place filled-up with fruits and flowers to offer to Radha and Krishna on the Disappearance day of my Guru Maharaj, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur. I am so much pleased
- You state that you will be the largest distributer of BTG in the world. This statement is very pleasing to me, because more than anything I want that my students should distribute my books and literatures profusely all over the world
- Your letter of appreciation will be published in this years Vyasa Puja publication. I am so pleased to know that in Berlin everything is going on all right
- Your questions certainly are not stupid. They are very intelligent questions and I am just pleased to discuss all these matters threadbare. I quite approve of your way of thinking
- Your work in spreading Krishna Consciousness there is very much pleasing to me, and I am always glad to hear more from you