Category:Gradual Training
Pages in category "Gradual Training"
The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.
- If the regulative principles ordered by the spiritual master are followed rigidly, the mind will gradually be trained to desire nothing but the service of Krsna. Such training is the perfection of life
- If, by Krsna's grace, we act in our spiritual body, we can transcend both the gross and subtle bodies. In other words, we can gradually train ourselves to act in terms of the spiritual body
- The duty of the government, therefore, is to take charge of training all the citizens in such a way that by a gradual process they will be elevated to the spiritual platform and will realize the self and his relationship with God
- The four different social orders - brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa - gradually train a person to come to the platform of transcendental life
- The mind is always telling us to do this or that; therefore we should be very expert in disobeying the mind's orders. Gradually the mind should be trained to obey the orders of the soul. It is not that one should obey the orders of the mind
- The usual procedure is for one to get the training from very early life, from the stage of brahmacarya, and gradually progress to the gṛhastha, vānaprastha and sannyāsa orders of life
- The Vedic knowledge is mother, and the spiritual master is the father. So samskarad bhaved dvijah. The spiritual master trains the student gradually. That is called initiation. That is called dvija