Category:God Is The Ingredient
Pages in category "God Is The Ingredient"
The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.
- The Absolute Truth, Brahman, is the original ingredient, and the other manifestations are transformations of this ingredient
- The conclusion is that the purusa-avatara is manifested in three features - first the Karanodakasayi who creates aggregate material ingredients in the mahat-tattva, second the Garbhodakasayi who enters in each and every universe
- The demigods like Brahma, Visnu, Mahesvara, Indra, Candra and Varuna are undoubtedly different forms of the Lord for execution of different functions; the different elemental ingredients of material creation, as well as the multifarious energies
- The form of the Lord, as seen by Brahma, existed before the creation of Brahma, and the material manifestation with all the ingredients and agents of material creation are also energetic expansions of the Lord
- The impersonal time factor is the background of the material manifestation as the instrument of the Supreme Lord. It is the ingredient of assistance offered to material nature
- The ingredients and the immediate cause of this manifested material world are Brahman, and we cannot make the ingredients of this world independent of Brahman
- The ingredients for creation and the subordinate creator, Brahma, are first created by Lord Visnu in His first and second incarnations
- The Supreme Absolute Truth has His inconceivable potency, out of which this cosmos has been manifested. In other words, the Supreme Absolute Truth is the ingredient, and the living entity and cosmic manifestation are the by-products