Category:Engaging in Pious Activities
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Pages in category "Engaging in Pious Activities"
The following 31 pages are in this category, out of 31 total.
- A person who has completely ended the reactions of all sinful activities and who is fully engaged in pious activities, being freed from the duality of this material world, becomes engaged in devotional service to the SPG, Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Advaita Acarya saw the entire world to be engaged in activities of material piety and impiety, without a trace of devotional service, or Krsna consciousness, anywhere
- Anyone who is completely free from the reaction of sinful life, how it is possible? If one is simply engaged in pious activities
- Even though one engages in pious activity and speculation, he is nonetheless defeated. His only aim should be emancipation from the clutches of maya and all material activities
- Everyone is conscious of the last stage of life, when he will meet the cruel hands of death, but some consider their age and circumstances, concern themselves with the influence of time and thus engage in pious activities
- He (King Prthu) gave protection to his citizens, keeping them engaged in pious activities and devotion to the Lord
- He who is engaged in pious activities has material enjoyment as a result. In either case - material suffering or material enjoyment - the sufferer or enjoyer is conditioned by material nature
- If we do impious work, we may have to take birth in a low class or animal family, or become illiterate or foolish, or very ugly. Although we engage in very pious work & take a good birth, we will still be subject to the stringent laws of action & reaction
- If you engage yourself in pious activities, in Krsna consciousness activities, where is the scope of dong nonsense work? Therefore it is stopped. Automatically it is stopped
- Ignorant people who engage in pious and impious activities should be engaged in devotional service by all means. They should always avoid fruitive activity
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said, yesam tu anta-gatam papam (BG 7.28): "One who is free from all contamination of sinful activities, simply engaged in pious activities only, without any doubt and duality, with fixed-up mind, he can become Krsna conscious
- It does not matter whether one is engaged in pious or impious activities, for both are causes for further entanglement in material bodies
- On the other hand, those who are engaged in impious activities are degraded and take birth as animals, trees and plants
- One class of philosophers, known as Mimamsakas, represented by sages such as Jaimini, have concluded that everyone should engage in pious activities or prescribed duties and that such activities will lead one to the highest perfection
- One must have activities, and if one engages in pious activities one's sinful activities will naturally vanish. On one side, one should voluntarily try to break the pillars of sinful life, and on another side one must engage himself in pious life
- One should be engaged in pious activities. Then there will be no chance of committing sinful activities. In this way, when you are mature, no more sinful life, pure life, always practicing pious activities
- One who has completely surpassed the resultant activities of the impious path of life (this is possible only when one engages exclusively in pious activities) can understand his eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Ordinary persons engaged in pious and impious activities cannot understand the form, name and activities of the Lord. The devotee, however, can know the Personality of Godhead in many respects
- The Lord engages the living entity in pious activities so he may be elevated. The Lord engages him in impious activities so he may go to hell. BG 1972 purports
- The word anta-gatam means "finished." One can engage in devotional service if one has finished with his sinful life. Who can finish with sinful life? Those who engage in pious activities
- Those engaged in advanced pious activities are beyond punishment. Only those who engage in sinful activities are punishable
- Those who are activated by the material mode of ignorance engage in impious activities, and according to the extent of their ignorance, they are placed in different grades of hellish life
- Those who are engaged in fruitive, pious activities and who are ultimately hoping to be liberated from this material entanglement will never be successful either because they deride the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. BG 1972 purports