Category:God's Orders
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Pages in category "God's Orders"
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- A devotee must carry out the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A devotee sometimes appears to be in a very opulent position, but he accepts that position to follow the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore a devotee is never affected by material influences
- A devotee who comes here (within the material world) in accordance with the order of the Supreme Lord shows by his personal behavior how to become a pure devotee. A pure devotee, therefore, is a practical example for all living entities, including Brahma
- A laymans sentimental expression about religious problems is not a practical understanding of religious problems. Religion as we have explained means the orders of God, therefore it must be scientifically studied
- A living being is placed in a particular position by the order of the Supreme Lord, and he is again shifted from that place by the order of the Supreme Lord or His authorized agents
- A saintly person is one who follows the Vedic injunctions, which are the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A servant has no individual independence. He acts only on the order of the master. A servant acting on behalf of the supreme master has no affection for profit and loss. He simply discharges his duty faithfully in terms of the order of God. BG 1972 pur
- Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me - This is the order of the Lord, who speaks as the supreme emperor. Everyone should be induced to accept this order, for this is victory
- Accept material enjoyment because the Lord, extraordinarily, has ordered you to do this. You will thus always be liberated from material association and be able to carry out the Lord's orders in your constitutional position
- According to the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, dharma means surrendering unto that Supreme Being. This is bhagavata-dharma, and everyone should be taught how to surrender unto God
- Action in accordance with the Vedic principles is called religion. Religion means following the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Actual religion is that God is one and religion means the orders, the law given by God. That's all. Simple definition. Just like state is one, government is one, and to become good citizen means to abide by the laws of the government. That's all
- Actually one suffers for want of food when material nature, under the order of the father, refuses to supply him food. It is the living entity's position that determines whether food will be supplied or not
- Actually, that is the fact. We are not independent. We are dependent on God in so many things. God has engaged the servant, the sun-god. He's also demigod. He is working under the order of the Supreme Lord
- After accepting the throne of the government by the fervent request of His younger brother Bharata, Lord Ramacandra ordered His younger brothers to go out and conquer the entire world, while He personally remained in the capital
- After giving up lofty puffed-up vanities, one may very submissively receive the orders of the Lord in the Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavatam from the lips of a bona fide devotee whose qualification is mentioned above
- After many, many births in lower species, when a living entity evolves to the human form of life and in particular to the civilized human form of life, his society must be divided into four gradations, as ordered by the Lord
- All living entities are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and they are supposed to be always agreeable to the order of the Supreme person; that is perfect oneness
- All living entities who are residents of the material universes are considered to be more or less criminals because they do not wish to abide by the order of the Lord or they are against the harmonious activities of God's will
- All of them (deities of the temple of the pancopasana) are to be accepted as personal demigods, but they all serve the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- All of them (demigods and sages) expanded their progeny to observe the order of the Lord to fill the universe with living entities. These six kinds of living entities are known as manus, devas, manu-putras, amsavataras, suresvaras and rsis
- All the demigods are servants who carry out the orders of the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu disclosed this fact in His childhood
- All the demigods must work under the orders of Visnu
- All the Manus offered their prayers as follows: As Your order carriers, we are the law-givers for human society, but because of the temporary supremacy of this great demon, Hiranyakasipu, our laws for maintaining varnasrama-dharma were destroyed
- All the various predominating deities of the planets are persons, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is also a person. The Supreme Personality orders the subordinate persons, the demigods of various names, to carry out His supreme will
- All these authorities (Siva, Lord Brahma, Manu or Narada) are certainly very powerful, but they do not have the power to disobey the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although Indra had doubts because he could not understand that Lord Visnu's order never fails, Vrtrasura understood Lord Visnu's purpose
- Although one is sometimes permitted to sacrifice an animal before the goddess Kali and eat it instead of purchasing meat from a slaughterhouse, this is not the order of God
- Although Sankara was attempting to cover the Supreme Lord by his Mayavadi philosophy, he was simply following the order of the Supreme Lord. It should be understood that his teachings were a timely necessity but not a permanent fact
- Although the living entity is the cause of his various types of bodies, the body is given by material nature according to the order of the Lord
- Although the sun is described as bhagavan, the most powerful, and although it is actually the most powerful planet within the universe, it nevertheless has to carry out the order of Govinda, Krsna
- Anyone who is ordered by the Lord to perform some action in this material world, especially preaching His glories, cannot be counteracted by anyone; the will of the Lord is executed under all circumstances
- Arjuna engaged in the art of killing, and although killing is, of course, violence, he killed the enemy simply on Krsna's order. In the same way, if we commit violence as it is necessary, by the order of the Lord, that is called natihimsa
- Arjuna fought the Battle of Kuruksetra under the direct order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. Similarly, here (SB 4.20.13) Prthu Maharaja is also being given orders by Lord Visnu regarding the execution of his duty
