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Pages in category "Hippies"
The following 137 pages are in this category, out of 137 total.
- A Krishna conscious person must be seen by ears and not by the eyes or in other words one should try to know the depth of realization by Krishna conscious person and not see the beard which has become the practice of the Hippies
- After too much material enjoyment, the next stage is frustration. That stage is coming to your country. Therefore the boys are becoming hippies. After too much material enjoyment, the next stage is - that is natural-frustration
- Although father is rich, millionaire, the son has become a hippie, out of frustration, confusion, or some other reason
- As soon as you become hippie immediately your all prestige will go
- Dr. J. Stillson Judah, a learned scholar, has been very much attracted to this Hare Krsna movement because he has actually seen that it is turning hippies addicted to drugs into pure Vaisnavas who voluntarily become servants of Krsna and humanity
- Dr. Judah has admitted that "You have converted drug-addicted hippies into servant of Krsna and servant of humanity." That he has written
- Dr. Judah has admitted that you can mesmerize the drug-addicted hippies and engage them in understanding Krsna, is a great achievement
- Due to his long hair, mustache and beard, Sanatana Gosvami looked like a daravesa, or hippie. Since Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not like Sanatana Gosvami’s hippie features, he immediately asked Candrasekhara to get him shaved clean
- Even a few years ago, such hippies (who are addicted to drugs) did not know the Hare Krsna mantra, but now they are chanting it and becoming pure Vaisnavas
- Even the hippies, who have given up all the materialistic comforts of their fathers and grandfathers, cannot give up the sensational happiness of sex life. Such persons are described here (in SB 7.9.45) as krpanas, misers
- Everything is available in full abundance. Then why is there still a section of people who are frustrated and confused, like the hippies? They are not satisfied. Why? Because there is no balance
- Generally hippies are sons of great fathers and great families. It is not that they are always poor. But some way or another they abandon the shelter of their rich fathers and travel all over the world
- God says, "Surrender unto Me," so why not surrender? Why surrender to maya? That is the individual's choice. Another example: the government does not want the youth to become hippies, but they are abandoning a wealthy life just to lie down
- Have a European preaching center and try to enlist all the hippies and tourists who come to Vrndavana. Give them nice prasadam, engage them in chanting, cleaning the temple, reading our books, and give them all facilities for becoming devotees
- Hippie population means sankara population. So increase of such population means narakayaiva, naraka, hellish, hellish condition of life in this life, also in the next life
- Hippies and murderer in the name of religion. This is their culture. And abortion. Because there is no such culture, therefore the result is the abortion and killing and bombing, making the whole atmosphere abominable. This is your culture
- Hippies are so frustrated, they are now worshiping hog
- Hippy ism
- Human life has got a great responsibility. If you become like cats and dog, the hippies, then utsanna, everything is destroyed
- I have studied the behavior of the hippies. They are searching after something good, but they have no proper guidance
- I request you, don't you become hippies again by growing hair. Keep your head cleansed at least once in a month. That is my request. Neither I can chastise you, I am an old man and you are young men
- I want that all the hippies should come to me and I shall solve their problems. Actually all these hippies should join us
- I was surprised to hear from one of my principal disciples, Brahmananda - I was walking in the Central Park - that the groups of the hippies, they have begun to worship hogs
- I wish to inform you that the advertisements are not very congenial to our prestige, especially the hippy kind of advertisements. So we have to think over how we can avoid the advertisements and publish at the same time
- If parents simply give birth to children like cats and dogs but cannot save their children from imminent death, they become responsible for the activities of their animalistic children. Lately, such children are turning into hippies
- If there is happiness, why the young boys and girls become hippies? No. Happiness is different. So long you have got this material body, there is no question of happiness, either this American body or Indian body. That they do not know
- If we teach our children simply for sense enjoyment, how they can be spiritually advanced? The result will be confusion. Therefore in your country the hippies are there - confusion
- If you associate with the hippies, you will become hippie. If you associate with the Vaisnava, you become Vaisnava. That is practical
- If your government would give us some help I can save all of them. That would be a great blessing for your country. Otherwise this hippie class will simply spoil everything they have worked so hard for
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 1.40) it is said, strisu dustasu varsneya jayate varna-sankarah: if the women are polluted, there will be varna-sankara population. In modern terms, the varna-sankara are the hippies, who do not follow any regulative injunctions
- In Europe, America, here also, so many frustrated young boys, they are coming to be practically of no value to the country. In America I see thousands of hippies, they are doing nothing. So what is the future of the country?
