Our BTG in French language and German language are improving sales and people are appreciating. So why not in Spanish language, which you know well and I think Citsukhananda also knows well. So this is very good news. I was, since a long time, thinking of your marriage. Now Krishna has given you this opportunity. Utilize it properly and be happy. I am glad to learn that Hamsaduta is going to officiate the ministerial function in the marriage, and I think he has got the tape of all the mantras in this connection. So be married, chant Hare Krishna and be happy. This is what I want.
Appreciate (Letters 1970 - 1972)
Expressions researched:
1970 Correspondence
So, I am very glad that you are determined to go ahead in Krishna Consciousness and, if you remain serious and steady, certainly you will make infallible progress. Of course, Maya is very strong, there is a chance of our falling down at any moment, but if we are able to catch hold of Krishna's lotus feet by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, then Krishna gives us all protection from the onslaught attack by Maya. Remember this principle always and follow the footsteps of Jayapataka, he is very good example, and, even there is some misunderstanding, try to tolerate and don't be agitated. I am very glad to learn that you appreciate the activities of our Boston Temple, and I was also very pleased to see their routine work.
Recently, I have received a copy of one letter issued by the draft board recognizing our society as religious. So this means that both the public and government are gradually appreciating our position, and there is no doubt about it, if our motives are sincere, they will do it more and more. Now our immediate duty is that all our society members are strictly following the rules and regulations and chanting routine. That will make them steady and strong in their positions respectively.
In the meantime, I have advised to your Delhi, Chandi Chowk branch to transfer 6,000 Rs. for credit of my above savings bank account with you. The copy of the letter addressed to your Delhi, Chandi Chowk branch is herein enclosed, please find.
So by return mail if you kindly reply in detail all the above points it will be very much appreciated.
I am glad to learn that you are realizing about Krishna's providing us with more and more facilities and that you are appreciating for my following purely the instructions of my Spiritual Master. Yes, that is the secret of success. In the Caitanya Caritamrta it is said that one is successful in Krishna consciousness by the combined Mercy of the Spiritual Master and Krishna. By the Mercy of Krishna we come in contact with a bona fide Spiritual Master and by the Mercy of a bona fide Spiritual Master we can approach Krishna.
Acyutananda is a very sincere young American boy, and your cooperation with him is very much appreciated. Now, the difficulty is that he is a foreigner. I understand that the land in Mayapur cannot be purchased in his name alone. Under the circumstances if our Society is immediately registered under Societies' Registration Act the problem will be solved. We have registered our Society in America, Canada and england also; why not India? You are yourself a learned lawyer, you know better than me, and if possible kindly help in this connection.
Because everything manifested is creation of the original transcendental Sound, therefore, factually everything is spiritual. But being covered by material cloud, we do not appreciate properly the spiritual nature of everything. The Krishna Consciousness Movement means gradually advancing towards that stage of spiritual realization. As such, the philosophy of acintya bhedabheda tattva is perfect. Everything is simultaneously one and different from the Supreme. One in quality because the original source is the Spiritual Whole, and different in quantity. This quantitative difference becomes more and more separate by increase of material consciousness.
You prepare now all kinds of nice films as far as possible and ask L.A. also to do this and other centers if possible, so when we go to India they will be very much appreciated.
The government is neither encouraging or discouraging. sometimes the police department prohibits our Sankirtana Party when they go out in the street. In the United States this hindrance by the police is not very much, but in London they have practically stopped us. In Hamburg and Tokyo they are also not very strict. In the beginning we have difficulty everywhere. By now, as people in general are appreciating our movement—that we are devotees of the Lord, boys and girls of nice behavior and character—they give us as far as possible all concessions. The government draft board has accepted our Society as religious, so they are kind upon us. But, we do not get any direct financial help either from the government or big foundations. Neither have we been able to contact the richer section of the people.
Our initiation system is as follows: In our general thrice weekly classes we chant Hare Krishna Mantra in the beginning and at the end, and in the middle we speak on Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam regularly. In this class we do not prohibit anyone to come within the Temple, everyone is welcome. The only thing we ask visitors to leave their shoes at a specified place and sit down in the Temple crosslegged. If somebody finds difficulty to sit down crosslegged, we offer him a chair. So out of the members of the audience who come regularly, when one becomes more interested he is invited to participate in the program of Krishna Consciousness daily life and study. After some time of appreciating our program and trying to understand our philosophy, when someone is very interested and recommended by the Temple Commander, for becoming initiated, I accept him and give him first initiation in the form of Harinama in a regular ceremony with fire sacrifice. I chant Hare Krishna Mantra on the 108 beads and then the beads are offered to the disciple with a change of name as Krishna das. He is advised to strictly follow the regulative principles of 1. no eating of meat, fish, or eggs; 2. no taking of intoxicants including coffee, tea, and tobacco; 3. no illicit sex-life; and 4. no gambling or mental speculation.
I am so glad to learn that you are nicely appreciating the bliss of Krishna Consciousness and are endeavoring to become pure in this association. If you continue in this attitude you will progress more and more in your service. So chant Hare Krishna Mantra and be happy. That is my desire.
Your attitude of humbleness and meekness in the service of Krishna Consciousness is the only qualification which can lead us to upper grade of Krishna Consciousness, and this is the version of Lord Caitanya. Your service is appreciated not only by me, but all other members of the Society.
I am glad to learn that Toronto center has got such good prospect for success. If we are simply a little sincere in the matter of spreading this movement, Lord Krishna has already guaranteed our success. It is good that there is a large population of young people in Toronto as it is the younger generation which is most appreciative of our Krsna Consciousness movement. So do your best to preach our philosophy to them that they can be inclined to join with us in spreading Lord Chaitanya's Samkirtan.
I have heard from Gargamuni that you are ordering 20,000 issues of BTG and this is very good news. Selling BTG means that our movement is increasing and our philosophy is being appreciated. Uttama Sloka is a very good devotee and I am also glad to learn that he is of great assistance to you in guiding the new devotees. He may remain there with my permission for as long as he may like, I know that he is very valuable as an expert Temple manager.
Yes, I am sure that when George takes seriously into Krsna Consciousness, he will do many things desirable out of his own accord, because Krsna is sitting in everyone's heart and thus when a devotee is willing to serve, He gives dictation from within. So when George will help establish temples, it will be a great achievement.
I have already acknowledged that the "Govindam" record is very nice, and I am sure it will be appreciated. Devananda also has liked it and says that the sound will be very attractive to the young people especially.
Regarding the presentation of "Govindam" as well as other mantras, the vibration is always pure. I will give the theme and if the sound is Westernized that does not matter. But another point is that this specific sound of Kirtana as I sing is also another introduction of art that can be intermingled with Western art, and such combination will certainly be appreciated. But so far I know that the Kirtana tune is a specific representation of Gaudiya Vaisnavas and this tune is appreciated all over India as unique. They say that the Kirtana tune is the specific gift of Bengal, and that is a fact. So why not utilize this tune in the Western countries under the able guidance of such expert musician as George?
At the present moment the preaching work is going on from Hamburg to Tokyo, crossing over the two big oceans, Atlantic and Pacific, covering 14,000 miles on the Northern side and again from Tokyo to Sydney, Australia, covering another 5,000 miles. I am enclosing herewith a newspaper clipping published in Sydney, and you will appreciate very much how Sriman Bali Mardan Brahmacari, who is a graduate of the New York University, is nicely working there since the last fortnight. In the meantime, I have sent another assistant, Sriman Upendra das Adhikari, to assist him.
Outside our Society, people are appreciating our movement gradually, and you will be pleased to know that they are also contributing for various activities of the Society. Perhaps you have heard the name of George Harrison, the celebrated musician of England. He has contributed nearly about two lakhs of rupees, the entire cost of publishing the first part of my book, KRSNA. Similarly, just the day before yesterday, one boy has contributed 15,000 rupees for my book fund. We have got in many places our own buildings, just like in Boston where we have got our own press, ISKCON Press, in Buffalo, in Detroit, and just yesterday, on the Advent Day of Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, we have completed the negotiation for purchasing a big church property worth 20 lakhs of rupees.
I have received the new issues of Easy Journey, and I have very much appreciated the color picture on the cover. It is very much improved. Please offer my thanks to Advaita and his assistants.
I understand from the letter of Bahulasva as well as from your letter that police and public both have appreciated this transcendental procession. The general public of Berkeley had a bitter experience that whenever there was a large gathering like this, inevitably there was political upheaval, protest, and window-breaking, and a general havoc. But this unique procession has convinced them that our men are very nice and they can organize a great crowd without any violence.
Here in L.A. this new temple is being renovated in so many ways. For me they have allotted a completely separate building consisting of four big rooms up and down, with a newly constructed bathroom. So I am feeling very much comfortable here and the boys are taking care of me more carefully than I require. So I hope you will be happy to know this. Similarly, all the boys are very busily engaged in beautifying the temple room. When you come here, you will appreciate everything. All the devotees, male and female are expected to move into these buildings in about 10 to 12 days.
Even politicians and professional men read Bhagavad-gita, just like one Dr. Rele in Bombay. He also presented commentary on Bhagavad-gita on the basis of medical science. I heard that Professor Einstein, the greatest scientist, was regularly reading Bhagavad-gita, and later on he became practically God-conscious. By scientific research he appreciated the wonderful cosmic manifestation and as a scientist he admitted that behind this there is a very great brain and that is God.
I am very glad that you are appreciating the transcendental benefit out of Krishna Consciousness Movement. Actually this is the prime benediction for human society. My Guru Maharaja used to say that there is no scarcity of anything within this world, the only scarcity is people are not aware of Krishna Consciousness. The whole world is suffering for want of this great benediction. Therefore by the grace of Lord Caitanya if we have understood the value of this movement it will mean a great lot as it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita that even a little performance of Krishna Consciousness activity will save the human society from the greatest danger of life.
The Hare Krishna movement is so potential that it can do more than what is attempted by the United Nations organization. So I shall request you to cooperate with Sudama and try to push on this movement in your country and everyone will appreciate if we present things a little carefully, although it is very simple. The program is already being executed under the supervision of Sudama and your valued cooperation will encourage him very much.
I shall send you very soon detailed photographs of our new temple room and I think you will very much appreciate it.
Regarding London temple, I can appreciate very much that your goodness is anxious to have an imposing temple in London, so in my next opportunity I shall take up this matter more seriously and I shall let you know in due course.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated sometime April, and I am so glad to learn that you are making advance in Krishna Consciousness as it is scheduled. It appears that you are on the attachment platform, this is very good. The next platform is ecstasy, and then pure love of God. So stick to your duties at the present moment, and when it is convenient you can go with the Sankirtana Party, but never neglect the Arcana regulation at any cost. If you have no time, you are not required to go with the Sankirtana Party. Your first business is to take care of the Deities. Practically you see that everyone is appreciating your Deity worship and Srimati Radharani is smiling, so it is a great credit for you, so continue this engagement.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 20th April, 1970, along with a check contribution for my book fund of $150, and thank you very much for this. I have also received the picture of an "Angel" printed in the detroit newspaper, and it is a great credit how our men are appreciated by the people.
This binding work is so nicely made. You have done it very well, and I am completely satisfied. I very much appreciate your efforts in our ISKCON bindery, and if such binding is done we will have sure success with our books.
By separate air mail I am sending several news articles, out of which my talks with Dr. J.F. Staal, Professor of Philosophy and of South Asian Languages, University of California, Berkeley, will be very much interesting to you. So we are gradually being appreciated by all classes of men. The above picture is our newly purchased building as I informed you before.
I have also received the newspaper clipping enclosed by you, it is a nice picture. The newspapers are beginning to appreciate our Movement more and more and that is an index of popular feeling.
Recently I have received one "Kalyana" magazine in which our activities in the Western world have been very much appreciated. Especially they have appreciated my strong injunctions on the point of following the four prohibitive regulations. So after describing our activities, the editor has remarked in one place that things are going certainly very nicely at present, but it is God only Who knows how it will continue in the future. This means that the Indians, or the rigid followers of Vedic principles, are doubtful about my American and European students about their sticking to all these principles. So it is a God sent warning for us so that we may not deviate from the above mentioned two lines of action and thus become subject to criticism by the opposing elements.