- Arjuna is being directly ordered by the Personality of Godhead to fight. BG 1972 purports
- As a king, Prthu Maharaja was ordered by Lord Visnu to keep himself always aloof from the activities of the bodily situation and to engage always in the service of the Lord and thus keep himself in the liberated stage
- As an agent of the supreme doer, the Supreme Lord, one should abide by the Lord's orders
- As fire in the forest immediately burns to ashes an angry snake, so, by the previous order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, His disc, the Sudarsana cakra, immediately burnt to ashes the created demon to protect the Lord's devotee
- As long as this rebellious condition prevails, the material world will continue in disharmony. Harmony or disharmony is realized because of the law and order of a particular place. Religion is the law and order of the Supreme Lord
- As stated in the sastras, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam: (SB 6.3.19) the word dharma refers to the orders or laws given by the SP of Godhead. Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: (BG 18.66) real dharma is surrender unto the SPG
- As there is punishment for disobedience to the order of the supreme executive head, so there is certainly punishment for the disobedience of the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- At this time, Raghunatha dasa approached Sri Nityananda Prabhu and, according to His order, prepared a feast and distributed prasadam composed of chipped rice and curd
- Balarama said to Yamuna, "You wretched river! You didn't care for My order. Now I shall teach you a lesson! You didn't come to Me voluntarily. Now with the help of My plow I shall force you to come. I shall divide you into hundreds of scattered streams"
- Because of his minute independence, the living entity can obey or disobey the orders of the Supreme Lord
- Becoming a voluntary servant, carrying out orders, establishing a friendly relationship, or offering all of one's possessions, in the service of God. By such practice of yoga, or linking up in the service of the Lord, one is recognized by the Lord Himself
- Before leaving, Madhavendra Puri made all arrangements for regular Deity worship, and he engaged different people in various duties. Then, taking up the order of Gopala, he started for Bengal
- Beginning from Brahmaji, the leader of this universe, down to the insignificant ant, all are abiding by the order of the Supreme Lord. Thus the constitutional position of the living being is subordination under the control of the Lord
- Bhagavata-dharma has no contradictions. Conceptions of "your religion" and "my religion" are completely absent from bhagavata-dharma. Bhagavata-dharma means following the orders given by the Supreme Lord, Bhagavan
- Bhakti-yoga means acting according to the order of the supreme authority
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura said: When one surrenders to Lord Visnu, one must be prepared to abide by His orders in all circumstances, whether He kills one or gives one protection. Lord Visnu must be worshiped in all circumstances
- Brahma attempts to create the different planetary systems and their inhabitants, expanding the population through his progeny, like Manu and other progenitors of living entities, who work perpetually under the order of the Supreme Lord
- Brahma first wanted to impress upon Priyavrata that although these great personalities are all authorities, they cannot possibly disobey the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is described as deva, which means "always glorious
- Brahma-samhita states, yasyajnaya bhramati sambhrta-kala-cakrah: the sun rotates in its own orbit according to the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The conclusion is that the sun is not fixed in one place
- By His order only, one should become a spiritual master and cooperate with the Lord. One should not become a spiritual master for one's personal benefit, for some material gain or as an avenue of business or occupation for earning livelihood
- By nature and the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (karmana-daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1)) we get the advantages we desire. Thus we become more and more involved with material concoctions. This is the reason for our suffering in the material world
- By nature's law, by God's order, it (Pacific Ocean) does not come beyond its limit. Within the limit it is. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that there is an ocean of transcendental bliss, which is increasing
- By right discrimination, one should agree to act according to the order of the Supersoul. That will help one become situated constantly in Krsna consciousness, the highest perfectional stage of human life. BG 1972 purports
- By the order of Nityananda Prabhu, he (Jiva Gosvami) went to Vrndavana and actually achieved the result of His order, for he compiled many books for a long time and preached the cult of bhakti from there
- By the order of the Lord, a perfect devotee sometimes comes to this material world like an ordinary human being. Because of his previous practice, such a perfect devotee naturally becomes attached to devotional service, apparently without cause
- By the order of the Supreme it (sun) does not move even one ten-thousandth of an inch from where it should be. It always rises exactly at the correct time. Why? There must be some discipline, some obedience, some order
- By the order of the Supreme Soul, material nature fashions a particular type of body to a particular type of living entity to work according to his past desires. BG 1972 purports
- By the supreme will of the Lord, he (Bali Maharaja) now had to go to the hellish planets, but because he went there by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he lived there more opulently than one could expect to live in the planets of heaven
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, yare dekha, tare kaha 'krsna'-upadesa (CC Madhya 7.128). Every devotee, therefore, should spread Krsna consciousness by preaching, asking whomever he meets to accept the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Common platform is not very difficult to understand, because religion means to know God and abide by the orders of God. That is religion
- Considering the trouble of His devotee, Lord Gopala, the greatest well-wisher of His devotees, ordered Madhavendra Puri to smear the sandalwood pulp on the body of Gopinatha, which was nondifferent from the body of Gopala
- Contraception means to make the womb deteriorated so that it no longer is a good place for the soul. That is against the order of God. By the order of God a soul is sent to a particular womb
- Criminal means disobeying the Lord or His order. They are materially criminal. Therefore Krsna, the Supreme Lord, comes at times, at interval, when many, many millions of years have turned
- Devotees are simply determined to execute the order of the SP of Godhead (Krsna) or His representative, the spiritual master. In all circumstances, even amidst the greatest dangers, they undeviatingly carry on with the greatest determination
- Dharma is one. It cannot be different. Dharma means abiding by the orders of God
- Dharma means to understand God and to abide by His order. To learn this scientific method, one has to approach
- Each servant is dancing according to the order of the Supreme. That's all. Nobody is master. So this false conception of becoming master is called maya, illusion. Nobody is master
- Even the exhaustive philosophical inquiries of sages cannot ascertain the plan of the Lord. The best policy is simply to abide by the orders of the Lord without argument
- Even the largest and most powerful planet, the sun, rotates within a fixed orbit, or kala-cakra, in obedience to the order of the SPG. This has nothing to do with gravity or any other imaginary laws created by the material scientists
- Even though the demigods said that they were demanding Dadhici's body for their benefit in accordance with the order of Lord Visnu, Dadhici superficially refused to give them his body
- Every living entity who has come to this material world has come for material enjoyment, but according to his own karma, activities, must accept a certain type of body given to him by material nature under the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Every moment should be utilized to understand your position. Your position means to understand you are eternal servant of God, and your duty, to carry out the orders of God
- Every planet is a residence for innumerable living entities, and the necessary space is provided in the sky by the supreme order of the Lord
- Everyone should be induced to accept this order (surrendering to God), for this is victory (dig-vijaya). And it is the duty of the soldier, the devotee, to impress upon everyone this philosophy of life
- Everyone who does not obey the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is criminal. Stena eva sa ucyate. Stena eva sa . . . this is the verdict of the sastra. Forgetfulness of Krsna, or God, is materialism
- Everything is done by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore one should not lament the birth and death of a living being, which have been arranged by the Supreme Lord
- Generally, modern so-called religious leaders have no conception of God, and yet they are preaching religion. What good is that religion? People are simply being misled. Real religion means God's order: dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam
- God does not interfere with our tiny independence. If we want to act according to the order of God, then He will help us
- God is witnessing all our activities, and our mental situation. So He orders maya, the external energy, prakrti, that "He requires to be given a body like this," and the material nature gives the living entity a particular type of body
- God means the supreme brain, the supreme powerful, and we are teenies, we are subordinate; therefore our position is to abide by the orders of God. That is actually religion. That's all. Less powerful men serves the more powerful. That is the nature
- God says, maya srstam: "This varnasrama system is given by Me." So how can we refuse to follow it? that means we are denying the real religion. Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam: (SB 6.3.19) real dharma, real religion, means the order given by God
- Hanuman simply carried out Lord Ramacandra's orders. Hanuman apparently had no education, and he was not capable of teaching Vedanta, but he simply carried out the orders of Lord Ramacandra and attained perfection
- Having accepted the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, she (Yogamaya) circumambulated Him and started for the place on earth known as Nanda-gokula. There she did everything just as she had been told - SB 10.2.14
- He (Balarama) immediately wanted to scratch the land near the river with His plowshare (because Yamuna neglected His order)
- He (Sankaracarya) propagated the Mayavada philosophy under the order of the Supreme Lord. We have already discussed this point in text 114 of this chapter: tanra dosa nahi, tenho ajna-kari dasa
- He (the person in false ego) does not know that this gross and subtle body is the creation of material nature, under the order of the SPG, and as such his bodily and mental activities should be engaged in the service of Krsna, in KC. BG 1972 purports
- He has His form, qualities & features; & similarly His order carriers, the Vaisnavas, who are very beautiful, possess bodily features, transcendental qualities & a transcendental nature almost like His
- How I can say God is dead? Because if God is the law-giver, by His order everything is moving nicely. The sun is rising exactly at the time, the moon is rising exactly at the time, the seasonal changes are taking place exactly in due course of time
- Human life is meant for executing the orders of the Supreme Lord
- I am engaged by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to create. Following His orders, Lord Siva dissolves everything. The Supreme Personality of Godhead in His form of Ksirodakasayi Visnu maintains all the affairs of material nature
- If God wants us to stop fight, then we shall not fight. Because we are surrendered to God, so whatever God orders, we have to do it. That's all
- If one does not follow this rule (because of an accidental falldown a devotee should not be derided), and derides a devotee for his accidental falldown, then he is disobeying the order of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- If one is engaged in his own occupational duty as ordered by the SL, his sinful activities are certainly diminished. Therefore if one is engaged in his occupational duty by force, he benefits because he can vanquish all his sinful activities in that way
- If one's idea of God is not clear, he thinks it is mystical, but one who has got clear idea of God, clear order from God, then it is not mystical but it is practical
- If there is no conception of God, no order of God, then where is the question of religion? Ask someone in some other religious system what their conception of the form of God is. Can anyone tell clearly? Nobody can say
- If we do anything against the order of God, that is sinful. Just like in Bible also there are so many commandments that "You shall not do this," because they are sinful
- If we do not know God or His orders, we can only set about manufacturing some rubbish and fighting among ourselves. This is not dharma but philosophical speculation
- If we do not know who is the Supreme Lord, if we do not know what is the order of the Supreme Lord, then where is religion? That is not religion. That may go on in the name of religion, but that is cheating