- In New York. Yes. So many. Simply garbage. I have studied. Simply full of garbage. Nobody is going to take care. And the boys and girls loitering in the street as hippies. This is a very, very, bad sign
- In spite of so much educational propaganda in the Western countries, the young men are coming to become hippies. Because there is no proper training
- In this age of Kali almost everyone is dangerously fallen, and the hippies appear to be still more greater fallen. Besides that, from their behavior it appears they like this movement. This is a very good sign
- In your America there is everything sufficient, but still, people are unhappy. They are becoming hippies. Why? Because there is no knowledge about God. This is the only cause. This is the only cause
- In your country there are so many confused young men and girls known as the hippies and if you work very steadfastly I am sure a tremendous advancement can be done in our missionary activities
- In your country, by the rajo-guna you have created so many things, a nice country, very nicely operating. But another side: the confusion is there, the hippies. You see? Future hope of the country is very dark. You see? It will spoil the whole thing
- In your country, the hippies. They have given up everything, but sex is there. They cannot give it up. They have renounced everything, their father's property, their happy life, everything, but the sex is there. They cannot leave it
- It is a fact that many of our students have come from the hippies
- It is a fact that the hippies are our best clients. I had very good response in San Francisco during Rathayatra festival
- It is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss -This is the difficulty. They are also taking this (Krsna consciousness) movement - Oh, these boys are chanting and dancing. This is also another sentiment, another edition of hippie movement
- It is necessary for the leaders of the Krsna consciousness movement to start educational institutions in different parts of the world to train children, starting at the age of five years. Thus such children will not become hippies or spoiled children
- It is so pleasing that more and more boys are joining the Krishna Consciousness movement and I wish that the whole group known as the hippies may take advantage of this movement, and make their life very successful
- Just like in your country, a section of youngsters, they're disgusted with this materialistic way of life. They have taken to the hippies' path. Why? It does not give satisfaction, but they do not know the right way. They have taken a wrong way, hippies
- Just the counterpart of our society is the hippies-frustrated, all disappointed, mad
- One thing is, we are observing here in Europe many, many hippies have become so disgusted with material life but they are also now so much degraded that they will not hear our philosophy, simply mocking
- Our devotees may become very much learned to remove their doubts and become very much fixed up in Krishna Consciousness, but so far preaching to the general public, especially the hippie class, it is better not to preach very much philosophy
- Our movement if it is introduced amongst the hippies, because so far I can understand, they are after such thing for peace of the mind. Not only for the hippies, but for everyone. Everyone is seeking after peace and happiness
- Our standard is to have kirtana, start temples. What is this "Road Show" and "Yoga Village?" It will be another hippie edition. Gradually the Krishna Consciousness idea will evaporate: another change, another change, every day another change
- Presently the hippies in the Western countries fit this description (described in SB 5.6.10). They are irresponsible and unregulated. They do not bathe, and they deride standard Vedic knowledge. They concoct new life-styles and religions
- Publicity like this is not good for us, that people are thinking we are hippies
- Regarding our sankirtana party members dressing up as hippies in order to increase book distribution this is not a very good plan. I am instructing Bali Mardan Maharaja that this should be stopped, that we should not give anyone cause to call us hippies
- Regarding the hippy religion; we must distinguish ourselves from the hippies. The hippies generally maintain long hair & beard & in order to distinguish ourselves from them we should be clean shaved
- So either you have got problem of food grains or problem of hippies, but the problem is there. A different feature only. Therefore one should be very much careful to know how to solve the problem
- So if the aristocratic family, they do not give education in spiritual line, they'll become all hippies, loafer, and drinking, and wasting father's money. They should be informed
- So if you make propaganda amongst the hippy group simply by our standard method; Samkirtan, reading some portion of Bhagavad Gita, and distributing prasadam, then I am sure the quarters in which you have now shifted will be very much prospective
- So long the regulative principles are followed, everything else will follow, and at least we shall command the respect of the public. People may not have the impression that they are the same hippies under different dress
- Some are passing in the name of so-called scientist and so-called philosopher, and some of them are hippies, but all of them are engaged in bad, asat. Asat and sat. Sat means permanent, and asat means temporary
- Sometimes in disguise the king used to see whether this varnasrama-dharma is being maintained, properly being observed, whether somebody is simply wasting time like hippies
