Category:Krsna's Greatness
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Pages in category "Krsna's Greatness"
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- After talking with the gopis and bestowing upon them the greatest benediction, Lord Krsna welcomed King Yudhisthira and other relatives who had come to see Him
- All great sages of the world - like Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Christ, Hazrat Mohammed, Acarya Sankara, Acarya Ramanuja, Lord Caitanya - all lived for enlightening men in this culture of human spirit
- All of them (ladies) heard of Him and His great activities, and thus they thought of Him, talked of Him, His name, fame, etc., and became affectionate also, like those who were in direct contact
- All the symptoms of the Supreme Truth in full are present in the person of Lord Sri Krsna, and in the Bhagavad-gita the Lord emphatically declares that there is no truth greater than or equal to Himself
- Although He (Krsna) appeared as a human being, He married 16,108 wives, which is impossible for a human being to do. The Lord performs such activities to show people how great He is, how affectionate He is and how merciful He is
- Although there are many foolish Mayavadi philosophers who think that they are even greater than Krsna, Krsna is asamaurdhva: no one is equal to or above Him
- Although You are one, You are spread throughout the sky and the planets and all space between. O great one, as I behold this terrible form, I see that all the planetary systems are perplexed. BG 11.20 - 1972
- Anor aniyan mahato mahiyan (KU 1.2.20). Krsna is mahatah, greater than the greatest, and we are the smaller than the smallest. But the particle is the same, as particle of gold is also gold, but the particle of gold is never equal to the gold mine
- Another gopi said, "You (Krsna) are the greatest and most powerful of all. It is wonderful for You to protect us from so many dangers, but we are surprised that You are neglecting us at this moment"
- Arjuna is very enlightened and is glad that he has a great friend like Krsna, but now he is thinking that although he may accept Krsna as the source of everything, others may not. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna prayed, "My dear Krsna, I thought of You as my cousin-brother, and so I have shown disrespect to You in so many ways, calling You Krsna, or friend. But You are so great that I could not understand"
- As far as we can conceive, the space which contains the universe is the greatest, but Krsna has shown millions of universes in His mouth. The greatness of God cannot be comprehended by the living entities, who are part and parcel of God
- As it is materially possible, that a man of this world can work so wonderfully simply by pushing some button, so how much great is God, or Krsna, simply by His desire, "Let there be creation," immediately everything is there
- As it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, all the Vedic literatures are glorifying the greatness of Lord Sri Krsna. Here it is confirmed in the Bhagavatam also
- As Kamsa wielded his sword up and down, hither and thither, Lord Krsna, the supreme powerful Lord, caught hold of him with great force
- Asvatthama proved himself to be an unworthy son of Dronacarya or of a brahmana, and for this reason he was condemned by the greatest authority, Lord Sri Krsna, and yet a mild woman (Draupadi) could not withdraw her natural courtesy for a brahmana
- At no time can we be as great as Krsna, although we are the same qualitatively. No one is equal to God, and no one is greater than Him
- Because He is the omniscient Personality of Godhead, Krsna knew that the cowherd men were preparing for the Indra sacrifice, but as a matter of etiquette He began to inquire with great honor and submission from elder personalities like Maharaja Nanda
- Because Krsna embraced Putana's body with great pleasure and sucked her breast, although she was a great witch, she attained the position of a mother in the transcendental world and thus achieved the highest perfection - SB 10.6.37-38
- Because Krsna is vibhu, the greatest, He includes everything, even past, present, and future time, and He is all-pervading, present everywhere
- Because of His great respect for brahmanas Krsna embraced Sudama Vipra, although he was not a regular brahmana but a brahma-bandhu, or friend of a brahmana family
- Because of Krsna's weight, Trnavarta considered Him to be like a great mountain or a hunk of iron - SB 10.7.27
- Bhava means assimilation - "Oh, Krsna is so great." This is called bhava. That is real understanding, when you understand really this bhava stage. Bhava-bhakti