- If you act according to the order of God, then He's responsible. And if you act against the will of God, then you are responsible
- If you violate the orders of God, then you suffer. You are perfect because you have got independence, but you misuse that perfectness. That is your fault. You perfect. You become imperfect by misusing
- If you want sunshine, then you have to wait til morning, when by the grace of God, by the order of God, sun will rise: you'll get sunshine. Not by your scientific method
- In bhagavata-dharma there is no question of "what you believe" and "what I believe." Everyone must believe in the Supreme Lord and carry out His orders
- In either case, whether the soul is conditioned or liberated, the Lord is supreme. As stated in BG 9.10, mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram: it is by the order of the SPG that the material energy, mahamaya, works upon the conditioned soul
- In the cosmic administration there is only one party, which consists of the servants of God, and the responsible deities of the various planets maintain the cosmic laws in terms of the orders of the SG. But the people suffer on account of their own folly
- In the Garga Upanisad also it is stated, "By the supreme order, under the superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the moon, the sun and the great planets are moving." In the Brahma-samhita this is also stated. BG 1972 purports
- It (the sun) is moving in its prescribed orbit by the order and the supreme will of Govinda. BG 1972 purports
- It does not matter whether his duty is violent or nonviolent. If it is sanctioned and ordered by the Supreme Lord, it must be performed. An Aryan performs his duty. It is not that the Aryans are unnecessarily inimical to living entities
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that the four social orders and the four spiritual orders are created by the Lord Himself, in terms of different individual qualities
- It is not that plants grow automatically, without any cause, as the atheistic philosophers say. Rather, they grow in pursuance of the supreme order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is not that you manufacture some dharma: "We are Hindus," "We are Muslims," "We are Christians." These are not dharmas. Nobody cares for God. Nobody carries out the order of God. Nobody knows what is God
- It is ordered by God that there should be four divisions for the materialistic condition of life and four divisions for spiritual upliftment. So there must be the brahmana, catur-varnyam maya srstam
- It is said here (in SB 3.29.42) that the planets do not sink. Since they are floating under the order or energy of the Supreme Godhead, they do not fall down into the water which covers half the universe
- It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.65.25-30, 33) that Lord Baladeva asked the Yamuna to come near, and when the river disobeyed the order of the Lord, He became angry and thus wanted to snatch her near to Him with His plow
- Later, after eight or nine days, when the brahmana could see Ramacandra personally, he would break his fast. Upon observing the brahmana’s rigid vow, Ramacandra ordered His younger brother Laksmana to deliver a pair of Sita-Rama Deities to the brahmana
- Lord Brahma advised Priyavrata, "Be situated in your original position as an eternal servant of the Lord. If you carry out His orders, you will never fall, even in the midst of material enjoyment
- Lord Brahma assured the demigods that there was no use in talking about how the disturbing situation of darkness was taking place, since the actual fact was that it was ordered by the Supreme Lord
- Lord Brahma controlled his two grades of senses by means of sense perception and sense organs because he had to engage such senses in the execution of the order of the Lord
- Lord Brahma was following the orders of the Supreme Lord, and it would be worthwhile for Priyavrata to accept Lord Brahma's order, as the Lord desired
- Lord Brahma, approaching the Lord, addressed Him thus: My Lord, please protect me from these sinful demons, who were created by me under Your order. They are infuriated by an appetite for sex and have come to attack me
- Lord Caitanya quoted a verse from the Padma Purana (62.31) in which it is stated that the Lord ordered Mahadeva, Lord Siva, to present some imaginary interpretations of Vedic literatures in order to divert people from the actual purpose of the Vedas
- Lord Nityananda Prabhu ordered, "Yes, go soon to Vrndavana. That place has been awarded to your (Jiva Gosvami's) family, to your father and uncles, by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and therefore you must go there immediately"
- Lord Ramacandra showed His favor to His brothers by ordering Them to go out
- Lord Siva is always in trance, samadhi. This samadhi is not under the control of the devotee; it is under the control of Vasudeva, for the entire internal energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead acts under His order
- Lord Visnu is so powerful that He can deliver anyone at once if He is pleased to do so. And Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, can be pleased immediately if we accept His order by surrendering unto Him, as Maharaja Yayati did
- Maharaja Prthu informed her (Mother Earth) that first of all she had disobeyed his orders. This was her first sinful activity. Secondly he accused her of taking her share of the yajnas (sacrifices) but not producing sufficient food grains in return
- Maharaja Prthu was one of the saktyavesa incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and as such he appeared on the surface of the earth to execute the orders of the Supreme
- Material nature carries out the orders of the Lord, and thus everything is maintained in an orderly way
- My dear King, O protector of the citizens, henceforward be very careful to execute My orders and not be misled by anything. Anyone who lives in that way, simply carrying out My orders faithfully, will always find good fortune all over the world
- Narayana may order, "Go to hell and preach." "Yes." Tulyartha. - Then if You send me in heaven or hell, I don't mind
- Narayana parayana means they're always ready to abide by the orders of Narayana
- Nature already has an arrangement to feed us. By the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is an arrangement for eatables for every living entity within the 8,400,000 forms of life. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman
- No one can surpass the acts of the Supreme Lord. The demigods were also advised not to try to counteract this incident, because it was ordered by the Lord
- No one has to discover the nature of the Lord. It is already spoken by the Lord Himself in the Bhagavad-gita especially and in all other Vedic literatures generally. We have simply to accept them in toto and abide by the orders of the Lord
