Category:God's Grace
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Pages in category "God's Grace"
The following 365 pages are in this category, out of 365 total.
- A brahmana is not supposed to improve his economic condition. He's not interested. He's simply satisfied: "By the grace of God, whatever I have got, that is sufficient." God is supplying everyone, even birds and beasts and cats and dogs
- A devotee has no suffering at all because so-called suffering is also God's grace for a devotee who sees God in everything
- A devotee in Krsna consciousness never takes any miserable condition of life to be condemnation by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He accepts the miserable condition to be the grace of the Lord
- A devotee like Dhruva Maharaja, by the grace of the Lord, knows all the manifestations of the Lord and their different positions
- A devotee of the Lord is more merciful than the Lord Himself. When a devotee desires to show his mercy to a person, the Lord acts, and by His grace one becomes a devotee
- A devotee understands that when he is in distress, this is due to his own past misdeeds, which are now accruing reactions, although by the grace of the SP of Godhead these are only very slight. Karmani nirdahati kintu ca bhakti-bhajam - BS 5.54
- A devotee, therefore, is always conscious of his real position. Only by his full surrender to the Lord, by the Lord's grace, are his sufferings made shorter
- A living entity desiring to get the body of a demigod in a higher planet can also get it by the grace of the Lord
- A poor man is seldom puffed up with false pride, and he may be freed from all kinds of infatuation. He may remain satisfied by whatever he gets for his maintenance by the grace of the Lord
- A pure devotee like Narada can give assurance to any sinful man because by the grace of the Lord such a devotee is empowered to deliver any sinful person if that person follows the principles set forth
- A saintly person never takes credit for such actions because he knows very well that when wonderful things are done on his behalf by the grace of the Supreme Lord, all credit goes to the master and not to the servant
- According to the demands of a particular devotee, he receives a result by the grace of God. He does not discriminate, thinking, "Here is a person favorable to Me, and here is a person who is not favorable." Rather, He fulfills the desires of everyone
- According to Vedic culture, learned men consider all natural products, such as food grains, fruits, flowers, and milk, to be God-sent. Spiritually cultured men feel obliged to the Lord when they get sufficient natural foodstuffs by the grace of the Lord
- Adoption of the transcendental devotional service of the Lord has no limit, nor is there fear of falling down. The process automatically reaches the final stage by the grace of the Lord
- After changing the body, a living entity generally forgets his previous life, but in special cases, by the grace of the Lord, as with Nalakuvara and Manigriva, one can remember
- After his body was destroyed, he doubtlessly carried his plans with him by means of the subtle body, composed of mind, intelligence and ego. Thus he would get another chance by the grace of the Supreme Lord, the Supersoul, who is always within the heart
- Ajamila performed his duty in some percentage of Krsna consciousness, but the result he enjoyed at the end was a hundred percent, by the grace of the Lord. There is a nice verse in this connection in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.5.17). BG 1972 purports
- Ajamila's example is given, how he was downtrodden and fallen. Still, by the grace of Narayana, he was elevated, that is history, which is, Suta Gosvami is citing, how Krsna consciousness is powerful. That is the motive of narrating Ajamila udha
- Although Devahuti was a princess coming from a very great royal family, fortunately she was under the supervision of her great husband, Kardama Muni, who offered her the best gift which can be bestowed in human life: the grace of the Lord, or love of God
- Although sex life is the topmost enjoyment in the material world and although one may have an opportunity for sexual enjoyment by the grace of God, this entails a risk of committing offenses
- Although the mental scope of even demigods like Brahma was unable to comprehend the unlimited glories of the Supreme Lord, they were all able to perceive the transcendental form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by His grace
- Although this life-span (of one million celestial years) was so long, the Pracetas were given full bodily strength by the grace of the Lord
- And by the grace of the lotus feet of the Lord, many Yadus, Haihayas, etc., became so purified that they obtained both material and spiritual blessings
- Any promise made by a devotee, though it may be ordinarily very difficult to fulfill, is properly executed by the grace of the Lord
- Anyone desiring to raise the people's standard of advancement in spiritual life, will have their noble desire very soon successful by the Grace of the Lord
- Anyone who has even a little of the Lord's grace can understand His glories; others may go on speculating on the Absolute Truth, but they will always be unable to understand the Lord
- Anyone who is a devotee of the Lord knows about the Lord to some extent, and devotional service to the Lord makes him able to know everything by the grace of the Lord
- Arjuna could understand that for a living entity it is not possible to understand the unlimited infinite. If the infinite reveals Himself, then it is possible to understand the nature of the infinite by the grace of the infinite. BG 1972 purports
- As a fire can consume anything and everything without being contaminated, so, by the grace of the Lord, the fire of Brahma's greatness consumed his desire for the sinful act of sex with his daughter
- As far as our Krsna consciousness movement is concerned, we are getting money naturally, by the grace of God, by selling our literature
- As Paramatma, Supersoul, the Lord is living in everyone's heart, and from Him only does one's power of remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness follow. One person can sharply remember past activities by the grace of the Lord while others cannot
- As stated in Brahma-samhita: karmani nirdahati kintu ca bhakti-bhajam (BS 5.54). It is proved here (in SB 5.8.27) that due to the grace of the Supreme Lord, a devotee is never vanquished
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita, a devotee, by the grace of the Lord, is not subjected to the reactions of fruitive activities
- As the Lord exists by His own independent prowess, by the grace of the Lord the devotees also exist for His service
- At liberation the living entity gets a spiritual body by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Bala means this Balarama, the spiritual strength. The spiritual realization can be achieved by the grace of Lord Balarama
- Because the Lord is pleased with the devotional service of the descendants, by His grace He liberates the condemned souls of forefathers who do not have gross bodies, & He favors them to again receive a gross body for development of spiritual advancement
- Before the present family in which one has taken birth, one must have been born in other families. Thus when a Vaisnava takes birth in a family, by the grace of the Lord he purifies not only that family but also the families of his previous births
- Being so encouraged, the devotee can never forget, at any moment, the Personality of Godhead. He always feels obliged to Him for having achieved increased power in devotional service by His grace
- Being unaffected by material conditions, being pleased with whatever was available by the grace of the Lord to maintain body and soul together he gave full attention to Vasudeva, who is the transcendental Supersoul, free from material contamination
- Bhakti is activity. Just like personally, up to seventy years, I was practically doing nothing. But at the age of seventy years, by the grace of God, Krsna, there was inspiration; I went to Western country - not to sit down there silently
- Both Kardama Muni and Devahuti were spiritually enlightened; she desired from the beginning that first she be pregnant and then she be empowered with the achievement of God's grace and love of God
- Brahma was saved by the mercy of the Lord with a little punishment, but by the grace of the Lord he did not lose his prestige as the great Brahma
- Brahma, who was not born of a material source but of the lotus flower coming out of the navel abdomen of the Lord, is the creator of all those who are materially born. Of course, by the grace of the Lord, Brahma was able to see the form of the Lord