I hope your arrangements for Rathayatra festival are going on and Yamuna devi is taking nice care of the Deities. I can understand from the record album that your devotional feelings have improved. So keep this standard intact. In India the "Kalyana" magazine has published a nice description of our movement, and they have very much appreciated about my regulative principles. So keep this standard rigidly intact so the Indians may not be able to criticize in the matter of managing our temples. I am sure if you simply follow the instructions I have already given there will be no difficulty.
Anyway, if you come during the Rathayatra festival in San Francisco it will be a great pleasure for me. Brahmananda is also coming. So we shall have to chalk out the future program of our activities. So your presence will be very much appreciated.
I am very much glad to learn that you have appreciated the subject matter of Nectar of Devotion and Krsna while working on it in the press, and actually these two books will keep us constantly in Krsna consciousness. The secret of Krsna consciousness is open in these two books. Our method is very simple. All different methods of self-realization are little or more troublesome.
I am very glad to learn that you are appreciating the importance of very nice Sankirtana activities for the purpose of attracting people to our movement. This was the simple program of Lord Caitanya and it is our business to follow His Sankirtana Movement for the welfare of everyone. So please see that your Sankirtana program is made as attractive as possible.
I am so happy to learn that you have been so well received in Provincetown by the young boys and girls. It is a fact that the hippies are our best clients. I had very good response in San Francisco during Rathayatra festival. I saw that they were taking up the chanting of Hare Krsna maha mantra very feelingly even without the presence of any devotee to lead them. They appreciated my lecture and I appreciated their attitude. They joined in Rathayatra very enthusiastically. So try your best to convince them by very nice preaching and in particular very nice Sankirtana party and distribution of our literatures.
When you meet the Prime Minister and other Ministers of Government, kindly try to impress upon them that Krsna Consciousness movement is not a type of religion. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that everyone is constitutionally servant of Krsna or God. In the Bhagavad-gita the same thing is confirmed that the living entities are parts and parcels of God. This philosophy is very nicely explained in the Bhagavad-gita. Unfortunately Bhagavad-gita was not properly presented as it is. Therefore I have published my edition of Bhagavad-gita in English, Bhagavad-gita AS IT IS. It is published by Messrs. MacMillan and Company and people are very much appreciating this presentation, so much so that every year since 1968 they are printing consecutively. It was first published in 1968. The second printing was in 1969 and yesterday I saw that they have printed for the third time in 1970.
I am very pleased also to note how you are appreciating the grace of the Spiritual Master and Krsna for guiding one in the progressive path of spiritual realization. Now both you and your wife simply carry out our instructions for keeping always engaged in Krsna activities according to strict following of the rules and regulations and chant Hare Krsna and be happy. It is so much encouraging to learn that Masturika Dasi is already helping you in your Krsna conscious work. May Krsna bless you both with advanced Krsna consciousness.
The back cover pictures "1510-1970" has impressed me very much. I do now know who is making these layouts, but the things are being done nicely. Except for the face of the type everything else is done perfectly. So until a nicer edition from Paris is published your practical service to Krsna Consciousness Movement is very much appreciated by me.
We should concentrate our energy in constructive work. The constructive work is preaching. So this Rathayatra festival is one of the items of our preaching work, and therefore it was introduced in both San Francisco and London and the initiative was taken by Syamasundara. In 1967 I gave this idea to Syamasundara when I was in San Francisco. So it was promptly executed. Similarly last year in London also he promptly executed. So his proposal for preaching from village to village in our own bus is very much appreciated by me.* I have already instructed him to do this immediately and you also encourage him.
I am so glad to receive your letter dated Berlin, 13rd July, 1970, and I am so glad also to learn that you have nicely appreciated our Sankirtana movement and now you are married to one of our devotees, Krsna das.
Regarding my book, THE BHAGAVAD GITA AS IT IS, I have written you on the 18th July, 1970, regarding whether Macmillan wants to publish an expanded version of the GITA. However, I have not yet received any reply.
I should very much appreciate knowing what your intentions are regarding this matter. If MacMillan does not desire to publish this expanded version, then I will have it published elsewhere immediately.
Perhaps you know that you have been nominated as one of the Governing Body Commissioners. I very much appreciate your forward service spirit and gradually Krsna is helping you in the matter of your Australian Yatra, and I am so glad to learn that you are going to open another branch in Melbourne.
In our movements all over the world certainly we require huge amounts of money. When I came to your country first my primary strength was chanting the Maha-mantra and maintaining myself on public contributions and distribution of my Srimad-Bhagavatam. The same principles can be followed still namely collecting some funds by distributing our books and literatures. I thank you very much for appreciating my two recent books, Nectar of Devotion and KRSNA. If we distribute these two wonderful books by meeting respectable gentlemen everywhere, I think we can collect $100 at least by presenting these two books. So it is my suggestion immediately you should try and collect some money and I am sure Krsna will supply it and keep it for opening different centers. Please consult with the GBC regarding this program and make a practical schedule.
Spiritual Master is the representative of Vyasadeva because he carries the message of Vyasadeva throughout the world. As you know it very well that Vyasadeva compiled all Vedic literatures wonderfully. Sometimes so-called "realist" philosophers do not believe that there was any person of the name Vyasadeva. Their opinion is that any person distributing the Vedic knowledge is called a Vyasadeva. This class of philosophers generally being impersonalists cannot appreciate how one man could write so many books. Actually it is astonishing.
Yes, I am so glad that your center is doing so well and all the devotees are now appreciating the presence of their Spiritual Master by following His instructions although He is no longer physically present—this is the right spirit.
I think Krishna is giving you good intelligence to manage everything in Paris. Everyone should be kept fully engaged one hundred percent of the time in Krishna's service without a vacant moment so that Maya will never have a chance to act. It does not matter what one's engagement in Krishna's service may be; Krishna accepts equally the service given to Him by a little calf and that given by Srimati Radharani. So we should all be very much appreciative of our God-brothers' and Godsisters' service. I am glad that Aradhana and Santanu are engaged in painting pictures. As we open more temples there is a greater and greater need for paintings. So they can paint as many as possible pictures of Panca Tattva and Acharyas and distribute them to all the new temples—this will be a great service to our society.
It is very encouraging that Krishna has given you a nice new building. That is the way—the more we do for Krishna the more facility He gives us. Please send me some slide pictures of this and any other activities you have got as everywhere we go we show a nice slide show, and it is always greatly appreciated, together with kirtana.
I am especially pleased that you are taking charge in the Boston area of placing my books and literatures in the local school-college libraries and you have already had success with placing all our literatures in the two most important libraries of Harvard University and the Divinity School. When I spoke there sometimes back our Krsna Consciousness philosophy was very much appreciated, so I think this is an important place for our literatures to be available to the students and faculty. Please go on with this engagement enthusiastically and Krsna will give you all success in the venture. You are intelligent and hard working devotee of Krsna and Krsna will bless you for this very fine service which you are rendering unto Him.
Since we have come to Calcutta many boys are coming to us even they were very much subversive to the social orders. People are very much appreciating our Movement. Wherever we go for preaching work hundreds of men gather and they contribute liberally according to their capacity. We have already two centers in Calcutta and trying to have our own center in the most important neighborhood of this city.
All this publicity is very nice for our Movement and people are beginning to seriously appreciate our work. I have had good reports also from Jagadisa in Toronto and he says that in Canada the people are very receptive to our Krsna Consciousness philosophy.
As we are now preaching Vaisnava philosophy throughout the world as a whole, your valuable service is most welcome. Most probably I am going out of station by the 5th instant and shall come back by the 20th or by the end of this month. If you kindly see me by that time it shall be very much appreciated and we can talk about this cooperation in detail.
I hope everything is going on well with you at your center in Philadelphia. Please set the example of our ideal householder life in Krsna Consciousness. This will be very highly appreciated by all persons who will come in your contact and you will also be benefited. So please see that you all stick to the regulative lines of our devotional practices and keep up the standard of purity as it has thus far been established in our progressive functions in Krsna Consciousness.
Your tendency to give Srila Jiva Goswami the proper position a philosopher is very much appreciated. Some years back I attended a meeting in Calcutta wherein Pramathanath Trakvhusna, the learned Sanskrit scholar, was present. He said about Jiva Goswami very highly that there was no comparison with Jiva Goswami and any other philosophers of the world. Gaudiya Vaisnavism is very much proud of having such a great acarya as Jiva Goswami. Your tendency to present Bengal Gaudiya Vaisnavism in its proper perspective is very much welcome.
You have rightly appreciated my real mission, that whatever I have learned from Guru Maharaja I want to present to the English speaking public. Therefore I've tried to present these Vedic literatures in such a way that the common man will be able to appreciate and understand them. Both you and your brother have always helped me in this mission. Now continue to help me in that way.
The news clippings which you enclose are encouraging to me. This publicity is very important in the advancement of our preaching work. Only the standard should be that our philosophy be presented factually. I can see that you have developed first-class relations with the press and this is a sign of your sincerity. Please continue and expand this propaganda work to all parts of Canada. Even religious leaders of Christian faith like Rev. J. G. McDonald, Toronto, are appreciating our sincere presentation, and I think that you may invite him to our Toronto temple for kirtana and prasadam.
You should certainly see J. Dalmia for Scindia House, New Delhi. He will become a life member and he can suggest others who may also become life members. He is a relative and very close to Ram Das Dandaria. Also you can see his big brother Ram Krishna Dalmia and make him a life member. His daughter came to London, Ascot to see me. If there is any difficulty in staying where you are, you can ask J. Dalmia to provide accommodation in Birla's dharmasala. That dharmasala is a very good place with lecture hall. You can speak in the lecture hall in English and you can advertise for members and they will appreciate it very much.
I am glad to see that you are taking seriously to spreading this Krishna Consciousness Movement to all your fellow Americans. Try and increase Sankirtana Party more and more to new areas and ever-larger circulation of our literatures. I am glad to read in your letter you are going to the universities to preach. The universities are very important places because there there are men who can appreciate our philosophy. So when you speak in the classroom, just quote from any of my books and then try and explain the meaning in your own words and the students will appreciate it very much.
I beg to thank you for your letter dated October 27th, 1970, addressed to Calcutta and now redirected to me here in Bombay. We are just now receiving great publicity and it is reported that Bombay has now got its atmosphere filled with Krsna Consciousness. It is a fact, and the important members of the Bombay community are appreciating our Movement. I am very glad to receive all the enclosures and see that you are forging ahead nicely for spreading Krsna Consciousness on a scale from family to the greater society.
For the present I am more prominent than all swamis. People are appreciating—What are these swamis? They cannot go outside. There is a Bengali saying that a jackal is king in a small forest. The story is that a jackal became king in the forest by fooling the other animals for some time, but he remained always a jackal and his ruse was at last exposed.
I am very glad that you are so much appreciative of our program and philosophy. Actually it is the only factual presentation of our true relationship with God, Krsna. And it is our earnest endeavor to preach this philosophy very vigorously to clear out the diseased condition of impersonal and voidist philosophy which are so much misleading the innocent persons. So you are very fortunate. Krsna has saved you from the impersonal calamity.
Yes, any intelligent man can immediately appreciate the qualities of a Vaisnava devotee. The devotee is always truthful and therefore everyone feels confident about what he may say or do under any condition. So the judge has appreciated the transcendental qualities of our devotee Narottamadasa Das.
I have received very nice reports from all our centers how they are very much appreciating my books and they are understanding association with the Spiritual Master is the same as association with His vani or teachings. This is a transcendental fact.
My Guru Maharaja used to say "don't worry about money, Do something nice for Krishna and money will come." So we should always be thinking how to distribute the message of Krishna and surely He will give us facility. Even an ordinary man if he wants publicity then he gives so much money for the propaganda work. Similarly Krishna is not poor. He can supply any amount for the devotees who are engaged in broadcasting His glories. I see that you are moving in the schools and universities for preaching. That is very good. Krishna says that this knowledge is the king of education. So it will be appreciated.
Yes, I have received a copy of the GBC meeting held in Pittsburgh and I hope that all of you GBC members will continue your present course of action. Always be acting for Krishna. Krishna Consciousness means to be alive, not that if we get some time, we lay down and sleep. So your activities and reports are all encouraging to me, so please continue in this way. Also continue placing my books in libraries, colleges, bookstores, etc. and gradually the public will learn to appreciate this stock of transcendental literature. People are accustomed to read all kinds of rubbish literatures. The principle is there—reading. We simply have to direct their attention to Krishna.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated on November 24, 1970. Perhaps you are my only Godbrother who has appreciated my humble service to the cause of Guru Gauranga. All my other Godbrothers are very much envious, as I can understand from their behavior.