- No one should neglect the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead or the order of the spiritual master who is the representative of God. BG 1972 purports
- O Lord, now that You have killed this great demon, we are in our normal condition. Kindly order us, Your eternal servants, what to do now
- O sinless Brahma, you may know from Me that it was I (God) who first ordered you to undergo penance when you were perplexed in your duty. Such penance is My heart and soul, and therefore penance and I are nondifferent
- Oh, this is a new type of religion I have created. - "What you are, sir, you can create?" No, religion means the order of God, and it can be given by God, and we should receive it through the acaryas
- One should accept that the Lord has inconceivable energies and that it is by His order and will that varieties of manifestations have come into existence
- One who abides by the order of the Lord is a pure devotee
- One who becomes a surrendered soul and agrees to the order of the Supreme Lord can easily overcome those stringent laws
- One who does not abide by the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is given the facility to enjoy this material world
- One who obeys this law, he's good citizen. One who disobeys, he's rascal. Similarly, dharma means the order of God. So one who obeys the order of God, he is really religious
- Only an atheist does not accept the omnipotent supreme father. If one accepts the omnipotent supreme father, he abides by His orders and becomes a religious person
- Our definition of religion is to accept the orders of God. That's all. It doesn't matter what religion you are following. You may be Christian, I may be Hindu, that may be Muhammadan, but the test of religion is how one has developed his God consciousness
- Our only duty is to carry out the order of the Supreme. Other things is already done by Him. So if we abide by the orders of the Supreme, then we get the credit. We should know that
- Our personal power or endeavor is not always supreme. We must therefore accept the position offered to us by the order of the Supreme
- Para-hita-bhasanam. You should speak truth also. What is that truth? That truth is "God is great, and we are subservient. So our duty is to abide by the orders of God," the simple truth
- Prahlada Maharaja, when he was ordered by the Lord to take some benediction, he said that "I am not a merchant, Sir, that by giving You some service I'll take some return. Please excuse me." Nrsimha-deva was very much satisfied: "Here is a pure devotee"
- Prahlada, master of all the chiefs of the demons, took the Supreme Lord's order on his head with folded hands. After saying yes to the Lord, circumambulating Him and offering Him respectful obeisances, he entered the lower planetary system known as Sutala
- Real dharma, means to abide by the orders of God. But they do not know what is God. They do not know what is the order of God. Of course, there are scriptures, but we have to know
- Religion consists of the orders of the Supreme Lord, and one who carries out these orders is religious. One who fails to carry out the Lord's orders is irreligious, and he is to be punished
- Religion does not mean the so-called rituals. That is formalities, they're also required, but the real purpose of religion is to abide by the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is religion
- Religion is a kind of faith. That they describe. But religion is also not a blind faith. Religion means the order of God. That is religion. Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam - SB 6.3.19
- Religion is one. How it can be Hindu religion, Christian religion? No. Religion is one. God is one. Therefore religion is one. Because religion means the law or the order given by God. That is religion. Simple definition
- Religion means abiding by the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Religion means the order of God, just as law means the order of the state. Now, if in your social system there is no state, where is the question of the state's order? You will simply manufacture your own order
- Religion means to abide by the orders of God. It may be a little different from one country to another. Just like in the political state management also, it is not exactly the same. But the obedience to the state is everywhere
- Religion means to abide by the orders of God. Simple thing. And this obedience to the laws of God will be automatically performed if everyone loves his dormant love for God
- Religion means to abide by the orders of God. That's all. Just like good citizen means who abides by the order of the government. That's all. There is no difficulty to understand what is good citizen
- Religion means to carry out the orders of God. That's all. This is simple definition of religion. You may define religion with some bombastic word. This is religion: religion means to abide by the orders of God. That is religion
- Religion without a clear conception of God is humbug, bogus. Religion means to accept the order of God
- Sankaracarya is not at fault, for he has covered the real purport of the Vedas under the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sankaracarya, who is an incarnation of Lord Siva, is faultless because he is a servant carrying out the orders of the Lord. But those who follow his Mayavadi philosophy are doomed. They will lose all their advancement in spiritual knowledge
- Since it is enjoined in the sastras that prasada should immediately be taken, there is no restriction of time and space; the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead must be followed
- Since Lord Siva does not incarnate himself unless there is some special reason, it is very difficult for an ordinary person to contact him. Lord Siva does descend on a special occasion when he is ordered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Since the demigods, the devotees, always strictly follow the Supreme Lord's orders, because of sincerity they are victorious over the demons, who know that the Supreme Lord is Visnu but do not follow His instructions
- Since you (Indra) have come here to kill me in accordance with Visnu's order, there is no doubt that I shall be killed by the release of your thunderbolt. Lord Visnu has sided with you. Therefore your victory, opulence and all good qualities are assured
- Sometimes great demons and atheists like Ravana and Hiranyakasipu and many others become very famous due to advancing material civilization by the help of material science and other activities with a spirit of challenging the established order of the Lord
- Sometimes they (eternal associates of the Lord) come by the order of the Lord - not to hold any administrative post, but to associate with the Lord in person or to propagate the message of God in human society