- By association with devotees, dirty things within the heart of a materialistic man are gradually washed away by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By God's grace, by nature's law, each and every planet is made differently and has different wonderful features. All such wonders were personally experienced by Kardama Muni while he traveled with his wife
- By knowing the science of God, one gradually becomes freed from material attachments, and one's doubtful mind becomes crystal clear by the grace of the Lord
- By the good grace of the Lord one may also cooperate and join in the chanting
- By the grace and help of Lord Vasudeva, who is all-pervading, one can engage his senses in devotional service without deviation, just as the Lord acts without deviation
- By the grace of God one is allowed to enjoy this material world, but when one is disgusted with material enjoyment and is frustrated, and when one surrenders unto the lotus feet of the Lord, then the Lord is so kind that He frees one from entanglement
- By the grace of God such a devotee gets sufficient strength to defend himself from the state of disturbances, and gradually all disturbing elements are eliminated from his mind
- By the grace of God the SC of every species of life can occupy its proper place, and these species can express their spiritual affection for God in the santa-rasa, as displayed by the land, water, hills, trees, fruits, and flowers of Vrndavana
- By the grace of God, Krsna, you are leaders. Thousands of young men follow you. They like you. So if you give them something actually nice, the face of the world will change
- By the grace of God, we have complete freedom. Because the Lord is kind to us, we can live anywhere - either in the spiritual sky or in the material sky
- By the grace of God, we have complete freedom. Because the Lord is kind to us, we can live anywhere - either in the spiritual sky or in the material sky, upon whichever planet we desire
- By the grace of Kapiladeva it was quite possible for Devahuti to understand the Absolute Truth, even though the subject matter is very difficult for ordinary persons, especially women
- By the grace of Lord Nrsimhadeva my health is improving
- By the grace of Lord Nrsimhadeva, Prahlada Maharaja became a greater king than his father, Hiranyakasipu. Prahlada's inauguration was performed by Lord Brahma in the presence of other saintly persons and demigods
- By the grace of the almighty Visnu, I (Narada) travel everywhere without restriction both in the transcendental world and in the three divisions of the material world. This is because I am fixed in unbroken devotional service of the Lord
- By the grace of the Lord all factual knowledge becomes revealed in the heart of a devotee due to dictation by the Lord from within
- By the grace of the Lord one is elevated to the transcendental position, and then the transcendental mellows of the spiritual world are manifested in him
- By the grace of the Lord the pure devotee cannot be in the darkness of ignorance. Therefore, it is necessary that we must always be in the sight of Lord Krsna so that we can see both ourselves and the Lord with His different energies
- By the grace of the Lord we were given the same opportunity (to learn the process of worship during childhood) by our parents, and the beginning of our life was based on this principle
- By the grace of the Lord, a devotee can achieve wonderful success simply by willing, but a real devotee does not like that
- By the grace of the Lord, a devotee can very easily understand how the Lord can appear in any form He likes. Therefore the devotee is never afraid of such a form
- By the grace of the Lord, a devotee like Brahma, or one in his chain of disciplic succession, can understand the almighty Personality of Godhead eternally engaged in His transcendental pastimes in the region of different energies
- By the grace of the Lord, Brahma was able to execute the tremendous task so perfectly that everyone is amazed to see the workmanship of the vidhata, or the regulator
- By the grace of the Lord, each and every planet is created fully equipped
- By the grace of the Lord, if a devotee, at the time of death, can simply chant His holy name, he immediately surpasses the great ocean of the material sky and enters the spiritual sky
- By the grace of the Lord, Kamsa felt sincere regret for having unnecessarily persecuted such Vaisnavas as Devaki and Vasudeva, and thus he came to the transcendental stage of knowledge
- By the grace of the Lord, simply by surrendering unto Him one can get out of this cycle of birth and death. Otherwise, one may go on in many, many lives and may many times attempt other processes for liberation
- By the grace of the Lord, the Pracetas were given special facilities. Although they could live millions of years to enjoy material facilities, they still would not be deviated from the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- By the grace of the Lord, the self-realized devotee engaged in devotional service understands his destination even while in the material body
- By the grace of the Lord, there are still families that foster transcendentalists generation after generation
- By the grace of the Lord, there are still families that foster transcendentalists generation after generation (in India). It is certainly very fortunate to take birth in such families. BG 1972 purports
- By the grace of the Lord, those who hear about the activities of Maharaja Ambarisa, the great devotee, certainly become liberated or become devotees without delay
- By the grace of the Lord, who instructed him through the heart (tene brahma hrda), Lord Brahma could create a huge universe. Those who are actually pure devotees of the Lord are instructed by the Lord through the heart, where the Lord is always situated
- By the grace of the Matsya avatara, Manu saved himself from the great danger of the flood. May that same fish incarnation save us from the great and fearful danger caused by the son of Tvasta
- By the grace of the Supersoul, he (Yamaraja) can see the past, present and future of a living being from within
- By the grace of the Supreme Lord Visnu, anyone can be completely purified, become a preacher of Krsna consciousness, and become the spiritual master of the entire world. This principle is accepted in all Vedic literature
- By the grace of the Supreme Lord, a devotee is punished in such a way that his eagerness to attain the lotus feet of Lord Vasudeva is increased. By his intense desire, he returns home in the next lifetime
- By the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, clouds appeared on the sea, pouring torrents of rain, and breezes blew, carrying particles of water from the sea waves, to give the demigods relief
- By the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Maharaja Priyavrata reawakened to his senses. He divided all his earthly possessions among his obedient sons
- By the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, who is transcendental to all material qualities, Lord Siva was saved from being killed by a demon
- By the grace of Visnu, a Vaisnava can render better service than Visnu; that is the special prerogative of a Vaisnava
- By the Lord's grace all misconceptions are vanquished and the heart is cleansed of all material dirt. It is only then that the pleasure of transcendental bliss is awakened. By the Lord's mercy one is completely convinced of the value of devotional service
- By the progress of self-realization one is able to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead by intelligence, by the help of authorized scriptures, and, principally, by the grace of the Lord
- By transcendental engagement, one achieves all transcendental qualities automatically, by the grace of the Lord, and thus his liberation is complete in itself, without his making extraneous endeavors to acquire knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- By Your grace, which is of pure goodness and is the bestower of all blessings, kindly drive away the elements of rajas and tamas for the sake of the demigods and twice-born
- By your prayers and by your chanting Hare Krishna, and by the grace of Lord Nrsimhadeva I am recovered from the serious illness
- Day by day, one who is actually aware of religious principles and is not heinously envious of poor animals should happily perform daily sacrifices and those for certain occasions with whatever food is available easily by the grace of the Lord
- Devahuti has submissively accepted her son as her guru. She wants to understand Krsna perfectly, by the grace of Kapiladeva
- Devotees do not have to endeavor for any yoga-siddhi, or perfection in mystic powers. They are competent to understand everything by the grace of the Lord, who is sitting in everyone's heart
- Even if one is attracted by Godhead in the mode of material lust, such attraction is converted into spiritual love of Godhead by His grace
- Even in householder life, one should be satisfied to maintain body and soul together with whatever is available with minimum endeavor, according to place and time, by the grace of the Lord. One should not engage oneself in ugra-karma