- Bhava means love, feelings, feelings of love, - Oh, Krsna is so great
- Bhrgu Muni's kicking the chest of Lord Visnu with his foot was certainly a great offense, but Lord Visnu is so great that He did not care
- Brahman indicates the greatest, and the greatest is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- Brahman means it is very, very great; and not only great, it is becoming greater and greater. Brhannatvat. So the greatness understanding, of Krsna or the Absolute Truth is accepted everywhere in civilized human society
- By crying out the word "Krsna," the boys at once transcended the fearful situation. Out of His great affection, Krsna did not want His friends to give up their pleasing lunch engagement and go searching for the calves
- By dragging behind Him (Krsna) with great force the wooden mortar tied to His belly, the boy Krsna uprooted the two trees - SB 10.10.27
- By the great strength of the Supreme Person (Krsna), the two trees, with their trunks, leaves and branches, trembled severely and fell to the ground with a great crash - SB 10.10.27
- Dear Krsna, we are always busy in our family affairs. We therefore request that You remain within our hearts as the rising sun. That will be Your greatest benediction
- Dear Lord, the demigods said, it is Your great mercy that You have called us to see You. Is there any particular order? If so, we will carry it out at once
- Even people from other religions who are really learned accept it (the Bhagavad-gita). That is proof of the greatness of Krsna - this knowledge. Who can give such knowledge? That is the proof that He is God
- Every living entity is an eternal part and parcel of Krsna in spiritual identity, and that the eternal position of the living entity is therefore never on the level of Krsna or greater than Him
- For one using a material process, Krsna is considered to be a great historical personality and very learned philosopher. But He isn't an ordinary man. BG 1972 purports
- From the very beginning of His appearance, Krsna was the greatest enemy of all demoniac persons, although Krsna's enmity toward the demons is actually comparable to His friendship with the devotees
- He (Carudesna) was a great warrior like his brothers and father. He fought with Vivinidhaka and killed him in the fight
- He (Kalayavana) rebuked Him with the following words - O Krsna! I heard that You are a great hero born in the dynasty of Yadu, but I see that You are running away from fighting, like a coward. It is not worthy of Your good name and family tradition
- He (Krsna) appeared extremely powerful; His influence and vast power are so great that every human being should be afraid of Him
- He (Krsna) dropped His covering cloth on the way (to kill Bhismadeva), and out of great anger He did not know that He had dropped it
- He (Krsna) has no beginning and no end (anadi-nidhanam), and therefore He is vibhu, the Supreme, the greatest
- He (Krsna) is an individual as are the other living beings. But the Supreme Lord, or the supreme living being, has the greatest intelligence, and He possesses supermost inconceivable energies of all different varieties
- He (Krsna) was decorated with Srivatsa, jewels and yellow garments. He was smiling with a beautiful face and playing in the river Yamuna with great strength
- He (Krsna) was the greatest rascal also. Because He was always teasing the gopis
- He (Samba) was also known as Jambavati-suta for the same reason. As previously explained, all the sons of Krsna were as qualified as their great father
- He (Vyomasura) was immediately thrown to the ground with great force and killed, just as an animal is killed in the slaughterhouse. After killing the Vyoma demon, Lord Krsna released all His friends from the caves of the mountain
- He is worshiped as impersonal Brahman by saintly persons who understand His greatness through studying the Upanisads, as the Purusa by great philosophers who analytically study the universe, as the all-pervading Supersoul by great yogis
- His (Lord Krsna) personal weapon is the most powerful weapon, greater than the brahmastras or similar other disastrous weapons
- How should we pray? Tat te 'nukampam susamiksamanah: (SB 10.14.8) "My dear Lord, it is Your great mercy that I have been put into this dangerous position." That is the viewpoint of a devotee
- I am transcendental, beyond both the fallible and the infallible, and because I am the greatest, I am celebrated both in the world and in the Vedas as that Supreme Person. BG 15.18 - 1972