Our literatures are unique in the world and we want to introduce our philosophy in learned circles, so your report of library distribution is good news for me. Keep trying to place my books in auspicious places such as libraries, universities, clubs, etc. and someday the world will realize and appreciate these transcendental literatures.
I am very encouraged to see your enthusiasm for preaching this message to the Russian people, and your idea to send letters with the help of Dr. Bernhart is very good. He is a big scholar and he also appreciates our movement. So if you arrange a tour of Russia for me, I am prepared to accept. Let us see what Krishna desires. Why not Dr. Bernhart join this great movement.
Himavati is also eager to go to Russia and she also speaks the language. If we can go to Russia with our World Sankirtana Party, I am certain that it will be very much appreciated and people will see the real peace movement is chanting process—chanting the Holy Names Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. So try for it.
I am so pleased to know that your efforts at placing our books in the local libraries is successful and it is especially heartening to learn that they already have got our books on their shelves. That is factual proof that these purely transcendental literatures are very attractive to the reading class of the public. It is also good news that your recent marriage celebration in Krsna Consciousness was filmed for display by a large television station. People will very soon come to appreciate the Krsna Conscious way of life as distinct from the dull repetition of materialistic activities. I have noted the news article sent by you and it appears very nice. I beg to thank your good wife for the gorgeous handkerchief which she has so thoughtfully offered to my Radha Krsna Deities. I am also glad that you are regularly sending the maintenance checks for your Temple to Karandhara. Thank you very much for this.
I am pleased to learn that you and Bali Mardan are cooperating fully to make our Asian program a success. The two of you are a superexcellent team. I am also appreciating your wonderful enthusiasm for pushing on this movement. Simply be patient and continue in this way with confidence and Krishna will give you all facility.
1971 Correspondence
Out of the many life members, Maharaja Bharatasingh gave one check numbered 0011644 from the State Bank of Indore and this is now returned with remark "refer to Drawer." This is the first time that we've got such experience. I am therefore handing over the check which is enclosed. Kindly see the Maharaja Bharatasingh and if he'll kindly pay us cash it will be very much appreciated. In realization of the cash, kindly deposit it in the Central Bank of India, Indore Cloth Market Branch, for mail transfer to the head office in favor of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Please let me know what action you have taken in this connection. You can write our Bombay address as given above. I am going to Bombay tomorrow.
It is my firm conviction that this Krsna Consciousness Movement of Lord Caitanya's will be successful in all parts of the world if our students kindly continue in their enthusiastic endeavors to distribute this message freely to all persons. Our Movement is now appreciated all over the world and it is gradually coming to the attention of the important leaders of the present society, so it is incumbent upon us to keep our spiritual strength by rigidly following the regulative principles; then we can deal adequately with all facilities offered by the Lord for expediting His Holy Mission. I am confident that all our sincere intelligent young devotees like your good self will carry this program to fruitful conclusion namely the delivery of the Holy Name to all the fallen souls suffering in varieties of conditional misery and material happiness. Please execute your program for distribution of literatures and Sankirtana, therefore, with increased vogor and may Krsna bless your sincere efforts to serve Him faithfully.
I have just written one letter to Brahmananda Maharaja informing him of our very good reception here in India and how our devotees and Sankirtana are being appreciated by all communities here because of the high standard of their pure devotional service. Many persons are simply surprised that this Sankirtana Movement of Lord Caitanya has been so nicely accepted all over the world with such good results. It is actually revolutionary. I am very eager to see that Caitanya Mahaprabhu's desire is fulfilled as far as possible to make this Movement international even to the towns and villages. People sometimes inquire if we have gone to Pakistan. And I am thinking—why not? Both India and Pakistan are in great distress because of this false partition and I am sure the whole matter can be put to rights by proper application of our principles of Krsna Consciousness.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 31st December, 1970. Also I very much appreciate the new edition of French Back To Godhead enclosed, printed by our ISKCON Press. Overall the magazine was very nicely produced and I am pleased.
Our Movement is being carried by spiritual strength from chanting of the Hare Krsna Mahamantra from the lips of pure devotees. Our disciples are pure and therefore the effect is that this movement is gaining in scope all over the world. Now people are highly appreciating our endeavors and they are asking us to open centers in their respective cities and towns. So this is practically the fulfillment of Lord Caitanya's desire and it will come about for certain if you kindly keep the standard set by me and see that others are similarly enthused to follow.
So far other swamis and panditas are concerned, actually nobody would be equal to us because they do not come in the parampara system. As such their line of thought is null and void according to our understanding. Our movement is revolutionary to so called religious principles, gurus and swamis. This fact is being appreciated even in India. Gradually it will be more and more enlightening to the public. So please stick to our principles and preach Lord Caitanya's message anywhere in the world. Also I am so glad that your wife is preaching so nicely. Please offer her my blessings. Be happy together and preach Krishna's message.
I am so glad to hear that you are now at our Hamilton center and how much our movement is being appreciated there. So work enthusiastically along with Dharmaraj and the others to push on this movement and to make Hamilton temple a grand success. Krishna is there in your heart and the more you surrender to Him, the more He takes charge, and seeing your sincerity, He will give you all facility for increasing your service more and more.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 10th January, 1971 and have noted the contents. Also I've received the very nice article enclosed and it has been appreciated by our Indian friends here also. And thank you very much for sending regular maintenance fund checks, via L.A.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated February 2nd, 1971, and noted the contents. I am very glad that you are carrying on your programs for spreading Krsna consciousness to the people with great enthusiasm and good response. The good reports are coming and it is a fact that we are being highly appreciated for our efforts to introduce this pure spiritual life to the society at large, but we must not lose our own status of advancement in Krsna consciousness. Everything must be done very intelligently.
I am also glad to hear that the tape recording in Hindi is being appreciated. If you want, I can send you more. Regarding Hindu songs, none have been recorded by me here. About the "guru" living next door, as well as other so-called sadhus in Fiji, why be disturbed by them? Simply go on with your preaching work with determination. Sincere people will be attracted by the purity of your message. And if that man insists on chanting Hare Rama first, what harm is there?
Regarding the relocation of ISKCON Press and the accounting department, I want to see the management going on nicely; that is all. It is very encouraging that Sriman Karunamaya has opened a new Center in Amherst, Mass. Please try and maintain it very nicely. I have received the press cutting from Chicago and in India also our Movement is being appreciated as "new wave". So let our waves roll on until it reaches the great ocean of transcendental Nectar of Devotion (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu). The issue of "Krsna Sun" is nice. It is good. They may be distributed to our prospective Life Members, etc
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 2nd February, 1971 and have noted the contents, I am so glad to hear that you and your wife Kanya Kumari (Carol) have gone with one brahmacari, Pavanadeva (Peter), for opening a center in New Orleans. Thank you very much. I am so much appreciative to you American boys and girls for helping me fulfill the order of my Guru Maharaja. Simply you are going, husband and wife, chanting Hare Krishna, and preaching pure Krishna Consciousness. May Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu bestow upon you His full blessings.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 23d March, 1971 and have noted the contents. I am so pleased that you have taken my two young disciples, Vaikunthanatha and Saradia, from Trinidad for preaching work. It is so kind of you that you are appreciating their work in this connection. Kindly continue to help them so that there may not be any impediment in their preaching work.
So you have got some talent for writing and producing dramas and now Krishna has given you the opportunity for dovetailing your talents in His service. Very good. When I go there I shall be very glad to see these dramas enacted. Yes, I acted the part of Advaita Prabhu in one such drama. I organized that theater performance in my youthhood. My friends were trained up and we performed and it was very much appreciated by the highest class of men in Calcutta. We were invited to many places to perform the drama. Lord Caitanya inaugurated these Vaisnava dramas, it is true, but where to obtain such copies of these plays I do not know.* While performing such dramas, always the actors must be Vaisnavas. Outsiders may help but devotees should have all the major roles. So you may perform such plays conveniently. It is a very nice program, but do not sacrifice other programs on account of it.
The thing is that this Sankirtana Movement which I am propagating all over the world was also exhibited in the Cross Maidan for eleven days which I think you must have seen. So in India I am especially present here to popularize this movement for awakening God Consciousness of people in general and they are appreciating it very much. In that connection I request the helping hand of these foreigners. As far as possible, I have guaranteed their staying in India in the matter of their maintenance and security and still you want them to go. I cannot understand what are the local intricacies in this connection. If you will kindly give me direction how they can stay, it will be very kind of you. I require their help very much in connection with the Hare Krishna Movement.
Let me introduce myself as the Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. In India I am especially present to popularize this Krishna Consciousness movement for awakening God Consciousness of the people in general. They are appreciating it very much. In that connection, I require the helping hand of these foreigners. As far as possible, I have guaranteed their staying in India in the matter of their maintenance and security and still they are being asked to leave the country. I cannot understand what are the legal intricacies in this connection. If you will kindly give me direction how they can stay, it will be very kind of you. I require their help very much in connection with the Hare Krishna Movement.
My life is dedicated to spreading this Krishna culture all over the world. I think if you give me a chance to speak about the great Krishna culture and philosophy in your country, you will very much appreciate the simple programme with great profit. This culture is so well planned that it would be acceptable by any thoughtful man throughout the whole world.
I am so glad that you are appreciating our Back To Godhead magazine. The article mentioned by you, "The Vedanta: Its Morphology and Ontology" is a very difficult article for a new man who is just trying to grasp this Krishna Consciousness philosophy. But continue studying our literatures and Krishna will give you intelligence to understand more and more. And you are chanting Hare Krishna Mantra regularly. Very good. Please chant 16 rounds of japa mala daily and try to observe the regulative principles of no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling and no illicit sex life. These four are the pillars of sinful life, especially in this age of Kali Yuga. Whenever you have any inquiries, please write to me.
Your newspaper and magazine clippings are very nice. They arrived on a day when our life members were meeting and they were appreciated by all. Your ideas for new dramas sound nice, so you can put them into action. And Princeton sounds like an ideal place for our temple, so why not open it immediately?
So far as the Finnish film student arranging for engagements, etc. in Helsinki, you may inform her that by the end of June I may very well be in London, so she can contact me there. And all your parents are becoming members. That is very encouraging. That means that they are appreciating their sons' career as spiritual students.
I am so glad to hear that the devotees are appreciating that everything belongs to Krishna. That attitude is very nice and should be maintained. Actually it is a fact. By illusion only we think things belong to someone else. And if the painters are new, certainly they should be given instruction. They should be helped in every way.
I thank you very much for your kind letter dated 17th May, 1971 and I am appreciating it very much. So far as your joint application for my returning to U.S.A., you will be glad to know that by the middle of June I shall be returning and I am surely going to see you all then. Presently I am in Calcutta where we just held a very successful "Hare Krishna Festival" and we were drawing 35,000 people daily for hearing discourses on Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, for seeing Aratik and taking prasadam also. I will be staying here until the 31st instant and then will go to London via Bombay. From there I shall return to U.S.A.
Perhaps you know that we held a very big "Hare Krishna Festival" in Bombay and a similar one in Calcutta also. Daily both in Bombay and Calcutta there was attendance of 30,000 to 40,000 people daily. Everyone appreciated this festival and are still hankering after it. I think that similar festivals may be held in Hawaii. So consult with Gaurasundara and Sai because this attempt has become very successful.
It is so much encouraging to hear how nicely things are going on there in Trinidad and Guyana also. And the people are appreciating the purity of our teachings. Gradually they will appreciate such teachings more and more, simply if we stick to our principles. Still there is much demigod puja, but you should quote from Bhagavad-gita that Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, says that less intelligent men worship the demigods and the result of such worship is not permanent. Krishna Consciousness is permanent, and the living entities are also permanent. So instead of wasting their time worshiping the demigods, everyone should take to Krishna Consciousness.
Also I heard that Dalmia is willing to give us his place in Vrindaban. Take it. Recently I have asked Karandhara to send another 50 to 60 men here, under the leadership of Dayananda. So we want to keep at least 100 men here in India for preaching. The people are appreciating our movement, so there is great potential.
Yes, Dr. Bigelow has appreciated my article and admitted in his letter that "You people in India are so much further ahead in matters of this kind then those of us in the Western world." (letter dated 16th February, 1971) There has been no further correspondence with him in this regards. So if you wish you may publish my letter and his short reply is given above.