- Even the body and the senses do not belong to him (the conditioned soul), for they are given to him by the grace of the Lord to satisfy his different propensities through the material energy
- Even the first spiritual master of the universe was enlightened by the grace of the Lord, so who else can attain perfect knowledge of everything without the mercy of the Lord
- Every living entity, especially persons in the human race, must feel grateful for the benedictions offered by the grace of the Supreme Lord
- Everything is possible by the grace of the Lord
- Favorable servitors are devotees of the Lord, and by the grace of the Lord they can enter into the mysterious region of transcendence by the mercy of the Lord
- First I cut the child in the womb into seven pieces, which became seven children. Then I cut each of the children into seven pieces again. By the grace of the Supreme Lord, however, none of them died
- First of all, he (a liberated person) does not desire anything for his material benefit, and secondly if he desires anything at all, he simply desires to serve the Supreme Lord. That desire is fulfilled by the Lord's grace. That is called satya-sankalpa
- For a common man, it is very difficult to remember things as they are at the time of death, but by the grace of the Lord and His bona fide devotees, the spiritual masters, one can get this opportunity without difficulty
- For a devotee the identifier is equally a sinner, like the mischief-monger. By God's grace, the devotee tolerates all reverses
- For a devotee, the modes of passion and ignorance are removed by the grace of the Lord. In this way the devotee becomes situated in the quality of goodness, the sign of a perfect brahmana
- For a pure devotee who does not practice yoga, the mind should always be engaged in Krsna consciousness so that at death he can remember the Supreme by His grace. This is explained in verse fourteen (of BG). BG 1972 purports
- For the Lord's service we can ask for His grace and mercy a hundred times, but for our sense gratification we cannot pray or ask anything - that is pure devotion
- Fortunately, both our spiritual master, Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, and our humble self, had the opportunity to take birth in such families (of the acarya or gosvami), by the grace of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- From his (King Bharata's) life it is understood that transcendental endeavors, or the practice of yoga, never go in vain. By the grace of the Lord the transcendentalist gets repeated opportunities for complete perfection in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 p
- From the acts of Srila Dhruva Maharaja we can understand that somehow or other if one becomes Krsna conscious - it does not matter what his motivation is in the beginning - he will eventually realize the real truth by the grace of the Lord
- God is supplying us everything, although we think, "There is no God, God is dead," and all nonsense you may say. But it is due to God's grace that you are eating daily. That's a fact
- God's grace and love of God
- Growing, cultivating, producing, there will be not possibility of, and we don't want more than the necessity. If by God's grace we get more, then you can make sale, but we are not going to work for selling purpose
- Having missed the goal of life, materialists run after self-sufficiency, not knowing that material nature is already self-sufficient by the grace of God
- He (a detached parson) is satisfied with everything that is offered to him by the grace of the Lord, and he is never angry in the absence of sense gratification. Nor does he endeavor to acquire sense objects. BG 1972 purports
- He (a devotee) is tolerant, and he is satisfied with whatever comes by the grace of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- He (a Krsna conscious person) sees that his miseries, by the grace of the Lord, are minimized to the lowest. Similarly, when he is happy he gives credit to the Lord, thinking himself unworthy of the happiness. BG 1972 purports
- He (a pure devotee) is not concerned with any of them because he is always engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. By the grace of the Lord, even in the Kumbhipaka hell a pure devotee can adjust the situation and turn it into Vaikuntha
- He (God) can turn the external energy into internal by His will. Therefore by His grace the external energy, which is employed in illusioning those living beings who want to have it, subsides by the will of the Lord
- He (Maharaj Pariksit) was not falsely proud, for a devotee of the Lord is equally as powerful as the Lord or sometimes more powerful by His grace
- He (Narada Muni) is a liberated spaceman. The causeless mercy of Lord Visnu is unparalleled, and such mercy is perceived by the devotees only by the grace of the Lord
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) prays to the Lord that all of us fallen souls in this material world may, by the grace of the Lord, engage in the service of His servant and thus be delivered
- He was to be arrested by the Yamaduta for purification. That was his external affair. But by chance, by the grace of the Lord, at the time of his death he chanted "Narayana," not exactly meaning the Supreme Lord Narayana, but his son's name was Narayana
- He'll sit down whole day and night and chant Hare Krsna. No business. No endeavor for food. If food comes by God's grace, they (Six Gosvamis) will eat; otherwise no, they'll not go anywhere. Completely dependent, - If God gives, then I shall eat
- Hiranyakasipu and persons like him may be very powerful for some time, but the obedient servants of the SP of Godhead like the demigods remain powerful always. They are victorious over the influence of Hiranyakasipu by the grace of the Supreme Lord
- Hiranyakasipu was very envious of devotees, but Prahlada wished that his father and other demons like him would give up their envious nature by the grace of the Lord and stop harassing the devotees - khalah prasidatam
- His (Dhruva Maharaja's) acts were all wonderful, and when he came back home, naturally, because of his spiritual qualifications, he became very popular amongst the citizens. He must have performed many wonderful activities by the grace of the Lord
- His (the Ksna conscious person's) duty thus becomes self-illuminated by the grace of the Lord, and therefore he no longer has any obligations to the Vedic injunctions. BG 1972 purports
- However powerful she (the material energy) may be, has no power by herself. Her activity begins by the grace of the Lord, and then the entire cosmic creation is manifested in a systematic way
- Human beings are provided with food grains, vegetables, fruits and milk by the grace of the Lord, but it is the duty of human beings to acknowledge the mercy of the Lord
- I have a body in which I can control my senses and can understand my destination; therefore, I offer my respectful obeisances to the SPG, by whom I have been blessed with this body and by whose grace I can see Him within and without
- I have got this nice typewriter by the Grace of the Lord and I am very much satisfied with it working
- I have left my hearth and home in India but here by the Grace of the Lord I have got good sons and daughter like you
- I started this movement in 1966, single-handedly, but by the Grace of God, I have now hundreds of intelligent young student disciples, who have taken up this movement seriously
- I worship Govinda. He is my Lord. Only by His grace am I empowered to create the universe
- If a man gets the body of a swine it must be considered the grace of the Lord because the Lord awards the facility
- If a person is posted under the guidance of such a bona fide spiritual master, it may be accepted without any doubt that the desiring person has achieved the grace of the Lord
- If by chance or by the grace of the Lord more money comes, it should be properly engaged for the Krsna consciousness movement
- If by God's grace we get more then you can make sale, we are not going to work for selling purpose. Then money will be there. How to get money, how to get money? And as soon as you get money, more than necessity, then sense gratification
- If by the Lord's grace one can understand Him, one will immediately be delivered, even within his material body. The material body will no longer have any function, & whatever activities take place with the body will be activities of Krsna consciousness
- If he follows the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the living entity, even though an insignificant creature, can perform the most difficult tasks by the Lord’s grace. Lord Krsna confirms this in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 10.10
- If one can somehow or other, by the grace of the Lord, understand the transcendental position of the Lord, one becomes eternal. This is further confirmed by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita - BG 4.9