- I have no difficulty in becoming the greatest scientist because I take the knowledge from the greatest scientist (Krsna). - This earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and ego - they are My eight separated energies
- I may be a fool personally, but because I take knowledge from the greatest scientist (Krsna), I am the greatest scientist. I have no difficulty
- I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is endowed with great power
- If Krsna chooses to deceive a person, no one can surpass Him in His deceit. His greatness is not simply one-sided - it is all-sided. BG 1972 purports
- If Krsna likes He can do anything. Now in our New York court case the judge has declared that Krsna consciousness is a genuine religion and has dismissed the case. Is it not Krsna's great blessing
- If Putana attained the position of a mother of Krsna, what then is to be said of the cows whose nipples Krsna sucked with great pleasure and who offered their milk very jubilantly with affection exactly like that of a mother - SB 10.6.37-38
- If simply we understand that "Krsna is the Supreme Person. He is great, and we are all subordinate. So our duty is to serve Krsna," these two lines, if we understand, then our life is perfect
- If we all agree that Krsna is the friend, real friend . . . Suhrdam sarva-bhutanam. Krsna, if He's not our friend, why He's coming down on this platform where we are living in rotten condition? He's great friend
- If we simply try to explain how Krsna is great, how God is great, that is sufficient service. That is complete service: sravanam kirtana
- If you analyze that everything is being maintained by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that is real understanding of Krsna consciousness, how Krsna is great, or God is great. So that is a real civilization of life
- If you have approached Krsna, then even the greatest fear will not agitate you. That is a fact. So such a thing is Krsna. Try to achieve this greatest boon, Krsna
- In a fearful attitude, she (Rukmini) looked upon Krsna's face, expressing her gratefulness that He had taken such a great risk for her sake only
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.12), Krsna is described as the Supreme Brahman (param brahma param dhama). The word brahma means - the greatest
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.15) Krsna says, "The real purpose of the Vedas is to understand Me." This is the injunction of all Vedic literatures. One who does not know the greatness of Lord Krsna cannot be accepted as an Aryan
- In fact, so great was His (Krsna's) charity in Dvaraka that even the spiritual kingdom, with all of its opulence of cintamani (touchstone), desire trees and surabhi cows, was surpassed
- In the CC, descriptions of the creative energy and the Lord's hand in it are explained, and the author of CC has warned the neophyte devotees to be seriously on guard against the pitfall of neglecting knowledge about Krsna in regard to how great He is
- In the Narada-pancaratra it is said that if on account of profound veneration for the greatness of the Supreme Lord, one attains a great affection and steady love for Him, one is certainly assured of attaining the four kinds of Vaisnava liberation
- In the Visnu Purana (1.12.57) the word brahman is given to indicate the greatest of all; the Supreme Lord is the greatest, and there is no limit to His expanding as the greatest
- In this case, because Krsna could not find any fault with Rukmini, for she was very grave and always engaged in His service, He smilingly, in great love, began to speak to her just to provoke her loving anger
- It is impossible for people to understand the great opulence of Sri Krsna. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu tells us to abandon speculating about God
- It is indicated also in this sloka that Krsna, while actually present before human society, especially in connection with the Battle of Kuruksetra, was accepted as the greatest personality of the time, although He might not have been recognized as the SPG
- It is not possible to comprehend the greatness of Krsna and His opulences. BG 1972 purports
- It is not that Krsna comes whimsically. He has a great plan, otherwise why should He come here? He is very much eager to take us back home, back to Godhead. That is Krsna's business
- It is understood that the Maha-Visnu is the source of all incarnations in the material world. But because of His greater extraordinary opulence, we can understand that the son of Nanda Maharaj is the source of the Maha-Visnu also
- Keeping the calves before them, they started for the forest in a great procession. In this way, Lord Krsna assembled thousands of His boyfriends. Equipped with a stick, flute, horn, as well as a lunch bag, each was taking care of thousands of calves
- Krishna is so powerful that He can become smaller than the smallest and greater than the greatest. He can keep millions of skies within His Belly and at the same time He can enter within the existence of the smallest atom
- Krsna challenged all His friends, "My dear friends, just see - I am jumping with great chivalrous prowess. Please do not flee away." Upon hearing these challenging words, another friend named Varuthapa counter-challenged the Lord & struggled against Him
- Krsna continued, "The wonderful explanation you have given of My every word is completely factual and approved by Me. O most beautiful Rukmini, you are My dearmost wife. I am greatly pleased to understand how much love you have for Me"
- Krsna exhibits His greatness by being personally satisfied even with one who is unqualified from so many angles of vision
- Krsna has very kindly come here to receive, to take, accept my humble service. He's so great that He cannot be approached by a person like me
- Krsna Himself is simply sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), the eternal form of bliss and knowledge, and because of His inconceivable greatness, He is called the Supreme Brahman
- Krsna is addressed (in CC Madhya 19.210) by the gopis as kitava, a great cheater
- Krsna is so grateful that He accepts him (a surrendered soul) and gives him all kinds of protection
- Krsna is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore He is the greatest of all. No one is equal to Him, nor is anyone greater than Him
- Krsna said, "If a devotee offers Me the most insignificant things a little flower, a little piece of leaf, a little water but saturates the offering in devotional love, then not only do I gladly accept such an offering, but I eat it with great pleasure"
- Krsna said: "O Partha, the gopis know My greatness, My loving service, respect for Me, and My mentality. Others cannot really know these"
- Krsna says, "Yes, it (heat) is My energy." So my knowledge is perfect. Because I take the version of the greatest scientist, I am the greatest scientist
- Krsna's dhiroddhata qualities have been accepted as great because Krsna uses them only to protect His devotees. In other words, even undesirable traits may also be used in the exchange of devotional service
- Krsna's going to the school of Sandipani Muni was to show the people of the world that however great or ingenious one may be, he must go to higher authorities for general education
- Krsna's great power is so great. Generally, people take Krsna very slightly: "Oh, Krsna danced with the gopis." They do not know what is Krsna. Therefore they go to hell by hearing from unauthorized sources this Krsna's rasa-lila
- Krsna's magnanimous childhood pastimes are so great that simply chanting about them vanquishes the contamination of the material world - SB 10.8.47
- Krsna's name is Natavara. Natavara means the greatest dramatic dancer. And another His name is nato natyadharo yatha (SB 1.8.19). He is dancing in such a nice way that He is attracting everyone
- Krsna's own form has only two hands, but in the form of Lord Narayana He has four hands. Lord Narayana holds a conchshell, disc, club and lotus flower, and He is full of great opulence. The sri, bhu and nila energies serve at His lotus feet
- Krsna, "My dear friend (Sudama), what have you brought for Me? Has your wife given you some nice eatable for Me?” While addressing His friend, Lord Krsna looked upon him and smiled with great love"
- Krsna, Sanskrit word, means "all-attractive." But in the greatest. You say that God is great. Krsna means the greatest all-attractive. Unless you become very great, you cannot be attractive
- Less intelligent persons do not agree to this great instruction of the Lord, as ill luck would have it, but one who is actually intelligent catches up this sublime instruction and is immensely benefited
- Lord Caitanya always maintained that Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is great and the living entities, however great they may be, are but infinitesimal
- Lord Krsna is the greatest of all religious principles
- Lord Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the cause of all causes. He is past, present and future, and He is the movable and immovable. He is the greatest and the smallest, and He is visible and directly experienced
- My dear Krsna, O killer of Aghasura, You have extended Your loving affairs so much that You can be compared to the great ocean, which is without limitations
