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SB 01.08.43 sri-krsna krsna-sakha vrsny-rsabhavani-dhrug... cited

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Expressions researched:
"You are the destroyer of those political parties which are disturbing" |"You descend to relieve the distresses of the cows" |"Your prowess never deteriorates" |"govinda go-dvija-surarti-haravatara" |"rajanya-vamsa-dahananapavarga-virya" |"sri-krsna krsna-sakha vrsny-rsabhavani-dhrug" |"yogesvarakhila-guro bhagavan namas te"

Notes from the compiler: VedaBase query: "1.8.43" or "You are the destroyer of those political parties which are disturbing" or "You descend to relieve the distresses of the cows" or "Your prowess never deteriorates" or "govinda go-dvija-surarti-haravatara" or "rajanya-vamsa-dahananapavarga-virya" or "sri-krsna krsna-sakha vrsny-rsabhavani-dhrug" or "yogesvarakhila-guro bhagavan namas te"


SB Canto 1

SB 1.8.43, Translation and Purport:

O Kṛṣṇa, O friend of Arjuna, O chief amongst the descendants of Vṛṣṇi, You are the destroyer of those political parties which are disturbing elements on this earth. Your prowess never deteriorates. You are the proprietor of the transcendental abode, and You descend to relieve the distresses of the cows, the brāhmaṇas and the devotees. You possess all mystic powers, and You are the preceptor of the entire universe. You are the almighty God, and I offer You my respectful obeisances.

Teachings of Queen Kuntī,

Chapter 26: Enchantment by Kṛṣṇa's Glories

A summary of the Supreme Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa is made herein by Śrīmatī Kuntīdevī. The almighty Lord has His eternal transcendental abode where He is engaged in keeping surabhi cows. He is served by hundreds and thousands of goddesses of fortune. He descends on the material world to reclaim His devotees and to annihilate the disturbing elements in groups of political parties and kings who are supposed to be in charge of administration work. He creates, maintains and annihilates by His unlimited energies, and still He is always full with prowess and does not deteriorate in potency. The cows, the brāhmaṇas and the devotees of the Lord are all objects of His special attention because they are very important factors for the general welfare of living beings.

Page Title:SB 01.08.43 sri-krsna krsna-sakha vrsny-rsabhavani-dhrug... cited
Compiler:MadhuGopaldas, JayaNitaiGaura
Created:22 of Apr, 2011
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=2, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=3, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:5