- Sri Narada Muni continued: Thus, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead ordered, Prahlada Maharaja performed the ritualistic ceremonies for his father. O King Yudhisthira, he was then enthroned in the kingdom of Hiranyakasipu, as directed by the brahmanas
- Sridhara Swami said, "My dear Lord, please order me to render You loving service so that I can again be brought to my original position of transcendental bliss"
- Such control of the material energy, however, can be most successfully carried out if one is a soul surrendered unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead and carries out His order in the spirit of loving transcendental service
- Such persons are condemned by the supreme order of the Lord. Because they are averse to the nectar of the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are compared to stool-eating hogs
- That (introduction to Sankara's commentary to Bhagavad-gita) is explained. Sankara is the incarnation of Lord Siva. He has no fault. He has simply executed the order of the Supreme Lord
- The 9 processes of devotional engagement: hearing, chanting, remembering, worshiping, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, offering prayers, carrying out the orders of the Lord, making friends with Him, and surrendering everything to Him. BG 1972 purports
- The brahmanas said, "We therefore pray to the Lord to be kind enough to excuse us because we are simply captivated by His external energy. We transgressed His order without knowing His transcendental glories"
- The conditioned soul is allowed to reside in Devi-dhama, the external energy, where goddess Durga carries out the orders of the Supreme Lord as His maidservant because he wants to enjoy the material energy
- The constitutional position of a living entity, represented by Arjuna, is that he has to act according to the order of the Supreme Lord. He is meant for self-discipline. BG 1972 purports
- The demigods and the Vaisnavas especially are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, Visnu, because they are always obedient to His orders - om tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti surayah
- The different parts of the bhakti-yoga system are accepting service to Him, carrying out His orders, making friendship with Him and ultimately surrendering everything for the service of the Lord
- The duty of a pure devotee or a servant of the Lord is to carry out the order of the Lord
- The entire internal energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead acts under His order. Of course, the material energy also acts by His order, but His direct will is specifically executed through the spiritual energy
- The example of Dhruva Maharaja is very fitting. Simply by becoming agreeable to the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead & by developing love of Godhead, Dhruva got the chance to personally meet the confidential servants of Lord Visnu face to face
- The first utterances, order, or statement, or judgment, is given by the Supreme Lord, and if that is followed through the disciplic chain, that is real understanding, real knowledge
- The impersonalists say that God cannot be seen. God can be seen by the light of God and not by man-made speculations. Here this light is specifically mentioned as vidyat, which is an order by the Lord to Brahma
- The kings or administrators are similarly chastised in all circumstances whenever they become godless and plan a godless civilization. That is the order of the Almighty
- The living entity desires a certain type of body, and by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that body is created from material nature, which is nothing but a kind of machine handled by the Supreme Lord
- The living entity is also ksetrajna, but the supreme ksetrajna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is the witness and order giver. Under His direction, everything takes place
- The living entity is seated on a machine (the body), and according to the order of the Supreme Lord, he operates the machine. This is the secret of transmigration of the soul from one body to another
- The living entity, according to his material desires, receives different types of bodies, which are nothing but machines offered by material nature according to the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Lord (Visnu) ordered all the denizens of the heavenly planets to take birth in different families of the Yadu and Vrsni dynasties and in Vrndavana
- The Lord can eat anything and everything, because everything is but a transformation of His own energy. But when there is a question of offering Him something, the offerings must be within the range of the eatables the Lord has ordered
- The Lord gives orders to material nature, and she arranges facilities for the living entities. The living entities are not independent, although they foolishly think themselves the doers - karta
- The Lord quoted some verses from the Puranas by which He established that Sankaracarya was deputed to teach by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.11): "I am sex that is not contrary to religious principles." Sexual intercourse ordained by the Supreme Personality of Godhead is dharma, a religious principle, but it is not intended for sense enjoyment
- The Lord wanted them (the descendants of Yadu) to be so destroyed, and thus they obeyed His order, as indicated by the word tad-anujnata
- The Lord's order descends in disciplic succession through the bona fide spiritual master, and thus execution of the order of the bona fide spiritual master is factual control of the senses
- The Lord's potency is called yogamaya. Since the Lord is Visvatma, He immediately ordered Yogamaya to give protection to Devaki
- The order of the Lord is distinctly there in the Bhagavad-gita: one should work only for the Lord in all spheres of life. In every sphere of life the Lord should be situated as the proprietor
- The personified Vedas continued, "Dear Lord, it is imperative that the living entities be engaged in Krsna consciousness, always rendering devotional service by such prescribed methods as hearing and chanting and executing Your orders"
- The planets are floating because material nature adjusts the air according to the orders of the Supreme Lord. It could be said that these adjustments constitute the law of gravity, but in any case, one must accept that these laws are made by the SPG
- The prajapatis offered their prayers as follows: O Supreme Lord, Lord of even Brahma and Siva, we, the prajapatis, were created by You to execute Your orders, but we were forbidden by Hiranyakasipu to create any more good progeny
- The purpose of Bhagavad-gita is to understand real religious life. Religion means the order which is given by God to carry out. That is religion