I left this money with Tamala Krishna for doing this work immediately, but from his latest letter I understand it has not been done and the estimate has increased to Rs 14,000. I do not know who submitted the former estimate. Anyway don't spend so much money for fencing. Better to have bamboo fencing and hedge plants and during the rainy season they will grow sufficiently all around. Better in this connection to take advice from Sarkar or from the persons who sold us the land. I am very anxious to know of reports from Mayapur and if every week you will send me elaborate reports, I will be very much appreciative.
Actually Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, or Krishna, doesn't need our service. He is completely self sufficient. What service we can do for him? But if we are sincerely trying to render some service, it is to our benefit, and He becomes pleased with us also. Just like the father, when he receives some service from the son. What service he requires from the such very young boy? Yet, still because it is done out of natural affection, the father is so much appreciative. So that is our position. We should never think that oh, my service is so much valuable to Krishna; I am performing such nice service. No. But we must take our service seriously because it will be to our benefit and Krishna will be pleased. That's all.
I am in due receipt of your very encouraging letter dated 30th June, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. Your endeavor is very much appreciated. Thank you very much. You have my all good wishes. Success or no success, it doesn't matter; you have come to Israel with your family and that is my pleasure. All blessings upon you.
We are not concerned with the common man because they will think that we are criticizing. So speak on general features of how we understand God. God is called great in every religion. Our appreciations of greatness are six in number. These are stated in the Krishna Book Introduction. So you have to introduce the matter of God scientifically, and that will be appreciated by any reasonable man. If we say that your God is like this and our God is like that, then there will be great disturbance. Simply speak on general topics, that God is like this. Then let them read our literature and ask questions. In this way try to push on our missionary activities.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 7th July, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. I am glad to note that you have received tapes no. 2-4 and you are appreciating the narration of Dhruva Maharaja also. I have just received the transcription and laid-out pages for tapes no. 1 & 2. It has been done very nicely.
I am so glad to hear how successful our Rathayatra festival was, with nearly 10,000 people participating in the procession. And the police were very pleased with our cooperative spirit. Very good. I have received similar report from Nara Narayana Prabhu about the festival and I am so much appreciative to you all for your sincerely working to make this year's Rathayatra festival a grand success. Thank you very much.
I hope that Sriman Madhudvisa Maharaja saw you in connection with dispatching some of my disciples to India. By the three Hare Krishna festivals perfomed in Allahabad, Calcutta and Bombay, it has been examined that people of India have not lost their Krishna Consciousness. During the festivals, especially in Calcutta and Bombay, daily 30,000 people were gathering and standing for three hours to appreciate our sankirtana movement. I have therefore decided to send more men from America to India to preach this cult all over the country. We require about 100 men minimum, out of whom there are about 40 men in Calcutta and Bombay and other places. I am therefore requesting you to carry these 60 men by your ships from N.Y. to Bombay or Calcutta.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 15th July, 1971 and have noted the contents. I am glad to learn that you had contact with my disciple Vaikunthanatha and his wife Saradia Devi there in Guyana. Presently Vaikunthanatha and wife are in Trinidad at the following address: c/o B.N. Singh; 258 Christian Drive; Plaisance Park; Pointe-a-Pierre; Trinidad, W. Indies, and are working very hard to push on this Krishna Consciousness movement in that part of the world. They are very sincere young couple and I am very much appreciative of the fine work they are doing there. Formerly they were in Guyana but when their visas expired, they were forced to leave the country, despite the local support.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 9th August, 1971 and have noted the contents. the article enclosed by you is very very nice and I have read it thoroughly. They are very much appreciative and it will help your Bombay branch very much because this paper has very good circulation.
Please offer my Vyasa puja blessings to everyone of you. I am so much pleased with the book put together by you. It will be read tomorrow in the meeting. Similar publication was done by ISKCON Press. So I thank you very much, all of you, for appreciating my humble service which I am trying to render as a matter of duty ordered by my Guru Maharaja. I request all my disciples to work cooperatively and I am sure our mission will advance without any doubt.
There is so much new information in our books and the Hindi reading public will appreciate it, because our subject matter is new to everyone. God has always been a vague idea. So most people are impersonalists or voidists. Perhaps for the first time in the world we are giving the people a clear idea of what is God. Although God, or Krsna, was existing in the world, but demons like Kamsa wanted to kill Him. Therefore people have no clear idea. So this is the first time we are placing Krsna in tangible form with a clear idea of His name, fame, qualities, pastimes, etc.
So your desire to serve Krishna is very much appreciated. This very desire will enlighten you more and more about Krishna and the more you advance the more you will like to serve and because you are a very sincere soul Krishna is giving you good opportunity to render service to Him in the Mayapur scheme. So you can open a separate account "ISKCON Mayapur Scheme" in consultation with Rupanuga Prabhu and do the needful.
Simply we have to organize things nicely and manage carefully. I hope henceforward you will not feel at all discouraged. All of you there push on this movement in Germany which is the best country in Europe. The most intelligent class of men are there. Try to convince them about our philosophy. The German scholars are especially inclined toward Indian philosophy. There are many learned scholars well versed in Sanskrit. So our books with diacritic marks and original Sanskrit verses must be very much appreciated by all schools, colleges, libraries and the general public. So develop the press there very nicely. The press already has been declared as the greater mrdanga.
Yesterday we had a very successful meeting in the University of Nairobi; the exact words used in the newspaper report as as follows: " ISKCON SWAMI EXPLAINS PHILOSOPHY . . . Impeccable showmanship was matched with unimpeachable philosophy of Gita at a jampacked Taifla Hall in the University of Nairobi yesterday evening when about 2000 people and undergraduates listened to Acarya Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and his disciples who presented the 'Hare Krishna Revolution' " So the African boys are coming to us and appreciating our philosophy. Two Afro-American devotees from N.Y. have come also and joined us. So until now our program is going nicely. We have collected 30,000 shillings. One shs = 1 Rs. Syamasundara is also enthusiastic to hold a similar function like Bombay and Calcutta and arrangement is being made for that.
As a father is always sorry for the son is out of home, similarly Krishna is not very happy on account of so many bewildered fallen souls in the material world. He therefore comes personally to ask them to surrender again to Him. But the conditioned soul is so much illusioned that it is very hard to make him surrender to Krishna. Therefore each and every one of us, if we can give service to Krishna by making another man surrender to Krishna, then He will very much appreciate that service and that is our gain. Try to follow this principle and preach vigorously to your best capacity and everything will be all right. Don't worry.
Our philosophy has the full potency to deliver anyone from the darkest realms of ignorance to the enlightened realm of complete cognizance. The potential is there, simply you have to master the words and deliver them purely, and this will please me very much. You will be happy to know that I am preparing a book on commentaries on your Western philosophers, so that all of my students may defeat these nonsense rascals who are simply speculating this and that and misleading the people. If we sincerely try to present our philosophy at every opportunity, eventually it will be heard and appreciated. So plan your school program in this way.
I am very pleased that you are chanting regularly. This will save you and protect you from all misfortunes. So chant Krishna's Name regularly, think about Him all the time, and your love for Him will keep you free from any bondage. Also, you must try somehow to avoid eating any meat, fish or eggs. Be very strong in this respect, and eventually your parents will appreciate your determination especially if you are otherwise always very kind to them.
As far as your questions, Krishna is not in need of anything, He is purnam, the Complete Whole. And yet He appreciates our love for Him, just like everyone appreciates if someone exhibits love for them. So He kindly allows us to show that love by considering that if I do not feed Him, Krishna will go hungry, if I do not give Him rest, He will be tired, like that. He reciprocates by pretending to be dependent on me, my slave, just to give us opportunity to find the real object of our loving propensity and to take pleasure by pleasing and serving Him. Everything we do should be for the reason that it gives pleasure to Krishna.
I have received your letter of Nov. 2, 1971 and I have appreciated the contents carefully. I am especially pleased that you are finding great pleasure in serving Their Lordships in Hamburg Temple as pujari. I think that under your care They have become very gorgeous and satisfied. It is the sole aim of life to be constantly absorbed in thoughts about Radharani and Krishna, and because you are so determined to become fully Krishna Conscious, Krishna has given you this opportunity to realize that aim by serving Him directly. I have always instructed that the standard of arcana worship must be kept very high, because this will insure that every other temple activity will also flourish. So I am relieved to know that now the Deities are in your care. Thank you for this.
You have a natural inclination as a teacher of small children, and I think that you should utilize it to instruct the young children of Hamburg in Krishna Consciousness. Children especially are inclined to appreciate Krishna's pastimes, so begin by reading to them from Krsna Book. They are not yet covered by false prestige and will very quickly take to tapasya as if it were amusing like a game! Just see the young brahmacaris in India.
Regarding your proposed festivals, yes, that is a good idea. Please do it very nicely. These public festivals have proven very effective in spreading knowledge about Krishna Consciousness to all the citizens. In fact, I have directed the GBC to organize such festivals and travelling sankirtana throughout their zones. The festival we are holding at present in Delhi has been extremely successful, and by Krishna's grace everyone is appreciating this Movement by seeing the beautiful deity worship, by hearing the melodious kirtana, and by seeing the bright faces of my students.
Regarding your question about incense, Karandhara has just informed me that our Spiritual Sky incense business is making now $1,000,000 a year to spend for Krishna. How can that be Maya? My Guru Maharaja used to say, "Anything material, if it is used for the service of Krishna, it is a mistake to give it up." Because I have understood this principle, he used to appreciate me in front of my godbrothers.
I beg to acknowledge receipt or your letter dated 17-11-71. Your desire not to come to Delhi at the present moment is very much appreciated by me. So far our service is concerned it is not limited to any particular place, but when it is required to be fixed up in a place for a certain reason, it is better to stick without any change of mind. I think your presence in Bombay is needed.
We can challenge any nonsense philosophy. Socrates, Plato, Kant, Darwin—all of them—so many mental speculators and word jugglers who have misled so many people. Now it is your task to find them out and expose them, so that the people may appreciate the real philosophy. We must become now very serious to save the people of the world from this very dangerous situation. So become very convinced yourself of our philosophy and then your preaching will act. And try to sell as many books as possible at all the schools and colleges. This is scholarly information, flawless science. Kindly assist me in this great work, and know it for certain, that by your sincerely working in this way you shall very soon go back to Home, back to Godhead.
Try to give this message to everyone, and the people will appreciate our Movement because we have got very solid ground of philosophy, and, more than that, our philosophy can be applied to our life and give good results. Especially I want that my books and literatures be distributed profusely, so try to do this, especially when you go in the schools and colleges. People must know that our Krishna philosophy will save the world from all kinds of dangerous conditions. We prove that when we compare our philosophy with any kind of ordinary so-called philosophy—we can defeat them all very easily. I am very encouraged that you are assisting me so nicely in this great mission, and I thank you very much.
I am very pleased that your preaching work is going on nicely. That is the test, that you are making devotees. Especially I want this school and college program. If only the intelligent class of men understand our Krishna philosophy, then our mission is successful. So try to attract these students with profuse prasadam and nice philosophy and they will appreciate more and more. Slow but sure, that is our motto—and class, not mass. So never mind some other Christian movements are getting many followers. The competition is beneficial for us. Everything is beneficial for Krishna consciousness if it is utilized properly. That is the art.
We have got an international body of students trying to preach this cult of Krishna Consciousness, and we are so pleased the people of Vrindaban (Brijbasis), as well as the Fathers of Vrindaban Town—all of them have appreciated our attempt. I am so much obliged to the devotee-residents of Vrindaban for their giving me the civic reception.
I am very glad that you are challenging all of these so-called swamis and gurus. My Guru Maharaja appreciated devotees who boldly present our Vaisnava philosophy. We must take advantage of every opportunity to defeat these rascals and drive them away, so please continue this strong attitude.
The officials and residents of Vrindaban have greeted us very nicely, and they are simply astounded to see our SKP chanting with great jubilation through the city streets. The Mayor has publicly proclaimed that I have done something wonderful, and practically speaking, they realize that before I went to the western countries no one there knew about Vrindaban. Now hundreds of visitors and hippies from your country come here to see Krishna's place. The Vrindaban devotees have understood that Vrindaban is now world-famous due to my preaching work, so they are all very much appreciating their hometown Swamiji.
I am very pleased that everything is progressing nicely in London under your supervision. I want that my London center remain very strong for preaching this Indian cult to the Britishers. Let them appreciate that after so many thousands of years this Vedic culture is still strong and effective, and that it can practically solve all the problems of material existence. Empires come and go, so many huge empires and lands and properties—all vanished, just like the British Empire. Now we are offering the real solution, so present them our philosophy nicely and they are very intelligent people, they will understand and appreciate.
The best news is that you are increasing nicely the distribution of my books and literature. This is the best activity, to distribute solid information about Krishna. Our preaching stands solid on these books. No other movement or cult has such vast background of authority, so we are not afraid to challenge anyone and everyone to defeat their philosophy on the basis of that authority. Krishna appreciates such strong preachers as His dearmost servants, so let us work very enthusiastically to drive away rascal philosophy and establish the real religion of Bhagavad-gita As It Is.
These are all very nice boys and girls, and I have very much appreciated their attitudes of devotion and surrender as displayed in their letters to me. I have replied them under separate cover. Their beads, duly chanted by me, as well as three copies of Gayatri mantra and three sacred threads, also duly chanted on, are sent under separate post. Hold a fire yajna and give Gayatri mantra to Kaliya Krishna das, Batua Gopala das, and Ichhamati dasi. I think you have got a tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra, so use this tape. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear. So the fire yajna can be held for all six devotees.
As for Mayapur scheme, this year there was severe flooding, so I am waiting one more season to observe our chances. If there is continual severe flooding, then our plan for Mayapur may have to be altered. But meanwhile go on collecting. I want also that we may have a very nice place in Vrindaban. When I was there the municipality gave us a piece of land, and we have offers of land from other sources, so things look favorable for our branch there. If we get sufficient facilities there, we will revive the spiritual life of Vrindaban, and the whole of India and the world will appreciate and be benefited.
Your idea to take German citizenship and organize the whole of Germany is the first class plan. If you can recruit many members there and get German language books published, that is the very best idea. When Mayapur place is organized you can come and see it, but your place is Germany. The German people are very intelligent and advanced in philosophy. Lately we have been discussing some of their philosophers like Kant, Hegel, Marx, and so on, so I can understand that there are many intellectual people in Germany who will appreciate our Krishna philosophy.
I am so glad to learn that all of you are such a great help to Sri Galim there in our Austin center, and I have especially appreciated the murtis you are making of Pancatattva. I can understand that you are very sincere boys and girl and are very eligible candidates for going back to home, back to Godhead. And the process is simple. Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way, keep yourself engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you will be really happy in this life and in the end reach the Supreme destination.
I think that Palika dasi may join her husband, Bhavananda, in Calcutta as soon as she recovers her health, & she may help him there organize things very nicely for celebrating our festival in Mayapur from middle Feb. to end Feb, & she may help organize Calcutta center as nicely as they have done in New York. As for Yamuna, she may rejoin her good husband, Gurudasa, in Delhi for pushing on our program there & making many life-members. I shall be very pleased to hear that you have gotten well & that you have both returned to your duties. It is only because Krishna has somehow or other given me such assistants as yourselves that I have got any success I appreciate your helping me in this way, you are more dear to me than my own daughters.
In Delhi our program was very successful and at least 25,000 people attended each evening. The Governor, the Mayor, the Canadian High Commissioner and many other important persons were amongst our chief guests. And at the end of the program the Government has agreed to give us free land in Delhi on the Yamuna Rive bank for constructing a Temple. Then after the Delhi program our whole party went to Vrindaban for seeing all the important places. We were greeted very warmly by the citizens and they very much appreciated the purity and high standards which all our devotees maintain. I have always stressed this point; that if we simply follow the regulative principles, avoiding the four sinful activities, chant regularly daily 16 rounds, and maintain firm faith equally in Krishna and Spiritual Master, that your life will become sublime. So please come to Bombay and then we will talk further.
These books are the best advertising, they are better than advertising. If we simply present Krishna Consciousness in a serious and attractive way, without need to resort to fashionable slogans or tricks, that is sufficient. Our unique asset is our purity. No one any where can match it. That will be noticed eventually and appreciated, as long as we do not diminish or neglect the highest standard of purity in performing our routine work, not that we require to display or announce ourselves in very clever ways to get attention. No, our pure standard is enough. Let us stand on that basis.
1972 Correspondence
Yes, I have very much appreciated the new covers to Easy Journey and Topmost Yoga. As much as possible go on reprinting all the books and distributing them profusely. Your idea for issuing a series of Transcendental Teachings is good. We want to flood the market with Krishna consciousness publications. Here in Bombay I have resumed my translating of Bhagavatam. Every day I am translating and Syamasundara is transcribing them from the dictaphone tapes. But the best place where I can do my translation work is in Los Angeles and New York.
Your question if a devotee has no appreciation for God but he has little appreciation for pure devotee, than what kind of devotee is this? If he has appreciation for pure devotee, then he must have appreciation for God. It is just like "Love me, love my dog." If he simply loves the dog and not the master, then what kind of love is that? I have remarked that in your country when friends met, one friend has one dog beside him, the other friend always bends down to pat the dog first, then he is very much appreciated by the dog's master and the friendly discussions can begin. It is something like that.
Recently I had been in Vrindaban and the whole Vrindaban city appreciated my service in the foreign countries. Both the Municipality Chairman officially as well as the Vrajavasi public gave me address of welcome in great meetings. But I had some difficulty in staying in my rooms at Radha Damodara Temple. They want me to go away and are now picking up some quarrel with me to get me out of my possession.
I think once before Hamsaduta and Himavati had gone to Europe from India that way, and they were telling me how much difficulty they had. Besides that, you will be taking so much time, I think at least one month, so why not utilize the time better for preaching work? So you are both young and adventurous, that I can appreciate, and you have got the energy for it, and you may go there in that way, I have no objection, but if you collect money in Australia, that is a rich country, I think there must be some charter flights or cheap airline flights from Australia to London, why not go to Europe the easy way and save time? Anyway I am coming to Australia by 1st of February, so we may discuss it further when I shall come there.
I have read the translation of the pamphlet published for distribution in Djakarta. It is very nicely done. And I have also appreciated the photos showing you distributing Prasadam and performing Kirtana. Southeast Asia is a very good field for our activities, so you should continue vigorously in the same way you have been. So far your request for a couple to come and teach school in Djakarta, from here in India there are no available men as we have got the very big tasks of developing Mayapur and Vrindaban. Best thing will be that you write to Bali Mardan in New York and ask him that he should arrange for a mature householder couple to come from the U.S. Since the principal is offering kindly this chance to us, we must take it, so please inform Bali Mardan that someone should go.
People are appreciating how pure are our devotees that they are able to abide by the regulative restrictions. Even in your country where sinful activities are the common practice, never the less people are respecting the fact that we are able to follow these principles, while they themselves cannot. So stick very strictly to these principles and chant regularly daily sixteen rounds and you will always remain the topmost position. Have nice Deity program, always have lots of Kirtana, serve ample Prasadam very sumptuously and speak something from my books.
I always receive your letters with great pleasure. I am glad that you are appreciating so much this Krishna Consciousness Movement. Lord Krishna extends His mercy to all living entities, but He is particularly attentive to the needs of His devotees. You are blessed with an advanced devotee husband, you have now two nice devotee children, and by Krishna's grace you have taken a genuine Spiritual Master. So you are the most fortunate of women because you have been given every opportunity to attain the highest goal Krishna consciousness in this very lifetime.
I am very encouraged that so many new boys and girls are coming forward to join our Hare Krishna Movement. That is a good sign that you are advancing very nicely in Krishna's service. In this way go on—Krishna life is the very highest type of activity of the living entity, the topmost development of consciousness, so I am very much appreciating that you are becoming yourself Krishna Consciousness and that you are helping me in this way. Thank you very much.
I am very encouraged that all aspects of your KC program are increasing under your supervision, and I have especially appreciate prominent Indian gentleman as examples of our propaganda work. Just go on printing such leaflets, as Karandhara is also doing in Los Angeles, and everyone will take one and get some solid information about Krishna. You may print small essays also in this way. I am pleased that your distribution of literatures is also increasing. Go on giving this matter your full attention. The more books we sell, the more we ourselves advance in Krishna Consciousness.
I can appreciate very much that you are a sincere and intelligent boy, so I am certain that you are having no difficulty in managing nicely Krishna's affairs and making advancement yourself in Krishna Consciousness. Now I am trusting you all elderly leaders to do everything very responsibly and to the standards we have set, so that I may very soon begin translating fulltime. Thank you very much.
Your statements by that big big scientist were very much appreciated by me.
I very much appreciate your attitude in saying "It is not sannyasa so much that I am interested in, its Krishna Consciousness and working to please my Spiritual Master." This is the correct understanding of devotional service, to be engaged one hundred percent in the Service of Krishna, never mind what position you are occupying. Please continue in this way and try to live peacefully with your wife.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your report of January 28, 1972, and I am very pleased to hear that you are putting your full energy into distributing books and magazines very widely all over Canada. It is not so much the numbers of books sold, it is the sincerity which Krishna appreciates, and I am encouraged by your determined enthusiasm to increase in every respect. The travelling SKP and teaching in the schools and colleges which you are organizing is excellent proposal, and I think that this is the best program for pushing on this Lord Caitanya's Movement: simply travelling and preaching, and infiltrating the schools where young boys and girls are interested to learn something which will satisfy them. In both activities you may distribute many of our literatures, and that will please me very much.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 30, 1971, and I have appreciated very much the sentiments therein. I can understand that you are learning our philosophy very nicely, so if you become very convinced in this way, and if you preach very vigorously in Scotland, then I think Krishna will give you every opportunity to establish this Movement very solidly there. I attended the Scottish Churches College in Calcutta, and I can remember that the Scottish professors were very much fond of philosophy. So I think if you are very much determined to preach to learned persons, that they will appreciate very much and come forward to help you.
When I shall come there you can make extensive preparations for my speaking, etc., by advertising and propaganda, even more than this Cinmayananda Swami. My work is to preach, so you can prepare many very nice speaking engagements, especially to the intelligent class of men and the hippies. I am especially appreciating the writings of Siddhasvarupa in the "New Navadvipa News" and "Open Letter" pamphlets, like "Die Hippy, Die!" and these articles should be published in our "Back to Godhead" magazine and distributed very widely.
The world is supposed to be a place for curing men of their varieties of diseases of madness and sending them back home, like a hospital. But men have now got the mistaken idea to make a permanent settlement in this madhouse! Just like the hog is eating stool and he is thinking, Oh, I am enjoying like anything, and when I am finished, then sex with any she-hog—wife, daughter, sister, it doesn't matter—and for so many children I shall have to have big house, and on and on like this, all because of his madness that he thinks "I am enjoying." So preach like this, and I think many people will appreciate our philosophy and gain respect for this Krishna Consciousness movement. Do everything very cleanly and nicely.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 28, 1972, and I am pleased to note that everything is progressing nicely in San Diego center. I especially appreciate your attitude toward increasing more and more the sales of our books, that will sanctify all other activities of preaching because preaching means selling books.
Because you are making so many new devotees and distributing so many books and magazines, therefore I can understand that your routine work is being kept to the highest standard and that preaching work is going on well. This I can very much appreciate. Now never let it slacken or neglect our regular program, and always you will be successful in spreading this sublime movement of Lord Caitanya's, and very soon you will yourself approach the supreme perfection of life.
For my part, there is no question of dissatisfaction, I am very much pleased with your sincere service and humble attitude of Krishna Consciousness devotee. And I am also aware that sometimes Hamsaduta will be very stubborn, but he is also doing something there, so why not let him go on, and you take charge of opening branches in those northern European countries like Sweden, and that will be very much appreciated by me. If you require some more help in any way, just inform and I shall do the needful, do not worry. Also, Syamasundara is writing to Dayananda to send you books, whatever they can, from London, and they can send some men to help also if you require.
I have appreciated also the newsclipping from Boston "Globe," and I understand this is a very famous newspaper in your country.
So far you being philosophically-minded, that I can see and appreciate, but in future I think you can ask any questions you may have in these matters to one of the Swamis or to your GBC man. I have given them the answers to all such questions, so they can help you. I am an old man now, and my interests are turning to philosophy and translation. If you help me by relieving me from this administrative work, that will free me to give you so many more fine books from Vedic literature and from our own devotional line. So kindly assist me in this way.