- That is also sudra training, to become obedient. Because people are not obedient. What are these hippies? They are not obedient. So obedience also require training
- The exact example of varna-sankara is the hippies at the present moment. All over the world, not only in the Western countries but in India also. So the population, hippie population means sankara population
- The followers of King Arhat went under the name Jains, and they were later followed by many others, particularly by the hippies, who are more or less offshoots of Mayavada philosophy because they think themselves the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The hippies appreciated my lecture and I appreciated their attitude. They joined in Rathayatra very enthusiastically
- The hippies are nothing but a group of madmen, that's all
- The hippy philosophy is nice as they are disgusted with the materialistic way of life. Therefore they want to renounce this stereotyped way of life. Unfortunately, they have no good leader, neither information that there is another beautiful life in KC
- The Kabul proposal sounds very nice and hippies are already there. If you begin your movement with hippies, then gradually the local inhabitants will take interest
- The living entity travels in different types of bodies and eats all kinds of abominable things. When he does not become ultimately happy, he becomes morose or takes to the ways of hippies
- The mistake of modern civilization is that we are, I mean to say, bringing up spoiled children. So when they are grown up, if they become hippies or communists, it is not their fault. It is the fault of the guardians
- The point is that these drawings should be realistic. Not that you make Krishna a cartoon character and therefore laughing stock. And hippy ideas shouldn't be used either
- The science is manufacturing atom bomb, and philanthropy is becoming hippies. This is the result of education
- The travelings of Puranjana are similar to the travelings of the modern hippies
- The United States has vast educational institutions where everyone is allowed to receive an education, but the result is that most students become like hippies
- The words bhadra karana are significant in this verse (CC Madhya 20.70). Due to his long hair, mustache and beard, Sanatana Gosvami looked like a daravesa, or hippie
- There are many hippie groups at the present moment, but they all originated from King Arhat, who imitated the activities of Lord Rsabhadeva
- There are philosophers groups, scientists groups, religious persons groups, hippies groups. So similarly, in everywhere you will find groups. That is natural. So Krsna also said that if you want to enter this group, yanti deva-vrata devan, you can do so
- There is no fault of these hippie boys and girls. They have not been trained. Not only here, every part of the world, the educational system is not very satisfactory
- There is no question of remaining lazy. Just like the hippies. They do not work, but when they do not get food from anywhere, they go and work. Is it not? So he will be obliged to work
- These hippies are simply frustrated and want something sublime. So we are delivering this sublime movement all over the world and if we do it cautiously and carefully surely we will be successful
- These hippies, they are also giving up all work, that is sannyasa, but there is no guide. There is no guide. And because they have no guide, therefore their intelligence is not being purified. Simply there is a propensity for renunciation
- These hippies, they are frustrating. They have given up everything. We can study their psychic movement. They are not satisfied. That is the main principle. That is natural, to accept adversity voluntarily, adversity. So this is frustration
- These people are working so hard because they have got the aim, "I will enjoy sex life." Just like in your country, the hippies. They have given up everything, but sex is there. They cannot give it up
- They (hippies) are no longer satisfied to live materially opulent like their fathers and grandfathers. In other countries also, the same symptoms are there. Just like in India, the Naxalites. So that is another form of confusion
- They (so many boys) have got easy income, and they are not working. And because there is no proper work, they are becoming hippies. They are manufacturing independence. "Idle brain is a devil's workshop." This human psychology is the same everywhere
- They (The hippies) are becoming free from all sinful activities, such as illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling. This is practical proof of the effectiveness of the Hare Krsna movement
- They (the hippies) are our best candidates. So you can advertise that "We are not hippies, but we are converting many hippies to the sane condition of life." That's a fact. They are searching after something better, but they have no leader
- They (the hippies) have no leader. Now, if they come to us seriously, they get the right thing. But that is also their defect. When we propose, "Come and take this Krsna," they don't want. They want that marijuana
- They (the younger generation in Western countries) are so distressed that they become hippies, and the laws of nature force them to accept a wretched life. Thus they go about unclean and without shelter or food, and they are forced to sleep in the street
- They are all hippies. So what do we expect? They are taking education, and then, after taking education, they don't do anything. This is a problem
- They are giving up everything, the hippies, but sex is there. That they cannot give up. So-called giving up, but they cannot give up the real central point