- My Lord (Krsna), if one is favored by even a slight trace of the mercy of Your lotus feet, he can understand the greatness of Your personality - SB 10.14.29
- My Lord, even the learned sages become disturbed in their intelligence when they see that Your Greatness engages in fruitive work although You are free from all desires, that You take birth although You are unborn, that You flee out of fear of the enemy
- My Lord, if one is favored by even a slight trace of the mercy of Your lotus feet, he can understand the greatness of Your personality
- My Lord, You are the supreme controller, the Personality of Godhead, the supreme great, maintaining the order of this cosmic manifestation. Yet in spite of Your being the supreme controller, You (Krsna) have so kindly appeared in my home
- Nanda continued, "If Krsna were not a great personality, how could He have killed Kamsa, who possessed the strength of ten thousand elephants? Besides Kamsa, there were the very strong wrestlers, as well as the giant elephant Kuvalayapida"
- Nothing comes out automatically. It is coming out of the energy of the Supreme Lord, but the energies are so subtle, nice and artistic that all of a sudden you see a nice flower. So He is the greatest artist
- Now wherever I (Madhavendra Puri) sit, I can remember the great descendant of the Yadu dynasty (Krsna), the enemy of Kamsa, and thereby I can free myself from all sinful bondage. I think this is sufficient for me. BG 1972 purports
- O great one, as far as I am concerned, I have preferred only to engage in the loving service of Your lotus feet
- O mighty-armed one (Krsna), all the planets with their demigods are disturbed at seeing Your great form, with its many faces, eyes, arms, thighs, legs, and bellies and Your many terrible teeth; and as they are disturbed, so am I (Arjuna)
- O Supreme Lord, the transcendental form which I am seeing is the greatest manifestation of the Absolute Truth, and it is full of effulgence
- One cannot understand Krsna perfectly. It is not possible. Even Krsna Himself cannot understand Himself, He is so great
- One may conceive of Brahman's (the Supreme Lord's) greatness, yet this greatness grows in such a way that no one can estimate how great He actually is
- One may think of Krsna as smaller than the smallest. That is also a kind of greatness. Krsna can manufacture this gigantic cosmic manifestation, and He can also manufacture a small insect
- One resident of Vrndavana once told Lord Krsna, "My dear Krsna, O pleasure of Vrndavana! Being afraid of this material existence, we have taken shelter of You, for You can completely protect us! We are well aware of Your greatness
- One should always be absorbed in thought of Krsna, one should become His devotee, one should always engage in His service and worship Him as the supreme great, and one should always offer Him obeisances
- One should have complete faith in the words of Krsna, who says that He is the great well-wishing friend of everyone (suhrdam sarva-bhutanam). A devotee considers Krsna the only friend. This is called sakhyam. Pumsarpita visnau
- One should not neglect to understand fully how great Krsna is, for by knowing the greatness of Krsna one will be able to be fixed in sincere devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- One should take shelter of Krsna-Balarama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose protective power is so great that it cannot be equaled in the material world
- One simply has to realize the greatness of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One should not try to understand Him by any material means, subtle or gross
- One who sees the greatness of Krsna in neutrality will certainly never again seek the so-called relief of impersonalist or voidist philosophy
- Only when one knows Lord Krsna's greatness can one firmly put one's unflinching faith in Him; otherwise, like the common man, even the great leaders of men will mistake Lord Krsna for one of the many demigods, or a historical personality, or a myth only
- Our folly is that we are trying to study Krsna, or God, by our own standard, frog standard. We do not know how great Krsna is, how His potency is great, how He is manufacturing
- Our Krishna is a great family Personality. Krishna is never a mendicant, and our ambition is to enter into Krishna's family and to associate with Him personally
- Out of these five basic subject matters in Bhagavad-gita it is established that the Supreme Godhead, or Krsna, or Brahman, or supreme controller, or Paramatma - you may use whatever name you like - is the greatest of all. BG 1972 Introduction
- Person who have not tended a pure devotee, and especially those who are conscious of Krsna as a historical personality or who are envious of the greatness of Krsna, should not be told this most confidential part of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Purusam means that He (Krsna) is the supreme enjoyer, divyam, transcendental, adi-devam, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, ajam, the unborn, and vibhum, the greatest, the all-pervading. BG 1972 Introduction
- Qualitatively we are one. But we are the smallest and Krsna is the greatest. So we accept it immediately from the Vedic information. Therefore our position is sane. We do not falsely declare that, "I am God." Just give proof that you are God, then claim
- Queen Kunti is praying to Lord Krsna at the time of His departure, "My dear Krsna, You are so great that You are inconceivable even to great stalwart scholars and paramahamsas"
- Radharani was very pleased, but superficially Krsna was the greatest rascal. So unless rascaldom is in Krsna, how could rascaldom be existent in the world
- Rising and falling again and again at the lotus feet of Lord Krsna for a long time, Lord Brahma remembered over and over the Lord's greatness he had just seen - SB 10.13.63
- Rukmini continued, "How can I be a fit match for You? There is no possibility of comparison with You, who are the master of all greatness, the controller of the three qualities and the object of worship for great demigods like Brahma and Lord Siva"
- Rukmini said that she did not think anyone was greater than Krsna, not even Lord Siva, who is known as Mahadeva, the greatest of all demigods
- Sanjaya said: Thus have I heard the conversation of two great souls, Krsna and Arjuna. And so wonderful is that message that my hair is standing on end. BG 18.74 - 1972
- Satya continued, "The Lord also sometimes descends to this earth in different incarnations to fulfill the desire of His devotees. He is so exalted and great that I do not know how to satisfy Him"
- Simply by trying, not perfectly. Even imperfectly. Because he is endeavoring to understand Krsna, that very activity will make him liberated. That very activity. It is not possible to understand Krsna. He is so great, unlimited
- Simply by understanding the greatness of Krsna, one can achieve the status of santa-rasa, in which the worshipable object may be the impersonal Brahman or Paramatma
- Skanda, the son of Parvati and Lord Siva, is the chief of all military commanders. And of all bodies of water, the ocean is the greatest. These representations of Krsna only give hints of His greatness. BG 1972 purports
- So that was the position of the Pandavas; although Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the greatest among all greats, still He remained with those royal brothers, being attracted by their devotion, by their friendship and by their love
- Spontaneous attraction to Krsna under two headings, One is profound veneration for the greatness of the Lord, and the other may be one's automatically being attracted to Krsna without any extraneous consideration
- Sri Uddhava said: Thereafter Lord Krsna went to Mathura City with Sri Baladeva, and to please Their parents They dragged Kamsa, the leader of public enemies, down from his throne and killed him, pulling him along the ground with great strength
- Sri Yamunacarya further says in his prayer that the forgiving power of Lord Krsna is even greater than that of Lord Ramacandra, because Sisupala was always in the habit of insulting Krsna - not only in one lifetime, but continually throughout three lives
- Srila Rupa Gosvami states that although Lord Krsna is the reservoir of unlimited pleasure and the greatest leader of all, He is still dependent upon His devotees in three ways
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.81.16) clearly indicates that although Krsna is so great that it is not possible for anyone to satisfy Him, He exhibits His greatness by being personally satisfied even with one who is unqualified from so many angles of vision
- That greatness of Lord Krsna is being described here by Lord Caitanya to His disciple, Sanatana Gosvami. Advaya-jnana-tattva, vraje vrajendra-nandana. Advaya-jnana-tattva. Advaya-jnana-tattva means He is Absolute. He is not relative
- The activities of the Personality of Godhead, which are like those of a man in this mortal world, are bewildering to others, but I know of His greatness by His grace, and thus I am happy in all respects
- The author of Caitanya-caritamrta has warned the neophyte devotees to be seriously on guard against the pitfall of neglecting knowledge about Krsna in regard to how great He is
- The brahmana (Sudama) thought, "It is most pleasurable to see Lord Krsna, who is most devoted to the brahmanas. How great a lover He is of the brahminical culture! He is the Supreme Brahman Himself, yet He reciprocates with the brahmanas"
- The devotees outside Vrndavana study how great the inhabitants of Vrndavana are, but the inhabitants of Vrndavana don't care to know how great Krsna is. That is the difference between them
- The Eighth Chapter gives the reason for describing Lord Caitanya's pastimes. It also describes the greatness of Lord Krsna's holy name
- The famous wrestler Canura then began to talk with Krsna and Balarama. "My dear Krsna and Balarama," he said, "we have heard about Your past activities. You are great heroes, and therefore the King has called You"
- The four-headed Brahma said, What I thought about You at first was nonsensical. Everyone may say that they know You in perfection, but as far as I am concerned, I cannot begin to conceive how great You are. You are beyond my conception and understanding
- The friend continued: "Don't advertise Yourself (Krsna) to be a great fighter by such action. You have advertised Yourself as a serpent, and I am the peacock who will now defeat You." The peacock is the ablest enemy of the serpent
- The glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are so great that the impersonalistic followers of the Upanisads cannot reach the platform of knowledge to understand them
- The goddess of fortune engages herself in penance in order to gain the association of Krsna. Such is the greatness of the superexcellent beauty of Krsna
- The great reservoir of pleasure, Lord Sri Krsna, thus thought to Himself, "Mother Yasoda first of all left without feeding Me sufficient milk, and therefore I broke the pot of yogurt and distributed the stock butter in charity to the monkeys"
- The great reservoir of pleasure, Lord Sri Krsna, thus thought to Himself, "Now she has bound Me up to a wooden mortar. So I shall do something more mischievous than before." And thus He thought of pulling down the two very tall arjuna trees"
- The greatest acarya, Krsna says in BG 2.13: "As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change"
- The greatest art is to understand Krsna. If we actually want to be artist, then we shall try to understand or try to be intimately associated with the greatest artist, Krsna. For this purpose, this Society is established
- The King (Syamantaka) tried to hide himself in the forest, but Krsna would not become discouraged. Krsna finally got the jewel by seeking out the King with great steadfastness
- The Lord (Krsna) is equal to everyone, but a devotee of the Lord is more glorified because he is always in touch with the all-great
- The Lord (Krsna) is great, and living beings are subordinate to Him. Therefore, the duty of the living being is just to serve Him only
- The Lord is being paid obeisances in all respects. He is of immeasurable greatness. No one can be greater than the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The other gopi continued, "He (Krsna) has no business either with us, the girls in the Vrndavana forest, or with the city girls in Mathura. He is the great Supersoul; He has nothing to do with any of us, either here or there"
- The pasandis do not accept that the potency of the holy name of Krsna is so great that one can be delivered simply by chanting the holy name, although this is confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 12.3.51): kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet
- The Personality of Godhead, Lord Krsna (Govinda), is the exclusive shelter for all great living beings, and His transcendental attributes cannot even be measured by such masters of mystic powers as Lord Siva and Lord Brahma
- The sun is the source of the sunshine. So similarly, brahmano hi pratisthaham, "I am the source of Brahman, the effulgence." That's a fact. Brahman is not greater than Krsna. Krsna is greater than Brahman
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead says: Unless one is elevated to the platform of santa-rati, he cannot be fixed in knowledge of the greatness of Krsna or of the diffusion of His different energies, which are the cause of all manifestations
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is greater than all, is attainable by unalloyed devotion. Although He is present in His abode, He is all-pervading, and everything is situated within Him. BG 8.22 - 1972
- The transcendental influence of Krsna is so great that it can defeat anyone