Water itself is most antiseptic, so soap is not always required. The boys should be taught, and also all devotees should also be taught to wash own dishes, hands, mouth—that means always washing. They should be given only what they will eat, so that nothing is left over, and while bathing they can wash their own cloth. Your country, America, will become so much degraded that they will appreciate if we are revolutionary clean. Our revolutionary medicine will be experimented on these children, and it will be seen in America to be the cure. So make your program in this way, and encourage nondevotees or outsiders to enroll their children with us for some minimum fee, and you will do the greatest service to your country and its citizens by introducing this.
If the programs are very important, then I have no objection to staying longer there. But if you can arrange for all important programs to be organized in such a way that they shall be one after the other within shorter time, that is better. I especially like your idea to speak to many students, and if they are important meetings, I have no objection to travelling to other cities in Japan, but I shall appreciate if the meetings are scheduled within shorter time and more frequently.
So unless you find out some Christian who is actually intelligent, it is useless to try for convincing them of these points. Simply show them by example that we are finding great spiritual joy in serving Krishna, sell them some literature, give them prasadam, and invite to the temple, and if they cannot understand from the point of view of philosophy, at least they will be able to appreciate our wonderful and enlivening activities and that we have proved ourselves the most upright, moral persons and the best examples of enlightened souls for the general improvement of all the citizens.
Regarding your other question, you should not read such nonsense books, nor allow your mind to dwell on such subject matter. Instead utilize your time for advancing in Krishna consciousness by reading our books. We have got sufficient stock, and if you simply go on reading them, chanting regularly 16 rounds, engaging yourself 24 hours in Krishna's business, then all of your questions will be answered automatically, because Krishna promises to His sincere devotee that He will give him the intelligence to understand Him.
Kindly accept my humble obeisances at your Lotus Feet. The whole day spent at your Temple on Thursday was so pleasant, and happy that all my disciples felt celestial blessings in your association. Personally, I am so much encouraged by you, that I appreciate this as the blessings of Bhaktivinode Thakura through his living representative.
Kindly accept my humble obeisances at your Lotus Feet. The whole day spent at your Temple on Thursday was so pleasant, and happy that all my disciples felt celestial blessings in your association. Personally, I am so much encouraged by you, that I appreciate this as the blessings of Bhaktivinode Thakura through his living representative.
One thing, now you say the date for printing by MacMillan Co. is set for August 1st, but last time you said June 1st, so I am wondering how long this delaying business shall go on? Our Bhagavad-gita As It Is is so much important to the world for uplifting it from darkest condition of ignorance, but still we cannot give them it, that is our neglect. I shall appreciate if you can help to expedite the printing of BGAII as quickly as possible. Hope this meets you in good health.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated February 22, 1972, along with the letter from Santosa, and I especially appreciate his report of enthusiastic distribution of books and generally very highly determined and pure attitude of Krishna Consciousness devotional service. I am so much engladdened by his report. Just see how you all are giving all of your time and energy and attention to serving Krishna and how this simple formula is having such effect of creating topmost yogis and saintly young persons.
I am in due receipt of your letters dated December 26, 1971 and January 24, 1972 and I have noted the contents. I have received also the forward to Bhagavad-gita As It Is by Sriman Sampath H. Kumaran Hemmige and I have appreciated it very much, but I think there is already a forward. In any case, I shall send it along to Iskcon Press and they can decide how to use it. You may thank him very much for me.
I have acknowledged the $250.00 from you with thanks. Now I am remembering you in Calcutta when you were performing kirtana on the __ street. All of them, huge crowds of Bengali natives, and they were very much appreciative and they were paying you. That is a very pleasant memory. Thank you very much for helping me in this way. May Krishna give you all His blessings.
So far you ideas that some of our students have not realized what they are writing, that they are merely repeating the philosophy mechanically, and that Rayarama is more appreciated by you, then you can do it, and give the example as he has done it. But the difference is, that in spite of his becoming a philosopher he could not assimilate and practice the philosophy, and he went away, so you may write like him, but please do not go away. I think others like Kirtanananda may be repeating, but they stay. But I am always wondering, why others do not write, so many big big preachers we have got, but none of them write, so if you can inspire them to write in more convincing way, that is great service, do it.
As I have told you before, you are the chief editor of German BTG, in charge of its writing, translating, subject matter, content, everything, so I have complete trust in you for this, now do it nicely. When you are finished with Bhagavad-gita, then we shall see what shall be the next book for translating. But I think the German people are very philosophically-minded, and they will appreciate the higher philosophy of TLC, or the science of NOD. This we can decide later, first finish the work at hand. Actually, these four books: Krishna, TLC, NOD, and Bhagavad-gita, if these four books are translated and distributed widely in German language, alone they are sufficient to give everyone the whole contents of Krishna Consciousness subject matter. So try for all of them, why just one or two.
The other day I was invited by some Christian monks to come to their very large monastery in the countryside near Melbourne, and they were so much appreciating our Krishna Consciousness philosophy of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and they read our Bhagavad Gita every night, and they are all very nice persons and have stopped eating meat. So practically they have become our allies, and with their co-operation there is immense work to be done. Then last night we had a meeting in the Melbourne Town Hall in the central part of the city, and there was very ecstatic kirtan with more than one thousand persons and many of them joined us by dancing on the stage. So in every respect these western countries are the best field for our Vaisnava culture to spread and take effect, that has been demonstrated.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated March 19, 1972, and I am very much pleased to note that you are making steady growth in all aspects of devotional service, especially in the department of selling so many books monthly. But always remember that we are selling books not for making business but for pleasing Krsna, and by preaching we should sell books, not by cheating. If this simple method is followed, there will be tremendous success in selling of our books, and the public will appreciate and take great benefit from our preaching and publications.
Recently I have received from one Sannyasi complaint about another Sannyasi who is not chanting regularly. So our view is that we shall be strictly following the rules and regulations. Monetary matters are secondary. On principle, we should better starve than neglect our rules and regulations. We are trying to present an ideal Society to the world, so although we are very rigidly following these principles, still, we are very liberal to everyone. For this reason we are being appreciated everywhere. So anyway, I am not at all dissatisfied with you, but it is my duty to point out the mistakes. You are in charge of the Germany organization. Please do it nicely there, not very much on the material side, more on the spiritual side. Example is better than precept. Every one of you must be the perfect examples, then everyone will follow.
Your ideas for Rathayatra are nice, so do it like that. If you want any suggestions or points, I shall give you. I suggested to make a smaller ratha of wood finely-carved with silver plating if possible; if not, you can have a nice ratha in the normal way. In childhood, my ratha used to go to this temple, so if this is again introduced, it will be again very much appreciated by Radha-Govinda.
I am very glad to hear that you are all happy in Vrindaban and that our Sankirtana party from Radha Damodara Temple to our new place is being appreciated. Please continue this. You have retired from material life and Krishna has given you the nicest place in this material world to live in, so stick there and every month send one BTG Hindi composition to Tokyo. Radha Raman Goswami is there with you so you work together and do this job nicely.
In Vrindaban we can begin this prasadam distribution program also. Of course, there are many chatras for distributing, but we shall give them also Krishna Consciousness, that will be unique. And very soon Tamala Krishna is going to Bangladesh, so he shall initiate a huge prasadam distribution program there, so I don't think your estimate has been too high—in fact, we may very soon have to increase it, as they are distributing in Bombay extensively, and if you begin that program in Vrindaban. Cloth also we shall get, enough cloth from Bombay and Ahmedabad mill owners, as soon as the public begins to appreciate this prasadam distribution. So kindly consider it very much important to begin this collection of foodstuffs from your government immediately for dividing among our India and Bangladesh centers.
I shall not be able to come to your programs in early May as I am in Hawaii, but you are my representative, you can do it. I am very much pleased that you have got me also one bus for my travelling there. That was my ambition. Now you are all fulfilling all of the ambitions. At the present moment I take with me three assistants, so my books writing is going on, so that is not stopped by my travelling. So now I can go on touring and my writing will go on. So if we have got our own bus that will be very nice. I very much appreciate the photos you have sent, they should be published in our BTG. Sometimes after if you take a bus in India, it will be very very greatly appreciated.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 5/5/72, and I have noted the contents. Yes, Tejiyas is a very good worker, and I very much appreciate, you may ask him to write me his report and I shall be very glad to hear from him.
"Child is the father of man," so if you can train these children in Krishna Consciousness by kind instruction, feeding them, it will be a great service to Lord Caitanya. For the last 50 years the Gaudiya Math people are there but their relationship with the local inhabitants is not so cordial. If we continue this philanthropic work to give them enlightenment and food without any discrimination, it will be appreciated by all people.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 13 May 1972 and I have noted the contents. I have very much appreciated the enclosed photos of the Amsterdam activities. I am surely thinking to come to London for this year Rathayatra festival and if you like perhaps I can come to Amsterdam also if there is sufficient engagement there. At that time we can see about installing Lord Jagannatha in your temple. I was one time before in Amsterdam and I like that country very much. There are very many cows in that country and this especially is pleasing to me so if you can arrange some big engagement there then I shall gladly come.
Gujarati is important language, so I do not think there is lack of market. Your idea for distributing our literatures in outside cities by sending altogether in one parcel to one person is very much appreciated. In this way all our members in one place may be advised to take delivery from him. Just like in Surat. Books may be sent to our Mr. Jariwalla and he can advise the others to take delivery from him. In this way we save postage and we do not risk that some mails may be lost or stolen. I shall look forward to seeing you and your good wife Visakha dasi in Bombay when I return there this autumn.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 17, 1972 and I have noted the contents. I have appreciated very much the photographs which you have enclosed of the Hamburg deities. They are very very nice. Yes, your husband is expert in everything and also you are expert in everything. So do not think in this way that you are not very important devotees, because I am always thinking of you both and how much service you are rendering to Lord Krishna. Since a long time I have known both of you and I consider that you are among my very dearest disciples. Now do not worry that your husband will take sannyasa. I think I have told you before that I will not give him sannyasa at this point. He may travel very widely throughout the Germany zone and still remain Grhastha. He is more than Sannyas.
Actually outside of our bona fide Krishna Consciousness centers, there is no possibility of finding out what Krishna does or does not want. We say "We feel that Krishna wills this for us." But I feel Krishna does not. So whose feelings will be all right? You say that you are following the regulative principles, so if you are following the regulative principles, why you will not cooperate? If by following the regulative principles you do not become devotees, and you can not appreciate other devotees, then what is the use of these regulative principles? If you are actually chanting regularly 16 rounds, holding sankirtana daily, reading our books as much as possible, like that, then I think you will feel that such program of living separately, away from our Krishna consciousness program is a great mistake.
So if we are intelligent leaders of state, it is to our advantage to benefit all the citizens by satisfying their material requirements, but even more is it our duty to satisfy their need for being secure and confident that they are working under the principles of a truth or reality which does not change and is therefore absolute. That is spiritual satisfaction. Spiritual means philosophical, otherwise it is sentiment and sentiments are fickle and always changing. So we can very much appreciate your rejection of sentiment as a basis for practical activity.
Mr. Pandiya's suggestion for the housing society is very much appreciated by me, and it is very good proposal. We cannot give the control of the house to anyone and everyone. So your idea is all right, the housing society should be registered in the society's (ISKCON) name and we should pay the tax 70,000/.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 8, 1972, and I have well appreciated your sentiments. Your father has indicated to me that he shall be returning to London very shortly, so I have encouraged him to meet me there when I shall arrive there by July 5th. So you may be assured, and your mother may be assured, that your father will be returning to your home in London very shortly. I am very glad to hear that Krishna has protected you from the physical injury to your left eye. Just like Prahlada Maharaja always remembered Krishna and that saved Him from the most difficult situations. If we constantly remember to take shelter only at Krishna's Lotus Feet, then we shall always be saved from all sorts of dangers.
I am in due receipt of your letter from Calcutta dated June 12, 1972, and have appreciated the contents. I am especially pleased that you have stayed some days and got the tapes of Lalita Prashad Thakura for posterity. If you send them to Syamasundara immediately he has all facilities here to transcribe them, and get them printed immediately. As for the manuscripts, you can call Satchidananda from Vrndavana, he can write in Bengali very nicely and can type also with Bengali typewriter. Tell him to bring the Bengali typewriter with him and type everything on good paper.
I am very pleased to hear that the collecting work for Vrndavana project is going on by cooperative endeavor amongst yourselves there. ___ to interest the life members and richer class of men to purchase rooms in our Vrndavana Temple on the Bhetnama system for staying with us on weekends. Many high class gentlemen in Delhi who are also devotees would relish the chance to live with us on weekends and it will be for them just like Vaikuntha. I very much appreciate your courageous preaching work and I can understand that Krishna is giving you all facilities for making your spiritual advancement.