- If one is at all sympathetic or able to do good to others, he should endeavor to raise people to Krsna consciousness. In this way everyone advances spiritually by the grace of the Lord
- If one is fortunate enough to get the association of a spiritual master like Kapila Muni or His representative, then by his grace one can be delivered from the mire of ignorance
- If one reads Bhagavad-gita very sincerely and with all seriousness, then by the grace of the Lord the reactions of his past misdeeds will not act upon him
- If one seriously accepts the lotus feet of the Lord, he is purified by the grace of God and by the grace of the Lord's servant. This is confirmed by Sukadeva Gosvami: ye 'nye ca papa yad-apasrayasrayah sudhyanti tasmai prabhavisnave namah - SB 2.4.18
- If one takes shelter of a bona fide spiritual master, it is to be understood that he has obtained the grace of the Lord. The Lord appears as the spiritual master for the devotee
- If one thinks always in this way (that he is engaged in a particular type of occupation by Hrsikesa), in full Krsna consciousness, then, by the grace of the Lord, he becomes fully aware of everything. That is the perfection of life. BG 1972 purports
- If others try to put a devotee into anxiety, he is not disturbed. It is by the grace of the Lord that he is so practiced that he is not disturbed by any outward disturbance. BG 1972 purports
- If the illusory energy subsides and the living entity becomes fully enriched with knowledge by the grace of the Lord, then he becomes at once enlightened with self-realization and thus becomes situated in his own glory
- If the leadership of world affairs is entrusted to the devotees of God, for which a worldwide organization under the name & style of ISKCON has been started, by the grace of the Almighty there can be a change of heart in human beings all over the world
- If there is any scarcity in the world, it is the scarcity of God consciousness, otherwise, by the grace of the Lord, there is no scarcity of anything
- If we are submissive, if we are engaged in His service, then, by His divine grace, He reveals Himself. Everything understanding of Lord, that is revelation. By our experimental knowledge, we cannot understand what is God
- If you are fully engaged in Krsna's service attraction of women will be a myth only. It is only Krsna's grace. Of course we are old men now, but even old men they are attracted still by women
- If you want sunshine, then you have to wait til morning, when by the grace of God, by the order of God, sun will rise: you'll get sunshine. Not by your scientific method
- If, by the grace of the Lord & His devotees, a living being becomes fortunate enough to associate with the devotees of the Lord & gets a chance to hear the unadulterated glories of the Lord, certainly the flow of DS takes place like the flow of a river
- If, by the grace of the Lord, an impersonalist is enlightened by the superior statements of Srimad-Bhagavatam, he is also converted into a transcendental devotee of the Personality of Godhead
- If, by the grace of the Supreme Lord, a devotee achieves extraordinary opulence, he utilizes the opportunity for the Lord's service. He is not disturbed by the opulence
- In adversity, everyone laments and becomes aggrieved, but by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, a devotee, even in the worst condition, can understand that he is going through a severe examination by the Personality of Godhead
- In any life in which one is born, as a householder, or even as an animal, one must have some children, some resources or some possessions, but a devotee is not anxious to possess anything. He is satisfied with whatever is obtainable by God's grace
- In both the cases he (the devotee) takes it for granted that either benefit or loss is God-sent, and thus it is His grace
- In one sense, of course, material opulences are God's grace. To take birth in a very aristocratic family or nation like America, to be very rich, to be advanced in knowledge and education, and to be endowed with beauty are gifts of pious activities
- In our material existence we are impure, and we cannot do anything wonderful, but if we purify our existence by tapasya, we can do wonderful things by the grace of the Lord. Therefore tapasya is very important
- In the case of devotional service, this very same method is accepted from the very beginning, and by the grace of the Lord all factual knowledge becomes revealed in the heart of a devotee due to dictation by the Lord from within
- In the conditioned state, the living entity struggles in this material world and engages his senses for material satisfaction. If the living entity is graced by the Supreme Personality of Godhead he can engage these very senses in the service of the Lord
- In the human form of life, by the grace of God, the consciousness is so developed that a man can evaluate his exceptional position and thus realize the self and the Supreme Lord
- In the last word of the Bhagavad-gita the Lord asserts that one who surrenders fully unto Him is protected from all sins by the grace of the Lord
- In the modern age the mission of Krsna consciousness is for everyone to acknowledge the supremacy of Lord Krsna; whatever one has in his possession must be considered a gift by the grace of the Lord
- In the Padma Purana there is the story of a neophyte devotee who, in order to raise himself to the ecstatic platform, danced all night to invoke the Lord's grace upon him
- In Vaikuntha Laksmiji is fixed in the service of the Lord. In spite of her being the goddess of fortune, she cannot be happy without the grace of the Lord. Even the goddess of fortune needs the Lord's grace in order to be happy
- Indra was surprised to see that Vrtrasura, undisturbed, was fixed in devotional service to the Lord, for such a mentality is impossible for a demon. However, by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, anyone can become an exalted devotee
- It is a very good news that you have received the NOC for the construction of the temple. So, you begin the work, and money will come to you by the grace of God
- It is by the grace of the spiritual master and the Supreme Personality of Godhead that we get the clue of devotional life, and thus progressive success in our life begins
- It is due only to the Lord's grace that he (a Krsna conscious person) is in such a comfortable condition and able to render better service to the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- It is due to God's grace that you are eating daily. That's a fact. Either you say, "God give us our daily bread," or you don't say, God is anxious to supply you bread. He is so kind because you are His son
- It is impossible to go directly to the university without prior schooling. In spiritual life, however, although there are strict regulations, by the Supreme Lord's grace one can bypass many intermediary stages and reach the top, or "doctorate" level
- It is in order to exterminate wicked fellows like you and to show His grace to the virtuous that He assumes His various incarnations like Varaha
- It is only by God's grace that a girl gets a husband suitable to her heart. Thus it is said that if we pray to the Supreme Lord in every transaction of our material existence, everything will be done very nicely and just suitable to our heart's desire
- It is only by the grace of the Supreme Lord that one can be protected from the allurement of lusty material desires
- It is significant that Maharaja Bharata, by the grace of Vasudeva, remembered his past life. He did not waste a moment; he returned to Pulaha-asrama to the village known as Salagrama
- It is the grace of the Lord that whenever Brahma approaches about disturbances in the universe, the Lord gives him relief in so many ways
- It is the Supreme Lord's grace alone that makes them more compassionate than the Lord. And by the mercy of such devotees, the lowest sinful men and women can attain the lotus feet of the Lord
- It should be noted that although such a facility for sexual intercourse is achieved by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, this facility is not offered to advanced devotees, who are free from material desires
- It should be noted that such worldliness cannot continue for long because, by the grace of the Lord, such imperfections will come to an end very shortly. Therefore the path of devotional service is the only right path
- Just like a bank clerk or a bank cashier should be satisfied with his post and the wages he gets. He should be satisfied. If God pleases he will be elevated to higher position. That is God's grace. But we should not be disturbed
- Just like packed the child remains within the womb of the mother. It is very, very painful. But by the grace of God he lives. Otherwise it is suffocating. Just imagine if you are put in a airtight box, tied up, hands and legs. How long you can live?