- The purpose of the Vedas is to establish such (religious) principles under the order of the SG, and the Lord directly orders, at the end of the Gita, that the highest principle of religion is to surrender unto Him only, and nothing more. BG 1972 purports
- The root of sin is deliberate disobedience of the laws of nature through disregarding the proprietorship of the Lord. Disobeying the laws of nature or the order of the Lord brings ruin to a human being
- The simplest definition of dharma is that dharma is the order of the Supreme Being. Since the Supreme Being, God, is one, His order must be one. How, then, can there be different dharmas? It is not possible
- The so-called follower is simply a mano-dharmi, a mental speculator. Mental speculation is not religion. Religion is the order of God, and one who follows that order - he is religious. That's all
- The sons (King Pracinabarhisat), the Pracetas, were ordered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to come out of the water and go to the kingdom of their father in order to take care of that kingdom
- The SPG orders, "Supply Me this," & the devotee directly serves the Lord by supplying what He wants. There are different realizations of the Absolute Truth, & although He is equal to everyone it is up to us to understand Him according to our advancement
- The sun is also described as asesa-tejah, unlimitedly hot. And what is its function? Yasyajnaya bhramati sambhrta-kala-cakrah. The sun has its orbit. God has ordered the sun, - You just travel within this orbit, and not anywhere else
- The sun is considered to be one of the eyes of the Supreme Lord and that it has immense potency to diffuse heat and light. Still it is moving in its prescribed orbit by the order and the supreme will of Govinda
- The sun represents the eye of the Lord and traverses its orbit in obedience to His order. BG 1972 purports
- The sun-god cannot deviate even an inch from the orbit designated to him. Therefore in every sphere of life, the supreme order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is carried out. The entire material nature carries out His orders
- The Supersoul is ordering, "Don't do it," because without God's sanction he cannot steal. But when the thief persists, then He says, "All right, you do at your risk." This is the position of the Supersoul and the soul
- The Supreme Lord Himself does the real creation by agitating His material energy, and then, by His order, Brahma, the first living creature in the universe, attempts to create the different planetary systems and their inhabitants
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Prahlada, a devotee like you never desires any kind of material opulences, either in this life or in the next. Nonetheless, I order you to enjoy the opulences of the demons in this material world
- The Vedas are also accepted as originally spoken by the Lord Himself to Brahma, from within his heart. Therefore, the principles of dharma, or religion, are the direct orders of the SP of Godhead (dharmam tu saksat-bhagavat-pranitam). BG 1972 purports
- The wrongdoer is misled by bad associates and by ill advice, which is against the established principles of the Lord's order, and thus he becomes subject to punishment
- The younger brothers of Lord Ramacandra were at home enjoying the personal presence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but the Lord ordered Them to go out and achieve victory all over the world
- There are different types of religion. The aim is to abide by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There are nine different kinds of devotional service, which are listed as hearing, chanting, remembering, serving, worshiping the Deity in the temple, praying, carrying out orders, serving Him as a friend and sacrificing everything for Him
- There are two kinds of controllers, or lords: one who is independent is called controller, and one whose orders cannot be neglected by anyone is called controller
- There is actually only one religious principle: dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam (SB 6.3.19). The only religious principle is to follow the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There is an adequate arrangement for food for all the living beings all over the earth by the order of the Supreme Lord, and He can arrange more and more if there is actually a disproportionate increase of living beings
- There is great necessity to propagate God consciousness to the people. It doesn't matter what religion is there. Religion is one. That is God consciousness, to abide by the orders of God
- There may be some faith or blind belief, but religion means dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam (SB 6.3.19). Religion means the order, or the law, given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is religion
- They (demigods) execute the order of the Supreme Lord exactly according to His plan. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is in the background, and because His orders are carried out by others, it appears that He is impersonal
- They (foolish human beings) carry out the orders of the Supreme Lord under the influence of respective scriptural or legislative injunctions
- They (Hiranyakasipu and Hiranyaksa) came within the material world by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He alone could counteract such disturbances
- They (niskami devotees of the Lord) are completely dependent on the orders of the Lord and are always ready to discharge their duty for the satisfaction of the Lord
- They (pure devotees of God like Narada and Nityananda prabhu) take the matter very seriously as the order comes from the higher authority, from the representative of the Lord, or from the Lord Himself
- They (the demigods) were also informed that the external potency of Visnu (Maya), with whom all the conditioned souls are enamored, would also appear by the order of the Supreme Lord, just to execute His purpose
- They (the inhabitants of Satyaloka) descend on different planets as messiahs by the order of the Lord to deliver the fallen souls
- They do not believe in God, and what to speak about His order and law. This is the position. "God is zero, therefore His order is zero. I can do anything and everything." This is going on
- They make God as order-supplier for their material needs. Or some of them are taught to love God because He is considered to be order-supplier. But our principle is not to make God our order-supplier - we want to execute the order of God
- This direct order of the Lord (vidyat) is a manifestation of His internal energy, and this particular energy is the means of seeing the Lord face to face
- This fact is corroborated by Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38). Yasyajnaya bhramati sambhrta-kala-cakrah: the sun is rotating in its fixed orbit in accordance with the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This human form of life is a chance to be trained to be agreeable to the orders of the Supreme Lord. To bring about this training in society is the mission of the Krsna consciousness movement
- This is an authoritative judgment by Sri Advaita Prabhu. He clearly advises that one should not be unhappy when reverses come upon him by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This time He (Balarama) wanted to bring the Yamuna by force, and He took the help of His plow. He wanted to punish the Yamuna because she did not come in obedience to His order
- Those who are trying to find out God by speculation, they are theosophist. And theologist means one who knows God and abides by His order
- To be religious, one must abide by the orders of God, but unfortunately people in this age have rejected religion, and they are busy in economic development. Therefore they will adopt any means to get money
- Today that (manufacturing our own order) is going on in the field of religion: there is no conception of God and therefore no following of God's order
- Transcendentalists who are advanced in knowledge compare the body, which is made by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to a chariot
- Under the order of Ksirodakasayi Visnu, the Visnu form within this universe, Lord Brahma and Lord Siva may also be accepted as the Lords of the universe
- Unfortunately you do not know God. We do not try to understand what is God. Neither there is any education, to teach actually what is God, what is His function, how does He live, where does He live, what does He order. That is the missing part
- We accept Ramacandra as God. He brought big, big stones and floated over the ocean. Does a stone float over the ocean? Yes, it floats under the order of God. He can . . . He can do it. The law of gravitation will not act there
- We believed in the words of our spiritual master and started in a humble way - in a helpless way - but due to the spiritual force of the order of the supreme authority, this movement (sankirtana movement) has become successful
- We cannot avoid violence, for we are put into a conditional life in which we have to commit violence, but we should not commit more violence than necessary or than ordered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We cannot imitate God. We have to simply follow His order. That is dharma. And if you imitate Krsna, that is adharma
- We foolishly see the activities of material nature without understanding the supreme order and Supreme Person behind them
- We have no control over the earth's productiveness, for it is naturally under the full control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. By His order, the Lord can make the earth produce sufficiently or insufficiently
- We have to understand what God is and what He says, and we have to abide by His orders. Then there is real religion, there is real understanding of God, and everything is complete
- Whatever God orders constitutes religion
- Whatever the government gives you law, and if you follow, then you are a good citizen. Similarly, there is order by God, and anyone who follows that order, he's religious
- When a person places himself at the disposal or order of the Supreme Lord, that is called sevonmukha; at that time the spiritual energy gradually reveals the Lord to him
- When God descends personally or by His personal plenary expansions, such incarnations are called amsa, kala, guna, yuga & manvantara incarnations, & when God's associates descend by the order of God, such incarnations are called saktyavesa incarnations
- When the king is a debauch or the president is a debauch, and the citizens are also debauch, there is restriction of supply by nature, under the order of the Supreme. Just like there is now petroleum problem
- When there is an order from the Supreme for one to leave his home, his property, his body, his family, his money and his bank balance and it is all gone, one has to take another place
- When we think of our kith and kin as being helpless and dependent on us, it is all due to ignorance. Every living creature is allowed all protection by the order of the Supreme Lord in terms of each one's acquired position in the world
- When we walk on the beach we are confident that although the Pacific Ocean is a great, vast mass of water, but we are certain it cannot come up to this. It is limited by the order of God: "You cannot go beyond this." So there is no vardhanam
- When you're persistent that, "I must do it," then the Supersoul orders, "All right, you can do at your own risk." That is called karma-phala
- Whenever there is deterioration of the real truth, there is necessity of movement. But the same movement, not a new movement. The movement means God is there, He is great, we are all subordinate; therefore our duty is to abide by the order of God
- While in trance, Lord Brahma heard the words of Lord Visnu vibrating in the sky. Thus he told the demigods: O demigods, hear from me the order of Ksirodakasayi Visnu, the Supreme Person, and execute it attentively without delay - SB 10.1.21
- While the brahmana was in pain, Lord Visnu in Vaikuntha began smiling, and the goddess of fortune inquired from the Lord why He was smiling. Lord Visnu then ordered His associates to bring the brahmana to Vaikuntha
- Why one is induced to perform certain acts despite his desire to do something else is indicated herein (SB 5.1.11). One cannot disobey the orders of the Supreme Lord, even if one is as powerful as Lord Siva, Lord Brahma, Manu or the great sage Narada
- Without knowing, following, that is absurd. You must know that this is the order of God. And if you follow that, then that is honesty
- You are human being. You are sitting here. If you like, you can move immediately. But the tree cannot move. "Stand up there." By whose order? By God's order. "You must stand up." Don't take it neglectfully. It is very serious
- You can call it, "This is Negro law," "This is white law," "This is black law . . ." No. That is not very scientific. God is great, we are all subordinates, and we have to obey the orders of God. That is religion
- You can violate the laws only on the direct order of Krsna or His representative. That's all. That is common sense. Just like a political person is engaged to kill somebody under superior order. And if he can kill, he is rewarded, he is given high post
- You cannot say that "I have killed one uncivilized man." No. That you cannot do. Similarly, you cannot kill even plant. But we have to live. Therefore we can kill plant under the order of the Supreme
- You understand simply these two things: that you are eternal servant of God and you have to carry out the orders of God . . . He is the supreme proprietor. He is the supreme friend
- Your position means to understand you are eternal servant of God, and your duty, to carry out the orders of God