One makes his advancement in Krishna Consciousness by giving up voluntarily his attachment to material nature or maya and such renunciation is called tapasya. But we are not very willing to perform austerities without good reason, therefore any man with scientific and philosophical good brain such as your good self, must appreciate first what is the transcendental knowledge. If you get knowledge, automatically tapasya will follow, and then you make your advancement in spiritual life. So to get knowledge is the first item for anyone who is hoping to find his perfection of life. Therefore, I advise you to daily read our books as far as possible and try to understand the subject matter from different angles of vision by discussing frequently with the devotees at New York Temple. In this way you will become gradually convinced, and by your sincere attitude and devotional service you will make progress.
I am very glad to hear that all of you have been such a great help to Stoka Krsna there in our Dallas Gurukula and I can understand that all of you are very sincere boys and girls and quite eligible for going back to Home, back to Godhead. Now I very much appreciate your activities for conducting our school to the highest standard of Krishna Consciousness behavior, and I consider your work the most important in the society because you are shaping the future generation of our Krishna Consciousness preachers, and this is not any small thing. So I am depending very much upon you all to assist Lord Caitanya in fulfilling His mission for saving the human kind from very quickly gliding into hell.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 13, 1972 and have appreciated its contents very well. I am happy to hear that the men are engaged nicely, especially in the matter of distributing our books. Take any number of books without paying any price, and engage the whole amount for our building work there in Bombay, but the building work must be very superb. Now I have sent you one letter yesterday which I hope by now has cured the situation amongst you all leaders there in Bombay. So if there is neglect or slackening in the building work you may please give all good direction how it may be improved to the topmost standard in all of India. One thing, if our men are making daily between Rs. 30/- and Rs. 120/-, let us say average of Rs. 50/-, so that is Rs. 400-500/- per day, or Rs. 15,000 per month so that is very nice. So in this way you may order increasingly as many books as you can distribute and they will be immediately dispatched to Bombay without any cost to you.
I am in due receipt of your letter from Buffalo dated June 26, 1972, and I can very much appreciate the report therein. Yes, that is our main program, this traveling and preaching just as I am doing. Now you have to keep the institution in living condition in the near future, so as such you have to preach vigorously to the right point so that people will appreciate our movement and take to it. I am so much pleased that you have taken Sannyas and are preaching whole-heartedly. Do not worry about your wife and child, Krishna will take care of them. Just you save the foolish world from going to hell. Everyone has become already animals.
I am in due receipt of your letter from San Salvador dated June 28, 1972, and I am very pleased to note your progress by marching through the central America. It appears this part of the world is very, very sympathetic with our movement, so you may supply Karandhara with all the news reports and request him to send men to open centers. This travelling and preaching is very much appreciated by me and factually it is really Lord Caitanya's sankirtana movement. So you and your assistants have got my all blessings and encouragement, now go on with complete confidence and always praying for the protection and mercy of Lord Krishna, and there will be no impediments, rest assured.
I have heard from Bhakti das that that University in San Diego where I spoke is willing to have me there, so unless you are able to arrange something there at Berkeley or San Francisco, I shall probably teach at San Diego. Accredited or not accredited, it doesn't matter, I simply want to present this great philosophy to serious students who will understand it and deliver the world from the present-day ignorance of misinformation, so if you can help me in this way I shall very much appreciate.
Regarding the visa problem for our devotees coming there, I shall very much appreciate if you can arrange something with the government so they shall have no problem remaining there for some time to do some tangible work in Guyana. I am returning myself to Los Angeles in a few days from London, so you may reply at the Los Angeles address as above.
I have received your letter dated August 7, 1972 and I am very happy to note that things are improving more and more there in our Seattle Center. Yes, the program of increasing book distribution is very much appreciated by me, and especially if you can preach very widely to the university students nearby to your place, that is the best program. Try to get a course of instruction in the college and preach daily in a scholastic way. If we can attract this student class of men by our preaching work, that will enhance everything and we are very much in need of intelligent preachers for expanding this movement all over the world.
I have received your letter dated August 15th and have noted the contents carefully. I have also looked at the article in Kothari Magazine and it is done very nicely. Thank you very much. I am encouraged to hear that the collecting is going very nicely under your supervision and that you have made 33 Life Members there in Calcutta more. But we shall require huge funds to finish our Mayapur Project, at least Rs./60,000 per month must be collected there, along with donations of kind, such as steel, etc. So if you can assist Jayapataka and the others in this way that is very much appreciated.
I am very pleased to hear that my rooms have been repaired and painted so nicely, I am looking forward to coming there sometimes around middle of October, I shall let you know. Meanwhile, go on with your work and do not for one moment feel depressed because you are rendering the highest service to Krishna and He appreciates that, know it for certain.
Our Bhagavata Dharma Discourses are going on very nicely here in New Vrindaban, and hundreds of devotees and other persons from outside are also coming here, and there is one large pavilion on the hill-top where I speak every evening and the meetings are being very well appreciated by all. Now go on holding this Bhagavata Dharma discourses in every city of the world, in simple way, as we have done it in Nairobi, speaking something, having kirtana, distributing prasadam, and keep place to stay, camping and tents, for the devotees and guests, and in this way very quickly Lord Caitanya's movement will be spread all over the world and actually everyone will get enlightenment out of it.
I thank you very much for your letter dated August 25, 1972, and I appreciate very much for your kind sentiments. Yes, the Bhagavata Dharma discourses here in New Vrindaban are going on very nicely and daily several hundred devotees and guests are coming to hear, and it is truly a wonderful time.
I am so pleased to hear that you are living nicely with your parents and carrying on with your Krishna Consciousness activities. That is a good proposal. Never mind there maybe some inconvenience. Krishna always appreciates when his devotee makes some sacrifice on His behalf, so there is no real difficulty under any conditions so long as we remember the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
The Krishna Consciousness Movement is nondifferent from Krishna. If we therefore present the Krishna Consciousness in right earnestness, then certainly all these insignificant glowworms and frogs will have no more importance. Please therefore take it very seriously and do it on the right path which is not very difficult, then certainly we will come out victorious all over the world. I have read all the newspaper cuttings and handbills very attentively, and I very much appreciate the counter presented by us against the vilificaion by the enemies. Sriman Subala das's reply in the paper with reference to the context of sastra are excellently gorgeous.
I beg to thank you very much for your kindly remembering me on Vyasa Puja birthday, and I have appreciated your warm sentiments with great satisfaction. I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krishna Consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will feel yourself becoming happy more and more. That I want.
I beg to thank you very much for your kindly remembering me on Vyasa Puja birth day, and I have duly received your gift of $50.00, and I have appreciated your warm sentiments with great satisfaction. I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krsna Consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna, and you will feel yourself becoming happy more and more. That I want. Thank you once again,
I beg to thank you very much for your kindly remembering me on Vyasa Puja birth day, and I have duly received your gift of $50.00, and I have appreciated your warm sentiments with great satisfaction. I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krsna Consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will feel yourself becoming happy more and more. That I want. Thank you once again,
I beg to thank you very much for your kindly remembering me on Vyasa Puja birth day, and I have appreciated your warm sentiments with great satisfaction. I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krsna Consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will feel yourself becoming happy more and more. That I want. Thank you once again,
I am in due receipt of you letter from Vrndavana dated first September, 1972, and I have appreciated the contents with great care. I am especially encouraged that you are planning another wonderful festival of Hare Krsna festival in Delhi, and that you are trying to get again the LIC grounds. Then it will be first class. One thing is, Tamala Krsna has invited me to come to Hyderabad starting 17th November, and I have accepted his invitation. So I think you may begin the Delhi festival from 5th November and it must be finished by the 16th November, and then I can fly to Hyderabad on 17th as agreed with Tamala Krsna.
I beg to thank you very much for your kindly remembering me on Vyas Puja birthday, and I have duly received your gift of $50.00, and I have appreciated your warm sentiments with great satisfaction. I am very much encouraged by your programs in Krsna Consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will feel yourself becoming happy more and more. That I want. Thank you once again,
I beg to thank you very much for your kindly remembering me on Vyasa Puja birthday, and I have appreciated your warm sentiments with great satisfaction. I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krsna Consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will fell yourself becoming more and more happy. That I want.
I beg to thank you very much for your kindly remembering me on Vyasa Puja birth day, and I have appreciated your warm sentiments with great satisfaction. I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krsna Consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will feel yourself becoming happy more and more. That I want. Thank you once again,
I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 28, 1972, and I have appreciated the contents carefully. I am glad to hear that all the departments of business are going on successfully, now I am anxious to hear if the conveyance deed has been signed and what are the contents. Kindly send me the copy duly signed as quickly as possible, this will give me great relief. As soon as the conveyance has been signed you may begin the building work immediately. I am coming to India soon, at east by October, and I want to see that the building projects in Bombay, Mayapur and Vrndavana are going on nicely.
King should donate to brahmanas. We are a society of brahmanas, therefore the king should donate us those temples and we shall keep them in his name, and we shall renovate them and make them very gorgeous for the foreign tourists. And they will appreciate the contribution of the king of Bharatapur and will perpetuate his memory. If the 25 lacs which the king proposes is spent for renovation and making the places very nice, that is better. We will spend at least 10 lacs for renovating all these places up to date. We shall everywhere advertise that it is the king of Bharatapur. We are prepared to make a formal agreement that we shall spend a minimum of 10 lacs for renovating, if he will donate. And if we get that land, we can cultivate agriculture. So approach him yourself immediately and ask him to donate. We will occupy immediately and renovate and fill the places with foreign tourists.
I have received again today your shipment of mangoes from Hawaii, and I have received other mangoes in the last few days, and I thank you very much for thinking about me. And I am always thinking about you, along with your good husband Gaurasundara, because you have been of such good assistance to me for pushing on this Krsna Consciousness movement in your country and other places around the world. Without your kind assistance and thinking of me, I am one old man, what could I do alone? But fortunately Krsna has sent you to assist me and I can appreciate it very much, may Krsna give you his all blessings more and more.
Yes, I did not see your drama in New Vrndavana about the advent of Lord Krsna. But I have heard from others that it was done very nicely, so I am very much pleased. These kinds of dramas about Krsna, Krsna's pastimes, and also Lord Caitanya's pastimes, are very much desirable for presenting to the public widely. So if you can organize your traveling party to present such dramas all over your country and other places that will be very much appreciated. Perhaps you can work together with Visnujana for presenting our road show opera to the public also. I had opportunity to see that opera in Pittsburgh and it was very well done, with a lot of drama and dancing as well. You may keep me informed from time to time what is the progress of your play-acting group, Vaikuntha Players.
I thank you very much for your letter from Benares dated 9 September 1972, and I have very much appreciated the contents. Yes, if you can come to Vrndavana in October to see me, that will be very nice. I shall be arriving there approximately the 15th and can remain for about three weeks before going to Delhi, where we will hold our second annual Hare Krsna Festival and Bhagavata-dharma Discourses. I am very glad to hear that all of your activities are going on successfully, that you have finished your exams in good order and you have increased your chanting also of rounds.
I can very much appreciate your sacrifices for me. Now my best advice to you is that you remain like Narada Muni, the perfect brahmacari, loitering all over the universe and chanting the Lord's name. I have understood that you are our top first class book distributer, and you can rest assured that this has not gone unnoticed by Krsna. Krsna appreciates very much when His devotee works very hard to serve Him. So you are doing the greatest service, do not be disturbed by anything temporary disturbance, simply focus your energy in always serving Krsna in this way of distributing His books widely, and you may travel if you like, and always under every circumstance remember to chant the Lord's name and remember His lotus feet, and that will protect you under every condition, without any doubt.
