Category:Cannot Stay
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Pages in category "Cannot Stay"
The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total.
- Although Brahma reaches the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the first purusa incarnation, Maha-Visnu, who is full with transcendental qualities, he cannot stay in the spiritual world
- Although the blazing firewood, the sparks, the smoke and the flame cannot stay apart because each of them is part and parcel of the fire, still they are different from one another
- As you go to the moon planet but if you cannot stay there, you must have to come down again to this planet, similarly, one may rise up to the Brahman platform, which is called param-pada, but if you cannot stay there, then again you fall down
- He gets a skyscraper building, throughout his whole life laboring. But he cannot stay there. He'll be kicked out. Is it not ass? Is he not an ass? He cannot stay there. Anitya samsare. Anitya. Because it is not the permanent settlement
- However nicely you have made all these material facilities, amenities, you cannot stay here. You have got a certain amount of energy. So that energy is meant for some other purpose
- I cannot stay here, neither in India. This is my position. Neither in my temple. This is my position. Nor India, nor America, nor Europe, nor any place
- If one changes his dress artificially by imitating Rupa Gosvami, he cannot stay. He'll have to take to sex pleasure and intoxication to keep himself fit for bhajana
- If you go very high, 25,000 miles up, you'll see void. But that, there you cannot stay. You can travel for many years in that void, but if you don't take shelter in a planet, then you'll come back again to this planet
- If you take simply the impersonal Brahman, sky, you cannot stay there. Aruhya krcchrena patanty adhah (SB 10.2.32). So without varieties, simply impersonal conception of Brahman will not make you happy
- If you want to make some compromise, "Never mind it is a place of miseries. I'll stay here comfortably as much as possible." But Krsna says, asasvatam. Even if you make some compromise arrangement, you cannot stay here. You'll be kicked out
- In each universe there are millions and trillions of stars and planets, kotisu vibhuti-bhinnam. And each one of them is different from the other. Just like you are trying to go to moon planet, but you cannot stay there because the atmosphere is different
- Maharaja Dhrtarastra accepted the order of vanaprastha, and at this stage the wife is allowed to remain as a voluntary servitor, but in the sannyasa stage no wife can stay with her former husband
- Many so-called sannyasis, they rise to the brahma-pada, aham brahmasmi, but because they cannot stay there, they come down again to this material world and they are busy for opening hospitals, schools and philanthropism
- No one can stay here, even if he makes a compromise with misery. One has to give up this body and accept another, which may not even be a human body
- Now, say, I'll live eighty years. Now I am seventy-one. So after nine years I'll have to change this body. Sure. There is nobody can, by scientific process, can stay here. No. That is not allowed. You have to change your body
- Simply by Brahman realization, you cannot stay on the platform of understanding that, "I am not this body." You'll fall down again. You'll fall down again and accept this body, - Yes, I am this body
- Sometimes some man comes in our society; after staying for days, he goes away. This is praksepata, thrown away. Unless he's very sincere, he cannot stay with us
- The goddess of fortune cannot stay anywhere but by the side of Narayana; therefore another of her names is Cancala, restless. She cannot be peaceful unless she is in the company of her husband, Narayana
- The jnanis, or monistic philosophers, because of their impersonal conception of the Lord, cannot enter the Vaikuṇṭha planets, but they also cannot stay eternally in the brahma-jyotir. Thus after some time they fall again to this material world
- The Krsna consciousness movement is attempting to educate people how to utilize this human form of life properly. It will not stay, it will also die, just like cats die, the dogs die. We also die, but there is difference of this death. We can die knowing
- They (unfortunate people without faith in God) are hesitant and cannot stay fixed in the devotional service of the Lord. Thus faith is a most important factor for progress in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- This is very good, to preach renouncement of this world. But side by side we must have attachment for something. Otherwise, it will not stay