Category:Getting a Suitable Body
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Pages in category "Getting a Suitable Body"
The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total.
- According to one's association with the material qualities of goodness, passion and ignorance in this life, in one's next life one receives an appropriate body
- As soon as you get a material body, you have to undergo the pains of pleasures of this. No pleasure; all pains. You have to undergo. This is subjected
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.6), yam yam vapi smaran bhavam tyajaty ante kalevaram: one’s practice in thinking throughout his entire life determines the quality of his thoughts at death, and thus at death one obtains a suitable body
- I say in the beginning that in order to enter moon planet you have to get a suitable type of body. That suitable type of body is not that spacesuit
- If a person continuously serves Krsna during this life in a particular ecstasy, upon giving up the material body he attains a spiritual body suitable for serving Krsna in terms of his particular attachment
- If one attempts to go to higher planets by means of the yoga system, he will acquire a suitable body for entrance
- If you are working in a godly way, then you'll get your body next as god, and if you are working in a dogly way, then you'll get your body as dog
- If you want to avoid this material inconveniences, then take to Krsna consciousness and accept a body which is suitable for living in Krsnaloka. That is the highest perfection of life
- In this way (SB 3.31.43) the living entity gets a suitable body with a material mind and senses, according to his fruitive activities
- So we must be very careful what kind of body I'm going to get. Now, this life I have got very nice, beautiful body and everything is all right, but if we act irresponsibly, the nature will give me a suitable body
- Systematic training of the mind and intelligence is needed so that at the time of death one may consciously desire a suitable body, either on this planet or another material planet or even a transcendental planet
- That supreme controller is observing every bit of one's activity, and He rewards or punishes everyone by giving one a suitable body made by material nature (bhramayan sarva-bhutani yantrarudhani mayaya - BG 18.61
- The acts of commission and omission made by them (the materialistic leaders) during their lifetime of leadership will remain in the psychic encagement of mind and the subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body
- The animal killers do not know that in the future the animal will have a body suitable to kill them. That is the law of nature. BG 1972 purports
- The difference between the materialist and the yogi is that a materialist cannot determine his next body, whereas a yogi can consciously attain a suitable body for enjoyment in the higher planets
- The living being has no birth and no death, but because of his separation from the service of the Lord and due to his desire to lord it over material nature, he is offered a suitable body to satisfy his material desires
- The Lord is so merciful that He gives the living entity the opportunity to enjoy varieties of desires in suitable bodies, which are nothing but machines (yantrarudhani mayaya) - BG 18.61
- The subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body by the process of transmigration of the spirit soul & thus put godless leaders in ordeals of different wheels of action & reaction by obliging them to transmigrate from 1 body to another
- The subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body, by the process of transmigration of the spirit soul, and thus put them in ordeals of different wheels of action and reaction by obliging them to transmigrate from one body to another
- This life I have got very nice, beautiful body, and everything is all right. But if we act irresponsibly, the nature will give me a suitable body. Otherwise, why there are so many varieties of life, 8,400,000
- When he (the living entity) wants to engage in Krsna consciousness, a suitable body is offered to him by the internal potency, the spiritual energy of the Lord, and when he wants to satisfy his senses, a material body is offered
- When one acts sinfully in this life, he gets a suitable body for the next life. When one again acts sinfully, he takes on another material body. In this way one is continuously under the influence of material nature
- With the help of the universal air, a yogi can travel to any planet and get a body suitable for its atmosphere