Your plan for forming sankirtana parties for selling our literatures throughout India is very much appreciated by me. Now you have got many many books there and in order to finance our building projects in India you must sell these books profusely. The traveling party idea is the best method for distributing our literatures widely. All funds should be deposited in the Book and Building Accounts and spent for those purposes only. I have very much appreciated your Hare Krsna monthly magazine, it is a great step forward, now maintain it actually monthly and collect many advertisements and spread our propaganda in this way. One thing is, Bhavananda has suggested that you need more help but he was called to help you from Calcutta and coming such long distance he was also silent and then he went away. I do not know why he has gone away because I asked him to stay there in Bombay and help you execute the conveyances and not to leave Bombay until the conveyances were signed. Kindly keep me informed more regularly what you are doing and how the things are getting done in Bombay.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated nil, and with great pleasure I have read also the enclosed brochure "Who Will lead Us?" That is a new chapter for Krishna Consciousness movement. Now we shall begin to educate the politicians gradually. But they are so much corrupted by their sense gratification that we shall find it a difficult task. But if gradually we may present our philosophy in public places as you are doing in Atlanta, that will be appreciated by the intelligent class of men, and it will become well known that our philosophy of political leadership is of the highest standard and morality, and if anyone wants to advertise himself that he has made programme for the welfare of the people, he must be forced to compare his programme with ours so the citizens may judge which is better. Continue increasing this political activity, it is very pleasing to me.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 11, 1972, and I have appreciated very much your kind sentiments. Yes, I am very pleased to see how our children in Dallas school are making such nice advancement in Krishna Consciousness happy life. Small children are just like animals and they have to be t rained how to obey, otherwise they will be simply spoiled. But the art is how to apply authority and discipline so they will enjoy it and not reject, and I think you all instructors are learning yourselves that art more and more, and this pleases me very much.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 13, 1972, and I have very much appreciated also the copy of latest BTG in Dutch language, and I have shown it to some of my Godbrothers and other visitors here. I am happy to hear all of the programs there in Amsterdam temple are going on nicely, and I think you are the best man to give all of the younger students good advice and guidance how to make advancement in their Krsna Consciousness devotional service. Now try to produce literature more and more in the native language, and introduce our philosophy into all the schools and colleges in Holland.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 20, 1972, and I have appreciated very much the enclosed booklet, "Krsna, the Reservoir of Pleasure." Although none of you have yet been here in Vrndavana, still, Krsna has given you the spiritual vision and you are seeing Vrndavana actually, the paintings are so nice. Just see how the cows are looking at Krsna. Now you distribute these books by millions all over the world, then everyone will see how wonderful is Vrndavana. That is the best preaching work.
Now we are in Vrindaban, and the programme for speaking daily morning and evening in the courtyard samadhi-place at Radha-Damodara temple is very much being appreciated by the devotees. Next we shall go to Hyderabad for some weeks. You have mentioned nothing of your wife, so what is her position?
Yes, that is a good proposal, print many many books in African language and distribute widely, that is real preaching work. If you sell a book to someone, that is better than your speaking to them—what will your three minutes' preaching do? But if they read a book it may turn their life. Go on preaching, that is the highest perfection of activity, and do not worry for anything, Krishna is so much appreciative of this preaching work that He will give you every facility, as much as you have ambition.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 20, 1972, from Berlin, and I have noted the contents with care. I am very glad to hear from you that Berlin centre is progressing nicely under your expert supervision. You are one of my older disciples and I think you were the first devotee in European continent, so now you have got good experience how to do the things well, and I see that you are sincerely applying your knowledge to expand Krishna Consciousness movement with good result. That is very much appreciated by me. Now go on in this way, distributing books profusely and preaching and making devotees, and that activity will be the perfection of your life.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 31, 1972, along with the latest copy of Back To Godhead #49, which I have read carefully and have appreciated to my complete satisfaction. I am so glad to know that you and the others at ISKCON Press are doing so wonderfully service in this way. These books and magazines are doing so wonderfully service in this way. These books and magazines are our most important propaganda weapons to defeat the ignorance of maya's army, and the more we produce such literature and sell them profusely all over the world, the more we shall deliver the world from the suicide course. So your work is the most important preaching work, may Krishna bless you more and more. Thank you for helping me in this way.
I have just the other day had one meeting with Dr. Karan-Singh, the Minister of Tourism for India, and he greatly appreciates our movement and has promised all help, and he will give me free passage on Air-India if there is clause allowing. He has acknowledged that Air-India is advertising Krishna all over the world and attracting tourists in that way. Now we have seen that many foreign visitors are coming to India to see the sacred places like Vrindaban, and the KLM Airlines has requested us to guide their tourists in some scheme, so if the Ambassador may give us any assistance in this connection, so that we may not have difficulty entering the temples or we may have all government cooperation to be the excellent hosts for such tourism, that he can do quite easily. I am enclosing the letter from Dr. Karan-Singh that you may show to Mr. Shukla.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 13, 1972, and I can well appreciate how the things are going on nicely in your Denver center. I am very glad to hear all the good news, especially that you want to sell books more and more. That is the best preaching work; each book sold means there is some practical effect of preaching, there is some tangible progress. So try to sell books as many as possible in your country, and in this way, so long you remain active but not for your personal sense-gratification, so long you remain active only satisfying Krishna's senses, then this movement will be successful without any doubt. As soon as someone wants to satisfy his own senses, then he fails at everything. We are the only movement in the world which is preaching the real fact or secret to success, and outside our movement everything else will fail. So try to convince people to join us and be successful in their life, that will be your credit.
Even I was there in summer, still I had to go to England—it was so much cold in Hamburg. But never mind there is any discomfort of the body. We shall not be very much concerned for that. Devotee means he is able to tolerate all kinds of discomfort and whims of the material nature, and because he is so much absorbed in serving Krishna, he takes no time to become angry or take offense with others or find out some fault, no. Devotee means very liberal and kind to everyone, always gentleman under all kinds of conditions of life. So now you have practically become inseparable from Germany temples, and you have introduced this strict brahminical standard in those countries and it is coming out successful. So I am always appreciating you and your good wife, Himavati, for your kindly helping me in this way. May Krishna shower you with His all blessings.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 3, 1972, from Edinburgh, and I am so much pleased that you are doing the real work of a sannyasi, travelling, preaching and training the devotees to preach. I am too much proud of you on account of seeing the newspaper items. Yes, if there is good response for purchasing our books and asking intelligent questions, that is the test of your preaching capacity. I can well remember that Woodstock Hall or Woodside Hall in Glasgow, so I can very well appreciate how nice these Scottish people listen to our discourse. Now develop this field very carefully, it is one of the best places in the world for our preaching work to take hold and convince the population gradually.
I have had a good laugh and enjoyed your tricking the opponent candidates in election race, especially in front of the college students. That is a very good sign. Now I want that we shall recruit more and more our men amongst the intelligent class of men. They, because they are little educated or they have got some wealth or fame or ability, so they will be sometimes little puffed-up, but that is all right, they deserve it. Now we shall have to learn the art how to approach such higher-class of men and attract them to apply themselves to this Krishna Consciousness process of self-realization. That requires much tact, and we shall have to expect to meet all challenges by sharp minds. But if we remain always absorbed in remembering Lord Caitanya, how He converted so many intelligent men, even sitting for three days and nights to hear them speak without Himself speaking anything, and if we remember how Krishna was so much patient to explain everything to Arjuna, even Arjuna was speaking like a fool—in this way, being always tolerant of others and appreciating their points-of-view, it will be easy matter for us to convince them gradually to join us. So you have got a very great opportunity for this kind of preaching work.
You are having difficulty with police-force, that is to be expected. This material world is so full of danger, even from our so-called "protectors." But we have got the best Protector, Krishna, so do not worry about anything police or other envious persons. In one stroke Krishna can finish them all. But you may get some relief in this connection if you can approach very carefully some leading members of the city government, or big, big men of the town, and convince them by your words and behavior that our devotees are not in any way unworthy persons, that in fact they have left their lives of criminals to try to turn others away from being criminals, and that if simply we get a little facility we can render immense service to the cause of law and order. Like that, if you are sincere and cool-headed, they will appreciate after some time—and if only one of such big, big leaders understands the real fact, that is sufficient to stop all further cases of police attacks. But one thing is, we have not got anything to gain by "fighting the demons in the streets and courts." No, our process of solving the matter is simple, why should we unnecessarily take botheration for fighting? Only after exhausting every possibility of peaceful solution shall we fight anyone. Just like Krishna.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 29, 1972, and I have noted the contents with pleasure. I am so much happy to hear from you all the good news of our Mayapur centre! No, your liking of engagement there is not at all an inappropriate attachment, rather it is your qualification for pleasing your spiritual master. Attachment must be there, for Krishna or for maya. So you have become attached to developing the Mayapur centre, that is Krishna's work, so Krishna appreciates very much when His devotee becomes attached to Him in this way. Yes, the cooperative spirit of working together without any argument is especially prominent in Mayapur, more than other places in India. Therefore you are successful, and the work is going on quickly to completion. That is because all of you working there have become very much attached to the dust from Lord Caitanya's Lotus Feet, and because you have got such deep personal interest with that engagement of work, you want to see that it is done nicely without any hindrance of selfish motivation, never mind all kinds of conditions of the material nature.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 10, 1972, and I am very much disturbed to hear from you that you have become disturbed in your mind. Do not be disturbed. There is no cause for anxiety. You are doing your best to serve Krishna, that is very much appreciated, so do not lose enthusiasm out of frustration, that will spoil everything. Krishna Consciousness means we should always be satisfied and happy, not that we must work something impossible, becoming overburdened, and then because we are unhappy by so much trouble we lose enthusiasm altogether and give up all hope. No, if too much endeavour is there, that is to be avoided.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 3, 1972, and I have very much appreciated hearing from you the news of your successes in preaching tour. You are the pioneers preachers in South India. That is very important portion of India, and there is much to do there in future, so you are paving the way. I know that you are both best preachers and you will not stand by idly and listen to any nonsense ideas or mayavadis. That is very nice.
Regarding the work of Pradyumna, now he is working very hard to finish those missing portions, and he will send you very soon. Actually, whatever else he may be doing, I very much appreciate Pradyumna's work. Everyday he gives me some solid work, at least something every day, so I am very much appreciating. I was in Ahmedabad preaching daily in the morning and evening for last two weeks, and at least ten thousand were coming to hear. From January 12th our second Hare Krishna Festival will go on in the Cross Maidan in Bombay, and Tamala Krishna and Syamasundara are planning something very gorgeous just to push on the preaching work.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 12, 1972 and I have noted the contents with great concern. Bali Mardan is my trusted senior disciple, do you think I am a fool to choose him for running on My big New York temple. Rather, if anyone criticizes him, they must be the fool. He has done so much wonderful service and I appreciate him so much. No amount of your foolish words will touch my estimation.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 27, 1972, and I can very well appreciate your preaching work on European continent, having received very favorable reports from other big leaders there. That is wanted, that all of you will take upon yourselves the responsibility of preaching widely everywhere the message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. By that responsible commitment to your spiritual master, that is your qualification for getting Krsna's blessing upon you.
I can understand that it is Krsna's desire that we have got that place at Bury Place, it has become world famous due to that location, so try to keep that place also as long as possible. But in order to expand properly all over British Isles we shall require a big big headquarters as you are contemplating. But if there is no solid program for getting the place, simply we are depending upon agents and George to do everything, then we may not be favored by Krsna to get a place very quickly. Better to take the upper hand and begin very energetically attempting to get some place. By our expending energy for Krsna, that is appreciated, not the actual result of our energy. But if there is lack of energy being devoted for some purpose, then everything will be delayed and possibly stopped. Better to seize the iron while the fire is hot, that my Guru Maharaja used to tell me.
Your letter dated December 25, 1972, is in hand and I so much appreciate your nice report about the affairs as you see them in England and Scotland. Yes, I have seen myself that you are perfectly well qualified to defeat all challengers so far our philosophy goes. You are good kirtana man, you can sing and play mrdanga like anything, you are also good cook, you are expert philosopher and preacher, you are in the renounced order of life, having given up all thoughts of wife, family and home, you are determined to assist me by training up so many younger devotees in Krsna consciousness, you have got good ideas how to push on our movement also—in so many ways you are among the best qualified and most appreciated of my disciples. Because you are so much qualified and advanced in Krsna consciousness, therefore Krsna is giving you great strength and pleasure is being derived by you from your working in this way. By this traveling and preaching in the schools, colleges, youth clubs, like that, selling books, this program is very very much appreciated by me, and I think that you are accomplishing more good preaching result than anyone. Yes, let the good men go with you to preach all over England, and the less advanced devotees may stay at the London temple and become trained up to the point of becoming experts and then they also may go out for preaching in traveling party.
Page Title: | Appreciate (Letters 1970 - 1972) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti |
Created: | 25 of May, 2011 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=243 |
No. of Quotes: | 243 |