Category:Our Death (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Death (Disciples of SP)"
The following 57 pages are in this category, out of 57 total.
- Although a devotee is dying and nondevotee is dying, there is difference of feeling at the time of death. Like the mouse and the cub. And don't consider that both of them are dying in the same process
- Although we may be engaged in the Lord's devotional service in the temple, material conditions are so tough and inevitable that we may forget the Lord at the time of death due to a diseased condition or mental derangement
- At the time of death we have to think very rightly. That is required. That is human life. You have to train yourself in such a way that at the time of death you think of Krsna
- At the time of death, if you remember Krsna, then your life is successful
- At the time of death, somehow or other, if you can remember Narayana, Krsna, your life is successful. Therefore, practice, practice, while you are strong, while you are in good life, practice how to remember Narayana, Krsna, always
- Before death we have to become competent in Krsna consciousness. What is that competency? Always, twenty-four hours, thinking of Krsna. That's all. This is competence
- Before your next death you finish your Krsna consciousness. That is the real gain of life
- Believe in Krsna's word and surrender unto Him, and don't spoil this human form of life. Death is sure. Before death, we must prepare to go back to home, back to Godhead
- Everyone has to die sometime, but the problem is that most men your age are thinking, "I will live another fifty years'', but now you have been informed that in your case, you will not live so long
- Everyone of you should think that every moment, whatever asset you have got, the most valuable asset is the life, duration of life. That is being taken away. That is the law of nature. And the last taking away is death
- Everyone will die. So before death one should be complete in Krsna consciousness. That is success of life
- I was very much shocked on hearing of the accidental death of Professor Dosa. I am sending herewith one letter for his wife which please hand over to her and give her all solace
- I wish to die without a doctor. I may be seriously, but don't call doctor. Chant Hare Krsna. Don't be disturbed. Everyone has to die. Let us die peacefully, without doctor
- If we are practiced to think of Krsna always, naturally, at the time of death, at the time of end of this body, if we are so fortunate to think of Krsna, His form, then we become materially free, no more this material body
- If we are serious of being transferred to the place where Krsna is, then we have to train up the mind so nicely that at the time of death I can remember Krsna
- If we chant Hare Krsna mantra or engage our talking for glorifying the Lord, then death cannot touch. Death cannot touch means we are making our way to become immune from death
- If you practice your life in this way, never lost to Krsna, so at the time of death you are sure to go to Krsna
- If you think of Krsna, how to serve Him, that is your perfection of life. Because you'll think at the time of death of Krsna
- If you very much affectionate to your dog or something else, you will think at that time. Therefore practice Hare Krsna, so that at the time of death you can think of Krsna and your life is successful
- In Western countries, I have got thousands and thousands of disciples. They have given up all these things (illicit sex, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating). That does not mean that they have become dead. No. It is anartha, unwanted
- It is the mercy of Krishna that you are getting fair warning of your nearing death. Now, you must become very serious to prepare to meet death without fear of being fully absorbed in the lotus feet of Krishna
- Jayananda's death is glorious. It is very good that he had stated, what is the use of such a useless body, better to give it up. He has left his body very wonderfully, and he has been transferred to Vaikuntha
- Just like these boys, girls, they are chanting Hare Krsna, and they are undergoing the austerity. So they have not died. Not they are unhealthy. You can see. They are living, and they will live. But they have become purified
- Krsna consciousness means to adjust your condition so that after leaving this body you can enter into the planet where Krsna lives
- Krsna Consciousness means to be on the platform of deathlessness. Every sloka in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam is informing us of this. If you read these books carefully you will understand this platform of deathlessness
- One should become a parent only if he can deliver his ward from the clutches of death. And that is possible only with KC. This is a very great service for Krishna, to give all opportunity for the child to be trained up in devotional service
- Only this Krsna consciousness movement is there. How to conquer over death
- Our death condition is for seven months only. As soon as I leave this body, at once I am injected into other's mother's body according to my karma
- Our subject matter is not material things, that somehow or other you get a car and a good apartment and a good wife, then all your problems solved. No. That is not solution of problems. The real problem is how to stop your death
- The Bhagavat also says that no one should become the parent unless he can deliver the child from the clutches of death. So it is your duty to make this baby KC so that he may not have to take birth again
- The Krsna conscious people, they should not be lazy. They should always remember that death is already there
- The last desire... Because if you become addicted to certain type of desire, that is prominent at the time of death
- The practice of devotional service means so that we may be so accustomed to chanting Hare Krsna mantra that at the time of death we may remember it. Not like parrot
- The rascals, they agree to die. We do not agree to die. We want to come to our original position, no more death. This is our motto
- This is the duty of father and mother to enlighten children in Krishna Consciousness and thus save them from the clutches of impending death
- Those who are not in knowledge, they are afraid of death. Best business is, before the death comes let us finish our Krsna consciousness perfectly. That is wanted. Death will come. You cannot avoid it
- Those who are practicing Krsna consciousness know that their examination will be held at the time of death. If one can remember Krsna at death, he is immediately transferred to Goloka Vrndavana
- To be determined that the child will have his last birth into ignorance is very good. It is true that one should become a parent only if he can deliver his ward from the clutches of death
- Today or tomorrow, everyone will die. So where is the anxiety? Die or not die, tomorrow or today, but one should chant Hare Krsna, that's all
- We do not know when we shall meet our next death, our next exit from this platform. But before going out of this platform, we may try to finish Krishna Consciousness. That is our main business
- We do not want liberation. We want to serve the purpose of the Gosvamis, in association with pure devotees. To stop birth and death is not our purpose
- We should be accustomed to chant Hare Krsna that whenever the death point is there, he would chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. Then that is success
- We should immediately take to spiritual life and try to make our life perfect. Because there is no certainty when our death is coming. That is real intelligence
- When there is question of death it is recommended you may take anything to save your life
- You have given this chance to your beloved son to be saved from the repetition of birth and death, and your good example must be followed by all mothers in America
- You may be very great devotee. That's all right. But it will be tested at the time of your death, how you remember Krsna
- You must be very careful and always praying to Krishna that you will not forget Him at the time of dying
- You will be judged after your death, every one of us. Of course, if he takes Krsna consciousness seriously, then the path is automatic. Automatically you go back to home, back to Godhead. There is no question of judgment
- You'll see Krsna as lion when He'll ultimately come and capture you, "Ow!" (laughter) That is death. Atheist will see Krsna as death, and theist, devotee, will see Krsna as lover. Hare Krsna
- Your choice, make your choice, which way. Again death or deathlessness. Stop death from you. This is human life. The karmis, jnanis, yogis, they're trying for death. There will be death. But for the bhaktas, devotees, there is deathlessness
- Your death is stopped from the point where you begin Krsna consciousness