Category:By Devotional Service to God
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Pages in category "By Devotional Service to God"
The following 49 pages are in this category, out of 49 total.
- Another significant point in this verse (SB 7.9.42) is that by devotional service Prahlada Maharaja does not want to benefit alone
- Arjuna also, by his devotional service, made Krsna his chariot driver; he ordered the Lord, "Put my chariot here," and the Lord executed his order. These are some examples of how a devotee can acquire the exalted position of conquering the unconquerable
- As long as the proportion of devotional service does not come to the right point, there is a chance for an occasional exhibition of worldliness
- Bhaktya mam abhijanati (BG 18.55): by devotional service. Neither by jnana, yoga, karma, no, that will not touch. You cannot become mad after Krsna by any means except by this devotional service. Therefore, we are so much conservative
- By bhakti-yoga one can completely avoid the tendency for sinful life; other methods are not very feasible. Therefore the Vedic literature concludes that devotional service is more important than the methods of karma-kanda and jnana-kanda
- By bhakti-yoga one can know the Lord, and by knowing the Lord as the Supreme, one is able to know everything else. One who knows the Supreme knows everything else. That is the version of all Vedas
- By devotional service one can achieve the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although He is not visible or understandable to materialistic persons
- By devotional service one can see the Personality of Godhead within himself due to his development of pure love. In all circumstances one should try to develop love of Godhead, and that will solve all contending problems
- By devotional service one has to become vasudeva-parayana, devotee of Lord Vasudeva. That's all. That is being taught here: how to become lover of Vasudeva
- By devotional service one should not expect, "My miserable material condition may be improved" or "I may be liberated from this material entanglement." That is also a kind of sense gratification
- By devotional service only is one elevated to the transcendental planet Goloka Vrndavana, and there also there is only devotional service
- By devotional service, we can purify our senses so that we may perceive the presence of God
- By directly taking to devotional service, however, one becomes filled with knowledge and renunciation. In this way one's life becomes successful
- By performing bhakti-yoga, or devotional service, a man can be raised to the platform of goodness. If a husband situated in the mode of goodness can control his wife, who is in passion and ignorance, the woman is benefited
- Devotees who qualify themselves for liberation by DS are offered 4 kinds of liberation: salokya (status equal to that of the Lord), samipya (constant association with the Lord), sarsti (opulence equal to that of the Lord) and sarupya (features like Lord)
- Devotional service to the Lord, with specific attention for hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam regularly and always, is the best recommended method for liberation from the clutches of illusion
- If he is in constant contact with the Supreme Lord by devotional service, the conditioned living entity also becomes freed from the infection of maya. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita: sa gunan samatityaitan (BG 14.26)
- If one fortunately understands the Supreme Lord in this way (by devotional service), after giving up his material body, he no longer has to take birth in this material world. Instead, he returns home, back to Godhead. That is the ultimate perfection
- In the case of devotional service, this very same method is accepted from the very beginning, and by the grace of the Lord all factual knowledge becomes revealed in the heart of a devotee due to dictation by the Lord from within
- In the material world there are three qualities - namely goodness, passion and ignorance. One has to be raised from the platform of ignorance to the platform of goodness by devotional service
- It is stated in CC Madhya 22.31: Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." This material world is full of darkness and ignorance of spiritual life, but by bhakti-yoga this ignorance is dissipated
- Offering service and surrendering to the spiritual master, one is elevated to devotional service, and by performing devotional service one gradually becomes attached to the SP of Godhead. Because of this attachment to the Lord, one can understand God
- One can become fixed in one's prescribed duty by faithful aural reception of Vedic instructions and assimilation of the essence of Vedic knowledge by devotional service to the Lord
- One cannot know the Supreme Personality of Godhead fully by any method, but He can be seen and felt partially by the devotional service process of hearing, chanting, etc
- One must have the mercy of the Lord in order to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead by devotional service
- One must try to understand Krsna by devotional service and from a devotee. Therefore Yudhisthira Maharaja was quite right in wanting to learn further about Prahlada Maharaja from Sri Narada Muni
- Pakva-gunasayah has special significance, for it means that by devotional service one is able to give up the influence of the three modes of material nature. As long as one is influenced by the modes of material nature, he cannot return to Godhead
- Premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena: a saintly person who has developed love of Godhead by devotional service always sees the Lord's transcendental form of Syamasundara. This Syamasundara form of the Lord within the heart of a devotee is not imaginary
- That knowledge and renunciation are never perfect unless joined by devotional service is explicitly explained here - in SB 3.25.19
- The fruitive actors can attain their goals by devotional service, and the salvationists can also attain their goal in life by devotional service to the Lord
- The Lord states that as soon as one reaches Him by devotional service-which is the one and only way to approach the Personality of Godhead-one attains complete freedom from the bondage of birth and death
- The only way to understand the Lord as He is, is by devotional service to the Lord, or by approaching the devotee of the Lord who always has the Lord in his heart
- The personified Vedas continued, "By devotional service one satisfies not only the Personality of Godhead but also all others, because everyone is maintained and supported by Him"
- The Supreme Lord can only be appreciated by devotional service. Therefore, one should be fully devoted. One should fix his mind fully on Krsna in order to achieve Him. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is attracted by devotional service, and as such the ultimate supremacy of Vedic knowledge rests in knowing the science of devotional service
- There are two ways of advancing in spiritual culture - by the method of the impersonalist philosophers and by devotional service
- Those who worship the Supreme Lord directly by devotional service are called personalists. Those who engage themselves in meditation on the impersonal Brahman are called impersonalists. BG 1972 purports
- Thus one's mind is fixed in samadhi. By devotional service one can then realize the spiritual form of the Lord, which is the destination of devotees. Thus his life becomes successful