Category:Acknowledging God
Pages in category "Acknowledging God"
The following 22 pages are in this category, out of 22 total.
- He (Krsna) is sitting in your heart, He is supplying you all necessities, He is giving you sunlight, He is giving you moonlight, He is giving you seasonal rains, fruits, flowers, grains, and you are so ungrateful that you do not acknowledge
- Herein (SB 2.7.43-45) Brahmaji, the greatest of all material living beings, acknowledges this truth (God is knowable only to surrendered souls) . Therefore, the fruitless spoiling of energy by pursuing the path of experimental knowledge must be given up
- Human beings are provided with food grains, vegetables, fruits and milk by the grace of the Lord, but it is the duty of human beings to acknowledge the mercy of the Lord
- In the transcendental position, a living being can perfectly acknowledge the superiority of serving the Supreme Lord
- It is the duty of all conditioned souls to acknowledge the victory of the Lord and thus become pure devotees and live peacefully in this world, where miseries and dangers are always in existence
- The four classes of good men acknowledge the authority of the Almighty God, and therefore such good men (1) when they are in difficulty, (2) when they are in need of money, (3) when they are advanced in knowledge, intuitively take shelter of the Lord
- The materialists, who are after opulence and material prosperity, may take lessons from the Ramayana that the policy of exploiting the nature of the Lord without acknowledging the supremacy of the Supreme Lord is the policy of Ravana
- The navanna-prasana ceremony is observed as a way of acknowledging the gifts of God
- The whole human society at the present moment, majority, they are godless, especially the Communist. They don't acknowledge. The scientist, the philosopher, the scholars - all godless. Scientists' special business is how to defy God
- There are different stages of devotional service and God realization. Strictly speaking, anyone who accepts the existence of God is situated in devotional service. To acknowledge that God is great is something, but not much
- There are different stages of devotional service and God realization. Strictly speaking, anyone who accepts the existence of God is situated in devotional service. To acknowledge that God is great is something, but not much - CC Intro
- There is continuous transcendental competition between the Lord and His devotees by such reciprocation of service and acknowledgement
- Those who are actually thieves and rogues do not recognize or acknowledge the benedictions offered to them by the Supreme Lord, and they cannot render Him devotional service
- Those who are in a better position in the world, having sufficient wealth, should especially take lessons from Manu, who acknowledged his kingdom and opulence to be gifts from Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus always engaged in devotional service
- Those who are in possession of such valuable facilities (wealth, good birth, nice education) must acknowledge their gratefulness to the Lord by worshiping Him and offering what they have received from Him
- We are receiving so many benefits through the agents of Supreme Personality of Godhead, & we do not acknowledge even, "God is great. He's supplying us nice foodstuff," so how much ungrateful the human society has become. And they want peace & prosperity
- We should always acknowledge the mercy of God. We should not think that we can produce ample food grains merely with the help of tractors and fertilizers. These can help us only as instruments for such production
- Worship of the demigods by common people is an arrangement for acknowledging the supremacy of the Supreme Lord, but it is not necessary. Such appeasement is generally recommended for material gains only