January 26, 1973
Los Angeles
My dear Karandhar,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge your letter dated January 2, 1973, regarding the book shipments to India. As I have already informed you by telegram, until further notice you should not dispatch any further shipment of books for India. The position is that I have asked Kesava Prabhu to see to all the book affairs here since in the past two years our books have not been properly managed here. After he takes stock of all books in the different centres, and makes out appropriate bills, and generally adjusts things, then we shall think to order more books. The principle to be followed is that whatever the MV Trust is debited in America a similar amount must be paid into the MV Trust account here. In this way things will be adjusted. You may correspond with Kesava regarding further developments.
In Bombay we have just celebrated our Second Hare Krishna Festival and it has come out very successfully. More than 20,000 people attended the last evening's program. A special feature was the "Question and Answers" booth where 24 hours a day and night one of our sannyasis answered all philosophy questions. So the people were impressed that we are not seemingly sentimentalists, but have substantial philosophical footing.
I hope you and all others in Los Angeles Temple are well.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami