Category:God's Sanction
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Pages in category "God's Sanction"
The following 70 pages are in this category, out of 70 total.
- A devotee's conclusion is that no one is directly responsible for being a benefactor or mischief-monger without the sanction of the Lord; therefore he does not consider anyone to be directly responsible for such action
- An intelligent doctor knows, - The ultimate sanction is in the hand of God. I am simply an instrument. If God does not want the patient to live, then all my medicines and all my scientific medical knowledge will fail
- Anything you want to do you must take sanction from the Lord. You cannot do anything whimsically and you think that "I am rendering service to the Lord."
- Arjuna thought himself to be the doer of action, but he did not consider the Supreme sanction within and without. If one does not know that a super sanction is there, why should he act? BG 1972 purports
- As devotees of the Lord, the bull, or the personality of religion, and the cow, the personality of the earth, knew well that without the sanction of the Lord no one could inflict trouble upon them
- As far as others are concerned, God gives sanction to the doer only at the risk of the doer. But in the case of a devotee, the Lord directs him in such a way that he never acts wrongly
- If one could achieve success without the sanction of the Lord then no medical practitioner would fail to cure a patient
- If you persist that, "I must go and enjoy independently," so God says: "All right, you can go." This is the position. You have to take sanction. That is a fact. When you persist, God sanctions. And you come and enjoy
- It does not matter whether his duty is violent or nonviolent. If it is sanctioned and ordered by the Supreme Lord, it must be performed. An Aryan performs his duty. It is not that the Aryans are unnecessarily inimical to living entities
- It is a fact that without the sanction of God, nothing can be achieved. Tavat tanur idam tanupeksitanam. We have discovered many methods by which to counteract distress, but when freedom from such distress is not sanctioned by God, these methods will fail
- It is generally said that not a blade of grass moves without God's sanction. Similarly, we cannot do anything without the supervision of a superior authority
- It is significant that Bali Maharaja is here (in SB 8.11.48) said to be very experienced. Although defeated, he was not at all sorry, for he knew that nothing can take place without the sanction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Materialistic persons want to commit all kinds of sinful activities, but without the sanction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, no one can do anything. Why does the Supreme Personality of Godhead permit sinful activities
- Maya Danava said, "However I plan, you plan or both of us plan, the Lord has planned what is to happen. No one's plan will be successful without His sanction"
- No one can act independently of the sanction of the Lord, and therefore, indirectly, no one is different from the Supreme Person - certainly not Brahma and Rudra, who are incarnations of the material nature's modes of passion and ignorance
- No one can act independently of the sanction of the Supersoul. The individual soul acts according to his past karma, reminded by the Lord
- No one can do anything without the sanction of the Lord, but He is so kind that when the conditioned soul persists in doing something, the Lord permits the individual soul to act at his own risk
- No one can encroach upon the right of another individual man or animal without being so sanctioned by the Lord
- No one can fulfill any desire without the sanction of the Lord. All the facilities given by the Lord are unknown to the conditioned soul
- One cannot act without His sanction, for the Supersoul is upadrasta and anumanta, the witness and sanctioner
- One cannot obtain any result from demigods without getting sanction from the Supreme Lord
- One who knows the instrument of work, himself as the worker, and the Supreme Lord as the supreme sanctioner, is perfect in doing everything. Such a person is never in illusion. BG 1972 purports
- Only with the sanction of the SPG can the demigods offer benedictions. Therefore, whenever any sacrifice is offered to a demigod, the Supreme Lord in the form of narayana-sila, or salagrama-sila, is put forward to observe the sacrifice
- "Out of compassion for them (devotees of God), I (Krsna), dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance." The devotee does not do anything not sanctioned by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Simply because one son is not very intelligent and the other desires to kill him to avoid the burden, the father will never agree. Similarly, if God is the supreme father, why should He sanction the killing of animals who are also His sons
- Speculative philosophers, however, do not recognize the sanction of the Lord; they try to find out the cause of sufferings in their own way, as will be described in the following verses
- The Battle of Kuruksetra, or any other battle at any place or at any time, is made by the will of the Lord, for no one can arrange such mass annihilation without the sanction of the Lord
- The Bhagavad-gita confirms that the Lord is situated in everyone's heart as the witness, and as such He is the supreme director of sanction
- The demigods cannot give any benediction without the sanction of the Supreme Lord. Narada Muni, therefore, advised that even for religiosity, economic development, sense gratification or liberation, one should approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The demigods, although worshiped, cannot do anything without the sanction of the Lord because the Lord is the Supersoul of everyone, both moving and nonmoving
- The devotee is completely peaceful because he has no demand for himself and is always ready to serve the desire of the Lord. The conclusion is that God is for everyone because no one can achieve the result of his respective desires without His sanction
- The director is not the enjoyer of the fruits of action, for without the Lord's sanction no one can enjoy
- The jivatma is enjoying or suffering by eating the fruits of the bodily activities, but the Paramatma, who is free from such bondage, witnesses and sanctions the activities of the individual soul as the individual soul desires
- The living entity cannot do anything without the sanction of the Supersoul
- The Lord simply witnesses and gives the living entity sanction for sense enjoyment. It is the Paramatma also who gives the intelligence by which the bees can construct a hive, collect honey from various flowers, store it and enjoy it
- The person who denies the existence of the Lord and declares himself the Lord is called asura, and as such he is given protection by the strength of limited power subject to the sanction of the Lord
- The personality of religion knew perfectly well that nothing can take place without the sanction of the Supreme Lord, and still he was put into doubts by the deluding energy, and thus he refrained from mentioning the supreme cause
- The remedial measure to cure a patient by medical treatment is useless if it is not sanctioned by the Lord. To cross the river or the ocean by a suitable boat is no remedial measure if it is not sanctioned by the Lord
- The Supersoul is ordering, "Don't do it," because without God's sanction he cannot steal. But when the thief persists, then He says, "All right, you do at your risk." This is the position of the Supersoul and the soul
- The Vaisnavites, the devotees of the Lord, do believe, as above explained, that nothing can take place without the sanction of the Supreme Lord
- The Vedas say that the Supreme Lord has nothing to do personally, as is always the case with superiors, but everything is done by His direction. As it is said, not a blade of grass moves without His sanction
- The Vedic ritualistic ceremonies are certainly meant to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu. However, by such activities one does not factually satisfy the Lord. Rather, with the sanction of the Lord, one tries to satisfy one's own senses
- The whole world is struggling very hard to exist out of these miseries, but men do not know that without the sanction of the Lord no plan or no remedial measure can actually bring about the desired peace and tranquillity
- The word guna also means "rope." We cannot free ourselves, for we are conditioned. We cannot move freely without the sanction of the supreme authority
- The word that, "Not a single blade of grass moves without the sanction of God," that's a fact
- They do not know that although whatever they are doing may be very good, if it is not ultimately sanctioned by God, by Krsna, it will all be a failure
- This is very instructive verse (SB 7.9.19). The whole world is planning to give relief to the suffering humanity, but foolish people, do not know you may do your best, but if it is not sanctioned by Supreme Lord, all these measures will not be of any use
- Though the soul is immortal, violence is not encouraged, but at the time of war it is not discouraged when there is actual need for it. That need must be justified in terms of the sanction of the Lord, and not capriciously. BG 1972 purports
- War must be justified in terms of the sanction of the Lord, and not capriciously
- We have discovered so many counteracting methods for diminishing our distressed condition, but if it is not sanctioned by God, these counteracting proposition will fail
- We may invent so many ways to be happy or to counteract the dangers of this material world, but unless our attempts are sanctioned by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they will never make us happy
- We may make our own various plans, but unless they are sanctioned by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, they will never be successful
- We must know that nobody can favor us unless it is sanctioned by the Supreme Person. We must always know. Not that because one is very, in a very superior position, he can favor me. No, he cannot favor you unless it is sanctioned by the Supreme
- Whatever the demigods do is done with the sanction of Lord Visnu
- Whatever we are getting for our sense enjoyment, that is with the sanction, the Supreme Person. The paramatma feature is madhyama purusa. He is purusottama
- When someone insists upon acting sinfully, the Supreme Lord gives him the sanction to act at his own risk
- Why does He (God) give sanction for our sinful activities? Because we want to do it. Because we want to do it. God does not want that you become implicated in sinful life
- Without God's sanction, we cannot do anything. Then why does He give sanction for our sinful activities?
- Without the Lord's sanction, nothing can happen. It is to be understood that there was a plan in the cursing of the Lord's devotees in Vaikuntha, and His plan is explained by many stalwart authorities
- Without the sanction of the Lord there is no possibility of having grains, even if there are trucks and fertilizers
- Without the sanction of the Supreme Soul, the individual soul cannot do anything. The individual is bhukta, or the sustained, and the Lord is bhokta, or the maintainer