- Kardama Muni continued: What is the use of enjoyments other than the Lord's grace? All material achievements are subject to be annihilated simply by a movement of the eyebrows of Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- King Prthu continued: By the grace of the Supreme Lord I have been appointed the king of this planet, and I carry the scepter to rule the citizens, protect them from all danger and give them employment according to their respective positions
- Lord Caitanya recommended that the greatest achievement of human life is to achieve the grace of the Lord, love of God
- Lord Siva said, "My dear Lord, only by Your mercy and grace can the living entity get the human form of life, which is a chance to get out of the miserable condition of material existence"
- Maharaja Pariksit inquired from the learned brahmana Sukadeva Gosvami about the ultimate destination of such great mystics or how they attain such extraordinary powers by their own efforts or by the grace of the Lord
- Maharaja Pariksit was awarded all material amenities and an undisputed kingdom in which to enjoy the undisturbed position of king, but by the grace of the Lord he was able to give up all connections with material attachment
- Maharaja Pariksit, being the most learned and experienced king by the grace of the Lord, was not unnecessarily envious of the personality of Kali because he did not intend to give him any chance to perform any sinful act
- Maharaja Priyavrata was so strong, by the grace of the Lord, that even though his beautiful wife was alive, he could give up her association exactly like one who is forced to give up the association of a dead wife
- Manu spread a seat of kusas and kasas and worshiped the Lord, the Personality of Godhead, by whose grace he had obtained the rule of the terrestrial globe
- Many stalwarts in the devotional line fell victim to these allurements (for women & wealth) & thus retreated from the path of liberation. But when one is helped by the Lord Himself, the whole process becomes as easy as anything by the divine grace of God
- Material nature has no power by herself. Her activity begins by the grace of the Lord. The example of a woman’s conception can help us understand this subject. The mother is passive, but the father puts his energy within the mother, & thus she conceives
- Mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca (BG 15.15). Because the conditioned soul wants to forget You (the Supreme Personality of Godhead), by Your grace You give him opportunities, life after life, by which he can almost perpetually forget You
- Modern society even enables one to forget the Supreme Personality of Godhead's grace and mercy. Consequently modern civilized man is always unhappy and in need of things
- Mother Yasoda, by the grace of the Lord, could understand the real truth. But then again, the supreme master, by the influence of the internal potency, yogamaya, inspired her to become absorbed in intense maternal affection for her son Krsna - SB 10.8.43
- Mundane prosperity is a kind of material fever, and by the grace of the Lord the temperature of this material fever is gradually diminished, and spiritual health is obtained step by step. Mundane people misunderstand it
- My dear Dhruva, come forward. May the Lord always grace you with good fortune. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is beyond our sensory perception, is the Supersoul of all living entities, and thus all entities are one, without distinction
- Nityananda Prabhu delivered Jagai and Madhai, but a servant of Nityananda Prabhu, by His grace, can deliver many thousands of Jagais and Madhais. That is the special benediction of the disciplic succession
- Nobody can cross over the big ocean in a sudden jump. What was possible for Hanuman by the grace of Lord Rama is not possible for an ordinary man
- Not knowing the situation of a narayana-parayana, rascals become envious. By the grace of Narayana, a devotee is situated in the most opulent position in the material world
- Not only Brahma but anyone who may be graced by the Lord to see such merciful direct internal energy can also realize the Personality of Godhead without any mental speculation
- Not only was Sukadeva Gosvami vastly learned in the Vedic literatures, but he was also a great self-realized soul and a powerful devotee of the Lord. A powerful devotee of the Lord is, by the grace of the Lord, more than the Lord Himself
- Nothing is possible without tapasya. Lord Brahma, however, was empowered to create this entire universe because of his austerities. The more we engage in austerities, the more we become powerful by the grace of the Lord
- Now, according to the strength of his (Atri Muni's) determination for a son, his desire would be fulfilled by the grace of the Lord
- O personality of religion, I (Mother Earth) was greatly overburdened by the undue military phalanxes arranged by atheistic kings, and I was relieved by the grace of the Personality of Godhead
- O scion of Bharata, surrender unto Him utterly. By His grace you will attain transcendental peace and the supreme and eternal abode. BG 18.62 - 1972
- One can ply over the ocean of material existence by the grace of the Lord very easily, without any fear of storm or fog
- One cannot understand Krsna unless one is graced by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Only one who has surrendered to a pure devotee of Krsna and taken the dust of his lotus feet can understand Krsna
- One cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead simply by studying the Vedas and offering prayers. Only by the grace of the Supreme Lord can one understand Him
- One is highly intelligent by the grace of the Lord, and one is a fool by the same control
- One must conquer this insurmountable spell of maya, and this is possible, by the grace of the Lord, when God reveals Himself to the surrendered soul
- One need not bother about materials to keep body and soul together because by the grace of the Lord everything is carried out automatically. BG 1972 purports
- One of the good qualifications of a devotee. He should not hanker to satisfy the tongue with a particular kind of foodstuff. He should be satisfied to eat whatever prasada is available by the grace of the Lord
- One should ask that the grace of the Lord always be present on earth so that we may be favored with His causeless mercy and be happy, having all necessities of life
- One should execute his prescribed duties to the best of his ability and avoid duties not allotted to him. One should be satisfied with as much gain as he achieves by the grace of the Lord, and one should worship the lotus feet of a spiritual master
- One should not be eager to gather more and more material goods by unnecessary activity. One should be satisfied with whatever is obtained by the grace of the Supreme Lord; that is called satisfaction. BG 1972 purports
- One should pray to the Lord to be engaged in His devotional service eternally, so that by the grace of the Lord one can understand the supreme source of creation
- One who becomes a devotee and worshiper of the Supreme Personality of Godhead does not need to go to the demigods for any benediction because he obtains everything by the grace of the Supreme Lord
- One who is intelligent, by the grace of the Lord, and develops Krsna consciousness, is successful in his life because simply by keeping himself in Krsna consciousness, he will be saved from the repetition of birth and death
- One with such a good birth should understand that his fortune is due to his previous pious activities and to God's grace. These facilities are given by the Lord, who is always willing to give us the means to attain Him
- Only one who has become free from all material desires as well as lamentations can, by the grace of the Supreme, understand the glories of the soul (Katha Upanisad 1.2.20). BG 1972 purports
- Others may continue merely arguing about whether the Absolute Truth has form or not, but when a devotee, by the grace of the Lord, sees the Lord personally, he becomes spiritually ecstatic
- Our (Radharani and Krsna's) love affair is more powerful because of My (Krsna's) good fortune in receiving Narayana's grace. This allows Me to come there unseen by others. I hope that very soon I will be visible to everyone
