So Śukadeva Gosvāmī says the subject matter for hearing for the people in general, there are varieties, varieties. Why varieties? Why not one? Why people are not interested in one subject matter? That is replied in the next line that ātmā... Śrotavyādīni rājendra nṛṇāṁ santi sahasraśaḥ, apaśyatām ātma-tattvam (SB 2.1.2). Apaśyatām means those who are blind. Paśya means to see, a means negation. Those who are blind, those who cannot see, what is that? Ātma-tattvam. Apaśyatām ātma-tattvam (SB 2.1.2), those who are blind to the subject matter of self-realization. There is a subject matter of self-realization that just like we are body, mind, and soul. The soul is covered by the underwear, mind, intelligence, and ego, and the underwear is covered by the gross coat, this body. This is our position. So those who are blind to the subject matter of the soul, those who are thinking "I am this body," they are very less intelligent class. They are almost animal. The animal cannot think beyond his body. A dog is thinking, "I am this body." The cat is thinking, "I am this body." Beyond this he has no power. He is so low-grade. Therefore, he is called animal. But a human being can understand that "I am not this body." A human being can meditate, he can see his hands. Am I this hand? Am I this finger? No. The answer will come, "No, it is my hand. It is my finger."
Similarly, you study—this is called meditation—you study yourself. So many things, so many subject matter. Take, for example, miseries of life. You can meditate upon that "I don't want these kind of miseries, but they are enforced upon me." This is subject matter for meditation. So a man dies. A man dies means his body is finished. But a person who is in different sense of knowledge, he wants to think over subject matter, what is that thing which is no longer existing so that the man is dead? These are the subject matters for one who is interested in self-realization, ātma-tattvam. This is called ātma-tattvam, to understand oneself, what I am. This is very important part of knowledge in human form of life. In the human form of life, if he does not come to this stage of inquiring what I am, am I this body, am I this mind, am I this intelligence, or I am something else? So apaśyatām ātma-tattvam (SB 2.1.2), those who are blind to see the self, for them there are so many subject matters. The newspaper will supply, the magazine will supply.