- The transcendental rasas, or relationships, can be divided into five. The initial stage is called santa-rati, wherein one who is liberated from material contamination appreciates the greatness of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The wonderful form of Krsna in His personal feature is so great that it attracts even Krsna to taste His own association. Indeed, Krsna becomes very eager to taste it
- The word "Brahman" indicates the greatest of all and the maintainer of everything. The impersonalists are attracted by the greatness of the sky, but because of their poor fund of knowledge they are not attracted by the greatness of Krsna
- The word sanatana means "eternal," and the word amsa means "particles." God, Krsna, is very great. No one is equal to Him or greater than Him
- There are so many isvaras, gods, that's all right. But the Supreme Lord is Krsna because nobody is found greater than Krsna
- They are following blindly, nonsense, the Radhakrishnan and company. Therefore our Dr. Svarupa Damodara has said: "Krsna, the greatest scientist." We are following the greatest scientist. They are rascals
- This scene (Mother Yasoda binding child Krsna because of His disturbance) is very much appreciated by pure devotees, for it shows how much greatness there is in the Supreme Person, who plays exactly like a perfect child
- Those who are conscious of Krsna only as a historical personality or who are envious of the greatness of Krsna should not be told this most confidential part of knowledge
- To be a good king is not necessarily the qualification for being Lord Rama, but to be a great personality like Krsna is the qualification for being the Personality of Godhead
- To understand Krsna is not very easy job. But by the grace of Krsna you can understand Krsna. Krsna is explaining Himself. That is Krsna, great. You take
- Uddhava describes Krsna's qualities, "Although He is just like an ocean of wisdom, still He sometimes consults me. He is so great and magnanimous, yet He is engaged in His different activities just like an ordinary person"
- Undoubtedly Sri Krsna is the greatest personality in those days and still now also. Still, in all, not only in India, in all parts of the world, Sri Krsna is accepted as the greatest leader of philosophical presentation of this Bhagavad-gita
- We are all artist, but when we appreciate the greatest artist, Krsna, then our life is successful. Otherwise, whatever we are doing we are being defeated unless we come to the point to appreciate the greatest artist who has created all this arrangement
- We are anu, the smallest, and Krsna is vibhu, the greatest. We are part and parcel of Krsna, and therefore Krsna is both the smallest and the greatest, whereas we are only the smallest
- We are atomic small, and Krsna is unlimitedly great. That is the difference. Otherwise, so far quality is concerned, Krsna and ourself, the same. As the parts and parcel of Krsna, if we live always with Krsna, then we are in spiritual life
- We cannot understand Krsna by sensual perception or by speculation. It is not possible, for Krsna is so great that He is beyond our sensual range. But He can be understood by surrender
- We may not be as good as Krishna, and that is also not possible anyway. Krishna is great and we are minute particles. So how we can become as good as Krishna
- When Krsna was informed by Satyabhama of the murder of His father-in-law, He began to lament like an ordinary man. His great sorrow is, again, a strange thing
- When Krsna was present, He proved that He is all-great. Therefore He's God. If you accept that God is great, and if you find somebody who is great in everything, then He is God. How can you deny it
- When Krsna was speaking to Maharaj Yudhisthira about religious principles, He demonstrated Himself to be a great learned scholar
- When Krsna was swimming about just like a great strong elephant, He made a tumultuous sound, which the great black serpent Kaliya could hear. The tumult was intolerable for him, and he could understand that this was an attempt to attack his home
- When the supreme authority, Lord Krsna, was thus speaking with great gravity, all the sages and ascetics remained in dead silence. They were amazed upon hearing Him speak the absolute philosophy of life in such a concise way
- With folded hands, all the Brahmas and Sivas began to offer prayers unto Lord Krsna, saying, O Lord, You have shown me a great favor. I have been able to see Your lotus feet
- With great strength Lord Krsna began to pull the rope, which was tied to the mortar. As soon as He pulled, the two trees, with all their branches and limbs, fell down immediately with a great sound