- People can make preparations of God-sent foodstuffs, but they cannot manufacture the natural ingredients. Spiritually cultured men, therefore, feel obliged to the Lord when they get sufficient natural foodstuffs by the grace of the Lord
- Pious possessions are not sufficient for obtaining the grace of the Lord and being engaged in His transcendental loving service
- Satyavrata, the saintly king of Dravidadesa who received spiritual knowledge at the end of the last millennium by the grace of the Supreme, later became Vaivasvata Manu, the son of Vivasvan, in the next manvantara
- Scarcity of water was solved in the Battle of Kuruksetra by means of boring the ground. By God's grace, water can be easily obtained from any place if there is facility for boring the ground
- She (Devahuti) thinks herself, because woman, yosa, durbodham. So she is accepting her son as guru and very submissively, and she wants to understand the very difficult subject matter very easily by the grace of Kapiladeva
- She (Devahuti) was not supposed to be so advanced in austerity, ecstasy, meditation or Krsna consciousness, but, she was sharing her husband's achievements, which she could neither see nor experience. Automatically she achieved these graces of God
- She (Diti) remembered this incident by the grace of the Lord, and her breasts flowed blood instead of milk
- Since he (Pariksit) was always protected by the Lord, he could have avoided the effect of such a curse by the grace of the Lord, but he did not take such undue advantage for nothing. Rather, he made the best use of a bad bargain
- Sincerely extolled in these words, Lord Visnu, shining very beautifully on the shoulders of Garuda, replied with words as sweet as nectar. His eyebrows moved gracefully as He looked at the sage (Kardama Muni) with a smile full of affection
- So far Narada Muni is concerned, in His previous life He was a maidservant's son, but by the mercy of the devotees He later on became siddha and next life He appeared as Narada with complete freedom to move anywhere by the grace of the Lord
- Sometimes the same Vaikuntha forms of the Lord are in the material world also by His grace as Sri Rama, Sri Krsna, Sri Narasimhadeva, etc., and thus the pure devotees also worship them
- Sri Naradaji is an eternal spaceman, having been endowed with a spiritual body by the grace of the Lord. He can travel in the outer spaces of both the material and spiritual worlds without restriction
- Such a (degraded) life is also God's grace because the conditioned soul desired a body like that for perfectly tasting a particular type of foodstuff
- Such pregnant females are exactly like the transcendentalists who, by the grace of the Supreme Lord, are bestowed with the benediction of their destinations in life
- Such renunciation as Maharaja Priyavrata's is possible only by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Such transcendentally beautiful ladies, their hands playing with lotuses and their leg bangles tinkling, are sometimes seen sweeping the marble walls, which are bedecked at intervals with golden borders, in order to receive the grace of the SPG
- Sukadeva Gosvami and the wives of the brahmanas who were performing yajna are vivid examples of devotees who achieved the perfectional stage of devotional service by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Thereafter, by the supreme grace of the SPG, Sri Hari, all the demigods, headed by Indra and Vayu, were brought back to life. Being enlivened, the demigods began severely beating the very same demons who had defeated them before
- Superficially it may be seen that a yogi is attacked by a deathblow, but by the grace of the Lord he can overcome many such attacks for the service of the Lord
- That (by the grace of the Lord, Maharaja Pariksit was able to give up all connections with material attachment) is the position of a pure devotee
- The acarya gives the suitable method for crossing the ocean of nescience by accepting the boat of the Lord's lotus feet, and if this method is strictly followed, the followers will ultimately reach the destination, by the grace of the Lord
- The activities of the Lord's internal potency are inconceivable, but by a slight exhibition of this potency, the Lord, by His grace, can deliver one from nescience
- The beauty and opulence of the world can be enhanced by the grace of the Lord and not by any man-made planning
- The Bhagavatam's conclusion is that a devotee is never disturbed by such reverses. He accepts even reverse conditions as the grace of the Lord
- The conclusion is that a devotee, by the grace of the Lord, is liberated in both this life and the next, whereas karmis, jnanis and yogis are never liberated, either in this life or in the next
- The conditioned soul cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead by speculative knowledge or by imagination. One must know the Supreme Personality of Godhead by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The cowherd men began to contemplate: It is very astonishing that although this boy Krsna has many times faced many varied causes of death, by the grace of the SP of Godhead it was these causes of fear that were killed, instead of Him - SB 10.11.55
- The cowherd men innocently thought - Because our Krsna is innocent, the causes of death that appeared before Him were themselves killed instead of Krsna. This is the greatest grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The demon father employed all his weapons to kill the devotee son, Prahlada, but by the grace of the Lord he was saved from all sorts of dangerous actions by his father
- The devotee should be regulated; that is one of the good qualifications of a devotee. He should not hanker to satisfy the tongue with a particular kind of foodstuff. He should be satisfied to eat whatever prasada is available by the grace of the Lord
- The devotees are naturally faultless. Accidental sins committed by a devotee are sincerely regretted, and by the grace of the Lord all sins unwillingly committed by a devotee are burnt in the fire of repentance
- The devotees of the Lord do not directly practice the process of mystic powers, but, by the grace of the Lord, His devotee can defeat even a great yogesvara like Durvasa Muni, who picked a quarrel with Maharaja Ambarisa
- The family in which a maha-bhagavata takes his birth is fortunate because due to the birth of a first-grade devotee the members of the family, past, present and future up to one hundred generations, become liberated by the grace of the Lord
- The foolish devotee of the Lord is put into forcible penance by the grace of the Lord, and at the end the devotee becomes perfectly happy, being engaged in the service of the Lord
- The genitals & the pleasure of begetting counteract the distresses of family encumbrances. One would cease to generate altogether if there were not, by the grace of the Lord, a coating, a pleasure-giving substance, on the surface of the generative organs
- The grace of the Lord is not at all difficult for the Lord to bestow, and thus Prahlada Maharaja wants to save the whole world by spreading Krsna consciousness
- The great sage Narada said: All of you demigods are protected by the arms of Narayana, the SPG, and by His grace you have gotten the nectar. By the grace of the goddess of fortune, you are glorious in every way. Therefore, please stop this fighting
- The highest perfectional stage of life is to know the Lord by actual perception, by the grace of the Lord
- The impersonalists recommend that one can arbitrarily concentrate one's mind on some form he imagines or which pleases him. But here it is said that the form which the Lord showed to Kardama Muni by His divine grace is described in the Vedic literature
- The independence in thinking is there by the grace of the Lord, but the thinking can be given shape by the grace of the Lord, and therefore the common saying is that man proposes and God disposes
- The individual soul has to understand his position by the grace of the Lord and the spiritual master because the text of Bhagavad-gita cannot be understood simply by academic qualifications. One has to learn Bhagavad-gita from a realized soul
- The King said: By the grace of the Lord, those who have lost their self-knowledge since time immemorial, and who because of this ignorance are involved in a material, conditional life full of miseries, obtain the chance to meet the Lord's devotee
- The king's punishment of a murderer is appropriate. lf those who are extremely offensive are killed by the grace of the Lord, that is good for them. In other words, Lord Brahma explained to the demigods that it was good for Daksa to have been killed
- The Lord bestows innumerable favors upon His devotee, and the greatest manifestation of His grace is His smiling face, which is full of compassion for His pure devotees
- The Lord had no difficulty lifting the mountain with one hand, and Garuda, His carrier, carried all the demons and demigods together by the grace of the Supreme Lord
- The Lord informed Kardama Muni, "The girl who is coming to be married with you is a princess, the daughter of Emperor Svayambhuva, and so just suitable for your purpose." Only by God's grace can one get a nice wife just as he desires
- The Lord informs Brahma that knowledge of Him, the Supreme Absolute Truth, as it is stated in the revealed scriptures, is very subtle and cannot be understood unless one is self-realized by the grace of the Lord
- The Lord is all-powerful, and by His grace His pure devotee can be as powerful as He may desire, and there is no limit to it. And when the Lord withdraws His power from anyone, he is powerless by the will of the Lord
- The Lord replied, "By the grace of the Lord someone may become a great poet, and similarly by His grace someone else may become a great sruti-dhara who can memorize anything immediately"
- The Lord said to Brahma that since He was pleased with him, by His grace the mystery (of transcendental knowledge about Him) was being revealed
- The Lord sits within everyone's heart, and by the grace of the Lord the devotee receives instructions directly from the Lord Himself
- The Lord, as the Supersoul within Brahma, gave him the intelligence to create. The creative power, therefore, of every living entity is not his own; it is by the grace of the Lord that one can create
- The personality of Kali-yuga was seeking the opportunity to establish authority, and by the grace of the Lord he found a hole in the puffed-up, inexperienced son of a brahmana
- The PG can turn matter into spirit and spirit into matter by His inconceivable power. Everything is therefore matter and spirit by the grace of the Almighty, although there is a difference between matter and spirit for the ordinary living being
- The sex desire is diminished along with its various forms by the process of bhakti-yoga because bhakti-yoga automatically, by the grace of God, effectively results in knowledge and renunciation, even if the devotee is not materially very well educated
- The stockpile of (material) desires becomes visible on the mental platform by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The success of one's life is measured by one's material happiness in this life and liberation in the next. Such success can be achieved only by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The tiger wanted to enjoy the blood of another animal, and therefore, by the grace of the Lord, the material energy supplied him the body of the tiger with facilities for enjoying blood from another animal
- The whole cosmic manifestation becomes possible by the grace of the Supreme Lord, it exists by the grace of the Supreme Lord, and when annihilated it merges into the existence of the Supreme Lord
- The word yogesvara is also very significant here because the Lord has inconceivable power. If He likes, He can reveal Himself by His grace, although He is unlimited. BG 1972 purports
- The yogis should contemplate with full devotion the compassionate glances frequently cast by the Lord's eyes, for they soothe the most fearful threefold agonies of His devotees. His glances, accompanied by loving smiles, are full of abundant grace
- Then (when fully absorbed in Krsna consciousness), by the grace of the Supreme Lord, everything becomes simultaneously manifest within the mind
- There are innumerable hellish engagements in the modern so-called civilization, and by the grace of the Lord's illusory energy people think these hellish engagements are a great fortune
- Therefore please bestow Your grace upon me and reveal again Your form as the Personality of Godhead, O Lord of lords, O abode of the universe. BG 11.45 - 1972
- These apparent contradictions are resolved in the life of a devotee by the grace of the Supreme Lord, and a devotee is never bereft of his position on the path of liberation, which is described in this verse (SB 5.1.5) as sivatamam padavim
- They (Jagannatha Misra & Sacimata) knew that it was by the grace of the Lord that they were endowed with such happiness and opulence. Therefore instead of forgetting the Lord, they became more & more adherent in rendering service to the lotus feet of God
- They (Krsna and Balarama) appeared at the request of Brahma to liberate the burden of the world, and They relieved the world by many superhuman activities so that everyone became happy and prosperous. Without the grace of God, no one can become happy
- This chanting is exactly like the genuine cry of a child for its mother's presence. Mother Hara helps the devotee achieve the Lord Father's grace, and the Lord reveals Himself to the devotee who chants this mantra sincerely
- This commentation (for Srimad-Bhagavatam 8th canto) has been finished in our New Delhi center today, the first of September, 1976, the day of Radhastami, by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the acaryas
- This designation, bhagavan, is sometimes conferred upon a pure devotee by the grace of the Lord so that he will be very highly esteemed. Maharaja Priyavrata was such a devotee
- This grace of the Lord was achieved by Devahuti by the good will and satisfaction of her husband. She served her husband, who was a great devotee and saintly person, with great sincerity, love, affection and service, and Kardama Muni was satisfied
- This incident (of taking his mother with him) proves that a pure devotee like Dhruva Maharaja can fulfill all his desires; by the grace of God, he becomes exactly like the Lord, and thus whenever he thinks of anything, his wish is immediately fulfilled
- This is a special concession for a devotee. Even if he attains a body that is nonhuman, by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead he advances further in devotional service, whether by remembering his past life or by natural causes
- This is stated in the Bhagavad-gita. Only by the grace of the Lord can the living entity understand the exact position of Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- This is the highest perfectional development of spiritual identity, which was attained by Dhrtarastra by the grace of Vidura and the Lord
- This is the mentality of one who is becoming a pure devotee. When one is elevated to the platform of devotional service by the grace of the Lord and the spiritual master, one first regrets his past sinful activities. This helps one advance
- This prediction (that later there would be dancing and chanting in every village) of Sri Nityananda Prabhu's is applicable not only in India but also all over the world. That is now happening by His grace
- Those (yogis) who do not persevere to such an extent (perfection of Krsna consciousness) and fail due to material allurements are allowed, by the grace of the Lord, to make full utilization of their material propensities. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are engaged in worshiping the form or arca of the Lord or who are engaged in meditation on the Lord simply for liberation from material bondage, also know, by the grace of the Lord, the purports of Brahman, adhibhuta, etc. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are engaged in worshiping the form or arca of the Lord, or who are engaged in meditation on the Lord simply for liberation from material bondage, also know, by the grace of the Lord, the purports of Brahman, adhibhuta, etc.
