Category:God's Stealing
Pages in category "God's Stealing"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.
- In some houses He (Caitanya) would steal milk & drink it, and in others He would steal & eat prepared rice. Sometimes He would break cooking pots. If there were nothing to eat but there were small babies, the Lord would tease the babies and make them cry
- In the material world, theft is criminal, but in the spiritual world the Lord’s stealing is a source of transcendental bliss
- Madhavendra Puri is not an ordinary devotee, he is a great devotee; otherwise how the Lord has stolen this pot (ksira) for him
- Maha-Visnu had actually stolen the sons of the brahmana in Dvaraka so that Krsna and Arjuna would come visit Him. This verse (CC Madhya 8.146) is quoted to show that Krsna is so attractive that He attracts Maha-Visnu