- This is a cause of great dissatisfaction in society.That the boys do not have the ksatriya spirit does not mean that they are trained in brahminical qualities; they are trained as sudras, and thus in frustration they are becoming hippies
- To live naked or almost naked is uncivilized, but on this planet earth it has now become fashionable to dress half naked, and sometimes those like hippies live completely naked. Indeed, there are many clubs and societies for this purpose
- Unfortunately, being misguided, this position of opulence, they are misusing it and therefore becoming hippies
- Unfortunately, they (hippies) have no good leader, neither they have information that there is another beautiful life in Krishna Consciousness
- Unless absolutely necessary one should keep hair short, and if necessary one can dress like an American gentleman with short hair. It is not expected that everyone will join. For that reason we can't compromise. The tendency is there to be hippy
- Up to date gentlemen are all clean shaved so if we do not keep long hair & dress ourselves nicely with tilaka, flag & beads on the neck, apart from our devotional service, then certainly we shall be distinct from the Hippies
- We are completely different from the hippies, because hippies they are addicted to sex and intoxication, and these things are completely forbidden in our temple
- We are trying to render our humble service to the human society, to give this information that, You are trying for so many things for becoming happy, but instead of being happy, you are becoming hippie. So take this KC, and actually you will be happy
- We don't hate hippies. We have nothing... But these people misunderstand. That is... That is another thing. We welcome everyone. We have no such distinction
- We have seen that the practical outcome of so much hippies, one after another. What is the use of their skyscraper buildings if their sons will not maintain them?
- We see in an opulent country like America, enough food, enough residence, enough material enjoyment, still they are becoming hippies, all over the world. They are not satisfied, because it is spiritual starvation
- We shall try to avoid the Beatles or hippy's articles, because they have no spiritual importance
- We should be very much careful to publish anything in our paper which will give impression to the public that we are inclined to the hippy movement
- Well, the hippies, they are nonsense. What is the value of their anything? They have no value. They are crazy, mad fellows. That's all. There is no philosophy, nothing of the sort
- What education? Hippies? Your education has ended into hippies. Finish that education, nonsense education. Now, you have seen in Harmonist that the school children, they are having sex intercourse publicly, and they are running naked in America
- What is the percentage of hippies now in America? A very good percent. All the school, colleges
- What is this nonsense civilization? Simply want of money and unsatisfied in every step. Especially in the Western countries they're becoming hippie. Why? The training is different
- What you will do? You are making arrangement for good purposes, for good standard of living, but others, they will not accept your proposal. I have given the example, hippies
- When women become polluted, there is unwanted population - That is coming all over the world, the hippies. Therefore the first thing is how to train up women not to become polluted
- With folded hands I request you, don't you become hippies again by growing hair. Keep your head cleansed at least once in a month. That is my request. Neither I can chastise you. I am also old man; you are young men
- Yes, you can go on with your book distribution as you were doing before, there is not any harm. I thought that our men were becoming like hippies, but now I understand from you that that is not the case. So I have no objection
- You are poor by force, and they sometimes accept poverty voluntarily, just like the hippies. They have enough money. They are coming from very rich father and grandfather, but they lie down on the street, and the police comes and kick them
- You go to responsible men and see that, "This is a nice movement. Why don't you patronize it to save your country from the hippies' falling down, confusion?" We are saving. Practically this Society is giving the best service to your country
- You just give service to Krsna, impressing people that these Krsna conscious people are not hippies
- You must now be careful so that people may not misunderstand us to be a second edition of the hippy movement
- You shall never be happy - this is perfect instruction - unless you go back to home, back to Godhead. Just like a mad boy, he has forsaken his father. His father is rich man, everything is there, but he has become hippie
- You should not give publicity. You must even in the beginning verify that we are not hippies. Hare Krsna movement is not for hippies. In many places this is a notion, that we are hippies
- You so-called, advanced civilized man, for your sex life, you have to go to the skyscraper building, and we can do it on the street, on the park. We have got better facilities. Why shall I accept your philosophy. - They (hippies) will say, like that
- You'll become hippie after going to the college. So they are saved. You'll become naked and you'll have, like cats and dogs, sex on the street. But these children are saved
- Your big, big cities are full with hippies. You cannot induce them to give up their LSD, and you are making better men. Better men is going to become worse. Just see how cheating