- Those who are striving to acquire knowledge - after many, many births, when actually by the grace of God and by the grace of a devotee they come to knowledge, then such persons agree, - Oh, vasudevah sarvam iti: (BG 7.19) Krsna is everything
- Though the devotees are desireless and undemanding, the Lord always sees to their requirements. The devotees are ever-joyful upon receiving such grace from the Lord, and there is no offence or sin in accepting His benedictions
- To come under the protection of the Gosvamis, one must get the mercy and grace of Nityananda Prabhu
- Transference of the atomic individual soul to another body is made possible by the grace of the Supersoul.The Supersoul fulfills the desire of the atomic soul as one friend fulfills the desire of another. BG 1972 purports
- Uddhava was considered to be the best amongst all devotees of that time, and he was directly instructed by the Lord's grace, so that people might take advantage of Uddhava's knowledge after the disappearance of the Lord from the vision of the world
- Under the spell of the material energy, represented by the threefold material qualities, the living entity is so entangled that he is not at all able to become free unless he is graced by the Supreme Lord
- Unless one gets the opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of the Lord, there is no possibility of one's liberation from the cycle of birth and death in the different species of life
- Unless the Supreme Lord helps him (the living entity) in digesting, there is no possibility of eating. He thus produces and digests foodstuff, and, by His grace, we are enjoying life. BG 1972 purports
- Upananda said, "We have all been saved from different calamities by the grace of Lord Hari. Now we should be cautious and leave this place and reside somewhere where we can live peacefully"
- Vasudeva addressed Nanda, "My dear brother, you were old and very anxious to beget a son, and yet you had none. Now by the grace of the Lord you are fortunate to have a very nice son. I think that this incident is very auspicious for you"
- Vasudeva said, "Dear friend, I was imprisoned by Kamsa, and now I am released; therefore this is another birth for me. I had no hope of seeing you again, but by God's grace I can see you"
- Vedic knowledge is transcendental and cannot be understood by mundane educational procedures. One can understand the Vedic mantras only by the grace of the Lord and the spiritual master - yasya deve para bhaktir yatha deve tatha gurau - SU 6.23
- Vidura wanted to point out to Dhrtarastra that everyone has to protect himself by his action and the grace of the Lord
- Water is the source of life for everyone. Therefore, by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we have so much water all over the world
- We cannot discover the mysteries of the Lord by our endeavors; they are only revealed, by His grace, to the proper devotees. These mysteries are disclosed to the various grades of devotees in proportion to the gradual development of their service attitude
- We should always appreciate this opportunity. By the grace of the Lord we are opening many branches, and we should use this good fortune to chant the holy name of the Lord and serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead directly
- We sometimes forget and sometimes remember. That is by God's grace. Not exactly directly, but through His agent, the material agent. So there are so many things to be understood about God
- What are the graces of the Lord? The graces of the Lord are abhaya, free from fearfulness. In the material world, if someone accumulates a million dollars, he is always full of fear because he is always thinking, "What if the money is lost
- What was possible for Hanuman by the grace of Lord Rama is not possible for an ordinary man
- Whatever money a grhastha accumulates by the grace of God he should spend in five activities, worshiping Krsna, receiving Vaisnavas and saintly persons, distributing prasada, offering prasada to his forefathers, and also offering prasada to his own self
- Whatever one has in his possession must be considered a gift by the grace of the Lord
- Whatever plan the Supreme Personality of Godhead contemplates immediately fructifies. Similarly, a devotee who is completely dependent on the Supreme Lord can also fulfill his wishes by the grace of the Lord
- Whatever prasadam you are offered by the grace of the Lord, you accept. Don't take anything more. That is our motto
- When a common man becomes opulent, he forgets God; but the more opulent a devotee becomes by the grace of the Lord, the more he becomes attached to the service of the Lord
- When a devotee distributes prasada, remnants of food offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in order to maintain our spirit of devotional service we must accept this prasada as the Lord's grace received through the pure devotees
- When a devotee under the protection of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is to suffer because of faults in his past deeds, he passes through only a little misery by the grace of the Lord
- When a living being is thus graced by the Lord, he is placed in his proper constitutional position to enjoy eternal spiritual life
- When a person occupies an exalted executive post, one should consider that he has acquired the grace of the Lord
- When my mother died, as the devotees of the Lord think, I also thought in that way. What is that? 'Oh, it is a grace of the Lord. My mother is now dead... I am now free'
- When one achieves the grace of the Lord, the result is that sarva-duhkhani, all distresses, are destroyed. When situated in the transcendental position, one is freed from the two kinds of material diseases - hankering and lamentation
- When one becomes Krsna conscious by the grace of the Lord, the fragrance of the lotus feet of the Lord expands, and in this way a materialist may gain freedom from his miseries
- When one is helped by the Lord Himself, the whole process becomes as easy as anything by the divine grace of the Lord
- When one is Krsna conscious, he can realize that material existence, whether one is awake or dreaming, is nothing but a dream and has no factual value. This realization is possible by the grace of the Supreme Lord
- When the dry philosophers come to the Supreme Lord transcend knowledge of the impersonal Brahman and the localized Paramatma and come to the personal conception of Godhead by the grace of the Supreme Lord or His pure devotee. BG 1972 purports
- When the gross body is finished, the plans of the living entity are taken by the mind, and by the grace of the Lord, the living entity gets a chance to give these plans shape in the next life. This is known as the law of karma
- When the King saw that the brahmana Durvasa had been released from the great danger of being burned, he could understand that by the grace of the Lord he himself was also powerful, but he did not take any credit, for everything had been done by the Lord
- When the living entity is enlightened by the grace of the Supreme Lord or His pure devotee and becomes inclined to revive his original state of loving service, he is on the most auspicious platform of eternal bliss and knowledge
- When the senses are purified by devotional activity, the devotee understands everything about the Lord by the Lord's grace
- When the so-called devotee desires material enjoyment, without reference to the interest of the Supreme Lord, or he wants to become famous or opulent by utilizing the mercy or grace of the Supreme Lord, he is in the mode of passion
- When we get by evolutionary process, come to this human form of life by God's grace, nature's mercy, we can understand what is what
- Whenever we see something exalted, we must consider it part of the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A powerful man (vibhutimat sattvam) is one who has obtained the grace of the Lord or has derived some power from Him
- Where there are women and meat, there must be liquor and sex indulgence. When these are prominent in society, by God's grace one can expect a change in the social order by the Lord Himself or by His bona fide representative
- Without this grace and mercy, one cannot compose transcendental literature. By dint of the grace of the Lord, however, even one who is unfit for a literary career can describe wonderful transcendental topics
- You are both the supreme rulers and benedictors of the three worlds. Therefore, my Lord, Uttamasloka, may my ambitions be fulfilled by Your grace
- You begin the work, and money will come to you by the grace of God. Don't worry, just finish the buildings as soon as possible and somehow or other money will come
- You have got by the grace of Lord some foreign degrees. If you present this Krsna consciousness movement in India, many persons will follow. So you think in that way and try to understand our philosophy
- You just remain fixed up in devotional service, and all impediments that may come will be vanquished by the unlimited potency of the Lord. We should have faith in His Power, His Grace, and His Causeless Mercy
- Your thinking about my health; yes by the Grace of Lord Nrsimha, I am not in bad health. Rather I have improved since I have come from India back